Explaining Socialism to a Republican

Yes he was. He stole people's money. Exxon isn't a predator. It sells a product people want to buy. The same goes for banks that provide you with a mortgage.

The same (your example of Exxon) could be said about a heroin supplier.....Exxon and other fuel suppliers have successfully nixed attempts to utilize other viable fuel sources for....especially....autos.

So, you judge about that "predator" label.
That's obvious horseshit. Wealth grows. Who did Intel take wealth from when it created the Intel series of CPUs that are the heart of most of the PCs in the world? The answer is "no one." It created new wealth.

The idea that wealth is a fixed pie is endorsed mainly by the stupid, but also by the dishonest who are trying to fleece you.

You're missing the point......I'm not saying that progress is "bad".....but when Intel ushered in PCs......did you ever wondered what happened to all the typewriters manufacturers?......and isn't the personal computer revolution killing movie-house owners?
From the IDIOT who wrote the IDIOTIC piece --

Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens take part. It is government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Socialism is where we all put our resources together and work for the common good of us all and not just for our own benefit. In this sense, we are sharing the wealth within society.

Here's what stupid fucking dimocrap filth fail to ask --

"Who's in charge of distributing the money?"

dimocraps are the stupidest motherfuckers to ever walk the surface of the planet.

A waste of skin
Here's what stupid fucking dimocrap filth fail to ask --

"Who's in charge of distributing the money?"

dimocraps are the stupidest motherfuckers to ever walk the surface of the planet.

A waste of skin

....and here folks, you have an example of right wing "intellect" as exemplified by this latest idiot on this thread.
Yes he was. He stole people's money. Exxon isn't a predator. It sells a product people want to buy. The same goes for banks that provide you with a mortgage.

The same (your example of Exxon) could be said about a heroin supplier.....Exxon and other fuel suppliers have successfully nixed attempts to utilize other viable fuel sources for....especially....autos.

So, you judge about that "predator" label.

Herion dealers aren't predators. They supply a product people want. Tax collectors, on the other hand, are predators. They take your money at gun point.
That's obvious horseshit. Wealth grows. Who did Intel take wealth from when it created the Intel series of CPUs that are the heart of most of the PCs in the world? The answer is "no one." It created new wealth.

The idea that wealth is a fixed pie is endorsed mainly by the stupid, but also by the dishonest who are trying to fleece you.

You're missing the point......I'm not saying that progress is "bad".....but when Intel ushered in PCs......did you ever wondered what happened to all the typewriters manufacturers?......and isn't the personal computer revolution killing movie-house owners?

ROFL! No, I know what happened to them. They went out of business. If we adopted your policy we'd still be back in the stone age. How would not having computers be better?
Obama and the cost of government is destroying the Middle Class in America. That is why families are losing income. Our little movement towards more distribution of wealth and the enormous cost of government is killing our economy on several different levels.

I don't car how much anybody else makes. I am not poorer because somebody else is richer. I don't have that envy of the rich that the Moon Bats have.

I just want the government to get off my back so I can succeed in a free market.

The best way not to be poor in the US is to not help elect Liberals who screw up the economy so much.

What's destroying the middle class is income/cost disparity.

Distribution of wealth is having the rich pay the same effective tax rates. BTW; we don't need your help to get wealthier, we have Republicans.

You ARE poorer because somebody else is richer.

Liberals? Really? The worst years for the middle class were during Reagan and Bush. Bush was so bad that it will still take years to fix it.

I would like to take this time and opportunity to goad our token wealthy Person, to suggest he and his peers simply insist their public servants merely purchase the finest solutions money can buy, with an official Mint at their disposal.

Why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders that could be making you money instead of potentially, having to plan to live off the interest of your estates, instead of the interest on the interest.
Yes he was. He stole people's money. Exxon isn't a predator. It sells a product people want to buy. The same goes for banks that provide you with a mortgage.

The same (your example of Exxon) could be said about a heroin supplier.....Exxon and other fuel suppliers have successfully nixed attempts to utilize other viable fuel sources for....especially....autos.

So, you judge about that "predator" label.

Herion dealers aren't predators. They supply a product people want. Tax collectors, on the other hand, are predators. They take your money at gun point.

So, how to run a country without taxes, let everyone voluntarily send in contributions? You know, the inability of the government to tax was one of the drawbacks of the Articles of Confederation.
I find it a rather amazing sociological phenomenon how many people (especially on the right...or perhaps its just Obama-hatred) succumb to a belief that a small percentage of the population are ENTITLED to be "royalty."
Says he who believes that people who do nothing are entitled to the wealth of those that do something.
You're missing the point......I'm not saying that progress is "bad".....but when Intel ushered in PCs......did you ever wondered what happened to all the typewriters manufacturers?......and isn't the personal computer revolution killing movie-house owners?
Economic Darwinism..
You do believe in Darwinism, don't you?
Says he who believes that people who do nothing are entitled to the wealth of those that do something.

So, dingbat, in all those socialistic countries in northern Europe, you're stating here that NO ONE in the citizenry does nothing?

Face it, you're a SLAVE to corporate propaganda.....while you probably work for minimum wages while rich CEOS laugh their arses off that they have YOU believe that THEY have your best interests at heart
Says he who believes that people who do nothing are entitled to the wealth of those that do something.
So, dingbat, in all those socialistic countries in northern Europe, you're stating here that NO ONE in the citizenry does nothing?
You obviously do not understand what I said.
Do you believe the disabled, those too old or sick to work, etc, are entitled to the means necessary to live and should be so supported by the state?
Unsuprisingly, you completely ignored the response put to you.

What do you suppose SHOULD happen to companies that produce obsolete products/services, should they fail to keep up with progress?

No, I fully understood how completely moronic the responses have been....I NEVER stated that progress was not good and that "survival of the fittest" was a bad thing....I was responding to the real fact that when a company does amazingly well, some other company who could not compete, folded.

When about two dozen or so families in this country own HALF of the wealth generated, something is wrong.....Look up the causes of the French Revolution.
Unsuprisingly, you completely ignored the response put to you.

What do you suppose SHOULD happen to companies that produce obsolete products/services, should they fail to keep up with progress?
No, I fully understood how completely moronic the responses have been....I NEVER stated that progress was not good and that "survival of the fittest" was a bad thing....I was responding to the real fact that when a company does amazingly well, some other company who could not compete, folded.
And so you stated the obvious. Is there a point attached?
Unsuprisingly, you completely ignored the response put to you.

What do you suppose SHOULD happen to companies that produce obsolete products/services, should they fail to keep up with progress?

No, I fully understood how completely moronic the responses have been....I NEVER stated that progress was not good and that "survival of the fittest" was a bad thing....I was responding to the real fact that when a company does amazingly well, some other company who could not compete, folded.

When about two dozen or so families in this country own HALF of the wealth generated, something is wrong.....Look up the causes of the French Revolution.

Why are you leftist wealth re-distribution types so greedy? Shouldn't wealth be redistributed globally? Okay so you would only earn $3 an hour and probably have to live in a tent and poop in the woods but at least the wealth would be fairly re-distributed...right?
Yes he was. He stole people's money. Exxon isn't a predator. It sells a product people want to buy. The same goes for banks that provide you with a mortgage.

The same (your example of Exxon) could be said about a heroin supplier.....Exxon and other fuel suppliers have successfully nixed attempts to utilize other viable fuel sources for....especially....autos.

So, you judge about that "predator" label.

Herion dealers aren't predators. They supply a product people want. Tax collectors, on the other hand, are predators. They take your money at gun point.

So, how to run a country without taxes, let everyone voluntarily send in contributions? You know, the inability of the government to tax was one of the drawbacks of the Articles of Confederation.

Who said I proposed to setup a government?
Why are you leftist wealth re-distribution types so greedy? Shouldn't wealth be redistributed globally? Okay so you would only earn $3 an hour and probably have to live in a tent and poop in the woods but at least the wealth would be fairly re-distributed...right?

Any, ANY form of taxation is "wealth distribution"....and if you do NOT want to adhere in the social contract, then indeed you'll be living in a tent and pooping in the woods.
Building bridges, carving out super highways, relying on dams, etc. are ALL socialistic enterprises.....Discovering new drugs by the NIH, checking out our food and water safety, are ALL socialistic enterprises.....
Calling 911 for help, funding education through real estate taxes, applying for a loan at your local bank are also ALL social enterprises.l
Why are you leftist wealth re-distribution types so greedy? Shouldn't wealth be redistributed globally? Okay so you would only earn $3 an hour and probably have to live in a tent and poop in the woods but at least the wealth would be fairly re-distributed...right?
Any, ANY form of taxation is "wealth distribution"...
Only if you redefine the term to suit your rhetorical need.
Redistribution of income and wealth - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Of course, doing so means you know you've lost the argument.


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