Explaining Socialism to a Republican

Explain to me how somebody else having more money than you has ever made you poorer.

Be specific.

Get back to us next time someone steals your wallet.....I.e. thief has more money than you and now you're poorer.....

.......and, by the way, don't bother calling the cops since law enforcement is a tax-paid social program.

You didn't answer my question. Tell me how somebody having more money than you has made you poorer. I want specifics.
it depends on how they made "their" money.
most all billionaires by doing just that making other people poorer
How do they make other people poorer?
asked and answered. you just don't like the answer..stop repeating...
Please refer me to the answer. Post #?
Yes he was. He stole people's money. Exxon isn't a predator. It sells a product people want to buy. The same goes for banks that provide you with a mortgage.

Made-Off sold a product that people wanted to buy.

Exxon sells a product, but why did oil prices drop 63%, but gasoline prices only dropped 23%?

What about predatory lending?
bullshit !

dear, how is greed possible under capitalism? If you own a business you pray your competitior gets greedy so you can drive him into bankruptcy. China just eliminated 40% of world poverty because capitalism squeezes out greed and forces people to care only about pleasing other people with goods and services that increase their standard of living at the fastest possible rate..

Do you understand now?
as I said don't call me dear.
the only thing of importance to understand about you is that you talk out your ass.
you can never be wrong as you are never right.
, how is greed possible under capitalism? If you own a business you pray your competitior gets greedy so you can drive him into bankruptcy. China just eliminated 40% of world poverty because capitalism squeezes out greed and forces people to care only about pleasing other people with goods and services that increase their standard of living at the fastest possible rate..

Do you understand now?
repeating nonsense is just that....
do you understand now?

dear, if its nonsense you must say why?? A liberal will so stupid as to not know that saying why is necessary. Also, FYI Gordon Geko is not a economist or philosopher.
thanks captain obvious.....
[ ˈnänˌsens ]
noun: nonsense
  1. spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense:
    "he was talking absolute nonsense"
by definition is unexplainable)that's why

btw this gem is a prime example of nonsense "A liberal will so stupid as to not know that saying why is necessary."
English not your first language?
what freedom means.

freedom to our founders meant freedom from big liberal govt since govt had been the source of evil in human history. THey knew that without seeing the great 20th Century liberals Hitler Stalin and Mao. Why did you think our liberals spied for Stalin, because they liked freedom or because they liked govt??.
you like lot of so called conservatives have no fucking clue as to what freedom means or what to do with it passed your own childish and selfish needs..
proclaiming you and the founding fathers have anything in common is laughable..

Freedom is sure as hell not having the filthy ass government bureaucrat take your hard earned money by force and giving it to the welfare queen that elected him into office, is it?

How free were you when Obama took your tax money and gave it to the despicable UAW pension fund?

Where is your freedom to buy or not buy health insurance. Obama took that away, didn't he?

Where is your freedom to keep the money that you earned through your hard labor?

By the way, for the seventh time, are you going to answer my question or not?

How are you poorer because somebody else is richer? Be specific.
Yes he was. He stole people's money. Exxon isn't a predator. It sells a product people want to buy. The same goes for banks that provide you with a mortgage.

Made-Off sold a product that people wanted to buy.

Madoff lied to his clients and told them they were earning money on their investments that they weren't really earning. That's fraud.

Exxon sells a product, but why did oil prices drop 63%, but gasoline prices only dropped 23%?

Gasolline dropped from almost $4.00 a gallon to under $2.00/gal. That's more like 50%.

What about predatory lending?

The phrase "predatory lending" is an oxymoron.
yes it does ....
The first clause of Article I, Section 8, reads, "The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States." This clause, called the General Welfare Clause or the Spending Power Clause, does not grant Congress the power to legislate for the general welfare of the country; that is a power reserved to the states through the Tenth Amendment. Rather, it merely allows Congress to spend federal money for the general welfare. The principle underlying this distinction—the limitation of federal power—eventually inspired the only important disagreement over the meaning of the clause.

According to James Madison, the clause authorized Congress to spend money, but only to carry out the powers and duties specifically enumerated in the subsequent clauses of Article I, Section 8, and elsewhere in the Constitution, not to meet the seemingly infinite needs of the general welfare. Alexander Hamilton maintained that the clause granted Congress the power to spend without limitation for the general welfare of the nation. The winner of this debate was not declared for 150 years.
want fires with that....
don't bother to rationalize that it does not mention individuals as the is very obviously implied.

Madison was correct. Hamilton was a lying scumbag.
only when it fits you purposes.... you are wrong, own it.

My purpose is the same as the purpose of most of the Founding Fathers: freedom. Of course, Hamilton had a different purpose. He even wanted to setup the United States as a monarchy, so it's easy to see what his ulterior purpose was.
you like lot of so called conservatives have no fucking clue as to what freedom means or what to do with it passed your own childish and selfish needs..
proclaiming you and the founding fathers have anything in common is laughable..

Freedom means absence of government initiated force. The Founding Fathers had the same definition. Turds like you, on the other hand, think freedom means not having to earn a living and having the government pay for your birth control.
proclaiming you and the founding fathers have anything in common is laughable..[/QUOTE]
[]false my statement is only confusing to low end of the gene pool types who need someone or something to blame for their own ignorance, lack of skill or luck .
throw in a heavy dose of an unearned sense of entitlement and guys like you appear.

You haven't given one specific example of how you are poorer because somebody else is richer, even though I have asked a half dozen times.

You have nothing. Typical for a Moon Bat.
Madison was correct. Hamilton was a lying scumbag.
only when it fits you purposes.... you are wrong, own it.

My purpose is the same as the purpose of most of the Founding Fathers: freedom. Of course, Hamilton had a different purpose. He even wanted to setup the United States as a monarchy, so it's easy to see what his ulterior purpose was.
you like lot of so called conservatives have no fucking clue as to what freedom means or what to do with it passed your own childish and selfish needs..
proclaiming you and the founding fathers have anything in common is laughable..

Freedom means absence of government initiated force. The Founding Fathers had the same definition. Turds like you, on the other hand, think freedom means not having to earn a living and having the government pay for your birth control.
proclaiming you and the founding fathers have anything in common is laughable..
Avoiding the issue, as always.

Tell us what your definition of freedom is. We can all use a good laugh.
dear, how is greed possible under capitalism? If you own a business you pray your competitior gets greedy so you can drive him into bankruptcy. China just eliminated 40% of world poverty because capitalism squeezes out greed and forces people to care only about pleasing other people with goods and services that increase their standard of living at the fastest possible rate..

Do you understand now?
as I said don't call me dear.
the only thing of importance to understand about you is that you talk out your ass.
you can never be wrong as you are never right.
, how is greed possible under capitalism? If you own a business you pray your competitior gets greedy so you can drive him into bankruptcy. China just eliminated 40% of world poverty because capitalism squeezes out greed and forces people to care only about pleasing other people with goods and services that increase their standard of living at the fastest possible rate..

Do you understand now?
repeating nonsense is just that....
do you understand now?

dear, if its nonsense you must say why?? A liberal will so stupid as to not know that saying why is necessary. Also, FYI Gordon Geko is not a economist or philosopher.
thanks captain obvious.....
[ ˈnänˌsens ]
noun: nonsense
  1. spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense:
    "he was talking absolute nonsense"
by definition is unexplainable)that's why

btw this gem is a prime example of nonsense "A liberal will so stupid as to not know that saying why is necessary."
English not your first language?

dear, you said it was nonsensical to say that capitalism prevents greed and encourages the fastest economic growth possible. Can you say why its nonsensical or must you admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend your statement.

PS- you fool only yourself by trying to change the subject
as I said don't call me dear.
the only thing of importance to understand about you is that you talk out your ass.
you can never be wrong as you are never right.
, how is greed possible under capitalism? If you own a business you pray your competitior gets greedy so you can drive him into bankruptcy. China just eliminated 40% of world poverty because capitalism squeezes out greed and forces people to care only about pleasing other people with goods and services that increase their standard of living at the fastest possible rate..

Do you understand now?
repeating nonsense is just that....
do you understand now?

dear, if its nonsense you must say why?? A liberal will so stupid as to not know that saying why is necessary. Also, FYI Gordon Geko is not a economist or philosopher.
thanks captain obvious.....
[ ˈnänˌsens ]
noun: nonsense
  1. spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense:
    "he was talking absolute nonsense"
by definition is unexplainable)that's why

btw this gem is a prime example of nonsense "A liberal will so stupid as to not know that saying why is necessary."
English not your first language?

dear, you said it was nonsensical to say that capitalism prevents greed and encourages the fastest economic growth possible. Can you say why its nonsensical or must you admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend your statement.

PS- you fool only yourself by trying to change the subject

Notice that he still hasn't answered any questions. He hasn't told us what his definition of freedom is, even though he claims to know that mine is wrong.
Explain that to me. How does somebody making more money than you make you poorer?

Give me specifics.

a liberal is so stupid he thinks there is a fixed supply of money so that when one person acquires some that means another loses some. In fact its not a zero sum game. Everyone has more money and wealth than they had 100 years ago.

Nobody, even a Moon Bat, is stupid enough to believe that there is a fixed amount of wealth and that if one person gets more then another person gets less.

These Moon Bats are doing nothing more than being envious. It is envy and greed on their part and they rationalize it by saying they are poorer because somebody else is richer.

I think you're wrong about that. All the liberal turds posting in this forum believe it. Their entire world-view is predicated on the proposition.
false assumption....

It's not an assumption. They have said as much many times.
who the fuck is they? btw that's called an appeal to the masses or appeal to authority
Appeal to Common Belief
argumentum ad populum

(also known as: appeal to accepted belief, groupthink, appeal to widespread belief, appeal to the masses, appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, argument by consensus, consensus fallacy, authority of the many, bandwagon fallacy, argumentum ad numerum, appeal to the number, argumentum consensus gentium, appeal to the mob, appeal to the gallery, mob appeal, social conformance, value of community)

Description: When the claim that most or many people in general or of a particular group accept a belief as true is presented as evidence for the claim. Accepting another person’s belief, or many people’s beliefs, without demanding evidence as to why that person accepts the belief, is lazy thinking and a dangerous way to accept information.

Logical Form:

A lot of people believe X.

Therefore, X must be true.
Appeal to Authority
An appeal to authority is an argument from the fact that a person judged to be an authority affirms a proposition to the claim that the proposition is true.

Appeals to authority are always deductively fallacious; even a legitimate authority speaking on his area of expertise may affirm a falsehood, so no testimony of any authority is guaranteed to be true.

However, the informal fallacy occurs only when the authority cited either (a) is not an authority, or (b) is not an authority on the subject on which he is being cited. If someone either isn’t an authority at all, or isn’t an authority on the subject about which they’re speaking, then that undermines the value of their testimony.

more proof you have nothing in common with the F.F'S
a liberal is so stupid he thinks there is a fixed supply of money so that when one person acquires some that means another loses some. In fact its not a zero sum game. Everyone has more money and wealth than they had 100 years ago.

Well that's because your understanding of economics has not gone beyond understanding the rules in Monopoly.
you and the founding fathers have anything in common is laughable..

founding fathers were for very very limited govt and made it the basis of Constitution.
liberals oppose100%. why do you think they spied for Stalin and elected Obama despite his 3 communist parents??
irrelevant to the discussion.....
you couldn't be more wrong..

Here's what stupid fucking dimocrap filth fail to ask --

"Who's in charge of distributing the money?"

dimocraps are the stupidest motherfuckers to ever walk the surface of the planet.

A waste of skin

Whomever has a majority in the House.
[]false my statement is only confusing to low end of the gene pool types who need someone or something to blame for their own ignorance, lack of skill or luck .
throw in a heavy dose of an unearned sense of entitlement and guys like you appear.

You haven't given one specific example of how you are poorer because somebody else is richer, even though I have asked a half dozen times.

You have nothing. Typical for a Moon Bat.

I have also asked. The result?

*** cricketes ***

He won't explain it because deep down he knows it's true. However, he also just "knows" that he's entitled to some of the money that rich guy earned.
false there is nothing to explain..
your confusion is not my problem...
you like lot of so called conservatives have no fucking clue as to what freedom means or what to do with it passed your own childish and selfish needs..
proclaiming you and the founding fathers have anything in common is laughable..

Freedom is sure as hell not having the filthy ass government bureaucrat take your hard earned money by force and giving it to the welfare queen that elected him into office, is it?

How free were you when Obama took your tax money and gave it to the despicable UAW pension fund?

Where is your freedom to buy or not buy health insurance. Obama took that away, didn't he?

Where is your freedom to keep the money that you earned through your hard labor?

By the way, for the seventh time, are you going to answer my question or not?

How are you poorer because somebody else is richer? Be specific.
nice tantrum !
a liberal is so stupid he thinks there is a fixed supply of money so that when one person acquires some that means another loses some. In fact its not a zero sum game. Everyone has more money and wealth than they had 100 years ago.

Well that's because your understanding of economics has not gone beyond understanding the rules in Monopoly.

dear capitalism prevents monopoly through competition while socialism encourages it. Notice how as a typical low IQ brainwashed liberal you get everythig backwards.
a liberal is so stupid he thinks there is a fixed supply of money so that when one person acquires some that means another loses some. In fact its not a zero sum game. Everyone has more money and wealth than they had 100 years ago.

Nobody, even a Moon Bat, is stupid enough to believe that there is a fixed amount of wealth and that if one person gets more then another person gets less.

These Moon Bats are doing nothing more than being envious. It is envy and greed on their part and they rationalize it by saying they are poorer because somebody else is richer.

I think you're wrong about that. All the liberal turds posting in this forum believe it. Their entire world-view is predicated on the proposition.
false assumption....

It's not an assumption. They have said as much many times.
who the fuck is they? btw that's called an appeal to the masses or appeal to authority
Appeal to Common Belief
argumentum ad populum

(also known as: appeal to accepted belief, groupthink, appeal to widespread belief, appeal to the masses, appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, argument by consensus, consensus fallacy, authority of the many, bandwagon fallacy, argumentum ad numerum, appeal to the number, argumentum consensus gentium, appeal to the mob, appeal to the gallery, mob appeal, social conformance, value of community)

Description: When the claim that most or many people in general or of a particular group accept a belief as true is presented as evidence for the claim. Accepting another person’s belief, or many people’s beliefs, without demanding evidence as to why that person accepts the belief, is lazy thinking and a dangerous way to accept information.

Logical Form:

A lot of people believe X.

Therefore, X must be true.
Appeal to Authority
An appeal to authority is an argument from the fact that a person judged to be an authority affirms a proposition to the claim that the proposition is true.

Appeals to authority are always deductively fallacious; even a legitimate authority speaking on his area of expertise may affirm a falsehood, so no testimony of any authority is guaranteed to be true.

However, the informal fallacy occurs only when the authority cited either (a) is not an authority, or (b) is not an authority on the subject on which he is being cited. If someone either isn’t an authority at all, or isn’t an authority on the subject about which they’re speaking, then that undermines the value of their testimony.

more proof you have nothing in common with the F.F'S

"They" means the liberal turds in this forum. It refers to the noun in the previous sentence. Don't you understand plain English?
[]false my statement is only confusing to low end of the gene pool types who need someone or something to blame for their own ignorance, lack of skill or luck .
throw in a heavy dose of an unearned sense of entitlement and guys like you appear.

You haven't given one specific example of how you are poorer because somebody else is richer, even though I have asked a half dozen times.

You have nothing. Typical for a Moon Bat.

I have also asked. The result?

*** cricketes ***

He won't explain it because deep down he knows it's true. However, he also just "knows" that he's entitled to some of the money that rich guy earned.
false there is nothing to explain..
your confusion is not my problem...

Translation: you refuse to answer any questions put to you because you know you'll answers will make it obvious that you're a fool.

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