Explain why white nationalism is bad?

Is this a college? Half the people (or more) are incapable of writing a college level argument, reading more than a few sentences etc etc.

That you've chosen to try and criticize me for using wikipedia, rather than disputing what it says is very, VERY telling.
Wikipedia is propaganda. We all know that.
We're not judging your "heart". We're judging your racist, misogynistic and hate-filled remarks. None of which reflect Jesus' commandment of "Love one another as I have loved you", and are, in fact, the antithesis of Jesus' teachings.

When your political beliefs and programs, are reflecting the polar opposite of Christian teachings, your claims of being a "Christian" are laughable.

Are you sure you’re talking to the right person?

You don’t know me bitch….I am none of what you labeled me here…

And I doubt you would know a Christian if one were standing in front of your pathetic, 300lb, fish smelling ass….So fuck off!
There's nothing wrong with nationalism.

I personally wouldn't add the racial element to it, though.

I prefer that we remain just "America".
LOL Wikipedia

There's a reason colleges won't accept Wikipedia as a source
If you don't like him using Wikipedia, don't be lazy, just go to the primary sources then. Wow. You are just being lazy.

And in debate, they have always taught us, the person that supplies evidence ALWAYS wins an argument in lieu of those who present NO counter evidence at all. WHERE ARE YOUR SOURCES?

Here, this is the references that the wiki used. Now, let us all see what you are using to define your epistemology, O.K.?

White nationalism​

‘White Nationalism,’ Explained​

". . . Eric Kaufmann, a professor of politics at Birkbeck University in London, has spent years studying the ways that ethnicity intersects with politics. While most researchers in that field focus on ethnic minorities, Professor Kaufmann does the opposite: He studies the behavior of ethnic majorities, particularly whites in the United States and Britain.

White nationalism, he said, is the belief that national identity should be built around white ethnicity, and that white people should therefore maintain both a demographic majority and dominance of the nation’s culture and public life.

So, like white supremacy, white nationalism places the interests of white people over those of other racial groups. White supremacists and white nationalists both believe that racial discrimination should be incorporated into law and policy.

Some will see the distinction between white nationalism and white supremacy as a semantic sleight of hand. But although many white supremacists are also white nationalists, and vice versa, Professor Kaufmann says the terms are not synonyms: White supremacy is based on a racist belief that white people are innately superior to people of other races; white nationalism is about maintaining political and economic dominance, not just a numerical majority or cultural hegemony. . . . "

White supremacy​

“Exterminate All the Brutes,” Reviewed: A Vast, Agonizing History of White Supremacy​

Raoul Peck’s four-hour documentary on HBO Max reveals the racist underpinnings of American national mythology and European society.

". . . The story that he tells is a vast one, a millennial one—that of white supremacy, or, more specifically, whites’ presumption to supremacy, a presumption that, as he makes clear, continues, to this day, to be asserted with violence and justified with lies. Peck ranges back to the Crusades, documenting the claims of white, Christian, European superiority as the argument for conquests in Asia. These events were soon followed by the Spanish Inquisition and its persecution of Jews and Muslims, and—at the same time—the voyage of Columbus to the New World and the genocidal destruction of indigenous peoples that his expedition, and the many explorers that followed, committed. . . "
Most especially "The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."
What? The KKK was a product of the south. Sure, there are assholes everywhere but that particular group originated from douchebags upset with the changes of the time. Kind of like white nationalists now.

So what? By far the largest memberships were in northern states and California, not the South, and there is nothing you dumbass twits can do about it except lie and snivel.
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KKK was PRO democrat-------and they attacked more than blacks Hun.

They were anti-union, which is where their real power came from; they were the bosses' pets, especially Democrats. Republicans like Strom Thurmond and indies like Wallace were not their friends most of the time. Wallace, for instance, got the NAACP's endorsements in several elections, and as Governor he immensely improved the state's welfare system and black schools; when he said 'separate but equal' he was practicing what he preached. Being anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish were just hobbies.
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These events were soon followed by the Spanish Inquisition and its persecution of Jews and Muslims,

lol this is a myth; the majority of cases brought before the Spanish Inquistion were against Protestants. I don't intend to derail the thread, just correcting a common fiction that is constantly repeated and leads to erroneous conclusions.
So what? By far the largest memberships were in northern states and California, not the South, and there is nothing you dumbass twits can do about it except lie and snivel.

When was this?

I can look at a map of hate groups from 2014 and I'm seeing this.


Now for California if you want to tell me there are klan or klan adjacent groups in far Northern California near Redding or in the South in Orange County I wouldn't be surprised, that's where the California wingnuts live.

Anyway, again using California as an example, it has a huge population that dwarfs most southern states by a lot. So, are there more klan members in California? If they were spread out evenly per capita there should be. But I'm sure of that. Got a source?

While were at it, California has more evangelicals than Tennessee which is the most evangelical state per capita. So according to your logic California is more Christian.

Wyoming is the most Republican state per capita in the union. But I feel pretty confident there are more Republicans in California than in Wyoming. Does that make California more conservative? According to you it just might.

Fun times.
When was this?

I can look at a map of hate groups from 2014 and I'm seeing this.

View attachment 622208

Now for California if you want to tell me there are klan or klan adjacent groups in far Northern California near Redding or in the South in Orange County I wouldn't be surprised, that's where the California wingnuts live.

Anyway, again using California as an example, it has a huge population that dwarfs most southern states by a lot. So, are there more klan members in California? If they were spread out evenly per capita there should be. But I'm sure of that. Got a source?

While were at it, California has more evangelicals than Tennessee which is the most evangelical state per capita. So according to your logic California is more Christian.

Wyoming is the most Republican state per capita in the union. But I feel pretty confident there are more Republicans in California than in Wyoming. Does that make California more conservative? According to you it just might.

Fun times.
Does that map show these hate groups ? > NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, BLM, Antifa, the Democratic Party.
Does that map show these hate groups ? > NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, BLM, Antifa, the Democratic Party.

No, this isn't the list of groups you guys wish you had the balls to whisper the n word under your breathe in their presence.
When was this?

I can look at a map of hate groups from 2014 and I'm seeing this.

View attachment 622208

Now for California if you want to tell me there are klan or klan adjacent groups in far Northern California near Redding or in the South in Orange County I wouldn't be surprised, that's where the California wingnuts live.

Anyway, again using California as an example, it has a huge population that dwarfs most southern states by a lot. So, are there more klan members in California? If they were spread out evenly per capita there should be. But I'm sure of that. Got a source?

While were at it, California has more evangelicals than Tennessee which is the most evangelical state per capita. So according to your logic California is more Christian.

Wyoming is the most Republican state per capita in the union. But I feel pretty confident there are more Republicans in California than in Wyoming. Does that make California more conservative? According to you it just might.

Fun times.
Who published that piece of shit propaganda, The Southern Poverty Law Center?

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