Explain the difference between the taxes and some monthly fees we have


Nov 17, 2011
Conservatives in large part seems to me approve taxes going to support the military. some taxes they don't approve so much. Military you say is needed to protect our security, which is essential. are communications essential in our world also? what if an old man has no telephone service to call for help or a young lady has no internet to find out about some vital information?

Every household that wants to have an essential telephone and internet service, has to come up with about 100 dollars, month after month, year after year to pay this tax. that takes a lot of money out of our economy - Internet, was invented under military research, funded, with our tax dollars. tax payers, spent billions of dollars to put up satelites in the sky. then.. somebody with the big money, bribed the politicians, to eliminate competition, hired people to run the cable lines, accross public properties, and took it over...
I believe, that as a nation, we can bribe our government back if we stop pointing fingers at others and look within ourselves so that we can unite.

If we keep allowing special interests, to manipulate our elections, and controll our government, one day, we will wake up having to pay an air bill or air tax, because somebody with the big money, will approach this government, with a promise to create new jobs, and to ensure that the air we breathe is clean and safe, for a monthly fee. it will be small at first... and then it will grow!
Where in the Constitution does it say that the federal government is responsible for providing 'communications'. That's right. It doesn't.

The military is Constitutional. This is not rocket science... to some of us. Others, apparently, struggle with that basic concept. It is what is constitutional, not convenient.
Where in the Constitution does it say that the federal government is responsible for providing 'communications'. That's right. It doesn't.

The military is Constitutional. This is not rocket science... to some of us. Others, apparently, struggle with that basic concept. It is what is constitutional, not convenient.
Show me where in the constitution it says anything about stationing military overseas, then we can do the talking, untill then I only hear the bull shit walking.

Where in the Constitution does it say that the federal government is responsible for providing 'communications'. That's right. It doesn't.

The military is Constitutional. This is not rocket science... to some of us. Others, apparently, struggle with that basic concept. It is what is constitutional, not convenient.
Show me where in the constitution it says anything about stationing military overseas, then we can do the talking, untill then I only hear the bull shit walking.


You really are stupid. The Constitution:

Clauses 11, 12, 13, and 14. The Congress shall have power *** ;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years.

To provide and maintain a Navy.

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces.

War; Military Establishment - United States Constitution

You see that part about '... make rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval forces....' That gives the Government the power.

Now, if you can find anything in the same document that give the Federal Government the power to provide telephones and shit to each and every individual, that's fine. If not, I will assume that your education - assuming you have an education - did not teach you much about how our country functions.

are communications essential in our world also?


Further, the federal government has no authority to oversee, fund, or otherwise fuck with communications. The military, on the other hand, is a required enumerated responsibility.

That said, as a Classical Liberal, I believe we meddle too much in the affairs of other nations and would reduce the number of military bases and troops overseas, allowing more protection at our borders and on the high seas, while spending less overall. But that's a argument of degree. Communications for your old man without a phone...no fucking way. Unconstitutional and besides, we're broke:

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Almost $16 trillion or $140,000 owed by each and every taxpayer. How will you be paying your share, cash or check?
Google search Safelink or Assurance wireless and get yourself one of those free cell phones from Obama's stash.
Monthly fees are what right wingers gladly pay for cable so they can watch Fox News and Kim Kardashian.

Taxes are what right wingers hate to pay because it's what funds schools, builds roads and helps the poor.
Our military is beyond constitutional legitimacy.

But, Defense is constitutionally and naturally the Fed's business. Providing cell phones and internet is neither.

PVSI, you have shit for brains. Phone an internet service can be had for $30/month, but through the government it would cost the people $200/month. As much as you aren't frugal with your service purchase, the government is anti-frugal.
Conservatives in large part seems to me approve taxes going to support the military. some taxes they don't approve so much. Military you say is needed to protect our security, which is essential. are communications essential in our world also? what if an old man has no telephone service to call for help or a young lady has no internet to find out about some vital information?

Every household that wants to have an essential telephone and internet service, has to come up with about 100 dollars, month after month, year after year to pay this tax. that takes a lot of money out of our economy - Internet, was invented under military research, funded, with our tax dollars. tax payers, spent billions of dollars to put up satelites in the sky. then.. somebody with the big money, bribed the politicians, to eliminate competition, hired people to run the cable lines, accross public properties, and took it over...
I believe, that as a nation, we can bribe our government back if we stop pointing fingers at others and look within ourselves so that we can unite.

If we keep allowing special interests, to manipulate our elections, and controll our government, one day, we will wake up having to pay an air bill or air tax, because somebody with the big money, will approach this government, with a promise to create new jobs, and to ensure that the air we breathe is clean and safe, for a monthly fee. it will be small at first... and then it will grow!

Are you really this stupid or do you just act like it for kicks?
Google search Safelink or Assurance wireless and get yourself one of those free cell phones from Obama's stash.

Obama's stash...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLBexiCMkXo]Obama Stash - YouTube[/ame]

Funny, but really, really sad.
Monthly fees are what right wingers gladly pay for cable so they can watch Fox News and Kim Kardashian.

Taxes are what right wingers hate to pay because it's what funds schools, builds roads and helps the poor.

No one is forced to pay for cable. Get the difference?

Where in the Constitution does it say the federal government must provide schools, roads and help the poor? Nowhere.

States can do it. They do it better, they do it more efficiently, cheaper and local people can decide. You'll never get that simple concept.
Monthly fees are what right wingers gladly pay for cable so they can watch Fox News and Kim Kardashian.

Taxes are what right wingers hate to pay because it's what funds schools, builds roads and helps the poor.

wow, that was dumb
Where in the Constitution does it say that the federal government is responsible for providing 'communications'. That's right. It doesn't.

The military is Constitutional. This is not rocket science... to some of us. Others, apparently, struggle with that basic concept. It is what is constitutional, not convenient.
Show me where in the constitution it says anything about stationing military overseas, then we can do the talking, untill then I only hear the bull shit walking.


Oh brother... where does it say the post office can deliver letters door-to-door?

Monthly fees are what right wingers gladly pay for cable so they can watch Fox News and Kim Kardashian.

Taxes are what right wingers hate to pay because it's what funds schools, builds roads and helps the poor.
Fox beats the living daylights out of watching MeSsed-up NBC. The right supports schools that teach objective subjects such as reading writing and arethmetic. The right supports charities that help the poor. Never heard of anybody who doesn't support maintaining roads. One pothole can cause vehicle or pedestrian catastrophe.

Get a grip, rdean, and quit waiting for someone else to get a grip for you. :rolleyes:

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