Explaining Socialism to a Republican

Liberal socialism does not have the goal of abolishing capitalism with a socialist economy;[2]

100% stupid, naive, and liberal! Obama is a liberal yet he had 3 communist parents, voted to left of Bernie Sanders, and supports Obamacommiecare and single payer!! You are a Marxist dupe but lack the IQ to know it.

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
no one has three parents communist or other wise ...the more times you repeat that the more psychotic you appear..
your yammering about I.q. is just that,
if you had AN IQ higher then 3 you'd stop repeating the same horse shit.

Obama had two communist biological parents and one communist step-parent, so you are wrong, as usual.
false that's a right wing conspiracy....no surprise you bought it.

Barack Obama is a Communist
By Dr. Conspiracy on December 31, 2008 in Associations, Debunking
I grew up in the 1950’s when people actually did call one other communists. And in the 1930’s and 1940’s we actually had communists in intellectual circles. It was an interesting idea to be explored back then, before the communist experiments around the world showed where that particular philosophy led. But, by jingo, there’s communists in the wood pile again. Here’s a quote from one of the more vociferous anti-Obama web sites, TheObamaFile.com:

Barack Obama was born of Communist activists, mentored by a communist writer and activist, spent his college days hanging around radical activists, worked as a radical community organizer learning the radical tactics of Alinsky, kept contact with radicals through the years, attends a radical church, and today lends his political skill to the international goals of radical activists, and has radicals working on his campaign.

So let’s plow through this. First, the quote talks about “communists” and “radicals”, which aren’t the same thing. So I’ll just talk about the Communist part. [This article is incomplete at this point.]

Obama’s Mother was a Communist

I’m not sure how relevant this would be if it were true, given how little time Obama spent with his mother.

Obama’s Father was a Communist

I’m not sure how relevant this would be if it were true, given that Obama hardly knew his father.

Obama was mentored by a Communist


I am your father

The alleged communist mentor is Frank Marshall Davis. If memory serves me right Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin believes that Davis is more than Obama’s mentor; he is his father. [Sorry, a scene from Star War forced itself into my mind.]

So was Frank Marshall Davis a Communist?

That rather depends on who you believe. Davis was certainly accused of being a communist (along quite a long list of other people) by the now infamous House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) back in 1950 (11 years before Obama was born). The accusation was based on articles he wrote for the Hawaii Record newspaper, accused of being a Communist “front organization“, something which the newspaper did not admit.

It’s fair to call Davis a “radical” but then lots of people were “radicals” back in the 1960’s (you had to be there). It was time when African Americans were building a new identity flush with the freedoms granted by the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. There was a lot of anger about the Vietnam War. This was the time into which Obama was born.

The Weekly Telegraph reports on the relationship between Davis and the Dunham family in a somewhat lurid article entitled Frank Marshall Davis, alleged Communist, was early influence on Barack Obama. The article says that the poet (Marshall) met Barack Obama when the boy was 10 years old and living with his grandparents in Hawaii (Marshall and Obama’s grandfather were friends and played Scrabble and got drunk together). Obama mentions Marshall (as “Frank”) in his memoir, Dreams From My Father, including one big page full on page 97 about Obama’s leaving for college.

Obama discusses his relationship in the pamphlet Unfit For Publication, which may be downloaded from his web site and on page 9, quotes from Dreams:

It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela. And if later I saw that the black men I knew- Frank or Ray or Will or Rafiq- fell short of such lofty standards; if I had learned to respect these men for the struggles they went through, recognizing them as my own-my father’s voice had nevertheless remained untainted, inspiring, rebuking, granting or withholding approval. You do not work hard enough, Barry. You must help in your people’s struggle. Wake up, black man!”

Conclusion: Frank Marshall Davis and Barack Obama were friends, but Obama did not always agree with Davis. There is some suggestive evidence that Davis could have joined the Communist Party of the USA during World War II, but not that he had a continuing or active membership. In any case, that doesn’t make Barack Obama a Communist nor Frank Marshall David his “mentor”.

For a very detailed discussion on the relationship between Davis and Obama as well as claims of Davis’ communist connections, see Redbaiting Barack Obama by Mark Davis, Frank Marshall Davis’ son.

Andy Martin, Communist Party, Frank Marshall Davis, Hawaii, House Un-American Activities Committee, Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin, Mark Davis, United States
Barack Obama is a Communist - Obama Conspiracy Theories
bullshit ..
Liberal socialism is a socialist political philosophy that includes liberal principles within it.[1] Liberal socialism does not have the goal of abolishing capitalism with a socialist economy;[2] instead, it supports a mixed economy that includes both public and private property in capital goods.[3][4]

Although liberal socialism unequivocally favors a mixed market economy, it identifies legalistic and artificial monopolies to be the fault of capitalism[5] and opposes an entirely unregulated economy.[6] It considers both liberty and equality to be compatible and mutually dependent on each other.[1] Principles that can be described as "liberal socialist" have been based upon or developed by the following philosophers: John Stuart Mill, Eduard Bernstein, John Dewey, Carlo Rosselli, Norberto Bobbio and Chantal Mouffe.[7] Other important liberal socialist figures include Guido Calogero, Piero Gobetti, Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse, John Maynard Keynes and R. H. Tawney.[6] Liberal socialism has been particularly prominent in British and Italian politics.[6]
what 200 million people are you yammering about?

That isn't socialism. That's fascism.

It's also stupid and impossible. Freedom and equality are mutually exclusive. Equality is impossible under any circumstances, but we can ignore that point for now.
bullshit it depends on what you mean by equality. There is equality of opportunity and equality before the law and equality of outcome. Both equality of opportunity and equality before the law does not violate freedom. In fact freedom depends on them.

way to misinterpret Tomas Mann....that's if you actually knew how that is.
my guess is that you heard it on some fringe right talk show...

Wrong. The only thing that doesn't violate freedom is equality before the law, which is one of the principles this nation was founded on. Equality of opportunity is a fantasy, and it certainly can't be accomplished without violating freedom. The children of the rich will always have better opportunities than the children of the poor. How do you make their opportunities equal without taking away the rich man's fortune, his business connections and his smarts?
yep classic rush Limbaugh...

Prove it wrong, coward.
no need it is obviously wrong unless you are brain dead....
what 200 million people are you yammering about?

The 200 million that the great socialists killed under Hitler Stalin and Mao.

Mass killings occurred under some Communist regimes during the twentieth century with an estimated death toll numbering between 85 and 100 million.[1] Scholarship focuses on the causes of mass killings in single societies, though some claims of common causes for mass killings have been made. Some higher estimates of mass killings include not only mass murders or executions that took place during the elimination of political opponents, civil wars, terror campaigns, and land reforms, but also lives lost due to war, famine, disease, and exhaustion in labor camps. There are scholars who believe that government policies and mistakes in management contributed to these calamities, and, based on that conclusion combine all these deaths under the categories "mass killings", democide, politicide, "classicide", or loosely defined genocide. According to these scholars, the total death toll of the mass killings defined in this way amounts to many tens of millions; however, the validity of this approach is questioned by other scholars. As of 2011, academic consensus has not been achieved on causes of large scale killings by states, including by states governed by communists. In particular, the number of comparative studies suggesting causes is limited. The highest death tolls that have been documented in communist states occurred in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, in the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong, and in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. The estimates of the number of non-combatants killed by these three regimes alone range from a low of 21 million to a high of 70 million.[2][dubiousdiscuss] There have also been killings on a smaller scale in North Korea, Vietnam, and some Eastern European and African countries.

and you conveniently left out Hitler who was a staunch conservative

. The Nazis were/are known as national socialists. National socialists are far right wing extremists Many say the far right in the US are National Socialists. Certainly one of the right wing talk show hosts is. he held a Nazi rally in summer of 2006.
less propaganda more facts...

So when Stalin sent millions of people to the Gulag where they died of exposure, overwork and starvation, that doesn't count as mass killing?
not the point ...the point is your girlfriend is exaggerating....which makes every thing he posts suspect and inaccurate, but then again conservatives don't concern themselves with such trivial matters, like facts...
false! to simply note my behavior ,you'd have to be objective a quality you sorely lack..
my Ideas need no defending, your reaction to them is very telling

ROFL! Again you admit you have no intention of defending your imbecile ideas!
false! my ideas need no defending so there is nothing to admit....

Even Einstein had to defend his ideas, so your position is absurd.

You're simply a coward who knows he spewed a bunch of idiocies and is now running away.
only against ignorant idiots like yourself..
you just wish I was a coward...
true cowardice is the willful ignorance you spew...

Every time you are asked to prove that what I post is ignorance you run away.

So who's the coward?
haven't run away I answer all of your questions.
not my problem if you are not bright enough to see that.
Liberal socialism does not have the goal of abolishing capitalism with a socialist economy;[2]

100% stupid, naive, and liberal! Obama is a liberal yet he had 3 communist parents, voted to left of Bernie Sanders, and supports Obamacommiecare and single payer!! You are a Marxist dupe but lack the IQ to know it.

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
no one has three parents communist or other wise ...the more times you repeat that the more psychotic you appear..
your yammering about I.q. is just that,
if you had AN IQ higher then 3 you'd stop repeating the same horse shit.

Obama had two communist biological parents and one communist step-parent, so you are wrong, as usual.
false that's a right wing conspiracy....no surprise you bought it.

Barack Obama is a Communist
By Dr. Conspiracy on December 31, 2008 in Associations, Debunking
I grew up in the 1950’s when people actually did call one other communists. And in the 1930’s and 1940’s we actually had communists in intellectual circles. It was an interesting idea to be explored back then, before the communist experiments around the world showed where that particular philosophy led. But, by jingo, there’s communists in the wood pile again. Here’s a quote from one of the more vociferous anti-Obama web sites, TheObamaFile.com:

Barack Obama was born of Communist activists, mentored by a communist writer and activist, spent his college days hanging around radical activists, worked as a radical community organizer learning the radical tactics of Alinsky, kept contact with radicals through the years, attends a radical church, and today lends his political skill to the international goals of radical activists, and has radicals working on his campaign.

So let’s plow through this. First, the quote talks about “communists” and “radicals”, which aren’t the same thing. So I’ll just talk about the Communist part. [This article is incomplete at this point.]

Obama’s Mother was a Communist

I’m not sure how relevant this would be if it were true, given how little time Obama spent with his mother.

Obama’s Father was a Communist

I’m not sure how relevant this would be if it were true, given that Obama hardly knew his father.

Obama was mentored by a Communist


I am your father

The alleged communist mentor is Frank Marshall Davis. If memory serves me right Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin believes that Davis is more than Obama’s mentor; he is his father. [Sorry, a scene from Star War forced itself into my mind.]

So was Frank Marshall Davis a Communist?

That rather depends on who you believe. Davis was certainly accused of being a communist (along quite a long list of other people) by the now infamous House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) back in 1950 (11 years before Obama was born). The accusation was based on articles he wrote for the Hawaii Record newspaper, accused of being a Communist “front organization“, something which the newspaper did not admit.

It’s fair to call Davis a “radical” but then lots of people were “radicals” back in the 1960’s (you had to be there). It was time when African Americans were building a new identity flush with the freedoms granted by the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. There was a lot of anger about the Vietnam War. This was the time into which Obama was born.

The Weekly Telegraph reports on the relationship between Davis and the Dunham family in a somewhat lurid article entitled Frank Marshall Davis, alleged Communist, was early influence on Barack Obama. The article says that the poet (Marshall) met Barack Obama when the boy was 10 years old and living with his grandparents in Hawaii (Marshall and Obama’s grandfather were friends and played Scrabble and got drunk together). Obama mentions Marshall (as “Frank”) in his memoir, Dreams From My Father, including one big page full on page 97 about Obama’s leaving for college.

Obama discusses his relationship in the pamphlet Unfit For Publication, which may be downloaded from his web site and on page 9, quotes from Dreams:

It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela. And if later I saw that the black men I knew- Frank or Ray or Will or Rafiq- fell short of such lofty standards; if I had learned to respect these men for the struggles they went through, recognizing them as my own-my father’s voice had nevertheless remained untainted, inspiring, rebuking, granting or withholding approval. You do not work hard enough, Barry. You must help in your people’s struggle. Wake up, black man!”

Conclusion: Frank Marshall Davis and Barack Obama were friends, but Obama did not always agree with Davis. There is some suggestive evidence that Davis could have joined the Communist Party of the USA during World War II, but not that he had a continuing or active membership. In any case, that doesn’t make Barack Obama a Communist nor Frank Marshall David his “mentor”.

For a very detailed discussion on the relationship between Davis and Obama as well as claims of Davis’ communist connections, see Redbaiting Barack Obama by Mark Davis, Frank Marshall Davis’ son.

Andy Martin, Communist Party, Frank Marshall Davis, Hawaii, House Un-American Activities Committee, Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin, Mark Davis, United States
Barack Obama is a Communist - Obama Conspiracy Theories

"Dr. Conspiracy?" That's your credible source?

Furthermore, your source failed to dispute the allegations. When the FBI says an organization was a Communist Front organization, that's because it has tons of evidence indicating it is. It doesn't present this evidence in court because that would reveal its methods and sources.
That isn't socialism. That's fascism.

It's also stupid and impossible. Freedom and equality are mutually exclusive. Equality is impossible under any circumstances, but we can ignore that point for now.
bullshit it depends on what you mean by equality. There is equality of opportunity and equality before the law and equality of outcome. Both equality of opportunity and equality before the law does not violate freedom. In fact freedom depends on them.

way to misinterpret Tomas Mann....that's if you actually knew how that is.
my guess is that you heard it on some fringe right talk show...

Wrong. The only thing that doesn't violate freedom is equality before the law, which is one of the principles this nation was founded on. Equality of opportunity is a fantasy, and it certainly can't be accomplished without violating freedom. The children of the rich will always have better opportunities than the children of the poor. How do you make their opportunities equal without taking away the rich man's fortune, his business connections and his smarts?
yep classic rush Limbaugh...

Prove it wrong, coward.
no need it is obviously wrong unless you are brain dead....

Once again, you run away.

what 200 million people are you yammering about?

The 200 million that the great socialists killed under Hitler Stalin and Mao.

Mass killings occurred under some Communist regimes during the twentieth century with an estimated death toll numbering between 85 and 100 million.[1] Scholarship focuses on the causes of mass killings in single societies, though some claims of common causes for mass killings have been made. Some higher estimates of mass killings include not only mass murders or executions that took place during the elimination of political opponents, civil wars, terror campaigns, and land reforms, but also lives lost due to war, famine, disease, and exhaustion in labor camps. There are scholars who believe that government policies and mistakes in management contributed to these calamities, and, based on that conclusion combine all these deaths under the categories "mass killings", democide, politicide, "classicide", or loosely defined genocide. According to these scholars, the total death toll of the mass killings defined in this way amounts to many tens of millions; however, the validity of this approach is questioned by other scholars. As of 2011, academic consensus has not been achieved on causes of large scale killings by states, including by states governed by communists. In particular, the number of comparative studies suggesting causes is limited. The highest death tolls that have been documented in communist states occurred in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, in the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong, and in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. The estimates of the number of non-combatants killed by these three regimes alone range from a low of 21 million to a high of 70 million.[2][dubiousdiscuss] There have also been killings on a smaller scale in North Korea, Vietnam, and some Eastern European and African countries.

and you conveniently left out Hitler who was a staunch conservative

. The Nazis were/are known as national socialists. National socialists are far right wing extremists Many say the far right in the US are National Socialists. Certainly one of the right wing talk show hosts is. he held a Nazi rally in summer of 2006.
less propaganda more facts...

So when Stalin sent millions of people to the Gulag where they died of exposure, overwork and starvation, that doesn't count as mass killing?
not the point ...the point is your girlfriend is exaggerating....which makes every thing he posts suspect and inaccurate, but then again conservatives don't concern themselves with such trivial matters, like facts...

Your source downplays the facts a lot worse than EB exaggerates. According to your epistemology, your source must be lying.
ROFL! Again you admit you have no intention of defending your imbecile ideas!
false! my ideas need no defending so there is nothing to admit....

Even Einstein had to defend his ideas, so your position is absurd.

You're simply a coward who knows he spewed a bunch of idiocies and is now running away.
only against ignorant idiots like yourself..
you just wish I was a coward...
true cowardice is the willful ignorance you spew...

Every time you are asked to prove that what I post is ignorance you run away.

So who's the coward?
haven't run away I answer all of your questions.
not my problem if you are not bright enough to see that.
You answer all my questions?

Liberal socialism does not have the goal of abolishing capitalism with a socialist economy;[2]

100% stupid, naive, and liberal! Obama is a liberal yet he had 3 communist parents, voted to left of Bernie Sanders, and supports Obamacommiecare and single payer!! You are a Marxist dupe but lack the IQ to know it.

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
no one has three parents communist or other wise ...the more times you repeat that the more psychotic you appear..
your yammering about I.q. is just that,
if you had AN IQ higher then 3 you'd stop repeating the same horse shit.

Obama had two communist biological parents and one communist step-parent, so you are wrong, as usual.
false that's a right wing conspiracy....no surprise you bought it.

Barack Obama is a Communist
By Dr. Conspiracy on December 31, 2008 in Associations, Debunking
I grew up in the 1950’s when people actually did call one other communists. And in the 1930’s and 1940’s we actually had communists in intellectual circles. It was an interesting idea to be explored back then, before the communist experiments around the world showed where that particular philosophy led. But, by jingo, there’s communists in the wood pile again. Here’s a quote from one of the more vociferous anti-Obama web sites, TheObamaFile.com:

Barack Obama was born of Communist activists, mentored by a communist writer and activist, spent his college days hanging around radical activists, worked as a radical community organizer learning the radical tactics of Alinsky, kept contact with radicals through the years, attends a radical church, and today lends his political skill to the international goals of radical activists, and has radicals working on his campaign.

So let’s plow through this. First, the quote talks about “communists” and “radicals”, which aren’t the same thing. So I’ll just talk about the Communist part. [This article is incomplete at this point.]

Obama’s Mother was a Communist

I’m not sure how relevant this would be if it were true, given how little time Obama spent with his mother.

Obama’s Father was a Communist

I’m not sure how relevant this would be if it were true, given that Obama hardly knew his father.

Obama was mentored by a Communist


I am your father

The alleged communist mentor is Frank Marshall Davis. If memory serves me right Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin believes that Davis is more than Obama’s mentor; he is his father. [Sorry, a scene from Star War forced itself into my mind.]

So was Frank Marshall Davis a Communist?

That rather depends on who you believe. Davis was certainly accused of being a communist (along quite a long list of other people) by the now infamous House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) back in 1950 (11 years before Obama was born). The accusation was based on articles he wrote for the Hawaii Record newspaper, accused of being a Communist “front organization“, something which the newspaper did not admit.

It’s fair to call Davis a “radical” but then lots of people were “radicals” back in the 1960’s (you had to be there). It was time when African Americans were building a new identity flush with the freedoms granted by the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. There was a lot of anger about the Vietnam War. This was the time into which Obama was born.

The Weekly Telegraph reports on the relationship between Davis and the Dunham family in a somewhat lurid article entitled Frank Marshall Davis, alleged Communist, was early influence on Barack Obama. The article says that the poet (Marshall) met Barack Obama when the boy was 10 years old and living with his grandparents in Hawaii (Marshall and Obama’s grandfather were friends and played Scrabble and got drunk together). Obama mentions Marshall (as “Frank”) in his memoir, Dreams From My Father, including one big page full on page 97 about Obama’s leaving for college.

Obama discusses his relationship in the pamphlet Unfit For Publication, which may be downloaded from his web site and on page 9, quotes from Dreams:

It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela. And if later I saw that the black men I knew- Frank or Ray or Will or Rafiq- fell short of such lofty standards; if I had learned to respect these men for the struggles they went through, recognizing them as my own-my father’s voice had nevertheless remained untainted, inspiring, rebuking, granting or withholding approval. You do not work hard enough, Barry. You must help in your people’s struggle. Wake up, black man!”

Conclusion: Frank Marshall Davis and Barack Obama were friends, but Obama did not always agree with Davis. There is some suggestive evidence that Davis could have joined the Communist Party of the USA during World War II, but not that he had a continuing or active membership. In any case, that doesn’t make Barack Obama a Communist nor Frank Marshall David his “mentor”.

For a very detailed discussion on the relationship between Davis and Obama as well as claims of Davis’ communist connections, see Redbaiting Barack Obama by Mark Davis, Frank Marshall Davis’ son.

Andy Martin, Communist Party, Frank Marshall Davis, Hawaii, House Un-American Activities Committee, Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin, Mark Davis, United States
Barack Obama is a Communist - Obama Conspiracy Theories

"Dr. Conspiracy?" That's your credible source?

Furthermore, your source failed to dispute the allegations. When the FBI says an organization was a Communist Front organization, that's because it has tons of evidence indicating it is. It doesn't present this evidence in court because that would reveal its methods and sources.
bullshit it depends on what you mean by equality. There is equality of opportunity and equality before the law and equality of outcome. Both equality of opportunity and equality before the law does not violate freedom. In fact freedom depends on them.

way to misinterpret Tomas Mann....that's if you actually knew how that is.
my guess is that you heard it on some fringe right talk show...

Wrong. The only thing that doesn't violate freedom is equality before the law, which is one of the principles this nation was founded on. Equality of opportunity is a fantasy, and it certainly can't be accomplished without violating freedom. The children of the rich will always have better opportunities than the children of the poor. How do you make their opportunities equal without taking away the rich man's fortune, his business connections and his smarts?
yep classic rush Limbaugh...

Prove it wrong, coward.
no need it is obviously wrong unless you are brain dead....

Once again, you run away.

wrong! if I was running away I'd not respond ....
The Debunker’s Guide to Obama Conspiracy Theories
Don’t Panic! Have you heard some crazy rumor about Barack Obama and want the straight story? The Debunker’s Guide to Obama Conspiracy Theories is a compilation of many of the strange tales and unfounded rumors that fly over the Internet about Obama, and particularly alternate accounts of his birth. Each one is carefully researched with references you can use to correct misinformation and know the facts.

Table of Categories:
what 200 million people are you yammering about?

The 200 million that the great socialists killed under Hitler Stalin and Mao.

Mass killings occurred under some Communist regimes during the twentieth century with an estimated death toll numbering between 85 and 100 million.[1] Scholarship focuses on the causes of mass killings in single societies, though some claims of common causes for mass killings have been made. Some higher estimates of mass killings include not only mass murders or executions that took place during the elimination of political opponents, civil wars, terror campaigns, and land reforms, but also lives lost due to war, famine, disease, and exhaustion in labor camps. There are scholars who believe that government policies and mistakes in management contributed to these calamities, and, based on that conclusion combine all these deaths under the categories "mass killings", democide, politicide, "classicide", or loosely defined genocide. According to these scholars, the total death toll of the mass killings defined in this way amounts to many tens of millions; however, the validity of this approach is questioned by other scholars. As of 2011, academic consensus has not been achieved on causes of large scale killings by states, including by states governed by communists. In particular, the number of comparative studies suggesting causes is limited. The highest death tolls that have been documented in communist states occurred in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, in the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong, and in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. The estimates of the number of non-combatants killed by these three regimes alone range from a low of 21 million to a high of 70 million.[2][dubiousdiscuss] There have also been killings on a smaller scale in North Korea, Vietnam, and some Eastern European and African countries.

and you conveniently left out Hitler who was a staunch conservative

. The Nazis were/are known as national socialists. National socialists are far right wing extremists Many say the far right in the US are National Socialists. Certainly one of the right wing talk show hosts is. he held a Nazi rally in summer of 2006.
less propaganda more facts...

So when Stalin sent millions of people to the Gulag where they died of exposure, overwork and starvation, that doesn't count as mass killing?
not the point ...the point is your girlfriend is exaggerating....which makes every thing he posts suspect and inaccurate, but then again conservatives don't concern themselves with such trivial matters, like facts...

Your source downplays the facts a lot worse than EB exaggerates. According to your epistemology, your source must be lying.
do us a favor and use words you actually know the meaning of...
Wrong. The only thing that doesn't violate freedom is equality before the law, which is one of the principles this nation was founded on. Equality of opportunity is a fantasy, and it certainly can't be accomplished without violating freedom. The children of the rich will always have better opportunities than the children of the poor. How do you make their opportunities equal without taking away the rich man's fortune, his business connections and his smarts?
yep classic rush Limbaugh...

Prove it wrong, coward.
no need it is obviously wrong unless you are brain dead....

Once again, you run away.

wrong! if I was running away I'd not respond ....

"Nuh uhn!" isn't a meaningful response.
  • Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge and is also referred to as "theory of knowledge". Put concisely, it is the study of knowledge and justified belief. It questions what knowledge is and how it can be acquired, and the extent to which knowledge pertinent to any given subject or entity can be acquired. Much of the debate in this field has focused on the philosophical analysis of the nature of knowledge and how it relates to connected notions such as truth, belief, and justification. The term "epistemology" was probably first introduced by the Scottish philosopher James Frederick Ferrier in his Institutes of Metaphysic: The Theory of Knowing and Being
Obama’s Mother was a Communist

I’m not sure how relevant this would be if it were true, given how little time Obama spent with his mother.

Obama’s Father was a Communist

I’m not sure how relevant this would be if it were true, given that Obama hardly knew his father.

Got it!! Parents are not important, even to those who write books titled " Communist Dreams From My Father".
So was Frank Marshall Davis a Communist?

Actually yes in fact his Communist party number: 47544!!!! acccording to FBI.

So is Obama a communist? Of course, he had 3 communist parents, admitted he gravitated to Marxist professors in college, haad numerous communist mentors, and grew up to vote to the left of Bernie Sanders the only open communist in the Senate!!
Obama’s Mother was a Communist

I’m not sure how relevant this would be if it were true, given how little time Obama spent with his mother.

Obama’s Father was a Communist

I’m not sure how relevant this would be if it were true, given that Obama hardly knew his father.

Got it!! Parents are not important, even to those who write books titled " Communist Dreams From My Father".
more bullshit propaganda! the book was titled dream's of my father.
the rest must be a masturbation fantasy of yours..
So was Frank Marshall Davis a Communist?

Actually yes in fact his Communist party number: 47544!!!! acccording to FBI.

So is Obama a communist? Of course, he had 3 communist parents, admitted he gravitated to Marxist professors in college, haad numerous communist mentors, and grew up to vote to the left of Bernie Sanders the only open communist in the Senate!!
the bullshit just comes pouring out of you... Bernard "Bernie" Sanders is an American politician and the junior United States Senator from Vermont. Before serving in the Senate, he represented Vermont's at-large congressional district in the United States House of Representatives and served as mayor of Burlington, the largest city in Vermont. Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist, and has praised Scandinavian-style social democracy.
So was Frank Marshall Davis a Communist?

Actually yes in fact his Communist party number: 47544!!!! acccording to FBI.

So is Obama a communist? Of course, he had 3 communist parents, admitted he gravitated to Marxist professors in college, haad numerous communist mentors, and grew up to vote to the left of Bernie Sanders the only open communist in the Senate!!
out of context.So was Frank Marshall Davis a Communist?

That rather depends on who you believe. Davis was certainly accused of being a communist (along quite a long list of other people) by the now infamous House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) back in 1950 (11 years before Obama was born). The accusation was based on articles he wrote for the Hawaii Record newspaper, accused of being a Communist “front organization“, something which the newspaper did not admit.

It’s fair to call Davis a “radical” but then lots of people were “radicals” back in the 1960’s (you had to be there). It was time when African Americans were building a new identity flush with the freedoms granted by the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. There was a lot of anger about the Vietnam War. This was the time into which Obama was born.
I made no distinction between those labeled Communist, Socialist or merely Liberal

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