Explaining Socialism to a Republican

capitalism makes greed impossible. If a company is greedy a competitor can undersell him and drive him into bankruptcy. Socialism has no such regulation

Tell that to the no-bid armament contractors, pharmaceutical companies, higher education board of regents, etc.
dear, if there is no bid it is because of liberal govt; not corporate greed which is impossible under Repubican capitalism

Do you understand now?
Placing your rabid hatred of Obama aside and placing aside what your moronic ilk have spent on un-necessary wars ask a neutral grown-up if what the chart below details is sustainable........
Remember the root causes for the French Revolution?


not sustainable and so we need to get the jackbooted liberal foot of the throat of the poor and middle class. Eliminate liberal unions, taxes and deficits, then stop the liberal destruction of the schools and family. It would create 40 million new jobs tomorrow and huge upward pressure on wages.
dear, if there is no bid it is because of liberal govt; not corporate greed which is impossible under Repubican capitalism

Do you understand now?

Oh, thank you, hon.........I had forgotten that Halliburton and Blackwater were Liberal outfits....I am soooooo grateful for your wisdom, sweetheart.
All these posts and how many can give a textbook definition of socialism, much less name the various types?
dear, if there is no bid it is because of liberal govt; not corporate greed which is impossible under Repubican capitalism

Do you understand now?

Oh, thank you, hon.........I had forgotten that Halliburton and Blackwater were Liberal outfits....I am soooooo grateful for your wisdom, sweetheart.

dear if there is no bid its becuase of liberal govt. Do you understand now??
Under Republican capitalism there is competition.
not sustainable and so we need to get the jackbooted liberal foot of the throat of the poor and middle class. Eliminate liberal unions, taxes and deficits, then stop the liberal destruction of the schools and family. It would create 40 million new jobs tomorrow and huge upward pressure on wages

Wow, thank you for making us aware that its ALL libs fault and those naughty unions, etc...... Maybe in your world we can also all wear white sheets with hoods.
Wow, thank you for making us aware that its ALL libs fault and those naughty unions, etc.......

dear liberal unions drove 15 million jobs off shore, the highest liberal corporate taxes in the world drove 10 million off shore!! Conservatives oppose the war on the middle class and poor.
You want the state to force me, and millions like me, to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation, placing me, and millions like me, in a condition of state-enforced involuntary servitude.
This, inarguably, takes freedom from me and those millions like me; in doing so, it harms us.
You and the millions like you apparently see yourselves as having started from nothing and rising to the commanding heights that you enjoy today. That's not the case.
Irrelevant to what I said and the issue at hand.
You imposition of your morality harms us; we have not harmed anyone.
According to your standard, you should oppose it.
In a large society, there will be a certain portion who fall on hard times. That's the downside of society. (he upside is that a whole bunch of good things are created like technology, art, medicine, etc.) There needs to be a way to mitigate the downside and unfortunately, you don't like it.
I see.
So, as long as you think there's a good reason to do so, you're OK with the state imposing your version of morality on people who have harmed no one, harming those people in the process.
In other worlds... you don't -really- care about people being harmed, you just want the state to impose your version of morality.
In that, you are no different than those in the RW that want the state to impose their morality on you.
It's interesting that you can't see that people get harmed if there's no government intervention - probably in much more profound ways than the minor harm that you feel has been done to you.
It;s unsurprising that you refuse to understand that your position on the state imposition of morality makes you no different than those in the RW that want the state to impose their morality on you.
But, that's the facts.
So... should I refer to you as the socialist version of Falwell or Robertson?
Usually, it's corporations.

actually capitalist corporations have to provide the best jobs and products in the entire world just to survive. So, they are very very very saintly indeed. If you doubt it then start one and then every second of your life thereafter you will be sweating bullets to please your employees and customers. You will live in service to others.

The "socialism" problem that many on the Right has is that, when you deal in absolutes, you paint yourself into a corner.

Elements of what could be construed as "socialism" exist and have existed for a long time in America.

It's about equilibrium, not absolutes. For some reason they don't grasp that, and it makes their positions easy targets.

A sociopath (middle class right) tend not to see past their nose.
......today's right wingers strongly defend corporate greed,,
capitalism makes greed impossible. If a company is greedy a competitor can undersell him and drive him into bankruptcy. Socialism has no such regulation.
Yes, we know that socialism requires social morals for free, from Individuals.

and thats why socialism slowly starved 120 million to death
was it socialism or merely, incompetent public policies?
Placing your rabid hatred of Obama aside and placing aside what your moronic ilk have spent on un-necessary wars ask a neutral grown-up if what the chart below details is sustainable........
Remember the root causes for the French Revolution?


not sustainable and so we need to get the jackbooted liberal foot of the throat of the poor and middle class. Eliminate liberal unions, taxes and deficits, then stop the liberal destruction of the schools and family. It would create 40 million new jobs tomorrow and huge upward pressure on wages.

it isn't business costs that is that the problem; but a lack of a clue and a Cause on the right.
Placing your rabid hatred of Obama aside and placing aside what your moronic ilk have spent on un-necessary wars ask a neutral grown-up if what the chart below details is sustainable........
Remember the root causes for the French Revolution?


Obama and the cost of government is destroying the Middle Class in America. That is why families are losing income. Our little movement towards more distribution of wealth and the enormous cost of government is killing our economy on several different levels.

I don't car how much anybody else makes. I am not poorer because somebody else is richer. I don't have that envy of the rich that the Moon Bats have.

I just want the government to get off my back so I can succeed in a free market.

The best way not to be poor in the US is to not help elect Liberals who screw up the economy so much.
dear liberal unions drove 15 million jobs off shore, the highest liberal corporate taxes in the world drove 10 million off shore!! Conservatives oppose the war on the middle class and poor

So, Hon....betraying your own country and its citizens for more profits is laudable.....and, of course, we can blame the unions...regardless whether those workers were unionized or not.....If you could rub 2 brain cells together, Hon, you'd see that most corporations pay ZERO taxes and sometimes even get subsidies for that effort, sweetheart.

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