Explaining my home city.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
How do you explain a city like Keene, New Hampshire? We know that if you dump lead or mecury into a public water supply intellectual levels of a community are going to drop. But since there is no evidence of chemical contamination from the usual empirical sources, many are at a loss to come to grips with the apparent corrosive development of low intelligence in the city of Keene. Keene is a big booster for current president Joe Biden and regards him as a political genius. That is huge red flag. People tend to vote for leaders that remind voters of themselves and Biden's semi-comatose, dunce-like leadership has rallied many voters in Keene to his support. It seems Biden speaks a language Keene voters understand and it is likely that there is no cure for a condition suffered there that on occasion has put Keene on the national map as a brainwashed buffoon of liberal, woke, cultural Marxism and its effects on a once normal people.

Critical Race Theory with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, have invaded Keene minds like a weird, manifestation of advancing hysterical media-generated encephalopathy leaving many citizens in the city unable to make any kind of rational sense of the world at large. The fact that Keene and Cheshire County have been identified as ground zero for a devastating neurological condition called Alzheimer's Disease is statisical proof that the city is in the midst of a terrible mass psychosis ushered in by the alcoholic, drug-addled, Keene way of life. It is a way of life embraced by Keene's leadership, media, and educational infrastructure.

I know I cannot save Keene. All I can do is say what I see. You can indulge in cowardly self-censorship: that is your right. But be advised that your rights are not well protected in this new world order where that you think and what you say are monitored and recorded in a Stasi-like, postmodern dystopian coup on individual existence. When it's all over, don't throw up your hands and say: "What happened? You were warned.

I am going to vote for Trump again. I know he is not perfect but he is all I have.

Carry on,

Yeah ... we can tell this is your home city ... though Jackson, Mississippi was our next guess ...

If Joe Biden is subsidizing my solar farm ... and you say I'm stupid for voting for him ... who do you think is suffering MORE from environmental poisons? ... you not getting money, or me getting paid top dollar? ... I know it's stupid owning a solar farm, but at least I'm getting money for it ... how'bout yourself? ...

Exactly, Trump wins in 2024 I'm moving my investments into rental property and border control and fencing businesses ...

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