Explain why white nationalism is bad?

Nationalism is pride. If you are oppressed and being taken backwards? In the US?

That's on you.


Explain why white nationalism is bad?​

You want me to explain why racism is bad? I mean...no? I'm not gonna do that...it is 2022, if you need help understanding, then you're probably beyond salvaging.
You must hate how our government encourages the compartmentalization of the citizenry huh?
“The black community”
”The latino community”
”The Asian community”
”The LGBT community”
Yep. I do. Identity politics sucks. Not as much as you, but its bad.

Identity politics, and more broadly corporatism in general, undermines freedom by replacing the concept of individual rights, with group privilege.
Learn history. America went to war against Nazis because FDR, a LIBERAL Democrat made sure that America was prepared to go to war against the Nazis.

Ignoring that Germany declared war on the US.
Excuse me? My father was white and a ardent nationalist, starved during so called 1929 bank holiday and was years starving in the time known as the depression. He grew up and he fought the NAZIS. He was wounded and less a left arm. He gave me life. WHAT DO LIBERALS DO?
Kind of depends on how you define a white nationalist.

Did your father believe that other races are inferior to him because he’s white?
Um...Segregation in Boston?
Irish need not apply, early America was a race to the bottom for Irish and blacks. 1 million Irish died digging canals in New Orleans, slaves were deemed "worth more" and not given those tasks but Irish "indentured servants" were given the most gruelling jobs. If they died they didn't have to be paid at the end of their indenture did they?

there are currently 58 blacks in congress; but only two of them are republican

The fact that their are 58 blacks in Congress only proves white supremacy is a myth.
You have presented none.
The data is all around you you just don’t have the balls to acknowledge it… Anybody even half sane and paying attention knows that a whiter America is a safer more productive more united more like-minded America… Does all that suck?

Ignoring that Germany declared war on the US.
What part of “America went to war against Nazis because FDR, a LIBERAL Democrat made sure that America was prepared to go to war against the Nazis” did you not get?
Nationalism is a good thing. Simply means you support fellow citizens.
"White Nationalism" is an obviously racist term.

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