Explaining Socialism to a Republican

Good luck with that. They're drones. All they here is Socialism = Evil. They can handle nothing else.

If someone kept warning you that cyanide is poison, you would say "They're drones. All they here is Cyanide is poison."
Yes, it is a written social contract.
It's written, but it's not a contract.
Yes, it is a written social Contract that ratified by the People.
Are you claiming that the Term the People is a collective Term that may exclude Individuals?
Where in the Constitition does it say I am responsible for providing goods and services to others w/o compensation?
did you know that non-sequiturs may be considered fallacies.

Yes, it is a written social Contract that was ratified by the People.
Are you claiming that the Term the People is a collective Term that may exclude Individuals?

Promoting the general welfare may entail voluntary advocacy. Providing for the general welfare merely requires appropriations.
You haven't answered my question.
Paying the Debts, and providing for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States.

Now, you are welcome to answer my question.

Yes, it is a written social Contract that ratified by the People.
Are you claiming that the Term the People is a collective Term that may exclude Individuals?
Explain to me how somebody else having more money than you has ever made you poorer.

Be specific.

Get back to us next time someone steals your wallet.....I.e. thief has more money than you and now you're poorer.....

.......and, by the way, don't bother calling the cops since law enforcement is a tax-paid social program.

You didn't answer my question. Tell me how somebody having more money than you has made you poorer. I want specifics.
It's written, but it's not a contract.
Yes, it is a written social Contract that ratified by the People.
Are you claiming that the Term the People is a collective Term that may exclude Individuals?
Where in the Constitition does it say I am responsible for providing goods and services to others w/o compensation?
did you know that non-sequiturs may be considered fallacies.

Yes, it is a written social Contract that was ratified by the People.
Are you claiming that the Term the People is a collective Term that may exclude Individuals?

Promoting the general welfare may entail voluntary advocacy. Providing for the general welfare merely requires appropriations.
You haven't answered my question.
Paying the Debts, and providing for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States.
And where in that do you find the words that say I am responsible for providing goods and services to others w/o compensation?
You didn't answer my question. Tell me how somebody having more money than you has made you poorer. I want specifics.

Had I the time to answer your questions, I'd be silly enough to do it although I doubt it would make a difference.....However, I pose MY opinions and I'm certainly not here to hold a sociological/economics seminar for dunces.
You didn't answer my question. Tell me how somebody having more money than you has made you poorer. I want specifics.
Had I the time to answer your questions, I'd be silly enough to do it although I doubt it would make a difference.....However, I pose MY opinions and I'm certainly not here to hold a sociological/economics seminar for dunces.
All ad-hom, no substance.
One wonders how you can honestly think you;re right when all you do to defend your position is to insult others.

To be more accurate, all taxation is theft. Also, the so-called "social contract" is a myth. THere's nothing to adhere to. Bridges and highways can be privately built and have been privately built. Private companies develop most new drugs. The NIH performs no useful function. Food and water safety can also be done by private firms. Banks are private corporations, so I don't know where you get the idea that it's a "social enterprise." There are thousands of private schools in this country, so that can obviously be done without government and real estate taxes.

Taxation is theft. You have it correct.

I will allow the filthy government to take some of my money for a few necessary items like defense, courts, police etc.

There are a few community projects that I don't mind paying for if it is done in a cost effective manner like road building. You are right in that some things can be done better by private enterprise than government.

However, it is blatant thievery for the government to take money by force and give it to somebody else like we do with welfare, bailouts, subsidies, and entitlements. That is where this despicable idea of a "social contract" runs amok.
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You didn't answer my question. Tell me how somebody having more money than you has made you poorer. I want specifics.

Had I the time to answer your questions, I'd be silly enough to do it although I doubt it would make a difference.....However, I pose MY opinions and I'm certainly not here to hold a sociological/economics seminar for dunces.

For the third time answer my question. Give me specific examples of where somebody earning more money than you has made you poorer.

I think you are shunning the question because you don't have an answer. You are talking out your ass.
......today's right wingers strongly defend corporate greed,,
capitalism makes greed impossible. If a company is greedy a competitor can undersell him and drive him into bankruptcy. Socialism has no such regulation.
bullshit !

dear, how is greed possible under capitalism? If you own a business you pray your competitior gets greedy so you can drive him into bankruptcy. China just eliminated 40% of world poverty because capitalism squeezes out greed and forces people to care only about pleasing other people with goods and services that increase their standard of living at the fastest possible rate..

Do you understand now?
Any document declaring a form of Government will do; our own Constitution is one example.
Where in the Constition does it say I am responsible for providing goods and services to others w/o compensation?
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Nope, that doesn't say "I am responsible for providing goods and services to others w/o compensation."
yes it does ....
The first clause of Article I, Section 8, reads, "The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States." This clause, called the General Welfare Clause or the Spending Power Clause, does not grant Congress the power to legislate for the general welfare of the country; that is a power reserved to the states through the Tenth Amendment. Rather, it merely allows Congress to spend federal money for the general welfare. The principle underlying this distinction—the limitation of federal power—eventually inspired the only important disagreement over the meaning of the clause.

According to James Madison, the clause authorized Congress to spend money, but only to carry out the powers and duties specifically enumerated in the subsequent clauses of Article I, Section 8, and elsewhere in the Constitution, not to meet the seemingly infinite needs of the general welfare. Alexander Hamilton maintained that the clause granted Congress the power to spend without limitation for the general welfare of the nation. The winner of this debate was not declared for 150 years.
want fires with that....
don't bother to rationalize that it does not mention individuals as the is very obviously implied.

Madison was correct. Hamilton was a lying scumbag.
only when it fits you purposes.... you are wrong, own it.
Any document declaring a form of Government will do; our own Constitution is one example.
The Constitution isn't a contract.
Well, it is... between the states, the federal government and the people.

When did I agree to this "contract?"
the first time you voted or said the pledge etc...
Wrong. I was forced to say the pledge. Voting doesn't mean you have agreed to anything. It has exactly the same moral significance as a mugger giving you the choice of handing over your wallet or taking a bullet in the chest.
bullshit! now you're just makin' shit up!
Explain to me how somebody else having more money than you has ever made you poorer.

Be specific.

Get back to us next time someone steals your wallet.....I.e. thief has more money than you and now you're poorer.....

.......and, by the way, don't bother calling the cops since law enforcement is a tax-paid social program.

You didn't answer my question. Tell me how somebody having more money than you has made you poorer. I want specifics.
it depends on how they made "their" money.
most all billionaires by doing just that making other people poorer
Where in the Constition does it say I am responsible for providing goods and services to others w/o compensation?

"The government of the United States [federal government] is a definite government confined to specified objects [powers]. It is not like state governments, whose powers are more general. CHARITY IS NO PART OF THE LEGISLATIVE DUTY OF THE GOVERNMENT."- James Madison (primary author of Constitution)
......today's right wingers strongly defend corporate greed,,
capitalism makes greed impossible. If a company is greedy a competitor can undersell him and drive him into bankruptcy. Socialism has no such regulation.
bullshit !

dear, how is greed possible under capitalism? If you own a business you pray your competitior gets greedy so you can drive him into bankruptcy. China just eliminated 40% of world poverty because capitalism squeezes out greed and forces people to care only about pleasing other people with goods and services that increase their standard of living at the fastest possible rate..

Do you understand now?
as I said don't call me dear.
the only thing of importance to understand about you is that you talk out your ass.
you can never be wrong as you are never right.
it depends on how they made "their" money.
most all billionaires by doing just that making other people poorer

Explain that to me. How does somebody making more money than you make you poorer?

Give me specifics.
......today's right wingers strongly defend corporate greed,,
capitalism makes greed impossible. If a company is greedy a competitor can undersell him and drive him into bankruptcy. Socialism has no such regulation.
bullshit !

dear, how is greed possible under capitalism? If you own a business you pray your competitior gets greedy so you can drive him into bankruptcy. China just eliminated 40% of world poverty because capitalism squeezes out greed and forces people to care only about pleasing other people with goods and services that increase their standard of living at the fastest possible rate..

Do you understand now?
as I said don't call me dear.
the only thing of importance to understand about you is that you talk out your ass.
you can never be wrong as you are never right.
, how is greed possible under capitalism? If you own a business you pray your competitior gets greedy so you can drive him into bankruptcy. China just eliminated 40% of world poverty because capitalism squeezes out greed and forces people to care only about pleasing other people with goods and services that increase their standard of living at the fastest possible rate..

Do you understand now?

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