Explain why white nationalism is bad?

What part of “America went to war against Nazis because FDR, a LIBERAL Democrat made sure that America was prepared to go to war against the Nazis” did you not get?
The bit where Germany went to war with America.
& racism. can't not be when they actually owned people.
What is the very best thing that ever happened for today’s black folk in America?…..YEP…..SLAVERY!
Evidenced by the fact that NONE return home to the jungles of Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on.
You woke whackos should thank God that slavery saved so many Africans.
Excuse me? My father was white and a ardent nationalist, starved during so called 1929 bank holiday and was years starving in the time known as the depression. He grew up and he fought the NAZIS. He was wounded and less a left arm. He gave me life. WHAT DO LIBERALS DO?
The country ain't White. RACIST
The country ain't White. RACIST
Dude, the whole thread is racist. ;)

In a civil society, these twats would be marginalized and ignored. We don't live in a civil society. We live in the age of the Culture Wars™, wherein we watch the greatest nation in history go down in flames while arguing over trannies in bathrooms.
Dude, the whole thread is racist. ;)

In a civil society, these twats would be marginalized and ignored. We don't live in a civil society. We live in the age of the Culture Wars™, wherein we watch the greatest nation in history go down in flames while arguing over trannies in bathrooms.
That’s myopic as fuck…we argue over the decay of a moral order…one that makes first world civil societies the first world civil societies they are. WAKE UP!
That’s myopic as fuck…we argue over the decay of a moral order…one that makes first world civil societies the first world civil societies they are. WAKE UP!
You're the problem we're talking about douchebag. Fuck off and die.
You're the problem we're talking about douchebag. Fuck off and die.
Hahaha…this nation was built on the ideals I firmly embrace…how could I possibly be the problem?
Are you sure you Change America / Hate America filth aren’t the problem?
Dude, the whole thread is racist. ;)

In a civil society, these twats would be marginalized and ignored. We don't live in a civil society. We live in the age of the Culture Wars™, wherein we watch the greatest nation in history go down in flames while arguing over trannies in bathrooms.
That's because people keep pushing buttons.

What kind of brainless fucktard would let something with a dick follow a little girl into the little girl's room? That's just idiotic, it's fucktardry, there's no other word for it

Yet the activists keep pushing the button. They want to FORCE penises on my daughter

Well guess what, it ain't gonna happen. And yes, I take social issues seriously. Respect the boundaries and stop pushing the buttons and people won't have to worry about it anymore.
Hahaha…this nation was built on the ideals I firmly embrace…how could I possibly be the problem?
Are you sure you Change America / Hate America filth aren’t the problem?
Nope it's you. The worst sort of political animal - dumb as a hammer and utterly convinced you're right.

Did I mention fuck off and die?
What kind of brainless fucktard would let something with a dick follow a little girl into the little girl's room? That's just idiotic, it's fucktardry, there's no other word for it

Yet the activists keep pushing the button. They want to FORCE penises on my daughter

Well guess what, it ain't gonna happen. And yes, I take social issues seriously. Respect the boundaries and stop pushing the buttons and people won't have to worry about it anymore.
Just as long as we're clear that that's the most important thing going on right now.
Just as long as we're clear that that's the most important thing going on right now.
“I really miss those traditional bipartisan ‘conservatives’, the ones who didn’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, the ones with no ball-sack, the one’s that would thump their Bibles, polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the nuts to use and ignore us disgusting degenerates while we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we seek.”
Nope it's you. The worst sort of political animal - dumb as a hammer and utterly convinced you're right.

Did I mention fuck off and die?
“Right” about alighning our ideologies with those of our founders….about protecting, preserving and defending our founding principles and values….WTF, I thought that’s we’re all supposed to do…no?

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