Expert reveals tampering in JFK assassination photos

She like the Nazi, only know what the government tells them.

They think Oswald was a commie who hated JFK and magically fired a poorly sighted bolt action rifle committing the murder of the century. Then took a stroll down several flights of stairs and casually drink a Coke in the lunch room. has to be considered insane, to hold such absurd beliefs.

Silly Jilly has no idea (CIA dupe either) that JFK was working to end the Cold War and bug out of Vietnam. They don't know that the Deep State hated JFK and thought him a commie sympathizer and a great danger to the nation.

Silly Drippy Oswald's Tale by Norman Mailer and educate your ignorant, conspiracy theory, pathetic arse.

poor little kid troll here wont look at any evidence that doesnt support his fantasy that oswald shot JFK somehow with a magic bullet that has never been invented yet and cant accept facts that researchers have shredded to pieces Mailers fantasy book so much the books real name it needs to be titled is Mailers Tale.:itsok::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Hey Gipper, ignore what the nazi shill,shillain,faun and that moron Grump dupe have to say about this post-I am so please follow my lead okay at LEAST for this discussion of THIS post deal?:)

we have talked extensively about the CIA's role in the JFK assassination but something I have noticed that seldom ever gets mentioned in these discussions on who was the main players of the assassination is the key role that Israel played in the assassination.

I have noticed that when someone brings this subject up on their involvement that many people while they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK,they are in denial of Israles involvement same as that moron Dr Grump is that oswald was innocent and that it was a CIA operation.

They wont look at Israels role in it objectively anymore than Dr Grump moron will look at the facts and evidence in the JFK case there was a conspiracy because their religious beliefs they have been taught since they were little is that Israel is a victem and an an innocent country that wants peace.:rolleyes:

Nothing could possibly be further than the truth of course though.

this is an interesting article how Stone was unable to mention the rols of the mossad in the film because the producer who funded the movie was jewish. Even so,stone STILL was clever and hinted at it getting something mentioned in the film that they did not notice.:up: It was all in code talk so he get it by them.:D

The role of the mossad cannot be disputed. They had everything to gain by his assassination because he had cut off aide to Israel and was helping out the palestines. every president since LBJ have ALL given aide to Israel.:mad: which is why they have all stayed alive.

here are some really great articles on it.Please like i said before,ignore what the shills say. Shillian for sure is on Israels payroll,she ALWAYS defends their atrocities.

here,i assume since you have invested thousands of hours into this as i have,this is nothing new to you?

the facts cannot be disputed on Israels involvement in it despite what shillian and nazi agent have to matter of fact had Israel not been involved i dont think it would have worked because the CIA is too imcompetent,remember all the failed attempts they had at trying to kill castro? where the mossad they are dangerous and are NOT imcompetent.

JFK Assassination: The Missing Link
You can ignore me all you want, you'll still appear to be a complete and utter retard ignoring Oswald's own claim that he was a communist.
Lee Harvey Oswald said:
"I am a communist and a worker, and I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers are slaves."
Okay...we are to believe there was no conspiracy....that Oswald was an ardent commie who defected to the USSR, though he had enlisted in the Marines (has a US Marine ever become a outspoken Commie and defector?)...then was allowed to magically return to the USA, without any problem during the height of the Cold War. He had ties to CIA and other covert US government personnel. Then magical gets a job at the Book Depository which then is magically put on motorcade's path....and the Secret Service does not bother to make sure Oswald the known commie and USSR defector (only one in the ENTIRE USA)...outspoken critic of the USA and lover of contained.

Then magically some years later JFK's brother, who is about to win the D party nomination for president, is murdered too.

Just a few magical things which occurred, that only a fool would think is entirely acceptable.

they wont stop smoking the crack they are on so this logic never registers with them.:up: Logic and common sense that a commie lover who goes and renounces his us citizenship to the us consulate in russia can somehow have no problems getting back into the USA during the HEIGHT of the cold war era as you so well nailed it:thup: and somehow not be on the radar by neither the state department,the CIA or FBI and not have his moves watched as he comes to US shore,but INCREDIBLY ,not be prosecuted as the traiter he would have been had the minute he got on shore had he not been connected to the CIA and ONI.comedy gold,dont these magic bullet theorists EVER get tired of the ass beatings here?:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Hey Gipper, ignore what the nazi shill,shillain,faun and that moron Grump dupe have to say about this post-I am so please follow my lead okay at LEAST for this discussion of THIS post deal?:)

we have talked extensively about the CIA's role in the JFK assassination but something I have noticed that seldom ever gets mentioned in these discussions on who was the main players of the assassination is the key role that Israel played in the assassination.

I have noticed that when someone brings this subject up on their involvement that many people while they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK,they are in denial of Israles involvement same as that moron Dr Grump is that oswald was innocent and that it was a CIA operation.

They wont look at Israels role in it objectively anymore than Dr Grump moron will look at the facts and evidence in the JFK case there was a conspiracy because their religious beliefs they have been taught since they were little is that Israel is a victem and an an innocent country that wants peace.:rolleyes:

Nothing could possibly be further than the truth of course though.

this is an interesting article how Stone was unable to mention the rols of the mossad in the film because the producer who funded the movie was jewish. Even so,stone STILL was clever and hinted at it getting something mentioned in the film that they did not notice.:up: It was all in code talk so he get it by them.:D

The role of the mossad cannot be disputed. They had everything to gain by his assassination because he had cut off aide to Israel and was helping out the palestines. every president since LBJ have ALL given aide to Israel.:mad: which is why they have all stayed alive.

here are some really great articles on it.Please like i said before,ignore what the shills say. Shillian for sure is on Israels payroll,she ALWAYS defends their atrocities.

here,i assume since you have invested thousands of hours into this as i have,this is nothing new to you?

the facts cannot be disputed on Israels involvement in it despite what shillian and nazi agent have to matter of fact had Israel not been involved i dont think it would have worked because the CIA is too imcompetent,remember all the failed attempts they had at trying to kill castro? where the mossad they are dangerous and are NOT imcompetent.

JFK Assassination: The Missing Link
You can ignore me all you want, you'll still appear to be a complete and utter retard ignoring Oswald's own claim that he was a communist.
Lee Harvey Oswald said:
"I am a communist and a worker, and I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers are slaves."
Okay...we are to believe there was no conspiracy....that Oswald was an ardent commie who defected to the USSR, though he had enlisted in the Marines (has a US Marine ever become a outspoken Commie and defector?)...then was allowed to magically return to the USA, without any problem during the height of the Cold War. He had ties to CIA and other covert US government personnel. Then magical gets a job at the Book Depository which then is magically put on motorcade's path....and the Secret Service does not bother to make sure Oswald the known commie and USSR defector (only one in the ENTIRE USA)...outspoken critic of the USA and lover of contained.

Then magically some years later JFK's brother, who is about to win the D party nomination for president, is murdered too.

Just a few magical things which occurred, that only a fool would think is entirely acceptable.

they wont stop smoking the crack they are on so this logic never registers with them.:up: Logic and common sense that a commie lover who goes and renounces his us citizenship to the us consulate in russia can somehow have no problems getting back into the USA during the HEIGHT of the cold war era as you so well nailed it:thup: and somehow not be on the radar by neither the state department,the CIA or FBI and not have his moves watched as he comes to US shore,but INCREDIBLY ,not be prosecuted as the traiter he would have been had the minute he got on shore had he not been connected to the CIA and ONI.comedy gold,dont these magic bullet theorists EVER get tired of the ass beatings here?:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

You ARE one of the magic bullet theorists as you believe the tale.

Hate to break it to you boy but it is not treason to love communism as he did, or to emigrate to another country ( including the USSR during the cold war ) or to renounce his citizenship.

Ergo it was impossible to prosecute him for treason.

In fact he did have troubles returning to the US he had months and months of wading through red tape to do so.

None of your babbling ignorance proves anything and the evidence proves he acted along which you have never been able to refute or challenge.
She like the Nazi, only know what the government tells them.

They think Oswald was a commie who hated JFK and magically fired a poorly sighted bolt action rifle committing the murder of the century. Then took a stroll down several flights of stairs and casually drink a Coke in the lunch room. has to be considered insane, to hold such absurd beliefs.

Silly Jilly has no idea (CIA dupe either) that JFK was working to end the Cold War and bug out of Vietnam. They don't know that the Deep State hated JFK and thought him a commie sympathizer and a great danger to the nation.

Silly Drippy Oswald's Tale by Norman Mailer and educate your ignorant, conspiracy theory, pathetic arse.

poor little kid troll here wont look at any evidence that doesnt support his fantasy that oswald shot JFK somehow with a magic bullet that has never been invented yet and cant accept facts that researchers have shredded to pieces Mailers fantasy book so much the books real name it needs to be titled is Mailers Tale.:itsok::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

It was not magical the bullet was common and available in 1964 it HAD been invented.

You have never presented any fact of any kind to even Challenge Mailer.
the Nazi shill is earning his big bucks from his handlers today after he consults with them what to troll here on.hee hee.
Hey Gipper, ignore what the nazi shill,shillain,faun and that moron Grump dupe have to say about this post-I am so please follow my lead okay at LEAST for this discussion of THIS post deal?:)

we have talked extensively about the CIA's role in the JFK assassination but something I have noticed that seldom ever gets mentioned in these discussions on who was the main players of the assassination is the key role that Israel played in the assassination.

I have noticed that when someone brings this subject up on their involvement that many people while they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK,they are in denial of Israles involvement same as that moron Dr Grump is that oswald was innocent and that it was a CIA operation.

They wont look at Israels role in it objectively anymore than Dr Grump moron will look at the facts and evidence in the JFK case there was a conspiracy because their religious beliefs they have been taught since they were little is that Israel is a victem and an an innocent country that wants peace.:rolleyes:

Nothing could possibly be further than the truth of course though.

this is an interesting article how Stone was unable to mention the rols of the mossad in the film because the producer who funded the movie was jewish. Even so,stone STILL was clever and hinted at it getting something mentioned in the film that they did not notice.:up: It was all in code talk so he get it by them.:D

The role of the mossad cannot be disputed. They had everything to gain by his assassination because he had cut off aide to Israel and was helping out the palestines. every president since LBJ have ALL given aide to Israel.:mad: which is why they have all stayed alive.

here are some really great articles on it.Please like i said before,ignore what the shills say. Shillian for sure is on Israels payroll,she ALWAYS defends their atrocities.

here,i assume since you have invested thousands of hours into this as i have,this is nothing new to you?

the facts cannot be disputed on Israels involvement in it despite what shillian and nazi agent have to matter of fact had Israel not been involved i dont think it would have worked because the CIA is too imcompetent,remember all the failed attempts they had at trying to kill castro? where the mossad they are dangerous and are NOT imcompetent.

JFK Assassination: The Missing Link
You can ignore me all you want, you'll still appear to be a complete and utter retard ignoring Oswald's own claim that he was a communist.
Lee Harvey Oswald said:
"I am a communist and a worker, and I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers are slaves."
Okay...we are to believe there was no conspiracy....that Oswald was an ardent commie who defected to the USSR, though he had enlisted in the Marines (has a US Marine ever become a outspoken Commie and defector?)...then was allowed to magically return to the USA, without any problem during the height of the Cold War. He had ties to CIA and other covert US government personnel. Then magical gets a job at the Book Depository which then is magically put on motorcade's path....and the Secret Service does not bother to make sure Oswald the known commie and USSR defector (only one in the ENTIRE USA)...outspoken critic of the USA and lover of contained.

Then magically some years later JFK's brother, who is about to win the D party nomination for president, is murdered too.

Just a few magical things which occurred, that only a fool would think is entirely acceptable.

Yes just because someone is a MArine does not mean he cannot be a communist as well.

He did have problems returning to the USA after emigrating to the USSR.

HE had no CIA ties whatsoever.Or ties to any covert government personnel.There is nothing magical about getting a job on a common route through a city.

Sorry you have no evidence no matter how much you wish you did
Now that is really ignorant.

If he is a patsy, than he didn't do the deed dumbass.

Since you believe everything he said then you know he didn't do the shooting.

Good for you. We are making headway.
Whether or not he's guilty has nothing to do with your moronic claim that he was not a communist in the face of his own words that he was. :cuckoo:
Okay you are really slow.

So you believe him when he says he's a commie, but not when he says he's a patsy. Do I need to spell it out for you?

He was never a commie. In fact, he hated commies. He was a patsy too. See? That's what is call consistent logical thinking.

you are making wayyyyyyy too much sense for the nazi shill to comprehend.:up: The fact he has that logic oujust proves he is smoking crack.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Lemme guess, you're another low-IQ idiot who's confounded by Oswald's own words...?
Lee Harvey Oswald said:
"I am a communist and a worker, and I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers are slaves."
I bet you believe every word ever spoken by Obama and Trump. Do you also believe every word ever spoken by CIA and FBI agents? How about individuals working within the Deep you believe them too?

Not an argument.

The facts and evidence prove Oswald acted alone and was a communist you have yet to be capable of challenge those facts
She like the Nazi, only know what the government tells them.

They think Oswald was a commie who hated JFK and magically fired a poorly sighted bolt action rifle committing the murder of the century. Then took a stroll down several flights of stairs and casually drink a Coke in the lunch room. has to be considered insane, to hold such absurd beliefs.

Silly Jilly has no idea (CIA dupe either) that JFK was working to end the Cold War and bug out of Vietnam. They don't know that the Deep State hated JFK and thought him a commie sympathizer and a great danger to the nation.

Silly Drippy Oswald's Tale by Norman Mailer and educate your ignorant, conspiracy theory, pathetic arse.
Another dupe. Sad. Very sad.

very sad indeed that they are so much in denial they wont even bother to watch the video of the OP's.:rolleyes: they just see the title of the thread and thats ALL they bother to look at.:rolleyes: i seen so many trolls that are a dime a dozen just like him over the years where thats all they ever bother to do.

We all watched it and demonstrated why it is garbage and fiction you are gullible however and believe fictional movies are real
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Hey Gipper, ignore what the nazi shill,shillain,faun and that moron Grump dupe have to say about this post-I am so please follow my lead okay at LEAST for this discussion of THIS post deal?:)

we have talked extensively about the CIA's role in the JFK assassination but something I have noticed that seldom ever gets mentioned in these discussions on who was the main players of the assassination is the key role that Israel played in the assassination.

I have noticed that when someone brings this subject up on their involvement that many people while they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK,they are in denial of Israles involvement same as that moron Dr Grump is that oswald was innocent and that it was a CIA operation.

They wont look at Israels role in it objectively anymore than Dr Grump moron will look at the facts and evidence in the JFK case there was a conspiracy because their religious beliefs they have been taught since they were little is that Israel is a victem and an an innocent country that wants peace.:rolleyes:

Nothing could possibly be further than the truth of course though.

this is an interesting article how Stone was unable to mention the rols of the mossad in the film because the producer who funded the movie was jewish. Even so,stone STILL was clever and hinted at it getting something mentioned in the film that they did not notice.:up: It was all in code talk so he get it by them.:D

The role of the mossad cannot be disputed. They had everything to gain by his assassination because he had cut off aide to Israel and was helping out the palestines. every president since LBJ have ALL given aide to Israel.:mad: which is why they have all stayed alive.

here are some really great articles on it.Please like i said before,ignore what the shills say. Shillian for sure is on Israels payroll,she ALWAYS defends their atrocities.

here,i assume since you have invested thousands of hours into this as i have,this is nothing new to you?

the facts cannot be disputed on Israels involvement in it despite what shillian and nazi agent have to matter of fact had Israel not been involved i dont think it would have worked because the CIA is too imcompetent,remember all the failed attempts they had at trying to kill castro? where the mossad they are dangerous and are NOT imcompetent.

I would like you to read ALL of these links of course but for sure at LEAST read this first one below if you wont read them all.thanks/:)

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

Who killed Kennedy: CIA, LBJ, or the Truly “Unspeakable”?

JFK Assassination: The Missing Link

Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since.
Yes have read this...and do not doubt Mossad may have been involved.

Israel has such a stronghold grip on the US its sickening. You go to a bookstore and you will find books on the CIA's involvement in it and LBJ being the mastermind everywhere but you will NEVER find one book there on the Mossads involvement in it because they are the TRUE masterminds behind it all.

people like Jim Marrs are just gatekeepers for Israel never touching on their connection. people like Marrs participate in this coverup every bit as much as the NAZI paid shill,Shillian,faun and that Grump dumbfuck moron.

as i mentioned earlier,stone in his film he hinted at the mossad connection in the film. In the film,Costner is playing Garrison and he goes up to Clay Shaw and he says to him -we know about your connection to Perimex,a CIA front company. The Shaw then says something like- I will sue you in court,how dare you make false accusations like this.

the perimex company that Stone was referring to in the film was actually not a CIA front but an Israeli front.They were an arms dealer and Guy Bannister,David Ferry,and Clay Shaw all were connected to them. that was the closest that Stone was able to come to hinting about the mossads involvement in the assassination by saying it was a CIA operation instead otherwise he never would have been able to make the film.

I WAS going to say produce the film but had to change it to make the film because Stone did not produce it.He had to have someone in hollywood put up the kind of money that was needed to make the film and Stone obviously did not have that kind of money so the executive producer who did produce the film and did put up the money for him to make the film was none other than Arnon Melchan.

who was Arnon Melchan you may ask? Well we all know now that jews control hollywood so this should come to no surprise that Melchan is an Israeli Arms dealer. Shillian kisses Israels ass all the time so her handlers will probably alert her to this post to post some kind of one liner insults.:biggrin:

That is probably why i would say Stone did not mention one word On Israels involvement because the film obviously would not have been made had he done so.:biggrin:

That is also why when you go to a bookstore you can only find books on the CIA's involvement or LBJ being the mastermind because they keep you from looking at the BIGGER picture on the REAL controllers controlling America.

That is also why when you visit that alleged 9/11 truth site you will only see them talk about the CIA's role in it but never a word on Israel because the lady that runs that site,she knows if she mentioned Israels role in it,they will kill her.

as I said before,the CIA is too imcompetent an organization to have pulled it off by themselves.Look at how they bungled assassination plots against Castro.

However as i said before,the mossad is NOT an incompetent organization,they are very efficient and more sinister and more dangerous of an organization than the CIA is.
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Hey Gipper, ignore what the nazi shill,shillain,faun and that moron Grump dupe have to say about this post-I am so please follow my lead okay at LEAST for this discussion of THIS post deal?:)

we have talked extensively about the CIA's role in the JFK assassination but something I have noticed that seldom ever gets mentioned in these discussions on who was the main players of the assassination is the key role that Israel played in the assassination.

I have noticed that when someone brings this subject up on their involvement that many people while they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK,they are in denial of Israles involvement same as that moron Dr Grump is that oswald was innocent and that it was a CIA operation.

They wont look at Israels role in it objectively anymore than Dr Grump moron will look at the facts and evidence in the JFK case there was a conspiracy because their religious beliefs they have been taught since they were little is that Israel is a victem and an an innocent country that wants peace.:rolleyes:

Nothing could possibly be further than the truth of course though.

this is an interesting article how Stone was unable to mention the rols of the mossad in the film because the producer who funded the movie was jewish. Even so,stone STILL was clever and hinted at it getting something mentioned in the film that they did not notice.:up: It was all in code talk so he get it by them.:D

The role of the mossad cannot be disputed. They had everything to gain by his assassination because he had cut off aide to Israel and was helping out the palestines. every president since LBJ have ALL given aide to Israel.:mad: which is why they have all stayed alive.

here are some really great articles on it.Please like i said before,ignore what the shills say. Shillian for sure is on Israels payroll,she ALWAYS defends their atrocities.

here,i assume since you have invested thousands of hours into this as i have,this is nothing new to you?

the facts cannot be disputed on Israels involvement in it despite what shillian and nazi agent have to matter of fact had Israel not been involved i dont think it would have worked because the CIA is too imcompetent,remember all the failed attempts they had at trying to kill castro? where the mossad they are dangerous and are NOT imcompetent.

I would like you to read ALL of these links of course but for sure at LEAST read this first one below if you wont read them all.thanks/:)

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

Who killed Kennedy: CIA, LBJ, or the Truly “Unspeakable”?

JFK Assassination: The Missing Link

Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since.

That is because there is no evidence that anyone but Oswald played a role much less Israel or the CIA.

You have posted those links before and they are devoid of any facts or evidence and are complete horseshit as anyone reading them quickly see's. Except for a few gullible fools like you.

There are no facts to dispute they are simply anti semetic crap.

I encourage people to read them as well so they can gain some insight into why you are such a tool
Hey Gipper, ignore what the nazi shill,shillain,faun and that moron Grump dupe have to say about this post-I am so please follow my lead okay at LEAST for this discussion of THIS post deal?:)

we have talked extensively about the CIA's role in the JFK assassination but something I have noticed that seldom ever gets mentioned in these discussions on who was the main players of the assassination is the key role that Israel played in the assassination.

I have noticed that when someone brings this subject up on their involvement that many people while they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK,they are in denial of Israles involvement same as that moron Dr Grump is that oswald was innocent and that it was a CIA operation.

They wont look at Israels role in it objectively anymore than Dr Grump moron will look at the facts and evidence in the JFK case there was a conspiracy because their religious beliefs they have been taught since they were little is that Israel is a victem and an an innocent country that wants peace.:rolleyes:

Nothing could possibly be further than the truth of course though.

this is an interesting article how Stone was unable to mention the rols of the mossad in the film because the producer who funded the movie was jewish. Even so,stone STILL was clever and hinted at it getting something mentioned in the film that they did not notice.:up: It was all in code talk so he get it by them.:D

The role of the mossad cannot be disputed. They had everything to gain by his assassination because he had cut off aide to Israel and was helping out the palestines. every president since LBJ have ALL given aide to Israel.:mad: which is why they have all stayed alive.

here are some really great articles on it.Please like i said before,ignore what the shills say. Shillian for sure is on Israels payroll,she ALWAYS defends their atrocities.

here,i assume since you have invested thousands of hours into this as i have,this is nothing new to you?

the facts cannot be disputed on Israels involvement in it despite what shillian and nazi agent have to matter of fact had Israel not been involved i dont think it would have worked because the CIA is too imcompetent,remember all the failed attempts they had at trying to kill castro? where the mossad they are dangerous and are NOT imcompetent.

I would like you to read ALL of these links of course but for sure at LEAST read this first one below if you wont read them all.thanks/:)

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

Who killed Kennedy: CIA, LBJ, or the Truly “Unspeakable”?

JFK Assassination: The Missing Link

Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since.
Yes have read this...and do not doubt Mossad may have been involved.

Israel has such a stronghold grip on the US its sickening. You go to a bookstore and you will find books on the CIA's involvement in it and LBJ being the mastermind everywhere but you will NEVER find one book there on the Mossads involvement in it because they are the TRUE masterminds behind it all.

people like Jim Marrs are just gatekeepers for Israel never touching on their connection. people like Marrs participate in this coverup every bit as much as the NAZI paid shill,Shillian,faun and that Grump dumbfuck moron.

as i mentioned earlier,stone in his film he hinted at the mossad connection in the film. In the film,Costner is playing Garrison and he goes up to Clay Shaw and he says to him -we know about your connection to Perimex,a CIA front company. The Shaw then says something like- I will sue you in court,how dare you make false accusations like this.

the perimex company that Stone was referring to in the film was actually not a CIA front but an Israeli front.They were an arms dealer and Guy Bannister,David Ferry,and Clay Shaw all were connected to them. that was the closest that Stone was able to come to hinting about the mossads involvement in the assassination by saying it was a CIA operation instead otherwise he never would have been able to make the film.

I WAS going to say produce the film but had to change it to make the film because Stone did not produce it.He had to have someone in hollywood put up the kind of money that was needed to make the film and Stone obviously did not have that kind of money so the executive producer who did produce the film and did put up the money for him to make the film was none other than Arnon Melchan.

who was Arnon Melchan you may ask? Well we all know now that jews control hollywood so this should come to no surprise that Melchan is an Israeli Arms dealer. Shillian kisses Israels ass all the time so her handlers will probably alert her to this post to post some kind of one liner insults.:biggrin:

That is probably why i would say Stone did not mention one word On Israels involvement because the film obviously would not have been made had he done so.:biggrin:

That is also why when you go to a bookstore you can only find books on the CIA's involvement or LBJ being the mastermind because they keep you from looking at the BIGGER picture on the REAL controllers controlling America.

That is also why when you visit that alleged 9/11 truth site you will only see them talk about the CIA's role in it but never a word on Israel because the lady that runs that site,she knows if she mentioned Israels role in it,they will kill her.

as I said before,the CIA is too imcompetent an organization to have pulled it off by themselves.Look at how they bungled assassination plots against Castro.

However as i said before,the mossad is NOT an incompetent organization,they are very efficient and more sinister and more dangerous of an organization than the CIA is.

Everything you have said is nothing more than anti Israel Opinion.

None of it is fact it is only belief and not one shred of evidence is any of your links connecting Israel to the assassination.
back to shit all over the floor and whine and cry in defeat same as nazi shill.
Hey Gipper, ignore what the nazi shill,shillain,faun and that moron Grump dupe have to say about this post-I am so please follow my lead okay at LEAST for this discussion of THIS post deal?:)

we have talked extensively about the CIA's role in the JFK assassination but something I have noticed that seldom ever gets mentioned in these discussions on who was the main players of the assassination is the key role that Israel played in the assassination.

I have noticed that when someone brings this subject up on their involvement that many people while they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK,they are in denial of Israles involvement same as that moron Dr Grump is that oswald was innocent and that it was a CIA operation.

They wont look at Israels role in it objectively anymore than Dr Grump moron will look at the facts and evidence in the JFK case there was a conspiracy because their religious beliefs they have been taught since they were little is that Israel is a victem and an an innocent country that wants peace.:rolleyes:

Nothing could possibly be further than the truth of course though.

this is an interesting article how Stone was unable to mention the rols of the mossad in the film because the producer who funded the movie was jewish. Even so,stone STILL was clever and hinted at it getting something mentioned in the film that they did not notice.:up: It was all in code talk so he get it by them.:D

The role of the mossad cannot be disputed. They had everything to gain by his assassination because he had cut off aide to Israel and was helping out the palestines. every president since LBJ have ALL given aide to Israel.:mad: which is why they have all stayed alive.

here are some really great articles on it.Please like i said before,ignore what the shills say. Shillian for sure is on Israels payroll,she ALWAYS defends their atrocities.

here,i assume since you have invested thousands of hours into this as i have,this is nothing new to you?

the facts cannot be disputed on Israels involvement in it despite what shillian and nazi agent have to matter of fact had Israel not been involved i dont think it would have worked because the CIA is too imcompetent,remember all the failed attempts they had at trying to kill castro? where the mossad they are dangerous and are NOT imcompetent.

JFK Assassination: The Missing Link
You can ignore me all you want, you'll still appear to be a complete and utter retard ignoring Oswald's own claim that he was a communist.
Lee Harvey Oswald said:
"I am a communist and a worker, and I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers are slaves."
Okay...we are to believe there was no conspiracy....that Oswald was an ardent commie who defected to the USSR, though he had enlisted in the Marines (has a US Marine ever become a outspoken Commie and defector?)...then was allowed to magically return to the USA, without any problem during the height of the Cold War. He had ties to CIA and other covert US government personnel. Then magical gets a job at the Book Depository which then is magically put on motorcade's path....and the Secret Service does not bother to make sure Oswald the known commie and USSR defector (only one in the ENTIRE USA)...outspoken critic of the USA and lover of contained.

Then magically some years later JFK's brother, who is about to win the D party nomination for president, is murdered too.

Just a few magical things which occurred, that only a fool would think is entirely acceptable.
Moron... none of that is evidence that Oswald was not communist. We know he was -- he said so.
Lee Harvey Oswald said:
"I am a communist and a worker, and I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers are slaves." ~ Lee Harvey Oswald
I guess you don't know that this thread is not exclusively about whether or not Oswald was a you get slower by the post.



like clockwork,when the troll is backed up against the wall and corned by a videoor links that dont support his bs,this is what the magic bullet theorists do EVERYTIME-


Yes you are a magic bullet theorist and like clock work you post emojis rather than intelligent comment EVERYTIME you are backed into a corner with facts which is ALL the time.
Okay you are really slow.

So you believe him when he says he's a commie, but not when he says he's a patsy. Do I need to spell it out for you?

He was never a commie. In fact, he hated commies. He was a patsy too. See? That's what is call consistent logical thinking.

you are making wayyyyyyy too much sense for the nazi shill to comprehend.:up: The fact he has that logic oujust proves he is smoking crack.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Lemme guess, you're another low-IQ idiot who's confounded by Oswald's own words...?
Lee Harvey Oswald said:
"I am a communist and a worker, and I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers are slaves."
I bet you believe every word ever spoken by Obama and Trump. Do you also believe every word ever spoken by CIA and FBI agents? How about individuals working within the Deep you believe them too?
Great, another assumption you lose. You never tire of demonstrating for the forum what a loser you are, huh?

No, I don't believe every word any of them say. Just as I don't believe morons like you who idiotically think "nuh-uh" refutes Oswald's own claim to being a communist while rejecting America and capitalism.
Merely demonstrating your ignorance.
No he is not.

You are doing so.

You constantly spout assertions and claim they are true but you never even make an EFFORT to back them up with evidence.

You are the one with massive proven ignorance and gullibility.
the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS

the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS


The way these trolls worship at the feet of their beloved corporate "gubermint" owned by the same foreign banking oligarchs (that created the quasi-Jewish state by laying the groundwork for it with the Balfour Declaration in 1917) would be amusing if I was watching all this from afar. There apparently is no lie too great or too small that the shills will not fall for. It's not that they are stupid, really. It's the fact that their need to "believe in gubermint" and trust in it supersedes their ability to think in a rational manner. When I am attacked by shills that soil themselves for posting the things I do? It doesn't piss me off or make me defensive like it once did because I am speaking from an informed position and someone that threw off the programming that is so deeply ingrained in the American psyche brought to us by the Tavistock Institute and the Frankfort School that schooled their pupils in the ways of propaganda, social engineering and "groupthink".

I will tell ya one thing...once the blinders come off and you can see clearly? There is no going back to the way you were. The sheeple are going to have to learn the hard way. The "boiling frog" analogy is so apropos as it pertains to what is going on.
the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS


The way these trolls worship at the feet of their beloved corporate "gubermint" owned by the same foreign banking oligarchs (that created the quasi-Jewish state by laying the groundwork for it with the Balfour Declaration in 1917) would be amusing if I was watching all this from afar. There apparently is no lie too great or too small that the shills will not fall for. It's not that they are stupid, really. It's the fact that their need to "believe in gubermint" and trust in it supersedes their ability to think in a rational manner. When I am attacked by shills that soil themselves for posting the things I do? It doesn't piss me off or make me defensive like it once did because I am speaking from an informed position and someone that threw off the programming that is so deeply ingrained in the American psyche brought to us by the Tavistock Institute and the Frankfort School that schooled their pupils in the ways of propaganda, social engineering and "groupthink".

I will tell ya one thing...once the blinders come off and you can see clearly? There is no going back to the way you were. The sheeple are going to have to learn the hard way. The "boiling frog" analogy is so apropos as it pertains to what is going on.

None of this babbling nonsense is in any way an argument about the Kennedy assassination.

Once again the evidence if what counts and it proves you wrong as i have demonstrated by systematically proving your specific claims wrong
Hey Gipper, ignore what the nazi shill,shillain,faun and that moron Grump dupe have to say about this post-I am so please follow my lead okay at LEAST for this discussion of THIS post deal?:)

we have talked extensively about the CIA's role in the JFK assassination but something I have noticed that seldom ever gets mentioned in these discussions on who was the main players of the assassination is the key role that Israel played in the assassination.

I have noticed that when someone brings this subject up on their involvement that many people while they can accept it that the CIA killed JFK,they are in denial of Israles involvement same as that moron Dr Grump is that oswald was innocent and that it was a CIA operation.

They wont look at Israels role in it objectively anymore than Dr Grump moron will look at the facts and evidence in the JFK case there was a conspiracy because their religious beliefs they have been taught since they were little is that Israel is a victem and an an innocent country that wants peace.:rolleyes:

Nothing could possibly be further than the truth of course though.

this is an interesting article how Stone was unable to mention the rols of the mossad in the film because the producer who funded the movie was jewish. Even so,stone STILL was clever and hinted at it getting something mentioned in the film that they did not notice.:up: It was all in code talk so he get it by them.:D

The role of the mossad cannot be disputed. They had everything to gain by his assassination because he had cut off aide to Israel and was helping out the palestines. every president since LBJ have ALL given aide to Israel.:mad: which is why they have all stayed alive.

here are some really great articles on it.Please like i said before,ignore what the shills say. Shillian for sure is on Israels payroll,she ALWAYS defends their atrocities.

here,i assume since you have invested thousands of hours into this as i have,this is nothing new to you?

the facts cannot be disputed on Israels involvement in it despite what shillian and nazi agent have to matter of fact had Israel not been involved i dont think it would have worked because the CIA is too imcompetent,remember all the failed attempts they had at trying to kill castro? where the mossad they are dangerous and are NOT imcompetent.

JFK Assassination: The Missing Link
You can ignore me all you want, you'll still appear to be a complete and utter retard ignoring Oswald's own claim that he was a communist.
Lee Harvey Oswald said:
"I am a communist and a worker, and I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers are slaves."
Okay...we are to believe there was no conspiracy....that Oswald was an ardent commie who defected to the USSR, though he had enlisted in the Marines (has a US Marine ever become a outspoken Commie and defector?)...then was allowed to magically return to the USA, without any problem during the height of the Cold War. He had ties to CIA and other covert US government personnel. Then magical gets a job at the Book Depository which then is magically put on motorcade's path....and the Secret Service does not bother to make sure Oswald the known commie and USSR defector (only one in the ENTIRE USA)...outspoken critic of the USA and lover of contained.

Then magically some years later JFK's brother, who is about to win the D party nomination for president, is murdered too.

Just a few magical things which occurred, that only a fool would think is entirely acceptable.
Moron... none of that is evidence that Oswald was not communist. We know he was -- he said so.
Lee Harvey Oswald said:
"I am a communist and a worker, and I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers are slaves." ~ Lee Harvey Oswald
I guess you don't know that this thread is not exclusively about whether or not Oswald was a you get slower by the post.
There is something seriously defective about the rightard brain. Despite me saying nothing remotely close to indicate this thread is only about Oswald being a commie, your deformed brain lead you to think that. No, moron, I was pointing out your deflections failed you. Oswald himself said he was communist. Oswald himself tried to become a Soviet citizen. None of your deflections change that. None of your empty denials change that. None of your invective changes that. And what stands out above all is your complete and utter lack of evidence to refute that Oswald was a communist.
Lame retorts by the nay saying trolls
the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS

the nazi shill here below as always when he is backed against the wall same as that other troll who worships the book MAILERS


I believe the naysayers suffer from Stockholm's Syndrome and believe every bit of propaganda spewed to them by the Operation Mockingbird lame media. The "gubermint' needs just enough dumb fucks that never question anything to keep this oligarchy system in place. It's akin to chickens that worship Colonel Sanders and never believe that they will have their heads chopped up and de-feathered.

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