Explain why white nationalism is bad?

You are not an 'us'.

You do not speak for an 'us'.

You barely can speak for yourself.
Ha keep spinning around there. All the rest of the Sling Blades in your group are cheering you on.
We need to examine it from a sociological, anthropological perspective. This isn't going away soon.
I agree. Fear of the others, I believe eats at them from inside. I mean, why else would a population be so hell bent on getting rid of them?
It's a bit worse than that.

There were plenty of Republicans waving swastikas and supporting Hitler. George Bush's daddy was one of them.

But then again, the lefties have their share of commies.... I guess that's why they call it the political "spectrum" lol :p
Yes, Republicans had their share of Nazi sympathizers. Charles Lindberg comes to mind.

As for your claim, "lefties" have their share of communists? That brings up the whole new topic of the "Red scare" that was cooked up by... surprise surprise ... a Republican - McCarthy. How did that go?
I agree. Fear of the others, I believe eats at them from inside. I mean, why else would a population be so hell bent on getting rid of them?
This is what their media has created over the last 3+ decades. Every day, hours a day, year after year.

All that distortion and misinformation has come to fruition. It worked. Now, here we are with a large swath of the country consumed by rage and paranoia, literally thinking other Americans are "evil", obediently following an orange buffoon who is blatantly taking advantage of them.
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You put the term 'White' in front of 'Nationalism' in a failed attempt to conflate the two into a charge of racism, classism, etc.

You are a leftist playing with words.


No we don't. "White nationalism" is defined political movement described as:

White nationalism is a term that originated among white supremacists as a euphemism for white supremacy. Eventually, some white supremacists tried to distinguish it further by using it to refer to a form of white supremacy that emphasizes defining a country or region by white racial identity and which seeks to promote the interests of whites exclusively, typically at the expense of people of other backgrounds.

No we don't. "White nationalism" is defined political movement described as:

It's defined as a political movement.

But there is no real and viable political movement as such in the US. There are some neo nazi morons running around who now and then do cause damage, I'll grant that, but there's no nazi political stance as compared to the antifa/blm political stances that drain $$$$ for their Marxist games.

And they are the ones who work at the extremes to move that definition to a reality (hence their work in Wikki). . . ala Koch, Soros, ...et al.
We're not judging your "heart". We're judging your racist, misogynistic and hate-filled remarks. None of which reflect Jesus' commandment of "Love one another as I have loved you", and are, in fact, the antithesis of Jesus' teachings.

When your political beliefs and programs, are reflecting the polar opposite of Christian teachings, your claims of being a "Christian" are laughable.

It's heartbreaking to see a once great nation brought low by such ignorance, selfishness and stupidity.

Pansy ass, hair splitting liberals??????

You stupid, lying, ignorant asshole!!!! Roosevelt was President. He won in a landslide. The USA was an overwhelming liberal nation. And just like today, there was a very right wing conservative faction which sided with white nationalist NAZI Germany.

You nation stood back and profited immensely off the war, supplying the Allies, but refusing to join the conflict until after Pearl Harbour.

Meanwhile, Canada, an entire nation of pansy ass, hair splitting Liberals, entered WWII in 1939. Just like we went to Afghanistan in 2002, but not Iraq,

You ignorant FuckBois should just stick to jerking off and telling each other how cool you are, because you're of no value to the human race whatsoever.
You sound like a nasty piece of work

Just sayin
Excuse me? My father was white and a ardent nationalist, starved during so called 1929 bank holiday and was years starving in the time known as the depression. He grew up and he fought the NAZIS. He was wounded and less a left arm. He gave me life. WHAT DO LIBERALS DO?

White nationalist is just a term used to white shame. Nationalist became another way of shaming people who love this country and want to see it succeed, by people who hate it and want it to fail.
Yes, Republicans had their share of Nazi sympathizers. Charles Lindberg comes to mind.

As for your claim, "lefties" have their share of communists? That brings up the whole new topic of the "Red scare" that was cooked up by... surprise surprise ... a Republican - McCarthy. How did that go?
Honestly, I don't care much about commies. I just shoot em, it ain't much of a problem. :p

However, I do care about genuine American lefties, even if they're occasionally a little deluded.

Because, I used to be one. I have a soft spot in my heart for the left.

But let me tell you something - I was "the left" in 1968, when lefties still had a brain cell, and were off doing their own research instead of listening to the tripe on CNN.

As an ex hippie, this is my message to progressives:

(puts on best Lloyd Bentsen)

"I know left, and you ain't it".
Right on cue.
Never let it be said that progs have a brain cell.

The rest of us, we just look at it and we understand.

Progs gotta "study" it.


That's cause they're entirely retarded and they wouldn't know human nature if it came up and bit em on the butt
White nationalist is just a term used to white shame. Nationalist became another way of shaming people who love this country and want to see it succeed, by people who hate it and want it to fail.
Pretty much agreed. That's the way it's used today.

Okay kids, I have to take a break for a while, have to travel. Next time you hear from me I'll be on the other coast.

I'd like to thank everyone for the discussions, left right and otherwise.

This is an interesting board. When I get back I'll have some time to figure out how to make use of some of its features.

Meanwhile, if you got a gun, don't kill no one. :)

(That's a song, it's about to be released, listen for it, I produce the artist).
Never let it be said that progs have a brain cell.

The rest of us, we just look at it and we understand.

Progs gotta "study" it.


That's cause they're entirely retarded and they wouldn't know human nature if it came up and bit em on the butt
Here, I'll make a deal with you.

You can kick back and collect your welfare check, spend it on anything you want.

I'll pay.

Just don't vote.

Do we have a deal?


The arrogant ignorance of Trumpism.
Honestly, I don't care much about commies. I just shoot em, it ain't much of a problem. :p

However, I do care about genuine American lefties, even if they're occasionally a little deluded.

Because, I used to be one. I have a soft spot in my heart for the left.

But let me tell you something - I was "the left" in 1968, when lefties still had a brain cell, and were off doing their own research instead of listening to the tripe on CNN.

As an ex hippie, this is my message to progressives:

(puts on best Lloyd Bentsen)

"I know left, and you ain't it".
Whatever. :th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn:

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