Explaining Socialism to a Republican

Placing your rabid hatred of Obama aside and placing aside what your moronic ilk have spent on un-necessary wars ask a neutral grown-up if what the chart below details is sustainable........
Remember the root causes for the French Revolution?


not sustainable and so we need to get the jackbooted liberal foot of the throat of the poor and middle class. Eliminate liberal unions, taxes and deficits, then stop the liberal destruction of the schools and family. It would create 40 million new jobs tomorrow and huge upward pressure on wages.

Just think how much of a boost this economy would have and the millions of jobs that would be created if we took two trillion dollars of Federal spending and returned the money to the people that earned it? Maybe another trillion from State and local. We would still be spending more money on the cost of government than any country on earth and economy would be booming.
Just think how much of a boost this economy would have and the millions of jobs that would be created if we took two trillion dollars of Federal spending and returned the money to the people that earned it? Maybe another trillion from State and local. We would still be spending more money on the cost of government than any country on earth and economy would be booming.

Yep, those off-shore and Swiss accounts by our 1% could use a boost, right?

Note where the money really goes (especially look at "defense") and how much safer you feel.

Just think how much of a boost this economy would have and the millions of jobs that would be created if we took two trillion dollars of Federal spending and returned the money to the people that earned it? Maybe another trillion from State and local. We would still be spending more money on the cost of government than any country on earth and economy would be booming.

Yep, those off-shore and Swiss accounts by our 1% could use a boost, right?

Note where the money really goes (especially look at "defense") and how much safer you feel.


Here is good budget to cut a cool trillion off of Federal spending while growing defense, maintaining Social Security and Medicare. It would be a good start.

Just think how much of a boost this economy would have and the millions of jobs that would be created if we took two trillion dollars of Federal spending and returned the money to the people that earned it? Maybe another trillion from State and local. We would still be spending more money on the cost of government than any country on earth and economy would be booming.

Yep, those off-shore and Swiss accounts by our 1% could use a boost, right?

Note where the money really goes (especially look at "defense") and how much safer you feel.

I always find the liberal attacks on defense spending rather funny.

Where do you think a massive portion of that goes? To the PEOPLE. IOW, it is the best welfare you could ask for as it employs you, demands that you perform and gives you job skills that you can use after you get off the public dole. The people most likely to join the military? Those poor that not only need a good job and those skills but also want it.
I always find the liberal attacks on defense spending rather funny.

Where do you think a massive portion of that goes? To the PEOPLE. IOW, it is the best welfare you could ask for as it employs you, demands that you perform and gives you job skills that you can use after you get off the public dole. The people most likely to join the military? Those poor that not only need a good job and those skills but also want it.

Just for fun, here's an example about how us "crazy libs" view the benefits of defense spending.......

Because the Department of Defense has a habit of over-ordering when headed into conflict, the military wound up destroying 170 million pounds worth of usable vehicles and other military equipment in Afghanistan. In other words, 20% of all military equipment in Afghanistan, valued at $7 billion, was scrapped rather than brought home or sold to the Afghans because the costs of shipping them back home would be too high, and flooding the Middle East with used military equipment may have hurt defense companies domestically by driving down prices.
Just think how much of a boost this economy would have and the millions of jobs that would be created if we took two trillion dollars of Federal spending and returned the money to the people that earned it? Maybe another trillion from State and local. We would still be spending more money on the cost of government than any country on earth and economy would be booming.

Yep, those off-shore and Swiss accounts by our 1% could use a boost, right?

Note where the money really goes (especially look at "defense") and how much safer you feel.

I always find the liberal attacks on defense spending rather funny.

Where do you think a massive portion of that goes? To the PEOPLE. IOW, it is the best welfare you could ask for as it employs you, demands that you perform and gives you job skills that you can use after you get off the public dole. The people most likely to join the military? Those poor that not only need a good job and those skills but also want it.

Solving simple poverty could accomplish the same thing, but with a welfare-State that has a Commerce Clause instead of a warfare-State without a general warfare or common offense clause.
Obama and the cost of government is destroying the Middle Class in America. That is why families are losing income. Our little movement towards more distribution of wealth and the enormous cost of government is killing our economy on several different levels.

I don't car how much anybody else makes. I am not poorer because somebody else is richer. I don't have that envy of the rich that the Moon Bats have.

I just want the government to get off my back so I can succeed in a free market.

The best way not to be poor in the US is to not help elect Liberals who screw up the economy so much.

What's destroying the middle class is income/cost disparity.

Distribution of wealth is having the rich pay the same effective tax rates. BTW; we don't need your help to get wealthier, we have Republicans.

You ARE poorer because somebody else is richer.

Liberals? Really? The worst years for the middle class were during Reagan and Bush. Bush was so bad that it will still take years to fix it.
I see.

So, as long as you think there's a good reason to do so, you're OK with the state imposing your version of morality on people who have harmed no one, harming those people in the process.

In other worlds... you don't -really- care about people being harmed, you just want the state to impose your version of morality.

In that, you are no different than those in the RW that want the state to impose their morality on you.

It's interesting that you can't see that people get harmed if there's no government intervention - probably in much more profound ways than the minor harm that you feel has been done to you.

How do people get harmed without government intervention?
Ruthless predators swoop in and change everything.

You mean armed bandits?
Sometimes. Usually, it's corporations.

Wrong. Selling a product doesn't make you a predator. Clubbing someone over the head or pointing a gun at them makes you a predator.
I always find the liberal attacks on defense spending rather funny.

Where do you think a massive portion of that goes? To the PEOPLE. IOW, it is the best welfare you could ask for as it employs you, demands that you perform and gives you job skills that you can use after you get off the public dole. The people most likely to join the military? Those poor that not only need a good job and those skills but also want it.

Just for fun, here's an example about how us "crazy libs" view the benefits of defense spending.......

Because the Department of Defense has a habit of over-ordering when headed into conflict, the military wound up destroying 170 million pounds worth of usable vehicles and other military equipment in Afghanistan. In other words, 20% of all military equipment in Afghanistan, valued at $7 billion, was scrapped rather than brought home or sold to the Afghans because the costs of shipping them back home would be too high, and flooding the Middle East with used military equipment may have hurt defense companies domestically by driving down prices.
I don't really care if it folded their markets - that's rather irrelevant BUT trashing those items simply means that the military purchases more of them from suppliers who hire people.

IF government spending is the goal as the libs are always telling us then the military is the ultimate boon for the economy. Yet that spending is not acceptable. The VAST waste and abuse in every other sector is just part and parcel but DEFENSE SPENDING - NO WAY!
Just think how much of a boost this economy would have and the millions of jobs that would be created if we took two trillion dollars of Federal spending and returned the money to the people that earned it? Maybe another trillion from State and local. We would still be spending more money on the cost of government than any country on earth and economy would be booming.

Yep, those off-shore and Swiss accounts by our 1% could use a boost, right?

Note where the money really goes (especially look at "defense") and how much safer you feel.

I always find the liberal attacks on defense spending rather funny.

Where do you think a massive portion of that goes? To the PEOPLE. IOW, it is the best welfare you could ask for as it employs you, demands that you perform and gives you job skills that you can use after you get off the public dole. The people most likely to join the military? Those poor that not only need a good job and those skills but also want it.

Solving simple poverty could accomplish the same thing, but with a welfare-State that has a Commerce Clause instead of a warfare-State without a general warfare or common offense clause.
Do you actually know anything at all or are you a spam bot with one phrase loaded into it: commerce clause?

I half expect you to post - and visit this site where you can own your [commerce clause] and be happy forever....
I find it a rather amazing sociological phenomenon how many people (especially on the right...or perhaps its just Obama-hatred) succumb to a belief that a small percentage of the population are ENTITLED to be "royalty."

(and, BTW, this also includes Hollywood celebrities)

There is an economic theory that roughly translates to "zero-sum-base."....and as a previous poster points out, there is a finite amount of wealth and that for every penny that a wealthy individual increases his or her pile, that penny HAD to come from another or others' pile.
I find it a rather amazing sociological phenomenon how many people (especially on the right...or perhaps its just Obama-hatred) succumb to a belief that a small percentage of the population are ENTITLED to be "royalty."

(and, BTW, this also includes Hollywood celebrities)

There is an economic theory that roughly translates to "zero-sum-base."....and as a previous poster points out, there is a finite amount of wealth and that for every penny that a wealthy individual increases his or her pile, that penny HAD to come from another or others' pile.

That's obvious horseshit. Wealth grows. Who did Intel take wealth from when it created the Intel series of CPUs that are the heart of most of the PCs in the world? The answer is "no one." It created new wealth.

The idea that wealth is a fixed pie is endorsed mainly by the stupid, but also by the dishonest who are trying to fleece you.

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