Explaining To Liberals What Obamagate is:

obamagate will blow up in trumps fat ass before its over -

Russians living in his namesake tower in apts he sold them,, and laundering money at his casino down the street ............. ?????

yeah, lets investigate spying in trump tower

Is it even a little weird that every single thing that people like you have said would blow up -
Has, in fact, not blown up?
Really? Then why are all you morons hyperventilating about the DOJ report? Why is Trump still in office? Why did the Mueller Report prove Trump was totally innocent?

It may be higher.
"higher" than what?
WASHINGTON — For years, President Trump has derided the assessment by American intelligence officials that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to assist his candidacy, dismissing it without evidence as the work of a “deep state” out to undermine his victory.
But on Tuesday, a long-awaited Senate review led by members of Mr. Trump’s own party effectively undercut those allegations. A three-year review by the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee unanimously found that the intelligence community assessment, pinning blame on Russia and outlining its goals to undercut American democracy, was fundamentally sound and untainted by politics.

What this means is the "Obamagate" turd has already been circling the bowl for some time.
We have a Bill of Rights to protect us from what liberal govt would do to us. One of those things is spy on us.
It is now clear that Obama was using our spy agencies to spy on his political adversaries, namely, General Flynn. Clearly this is against the law and basic American principles and should result in criminal penalties against those most responsible. Not only were they spying on political adversaries but they were leaking what they learned to the press, which is another crime, in hope of gaining political advantage.
If you have information that someone is meeting with Russian agents you have a duty to investigate.

If a political candidate is meeting with foreign agents, the FBI is within its rights to investigate
You don't get to investigate people purely on a whim. You have to have some evidence to support your suspicions, and the Dims running intelligence under Obama had none about Flynn. They even admitted it when they testified before the House Intelligence committee.

Fundamentally, you're a Stalinist who supports the police state. You just supported indiscriminate spying.

You're scum.
WASHINGTON — For years, President Trump has derided the assessment by American intelligence officials that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to assist his candidacy, dismissing it without evidence as the work of a “deep state” out to undermine his victory.
But on Tuesday, a long-awaited Senate review led by members of Mr. Trump’s own party effectively undercut those allegations. A three-year review by the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee unanimously found that the intelligence community assessment, pinning blame on Russia and outlining its goals to undercut American democracy, was fundamentally sound and untainted by politics.

What this means is the "Obamagate" turd has already been circling the bowl for some time.
This is a big nothing.
As usual the truth is obfuscated by the reich and denounced as fake news.
Repub let select committee investigation of Russian interference which took them 3 years to complete finally released their findings. They agree with intelligence agency that Russia engaged in activities to influence the election. They agreed to what the intelligence agency suspected and were investigating. Obama admin was well aware of what the Russians were doing and acted appropriate. Trump hired specific people who had experience with Russia. Some who were on the FBI radar for years prior to Trump hiring them. Flynn admitted to lying. He met with the Russians and then tried to deny it. Now he just wants to get no jail time. That is what makes american great. The ability to manipulate the justice system by people in power who are far more interested in self fulfilling motives than seeking justice as justice is in the eye of the beholder. So much for a blind justice system in which America was founded. Rich, poor, average joe, president are all equal under the justice system. Yet trump want to manipulate it for political purposes. He has yet to acknowledge Russian interference and sought an alternative argument about Ukraine interference. Yes Trump, just click you heels and you will go home but will look stupid clinking your heels. Trump actions will be written by history and it's road will be bumpy.

Committee findings

) FINDINGS U The Russian govemment directed extensive activity, beginning in at least 2014 and carrying into at least 2017, against U.S. election infrastructure' at the state and local level
That's all a non sequitur. The issue isn't whether Russia was trying to influence our election. The issue is whether the Trump administration conspired with them to do, and there isn't a shred of evidence to support that.

A fact supported by - every single person that testified.
They supported a non sequitur? Good for them.

I will say that about 60% of the time you don't understand my posts - at all.

Which is a bit of a shame actually.
I understand your moronic posts perfectly.

Really - You say this-
The issue is whether the Trump administration conspired with them to do, and there isn't a shred of evidence to support that.

I say to this buttress your point -
A fact supported by - every single person that testified.

And you think i have a moronic post.
Repub let select committee investigation of Russian interference which took them 3 years to complete finally released their findings. They agree with intelligence agency that Russia engaged in activities to influence the election. They agreed to what the intelligence agency suspected and were investigating. Obama admin was well aware of what the Russians were doing and acted appropriate. Trump hired specific people who had experience with Russia. Some who were on the FBI radar for years prior to Trump hiring them. Flynn admitted to lying. He met with the Russians and then tried to deny it. Now he just wants to get no jail time. That is what makes american great. The ability to manipulate the justice system by people in power who are far more interested in self fulfilling motives than seeking justice as justice is in the eye of the beholder. So much for a blind justice system in which America was founded. Rich, poor, average joe, president are all equal under the justice system. Yet trump want to manipulate it for political purposes. He has yet to acknowledge Russian interference and sought an alternative argument about Ukraine interference. Yes Trump, just click you heels and you will go home but will look stupid clinking your heels. Trump actions will be written by history and it's road will be bumpy.

Committee findings

) FINDINGS U The Russian govemment directed extensive activity, beginning in at least 2014 and carrying into at least 2017, against U.S. election infrastructure' at the state and local level
That's all a non sequitur. The issue isn't whether Russia was trying to influence our election. The issue is whether the Trump administration conspired with them to do, and there isn't a shred of evidence to support that.

A fact supported by - every single person that testified.
They supported a non sequitur? Good for them.

I will say that about 60% of the time you don't understand my posts - at all.

Which is a bit of a shame actually.
I understand your moronic posts perfectly.

Really - You say this-
The issue is whether the Trump administration conspired with them to do, and there isn't a shred of evidence to support that.

I say to this buttress your point -
A fact supported by - every single person that testified.

And you think i have a moronic post.
Care to quote any of them saying that? All their testimony is available online.
We have a Bill of Rights to protect us from what liberal govt would do to us. One of those things is spy on us.
It is now clear that Obama was using our spy agencies to spy on his political adversaries, namely, General Flynn. Clearly this is against the law and basic American principles and should result in criminal penalties against those most responsible. Not only were they spying on political adversaries but they were leaking what they learned to the press, which is another crime, in hope of gaining political advantage.

The FBI was surveilling Russians, such as Kislyak.
Whoever these russians are communicating with are also surveilled as an unavoidable spurious consequence. But if they are US citizens, its important.

Duddly Do Wrong, you are NOT paying attention. If you do not believe me, look it up yourself---------------->

The 1st time Flynn was requested to be unmasked was AFTER the January 5th Oval Office meeting. Testimony from your peeps insist that they got the phone call transcript in late December in which Flynn was unmasked, then fed it to the media the day AFTER the Jan 5th meeting.

Please explain how that can be?

You can NOT be unmasked without a request to be unmasked from those who have that power, and yet, Flynn was to everyone, including the media, BEFORE a request was ever put in!

Check the timeline on when the requests were entered, and you will find no such request was asked for before it was even given to the media.
Repub let select committee investigation of Russian interference which took them 3 years to complete finally released their findings. They agree with intelligence agency that Russia engaged in activities to influence the election. They agreed to what the intelligence agency suspected and were investigating. Obama admin was well aware of what the Russians were doing and acted appropriate. Trump hired specific people who had experience with Russia. Some who were on the FBI radar for years prior to Trump hiring them. Flynn admitted to lying. He met with the Russians and then tried to deny it. Now he just wants to get no jail time. That is what makes american great. The ability to manipulate the justice system by people in power who are far more interested in self fulfilling motives than seeking justice as justice is in the eye of the beholder. So much for a blind justice system in which America was founded. Rich, poor, average joe, president are all equal under the justice system. Yet trump want to manipulate it for political purposes. He has yet to acknowledge Russian interference and sought an alternative argument about Ukraine interference. Yes Trump, just click you heels and you will go home but will look stupid clinking your heels. Trump actions will be written by history and it's road will be bumpy.

Committee findings

) FINDINGS U The Russian govemment directed extensive activity, beginning in at least 2014 and carrying into at least 2017, against U.S. election infrastructure' at the state and local level
That's all a non sequitur. The issue isn't whether Russia was trying to influence our election. The issue is whether the Trump administration conspired with them to do, and there isn't a shred of evidence to support that.

A fact supported by - every single person that testified.
They supported a non sequitur? Good for them.

I will say that about 60% of the time you don't understand my posts - at all.

Which is a bit of a shame actually.
I understand your moronic posts perfectly.

Really - You say this-
The issue is whether the Trump administration conspired with them to do, and there isn't a shred of evidence to support that.

I say to this buttress your point -
A fact supported by - every single person that testified.

And you think i have a moronic post.
Care to quote any of them saying that? All their testimony is available online.

I surrender
We have a Bill of Rights to protect us from what liberal govt would do to us. One of those things is spy on us.
It is now clear that Obama was using our spy agencies to spy on his political adversaries, namely, General Flynn. Clearly this is against the law and basic American principles and should result in criminal penalties against those most responsible. Not only were they spying on political adversaries but they were leaking what they learned to the press, which is another crime, in hope of gaining political advantage.

The FBI was surveilling Russians, such as Kislyak.
Whoever these russians are communicating with are also surveilled as an unavoidable spurious consequence. But if they are US citizens, its important.

Duddly Do Wrong, you are NOT paying attention. If you do not believe me, look it up yourself---------------->

The 1st time Flynn was requested to be unmasked was AFTER the January 5th Oval Office meeting. Testimony from your peeps insist that they got the phone call transcript in late December in which Flynn was unmasked, then fed it to the media the day AFTER the Jan 5th meeting.

Please explain how that can be?

You can NOT be unmasked without a request to be unmasked from those who have that power, and yet, Flynn was to everyone, including the media, BEFORE a request was ever put in!

Check the timeline on when the requests were entered, and you will find no such request was asked for before it was even given to the media.
Flynn lied about being a foreign agent and traitor. He took $500k from Turkey to kidnap a cleric.
Unmasking is just a distraction from that.
We have a Bill of Rights to protect us from what liberal govt would do to us. One of those things is spy on us.
It is now clear that Obama was using our spy agencies to spy on his political adversaries, namely, General Flynn. Clearly this is against the law and basic American principles and should result in criminal penalties against those most responsible. Not only were they spying on political adversaries but they were leaking what they learned to the press, which is another crime, in hope of gaining political advantage.
Explaining To Liberals What Obamagate is:
Like trying to make an argument about why you believe Santa is real to other adults.
We have a Bill of Rights to protect us from what liberal govt would do to us. One of those things is spy on us.
It is now clear that Obama was using our spy agencies to spy on his political adversaries, namely, General Flynn. Clearly this is against the law and basic American principles and should result in criminal penalties against those most responsible. Not only were they spying on political adversaries but they were leaking what they learned to the press, which is another crime, in hope of gaining political advantage.
These liberals pretend the Deep State isn't real. Reasoning with them is out of the question. How can they not see the Deep State for what it really is?
We have a Bill of Rights to protect us from what liberal govt would do to us. One of those things is spy on us.
It is now clear that Obama was using our spy agencies to spy on his political adversaries, namely, General Flynn. Clearly this is against the law and basic American principles and should result in criminal penalties against those most responsible. Not only were they spying on political adversaries but they were leaking what they learned to the press, which is another crime, in hope of gaining political advantage.
These liberals pretend the Deep State isn't real. Reasoning with them is out of the question. How can they not see the Deep State for what it really is?

Is it weird that they see them during the Republican presidencies?-

The Deep State (by some name) facilitated flying planes into the World Trade Center
Blew Up stuff and blamed it on Muslims
Ran Iran Contra

Stuff like that
Then they believed.
The libs know exactly what Obamagate is....but they are too dishonest to admit it....
No, no we don't know. It's just as ambiguous as the Q-Tard-pizzagate dogma. One must be inculcated by RW media over a period of time to have any understanding. Even then, one still has to have the requisite faith to fill the obvious gaps in logic.
We have a Bill of Rights to protect us from what liberal govt would do to us. One of those things is spy on us.
It is now clear that Obama was using our spy agencies to spy on his political adversaries, namely, General Flynn. Clearly this is against the law and basic American principles and should result in criminal penalties against those most responsible. Not only were they spying on political adversaries but they were leaking what they learned to the press, which is another crime, in hope of gaining political advantage.
These liberals pretend the Deep State isn't real. Reasoning with them is out of the question. How can they not see the Deep State for what it really is?
How can they not see the Deep State for what it really is?
That's just it. We do. :cuckoo:
You don't get to investigate people purely on a whim. You have to have some evidence to support your suspicions, and the Dims running intelligence under Obama had none about Flynn. They even admitted it when they testified before the House Intelligence committee.

Fundamentally, you're a Stalinist who supports the police state. You just supported indiscriminate spying.

You're scum.
Remember the Flynn investigation started as a National Security investigation, Because a routine FISA wiretap of the Russian ambassador, revealed an american was negotiating with Russia about the Obama sanctions. As this was a violation of the Logan act, they needed to "unmask" the perpetrators name.
We have a Bill of Rights to protect us from what liberal govt would do to us. One of those things is spy on us.
It is now clear that Obama was using our spy agencies to spy on his political adversaries, namely, General Flynn. Clearly this is against the law and basic American principles and should result in criminal penalties against those most responsible. Not only were they spying on political adversaries but they were leaking what they learned to the press, which is another crime, in hope of gaining political advantage.
These liberals pretend the Deep State isn't real. Reasoning with them is out of the question. How can they not see the Deep State for what it really is?
You don't get to investigate people purely on a whim. You have to have some evidence to support your suspicions, and the Dims running intelligence under Obama had none about Flynn. They even admitted it when they testified before the House Intelligence committee.

Fundamentally, you're a Stalinist who supports the police state. You just supported indiscriminate spying.

You're scum.
Remember the Flynn investigation started as a National Security investigation, Because a routine FISA wiretap of the Russian ambassador, revealed an american was negotiating with Russia about the Obama sanctions. As this was a violation of the Logan act, they needed to "unmask" the perpetrators name.
No one has ever been convicted of violating the Logan act, moron, and it's probably not even constitutional. Flynn wasn't negotiating anything. He was just informing the ambassador of what Trump's policy on the sanctions would be.

There was no justification for unmasking anyone, you Stalinist douchebag.

You don't need a FISA warrant to wire tap foreigners. You need it to wiretap Americans. The FISA warrant in question was obtained illegally.

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