Explaining Socialism to a Republican

.and if you do NOT want to adhere in the social contract, then indeed you'll be living in a tent and pooping in the woods.
Where can I find a copy of this contract?
Any document declaring a form of Government will do; our own Constitution is one example.
The Constitution isn't a contract.
Well, it is... between the states, the federal government and the people.

When did I agree to this "contract?"
the first time you voted or said the pledge etc...
.and if you do NOT want to adhere in the social contract, then indeed you'll be living in a tent and pooping in the woods.
Where can I find a copy of this contract?
Any document declaring a form of Government will do; our own Constitution is one example.

The Constitution isn't a contract.
Yes, it is a written social contract.
It's written, but it's not a contract.
but dad!
Yes, it is a written social contract.
It's written, but it's not a contract.
Yes, it is a written social Contract that ratified by the People.
Are you claiming that the Term the People is a collective Term that may exclude Individuals?
Where in the Constitition does it say I am responsible for providing goods and services to others w/o compensation?
did you know that non-sequiturs may be considered fallacies.

Yes, it is a written social Contract that was ratified by the People.
Are you claiming that the Term the People is a collective Term that may exclude Individuals?

Promoting the general welfare may entail voluntary advocacy. Providing for the general welfare merely requires appropriations.
You haven't answered my question.
asked and answered just not to your liking...
To be more accurate, all taxation is theft. Also, the so-called "social contract" is a myth. THere's nothing to adhere to. Bridges and highways can be privately built and have been privately built. Private companies develop most new drugs. The NIH performs no useful function. Food and water safety can also be done by private firms. Banks are private corporations, so I don't know where you get the idea that it's a "social enterprise." There are thousands of private schools in this country, so that can obviously be done without government and real estate taxes.

What a sophomoric post......If bridges and highways (ANY of these bridges and highways) were to be built privately, you'd be charged a fee just for going to the grocery store.
Food and water safety would be done by whom...the same manufacturers who would forgo a huge loss on a recall of their shoddy products?

Banks DO utilize individual people's savings (C-Ds, tec.) to offer car loans, etc. and IF they were to fail, did you ever wonder whay we had an FDIC?

Stupid, stupid mindset.......
A "SOCIAL CONTRACT"......a phrase made popular by J. Rousseau a Swiss/French philosopher, is actually a simple concept that was at the root of many government reforms (including revolutions) ......

When you stop at a red light and have to wait, YOU ARE giving up an individual freedom....and you wait your turn for both your sorry hide's safety and others. When you wait on line after others who were there before you, THAT is adherence to a social contract (but in some R-W'ers case, I would urge them to try to cut in front of the line to see what happens.)
What's destroying the middle class is income/cost disparity.

Distribution of wealth is having the rich pay the same effective tax rates. BTW; we don't need your help to get wealthier, we have Republicans.

You ARE poorer because somebody else is richer.

Liberals? Really? The worst years for the middle class were during Reagan and Bush. Bush was so bad that it will still take years to fix it.

Explain to me how somebody else having more money than you has ever made you poorer.

Be specific.
A "SOCIAL CONTRACT"......a phrase made popular by J. Rousseau a Swiss/French philosopher, is actually a simple concept that was at the root of many government reforms (including revolutions) ......

When you stop at a red light and have to wait, YOU ARE giving up an individual freedom....and you wait your turn for both your sorry hide's safety and others. When you wait on line after others who were there before you, THAT is adherence to a social contract (but in some R-W'ers case, I would urge them to try to cut in front of the line to see what happens.)
I didn't think anyone piled horeshit this high.
How does that prove it isn't theft?

I you perform some work for someone and that someone does not pay you....is that theft? and if he pays you less than you think the job was worth, is that theft?

When a worker gets minimum wage and the boss gets a bonus because he saved a lot of money for the company off the backs of his minimum wage workers, is that theft?
A "SOCIAL CONTRACT"......a phrase made popular by J. Rousseau a Swiss/French philosopher, is actually a simple concept that was at the root of many government reforms (including revolutions) ......

When you stop at a red light and have to wait, YOU ARE giving up an individual freedom....and you wait your turn for both your sorry hide's safety and others. When you wait on line after others who were there before you, THAT is adherence to a social contract (but in some R-W'ers case, I would urge them to try to cut in front of the line to see what happens.)
I didn't think anyone piled horeshit this high.
really! you are here, aren't you?
A "SOCIAL CONTRACT"......a phrase made popular by J. Rousseau a Swiss/French philosopher, is actually a simple concept that was at the root of many government reforms (including revolutions) ......

When you stop at a red light and have to wait, YOU ARE giving up an individual freedom....and you wait your turn for both your sorry hide's safety and others. When you wait on line after others who were there before you, THAT is adherence to a social contract (but in some R-W'ers case, I would urge them to try to cut in front of the line to see what happens.)
I didn't think anyone piled horeshit this high.

The only "social contract" I give a shit about is the concept that redistribution of income and wealth by the government is thievery and should be shunned by all decent people.
Explain to me how somebody else having more money than you has ever made you poorer.

Be specific.

Get back to us next time someone steals your wallet.....I.e. thief has more money than you and now you're poorer.....

.......and, by the way, don't bother calling the cops since law enforcement is a tax-paid social program.
A "SOCIAL CONTRACT"......a phrase made popular by J. Rousseau a Swiss/French philosopher, is actually a simple concept that was at the root of many government reforms (including revolutions) ......

When you stop at a red light and have to wait, YOU ARE giving up an individual freedom....and you wait your turn for both your sorry hide's safety and others. When you wait on line after others who were there before you, THAT is adherence to a social contract (but in some R-W'ers case, I would urge them to try to cut in front of the line to see what happens.)
I didn't think anyone piled horeshit this high.

The only "social contract" I give a shit about is the concept that redistribution of income and wealth by the government is thievery and should be shunned by all decent people.
conservative denial at it's finest.
The only "social contract" I give a shit about is the concept that redistribution of income and wealth by the government is thievery and should be shunned by all decent people.

Then, have no fears, NO ONE will ever accuse you of being too smart.
Where can I find a copy of this contract?
Any document declaring a form of Government will do; our own Constitution is one example.
Where in the Constition does it say I am responsible for providing goods and services to others w/o compensation?
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Nope, that doesn't say "I am responsible for providing goods and services to others w/o compensation."
yes it does ....
The first clause of Article I, Section 8, reads, "The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States." This clause, called the General Welfare Clause or the Spending Power Clause, does not grant Congress the power to legislate for the general welfare of the country; that is a power reserved to the states through the Tenth Amendment. Rather, it merely allows Congress to spend federal money for the general welfare. The principle underlying this distinction—the limitation of federal power—eventually inspired the only important disagreement over the meaning of the clause.

According to James Madison, the clause authorized Congress to spend money, but only to carry out the powers and duties specifically enumerated in the subsequent clauses of Article I, Section 8, and elsewhere in the Constitution, not to meet the seemingly infinite needs of the general welfare. Alexander Hamilton maintained that the clause granted Congress the power to spend without limitation for the general welfare of the nation. The winner of this debate was not declared for 150 years.
want fires with that....
don't bother to rationalize that it does not mention individuals as the is very obviously implied.

Madison was correct. Hamilton was a lying scumbag.
Explain to me how somebody else having more money than you has ever made you poorer.

Be specific.
Get back to us next time someone steals your wallet.....I.e. thief has more money than you and now you're poorer.....
.......and, by the way, don't bother calling the cops since law enforcement is a tax-paid social program.
In other words... you cannot explain how somebody else having more money than you has ever made you poorer
Where can I find a copy of this contract?
Any document declaring a form of Government will do; our own Constitution is one example.
The Constitution isn't a contract.
Well, it is... between the states, the federal government and the people.

When did I agree to this "contract?"
the first time you voted or said the pledge etc...
Wrong. I was forced to say the pledge. Voting doesn't mean you have agreed to anything. It has exactly the same moral significance as a mugger giving you the choice of handing over your wallet or taking a bullet in the chest.
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How does that prove it isn't theft?

I you perform some work for someone and that someone does not pay you....is that theft? and if he pays you less than you think the job was worth, is that theft?

If he doesn't pay you, that's theft. However, he's only obligated to pay you what he agreed to pay you. He isn't obligated to pay you what you think the job is worth.

When a worker gets minimum wage and the boss gets a bonus because he saved a lot of money for the company off the backs of his minimum wage workers, is that theft?

Definitely not. The workers are getting paid what they agreed to.

The "socialism" problem that many on the Right has is that, when you deal in absolutes, you paint yourself into a corner.

Elements of what could be construed as "socialism" exist and have existed for a long time in America.

It's about equilibrium, not absolutes. For some reason they don't grasp that, and it makes their positions easy targets.


Dogs all have fleas. Does that mean fleas are good for the dog?

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