Expert reveals tampering in JFK assassination photos

Lame retorts by the nay saying trolls
the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS

the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS


I believe the naysayers suffer from Stockholm's Syndrome and believe every bit of propaganda spewed to them by the Operation Mockingbird lame media. The "gubermint' needs just enough dumb fucks that never question anything to keep this oligarchy system in place. It's akin to chickens that worship Colonel Sanders and never believe that they will have their heads chopped up and de-feathered.

And yet you can still present no evidence of a conspiracy
Lame retorts by the nay saying trolls
the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS

the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS


I believe the naysayers suffer from Stockholm's Syndrome and believe every bit of propaganda spewed to them by the Operation Mockingbird lame media. The "gubermint' needs just enough dumb fucks that never question anything to keep this oligarchy system in place. It's akin to chickens that worship Colonel Sanders and never believe that they will have their heads chopped up and de-feathered.

And yet you can still present no evidence of a conspiracy
...because after all, the government would never lie to the people. LMFAO!!!
Lame retorts by the nay saying trolls
the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS

the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS


I believe the naysayers suffer from Stockholm's Syndrome and believe every bit of propaganda spewed to them by the Operation Mockingbird lame media. The "gubermint' needs just enough dumb fucks that never question anything to keep this oligarchy system in place. It's akin to chickens that worship Colonel Sanders and never believe that they will have their heads chopped up and de-feathered.

And yet you can still present no evidence of a conspiracy
...because after all, the government would never lie to the people. LMFAO!!!
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Lame retorts by the nay saying trolls
the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS

the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS


I believe the naysayers suffer from Stockholm's Syndrome and believe every bit of propaganda spewed to them by the Operation Mockingbird lame media. The "gubermint' needs just enough dumb fucks that never question anything to keep this oligarchy system in place. It's akin to chickens that worship Colonel Sanders and never believe that they will have their heads chopped up and de-feathered.

And yet you can still present no evidence of a conspiracy
...because after all, the government would never lie to the people. LMFAO!!!
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Lame retorts by the nay saying trolls
the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS

the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS


I believe the naysayers suffer from Stockholm's Syndrome and believe every bit of propaganda spewed to them by the Operation Mockingbird lame media. The "gubermint' needs just enough dumb fucks that never question anything to keep this oligarchy system in place. It's akin to chickens that worship Colonel Sanders and never believe that they will have their heads chopped up and de-feathered.

And yet you can still present no evidence of a conspiracy
...because after all, the government would never lie to the people. LMFAO!!!

That is not an argument or evidence.

The evidence still proves your claim to be false.
Lame retorts by the nay saying trolls
the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS

the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS


I believe the naysayers suffer from Stockholm's Syndrome and believe every bit of propaganda spewed to them by the Operation Mockingbird lame media. The "gubermint' needs just enough dumb fucks that never question anything to keep this oligarchy system in place. It's akin to chickens that worship Colonel Sanders and never believe that they will have their heads chopped up and de-feathered.

And yet you can still present no evidence of a conspiracy
...because after all, the government would never lie to the people. LMFAO!!!
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
Lame retorts by the nay saying trolls
I believe the naysayers suffer from Stockholm's Syndrome and believe every bit of propaganda spewed to them by the Operation Mockingbird lame media. The "gubermint' needs just enough dumb fucks that never question anything to keep this oligarchy system in place. It's akin to chickens that worship Colonel Sanders and never believe that they will have their heads chopped up and de-feathered.

And yet you can still present no evidence of a conspiracy
...because after all, the government would never lie to the people. LMFAO!!!
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!

The evidence of conspiracy, is overwhelming. Yet, no matter how much of this evidence is shown to you and your fellow dupes, you still believe the all knowing State. Orwell warned about your kind.

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?
And yet you can still present no evidence of a conspiracy
...because after all, the government would never lie to the people. LMFAO!!!
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!

The evidence of conspiracy, is overwhelming. Yet, no matter how much of this evidence is shown to you and your fellow dupes, you still believe the all knowing State. Orwell warned about your kind.

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?
The burden of proof is on you to prove that all of the evidence are lies and distortions and you have no evidence of this and are incapable of providing any or you would have done so.

Since you have not done so there is no evidence and there fore you are wrong and the evidence against Oswald still stands.

There is no such evidence of a conspiracy or you could cite some and you never have and you never will.

No one on this thread has shown any such evidence so clearly your statement is false.

Repeating the same thing over and over and over is meaningless. Your word is not sufficient and that is all you have. You LARAM and all the other conspiracy loons have not yet shown a shred of evidence. Instead you simply scream that it exists yet you cannot cite any.

You are not especially researched or well read in this manner and that is not an insult it is simple fact.

Citing Orwell is a general philosophical approach and it means nothing since you are distorting what he was warning us of.

You are not en expert or especially well informed or enlightened again that is no insult but simple truth.

You are only stating a belief you have which is not based on any facts or evidence and in fact the evidence which is credible and true completely refutes and proves you wrong.
...because after all, the government would never lie to the people. LMFAO!!!
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!

The evidence of conspiracy, is overwhelming. Yet, no matter how much of this evidence is shown to you and your fellow dupes, you still believe the all knowing State. Orwell warned about your kind.

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?
The burden of proof is on you to prove that all of the evidence are lies and distortions and you have no evidence of this and are incapable of providing any or you would have done so.

Since you have not done so there is no evidence and there fore you are wrong and the evidence against Oswald still stands.

There is no such evidence of a conspiracy or you could cite some and you never have and you never will.

No one on this thread has shown any such evidence so clearly your statement is false.

Repeating the same thing over and over and over is meaningless. Your word is not sufficient and that is all you have. You LARAM and all the other conspiracy loons have not yet shown a shred of evidence. Instead you simply scream that it exists yet you cannot cite any.

You are not especially researched or well read in this manner and that is not an insult it is simple fact.

Citing Orwell is a general philosophical approach and it means nothing since you are distorting what he was warning us of.

You are not en expert or especially well informed or enlightened again that is no insult but simple truth.

You are only stating a belief you have which is not based on any facts or evidence and in fact the evidence which is credible and true completely refutes and proves you wrong.
No...the State has not proven it's case. It made up everything and you have chosen to believe the State's lies and ignore the enormous, massive, HUGE amount of evidence proving conspiracy.

As I have told you, but you are too duped to comprehend, Oswald was NOT a commie but an ardent anti-communist. This fact alone destroys everything you believe.
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!

The evidence of conspiracy, is overwhelming. Yet, no matter how much of this evidence is shown to you and your fellow dupes, you still believe the all knowing State. Orwell warned about your kind.

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?
The burden of proof is on you to prove that all of the evidence are lies and distortions and you have no evidence of this and are incapable of providing any or you would have done so.

Since you have not done so there is no evidence and there fore you are wrong and the evidence against Oswald still stands.

There is no such evidence of a conspiracy or you could cite some and you never have and you never will.

No one on this thread has shown any such evidence so clearly your statement is false.

Repeating the same thing over and over and over is meaningless. Your word is not sufficient and that is all you have. You LARAM and all the other conspiracy loons have not yet shown a shred of evidence. Instead you simply scream that it exists yet you cannot cite any.

You are not especially researched or well read in this manner and that is not an insult it is simple fact.

Citing Orwell is a general philosophical approach and it means nothing since you are distorting what he was warning us of.

You are not en expert or especially well informed or enlightened again that is no insult but simple truth.

You are only stating a belief you have which is not based on any facts or evidence and in fact the evidence which is credible and true completely refutes and proves you wrong.
No...the State has not proven it's case. It made up everything and you have chosen to believe the State's lies and ignore the enormous, massive, HUGE amount of evidence proving conspiracy.

As I have told you, but you are too duped to comprehend, Oswald was NOT a commie but an ardent anti-communist. This fact alone destroys everything you believe.

The state did in fact prove through evidence that Oswald acted alone.

They presented the evidence to the public and allowed the public to examine it in detail.

This is how we know that their evidence is credible and true.

The difference being that you keep talking about evidence which you cannot provide or cite or present. This gives you a massive credibility problem as your insistence is not credible or good enough. You are arguing from expertise but you have none whatsoever.

Now if you say the government or states evidence is made up then the burden is on you to prove it by providing evidence and once again you CANNOT do so.

Oswald was a communist which is proven by evidence. Your claim he was an anti communist is an empty assertion which has no evidence of any kind supporting it.

Not only did he repeatedly say he was a communist or marxist leninist but he sought to live in communist nations. He openly read, quoted and praised marx and lenin and others in front of his family and friends and co workers. Those friends family and co workers clearly remembered and testified to his character and behavior and the pattern is very consistent that he always praised communism.

This is all strong evidence yet you can cite nothing whatsoever to dispute or refute it.

Saying over and over and over that it is false proves nothing whatsoever since you are no authority on the subject and have no knowledge or expertise.

I am ignoring no evidence you are.

Once again if there were massive overwhelming evidence of a conspiracy you could cite some of it and would have by now but neither you or anyone else has ever done so.

Your entire argument is the government lies all the time which is evidence of NOTHING it is not even a valid argument.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!

The evidence of conspiracy, is overwhelming. Yet, no matter how much of this evidence is shown to you and your fellow dupes, you still believe the all knowing State. Orwell warned about your kind.

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?
The burden of proof is on you to prove that all of the evidence are lies and distortions and you have no evidence of this and are incapable of providing any or you would have done so.

Since you have not done so there is no evidence and there fore you are wrong and the evidence against Oswald still stands.

There is no such evidence of a conspiracy or you could cite some and you never have and you never will.

No one on this thread has shown any such evidence so clearly your statement is false.

Repeating the same thing over and over and over is meaningless. Your word is not sufficient and that is all you have. You LARAM and all the other conspiracy loons have not yet shown a shred of evidence. Instead you simply scream that it exists yet you cannot cite any.

You are not especially researched or well read in this manner and that is not an insult it is simple fact.

Citing Orwell is a general philosophical approach and it means nothing since you are distorting what he was warning us of.

You are not en expert or especially well informed or enlightened again that is no insult but simple truth.

You are only stating a belief you have which is not based on any facts or evidence and in fact the evidence which is credible and true completely refutes and proves you wrong.
No...the State has not proven it's case. It made up everything and you have chosen to believe the State's lies and ignore the enormous, massive, HUGE amount of evidence proving conspiracy.

As I have told you, but you are too duped to comprehend, Oswald was NOT a commie but an ardent anti-communist. This fact alone destroys everything you believe.

The state did in fact prove through evidence that Oswald acted alone.

They presented the evidence to the public and allowed the public to examine it in detail.

This is how we know that their evidence is credible and true.

The difference being that you keep talking about evidence which you cannot provide or cite or present. This gives you a massive credibility problem as your insistence is not credible or good enough. You are arguing from expertise but you have none whatsoever.

Now if you say the government or states evidence is made up then the burden is on you to prove it by providing evidence and once again you CANNOT do so.

Oswald was a communist which is proven by evidence. Your claim he was an anti communist is an empty assertion which has no evidence of any kind supporting it.

Not only did he repeatedly say he was a communist or marxist leninist but he sought to live in communist nations. He openly read, quoted and praised marx and lenin and others in front of his family and friends and co workers. Those friends family and co workers clearly remembered and testified to his character and behavior and the pattern is very consistent that he always praised communism.

This is all strong evidence yet you can cite nothing whatsoever to dispute or refute it.

Saying over and over and over that it is false proves nothing whatsoever since you are no authority on the subject and have no knowledge or expertise.

I am ignoring no evidence you are.

Once again if there were massive overwhelming evidence of a conspiracy you could cite some of it and would have by now but neither you or anyone else has ever done so.

Your entire argument is the government lies all the time which is evidence of NOTHING it is not even a valid argument.
It proved nothing. It lied to you. Sorry to burst your little bubble. The STATE up and accept it.
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!

The evidence of conspiracy, is overwhelming. Yet, no matter how much of this evidence is shown to you and your fellow dupes, you still believe the all knowing State. Orwell warned about your kind.

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?
The burden of proof is on you to prove that all of the evidence are lies and distortions and you have no evidence of this and are incapable of providing any or you would have done so.

Since you have not done so there is no evidence and there fore you are wrong and the evidence against Oswald still stands.

There is no such evidence of a conspiracy or you could cite some and you never have and you never will.

No one on this thread has shown any such evidence so clearly your statement is false.

Repeating the same thing over and over and over is meaningless. Your word is not sufficient and that is all you have. You LARAM and all the other conspiracy loons have not yet shown a shred of evidence. Instead you simply scream that it exists yet you cannot cite any.

You are not especially researched or well read in this manner and that is not an insult it is simple fact.

Citing Orwell is a general philosophical approach and it means nothing since you are distorting what he was warning us of.

You are not en expert or especially well informed or enlightened again that is no insult but simple truth.

You are only stating a belief you have which is not based on any facts or evidence and in fact the evidence which is credible and true completely refutes and proves you wrong.
No...the State has not proven it's case. It made up everything and you have chosen to believe the State's lies and ignore the enormous, massive, HUGE amount of evidence proving conspiracy.

As I have told you, but you are too duped to comprehend, Oswald was NOT a commie but an ardent anti-communist. This fact alone destroys everything you believe.

The state did in fact prove through evidence that Oswald acted alone.

They presented the evidence to the public and allowed the public to examine it in detail.

This is how we know that their evidence is credible and true.

The difference being that you keep talking about evidence which you cannot provide or cite or present. This gives you a massive credibility problem as your insistence is not credible or good enough. You are arguing from expertise but you have none whatsoever.

Now if you say the government or states evidence is made up then the burden is on you to prove it by providing evidence and once again you CANNOT do so.

Oswald was a communist which is proven by evidence. Your claim he was an anti communist is an empty assertion which has no evidence of any kind supporting it.

Not only did he repeatedly say he was a communist or marxist leninist but he sought to live in communist nations. He openly read, quoted and praised marx and lenin and others in front of his family and friends and co workers. Those friends family and co workers clearly remembered and testified to his character and behavior and the pattern is very consistent that he always praised communism.

This is all strong evidence yet you can cite nothing whatsoever to dispute or refute it.

Saying over and over and over that it is false proves nothing whatsoever since you are no authority on the subject and have no knowledge or expertise.

I am ignoring no evidence you are.

Once again if there were massive overwhelming evidence of a conspiracy you could cite some of it and would have by now but neither you or anyone else has ever done so.

Your entire argument is the government lies all the time which is evidence of NOTHING it is not even a valid argument.
It proved nothing. It lied to you. Sorry to burst your little bubble. The STATE up and accept it.

And again you are not presenting an argument.

Everyone lies including you as you have admitted.

The state proved it's case with evidence you have no evidence of any kind and have not even made an effort to present any because there is none for you to present.

Sorry the evidence proves Oswald was a communist and acted alone you can provide no evidence to challenge that fact
Lame retorts by the nay saying trolls
the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS

the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS


I believe the naysayers suffer from Stockholm's Syndrome and believe every bit of propaganda spewed to them by the Operation Mockingbird lame media. The "gubermint' needs just enough dumb fucks that never question anything to keep this oligarchy system in place. It's akin to chickens that worship Colonel Sanders and never believe that they will have their heads chopped up and de-feathered.

And yet you can still present no evidence of a conspiracy
...because after all, the government would never lie to the people. LMFAO!!!
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Moron, of course I have evidence to back what I say...

And yet you can still present no evidence of a conspiracy
...because after all, the government would never lie to the people. LMFAO!!!
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!
So you idiotically claim with absolutely no evidence whatsoever to corroborate your hollow denials.
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!

The evidence of conspiracy, is overwhelming. Yet, no matter how much of this evidence is shown to you and your fellow dupes, you still believe the all knowing State. Orwell warned about your kind.

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?
The burden of proof is on you to prove that all of the evidence are lies and distortions and you have no evidence of this and are incapable of providing any or you would have done so.

Since you have not done so there is no evidence and there fore you are wrong and the evidence against Oswald still stands.

There is no such evidence of a conspiracy or you could cite some and you never have and you never will.

No one on this thread has shown any such evidence so clearly your statement is false.

Repeating the same thing over and over and over is meaningless. Your word is not sufficient and that is all you have. You LARAM and all the other conspiracy loons have not yet shown a shred of evidence. Instead you simply scream that it exists yet you cannot cite any.

You are not especially researched or well read in this manner and that is not an insult it is simple fact.

Citing Orwell is a general philosophical approach and it means nothing since you are distorting what he was warning us of.

You are not en expert or especially well informed or enlightened again that is no insult but simple truth.

You are only stating a belief you have which is not based on any facts or evidence and in fact the evidence which is credible and true completely refutes and proves you wrong.
No...the State has not proven it's case. It made up everything and you have chosen to believe the State's lies and ignore the enormous, massive, HUGE amount of evidence proving conspiracy.

As I have told you, but you are too duped to comprehend, Oswald was NOT a commie but an ardent anti-communist. This fact alone destroys everything you believe.

Why would an anti communist want to live in the Soviet Union? I have yet to hear an explanation of this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And yet you can still present no evidence of a conspiracy
...because after all, the government would never lie to the people. LMFAO!!!
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!

The evidence of conspiracy, is overwhelming. Yet, no matter how much of this evidence is shown to you and your fellow dupes, you still believe the all knowing State. Orwell warned about your kind.

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?[/QUOTE]

yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!

The evidence of conspiracy, is overwhelming. Yet, no matter how much of this evidence is shown to you and your fellow dupes, you still believe the all knowing State. Orwell warned about your kind.

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?
The burden of proof is on you to prove that all of the evidence are lies and distortions and you have no evidence of this and are incapable of providing any or you would have done so.

Since you have not done so there is no evidence and there fore you are wrong and the evidence against Oswald still stands.

There is no such evidence of a conspiracy or you could cite some and you never have and you never will.

No one on this thread has shown any such evidence so clearly your statement is false.

Repeating the same thing over and over and over is meaningless. Your word is not sufficient and that is all you have. You LARAM and all the other conspiracy loons have not yet shown a shred of evidence. Instead you simply scream that it exists yet you cannot cite any.

You are not especially researched or well read in this manner and that is not an insult it is simple fact.

Citing Orwell is a general philosophical approach and it means nothing since you are distorting what he was warning us of.

You are not en expert or especially well informed or enlightened again that is no insult but simple truth.

You are only stating a belief you have which is not based on any facts or evidence and in fact the evidence which is credible and true completely refutes and proves you wrong.
No...the State has not proven it's case. It made up everything and you have chosen to believe the State's lies and ignore the enormous, massive, HUGE amount of evidence proving conspiracy.

As I have told you, but you are too duped to comprehend, Oswald was NOT a commie but an ardent anti-communist. This fact alone destroys everything you believe.
thats because he wants to believe the state NEVER lies obviously only seeing what he wants to see.:D
...because after all, the government would never lie to the people. LMFAO!!!
Do you have anything but strawmen to argue with? Lord knows, you have absolutely no evidence.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!

The evidence of conspiracy, is overwhelming. Yet, no matter how much of this evidence is shown to you and your fellow dupes, you still believe the all knowing State. Orwell warned about your kind.

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?

yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
True you have never presented cited linked to any evidence.

Every post and claim by you is a massive fail
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!

The evidence of conspiracy, is overwhelming. Yet, no matter how much of this evidence is shown to you and your fellow dupes, you still believe the all knowing State. Orwell warned about your kind.

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?
The burden of proof is on you to prove that all of the evidence are lies and distortions and you have no evidence of this and are incapable of providing any or you would have done so.

Since you have not done so there is no evidence and there fore you are wrong and the evidence against Oswald still stands.

There is no such evidence of a conspiracy or you could cite some and you never have and you never will.

No one on this thread has shown any such evidence so clearly your statement is false.

Repeating the same thing over and over and over is meaningless. Your word is not sufficient and that is all you have. You LARAM and all the other conspiracy loons have not yet shown a shred of evidence. Instead you simply scream that it exists yet you cannot cite any.

You are not especially researched or well read in this manner and that is not an insult it is simple fact.

Citing Orwell is a general philosophical approach and it means nothing since you are distorting what he was warning us of.

You are not en expert or especially well informed or enlightened again that is no insult but simple truth.

You are only stating a belief you have which is not based on any facts or evidence and in fact the evidence which is credible and true completely refutes and proves you wrong.
No...the State has not proven it's case. It made up everything and you have chosen to believe the State's lies and ignore the enormous, massive, HUGE amount of evidence proving conspiracy.

As I have told you, but you are too duped to comprehend, Oswald was NOT a commie but an ardent anti-communist. This fact alone destroys everything you believe.
thats because he wants to believe the state NEVER lies obviously only seeing what he wants to see.:D

And yet I have specifically posted that the state can and does lie.

And so do you.

Everyone and anyone can lie. Gipper has specifically lied and admitted to it.

The difference being the fact that Oswald acted alone is supported by evidence. None of your claims are ever supported by evidence. Which proves you are the bigger liar.
Yet you think you have evidence. LMFAO!!!
Yes and you are not able to refute it with any evidence or you would have.
All the so called State's evidence you believe, are LIES and DISTORTIONS!!!

The evidence of conspiracy, is overwhelming. Yet, no matter how much of this evidence is shown to you and your fellow dupes, you still believe the all knowing State. Orwell warned about your kind.

My guess is it is is a form of mental illness. Have you been checked?
The burden of proof is on you to prove that all of the evidence are lies and distortions and you have no evidence of this and are incapable of providing any or you would have done so.

Since you have not done so there is no evidence and there fore you are wrong and the evidence against Oswald still stands.

There is no such evidence of a conspiracy or you could cite some and you never have and you never will.

No one on this thread has shown any such evidence so clearly your statement is false.

Repeating the same thing over and over and over is meaningless. Your word is not sufficient and that is all you have. You LARAM and all the other conspiracy loons have not yet shown a shred of evidence. Instead you simply scream that it exists yet you cannot cite any.

You are not especially researched or well read in this manner and that is not an insult it is simple fact.

Citing Orwell is a general philosophical approach and it means nothing since you are distorting what he was warning us of.

You are not en expert or especially well informed or enlightened again that is no insult but simple truth.

You are only stating a belief you have which is not based on any facts or evidence and in fact the evidence which is credible and true completely refutes and proves you wrong.
No...the State has not proven it's case. It made up everything and you have chosen to believe the State's lies and ignore the enormous, massive, HUGE amount of evidence proving conspiracy.

As I have told you, but you are too duped to comprehend, Oswald was NOT a commie but an ardent anti-communist. This fact alone destroys everything you believe.
thats because he wants to believe the state NEVER lies obviously only seeing what he wants to see.:D

Oswald was CIA until he was set up to be the patsy. Subject Index Files/B Disk/Brussell Mae/Item 25.pdf

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