explosion at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Europe is done They'll hold hands, light candles & march for peace But they won't get angry & deal with their Muslim problem They're done

Of course, politicians will march (read photo op) on streets holding hands, with streets cleared of everyone within 5 block radius, like they did on Charlie Hebdo march. "We stand together, we are not afraid, we're Charlie, refugee's welcome."


were the blocked by the scum praying in the streets?
I hear they are confirming a suicide bomber

And I wonder who would strap on explosives? Hindu's?

Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion? Hm?

"Dafuck does "strapping on explosives" have to do with religion?"

Let's think shall we.

Do Christians blow themselves up? No.

Do Jews blow themselves up? No.

Do Hindu's blow themselves up? No.

Do Muslims blow themselves up? YES.

Yeah actually they all do. See my note in the last post about the IRA.

And btw it's "Hindus". Never use an apostrophe to form a plural in English. Literally never.

Just tell me this ---
Where is there any evidence a religion did this bombing? Any religion at all?

See what I mean?

Y'all need to pull your heads out of your emotions and engage the other side of the brain.

Lol ! Of course you would bring up the IRA ! LMAO, you guys are all the same!

Of course I would. They were the first terrorists I had to look over my shoulder for. And as already noted --- nobody brought up "Christianism" as a causation when they were bombing. Just as nobody brings it up when Eric Rudolph and Tim McVeigh were doing their thing. Just as nobody brings it up when the Klan was bombing little girls in church. Because none of them equate to "Christianity". They just CLAIMED to be operating on its behalf. Same thing here.

Who the fuck is "you guys"? I looked around, there's but one person at this computer.
I would bet my last dollar, this person (s), all home grown, born there and with the Brexit tone, rednecks hating, somebody had just had enough
I have the solution:

Nuke Mecca and demolish the dome of the rock.

Dafuk does "Mecca" have to do with this?

Nobody can answer that.

Was anyone calling for "nuke the Vatican" after the Atlanta Olympics bombing?
Whelp ---- same thing.

God what a fucking idiot.

Was the Vatican, or any fundamentalist Catholics calling for the destruction around the world of westerners?

Nope, not that I know of.
That's kind of the point.
I would bet my last dollar, this person (s), all home grown, born there and with the Brexit tone, rednecks hating, somebody had just had enough

Well cough up the money, nigga. He was a Syrian refugee working for ISIS. He could give a rats ass about Brexit.

Again, he proboally got sick and tired of the hate coming from you rednecks....and if you were on fire, I'd roast a hot dog off your face
I have the solution:

Nuke Mecca and demolish the dome of the rock.

Dafuk does "Mecca" have to do with this?

Nobody can answer that.

Was anyone calling for "nuke the Vatican" after the Atlanta Olympics bombing?
Whelp ---- same thing.

God what a fucking idiot.

Was the Vatican, or any fundamentalist Catholics calling for the destruction around the world of westerners?

Nope, not that I know of.
That's kind of the point.

However, Islam is calling for "Kill all the Kafir"

Nuke Mecca and kill anyone upset about it, problem solved.
This is interesting. And his family had returned to Libya after Gaddafi's fall.
From the telegraph-

The Manchester Arena suicide bomber had made trips to Libya, Downing Street said last night, as intelligence agencies combed his connections with al-Qaeda and Islamic State in his parents’ homeland.

Salman Abedi, 22, who was reportedly known to the security services, is thought to have returned from Libya as recently as this week.

A school friend told The Times: "He went to Libya three weeks ago and came back recently, like days ago."

He had become radicalised recently - it is not entirely clear when - and had worshipped at a local mosque that has, in the past, been accused of fund-raising for jihadists...

Abedi went to school locally and then on to Salford University in 2014 where he studied business management before dropping out. His trips to Libya, where it is thought his parents returned in 2011 following Gaddafi’s overthrow, are now subject to scrutiny including links to jihadists.

A group of Gaddafi dissidents, who were members of the outlawed Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), lived within close proximity to Abedi in Whalley Range.

Among them was Abd al-Baset Azzouz, a father-of-four from Manchester, who left Britain to run a terrorist network in Libya overseen by Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s successor as leader of al-Qaeda.

Azzouz, 48, an expert bomb-maker, was accused of running an al-Qaeda network in eastern Libya. The Telegraph reported in 2014 that Azzouz had 200 to 300 militants under his control and was an expert in bomb-making.

Another member of the Libyan community in Manchester, Salah Aboaoba told Channel 4 news in 2011 that he had been fund raising for LIFG while in the city. Aboaoba had claimed he had raised funds at Didsbury mosque, the same mosque attended by Abedi. The mosque at the time vehemently denied the claim. “This is the first time I’ve heard of the LIFG. I do not know Salah,” a mosque spokesman said at the time.
Last edited:
From the same article, makes you wonder-

Lina Ahmed, 21, said: “They are a Libyan family and they have been acting strangely. A couple of months ago he [Salman] was chanting the first kalma [Islamic prayer] really loudly in the street. He was chanting in Arabic.

“He was saying ‘There is only one God and the prophet Mohammed is his messenger’.’

A family friend, who described the Abedis as “very religious”, said most of the family had returned to Libya, leaving only Salman and his older brother Ismail behind.

“They have not been there for quite a while. Different people come and go,” said Alan Kinsey, 52, a car-delivery driver who lives across the street. Mr Kinsey’s wife, Frances, 48, a care worker, said she believed that the parents had left before Christmas and just one or two young men had been living in the property.
I would bet my last dollar, this person (s), all home grown, born there and with the Brexit tone, rednecks hating, somebody had just had enough

Just like you bet last time when you claimed you'd leave USMB if the terrorist turned out to be a Muslim.
Well it obviously turned out to be a Muslim, and yet here you are.
From the same article, makes you wonder-

Lina Ahmed, 21, said: “They are a Libyan family and they have been acting strangely. A couple of months ago he [Salman] was chanting the first kalma [Islamic prayer] really loudly in the street. He was chanting in Arabic.

“He was saying ‘There is only one God and the prophet Mohammed is his messenger’.’

A family friend, who described the Abedis as “very religious”, said most of the family had returned to Libya, leaving only Salman and his older brother Ismail behind.

“They have not been there for quite a while. Different people come and go,” said Alan Kinsey, 52, a car-delivery driver who lives across the street. Mr Kinsey’s wife, Frances, 48, a care worker, said she believed that the parents had left before Christmas and just one or two young men had been living in the property.

Don't tell Pogo, they were very religious. He claims the attack has nothing to do with religion.
I wouldn't want you to burst his illusion.
They said he was a "Known Wolf." Yet "THEY" did nothing about his, so 22 young people were murdered in cold blood by life's LOSERS
Doing some reading, seems they don't think he is a lone wolf. They've raised the threat level to critical from severe and deployed 5000 soldiers to the streets-

What is Operation Temperer: Theresa May becomes first PM to deploy up to 5,000 soldiers on streets
What is Operation Temperer: Theresa May becomes first PM to deploy up to 5,000 soldiers on streets

They said he was a "Known Wolf." Yet "THEY" did nothing about his, so 22 young people were murdered in cold blood by life's LOSERS
I would bet my last dollar, this person (s), all home grown, born there and with the Brexit tone, rednecks hating, somebody had just had enough

Well cough up the money, nigga. He was a Syrian refugee working for ISIS. He could give a rats ass about Brexit.

Again, he proboally got sick and tired of the hate coming from you rednecks....and if you were on fire, I'd roast a hot dog off your face

He was an operative, he came with orders from the terrorist group Al Qaeda. Hate is their religion. The reason they continue to attack, they have a warped sense of thinking and are pure evil. Nothing religious about them, they are hate, pure and simple. They took innocent young lives in the name of a God, they do not worship a real God, they worship hate.

So you are wrong as usual, too bad you bet your last dollar.
Doing some reading, seems they don't think he is a lone wolf. They've raised the threat level to critical from severe and deployed 5000 soldiers to the streets-

What is Operation Temperer: Theresa May becomes first PM to deploy up to 5,000 soldiers on streets
What is Operation Temperer: Theresa May becomes first PM to deploy up to 5,000 soldiers on streets

They said he was a "Known Wolf." Yet "THEY" did nothing about his, so 22 young people were murdered in cold blood by life's LOSERS

Barn door, horse, yada yada.
WTF are you blabbering about? Blasphemy? Muslims are literally blowing kids up and you're here whining about Judaism and Christianity and claiming everyone else is just as bad.

You're obviously one of the ones that wants to just keep your head firmly planted in the ground.


The non ignorant and the awake among us know where this is heading with our peoples ie. The Christian West vs Islam, where it headed in previous times, history is on course to repeat itself.


Pope Urban II preached The First Crusade (1095-1099) at The Council of Clermont on November 27th 1095, which was the official starting point of The First Crusade, Pope Urban II at the end of his speech told those gathered "Deus vult" (God Wills it)

The most famous illustration of Pope Urban II preaching The First Crusade at The Council of Clermont, is the illustration by Jean Colombe * which appears in Sébastien Mamerot's "Les Passages D'Outremer: A Chronicle of the Crusades" (1495)

Jean Colombe was a French Miniaturist and illuminator of manuscripts, he's more famously known for his work in The Limbourg Brothers "Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry" (1412-1416) which itself has a fascinating and dramatic history:

Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry - Wikipedia

Here is the Jean Colombe illustration from Sébastien Mamerot's crusader chronicle, it's a spectacularly vulgar work from an aesthetic perspective.


So the sooner the better, lets get this show on the road.

Of course The Anti Pope that Heretic Francis must fuck off back to Hell and then we can have a Christian Pope who doesn't suck the dick of Islam and then it'll be time for the show to begin, the final one this time, Number Ten:


This is the product of a crazed mind. Do you keep this stuff ready waiting for a tragedy to happen ?

Well, look who is here to defend Islam...Tommy-girl.

Did y'all go to Retard School together or what? Tommy said nothing about Islam either.

Are you just illiterate?

Tommy-girl is one of the board's biggest Muslim apologists. It's his only purpose in life, other than cross-dressing. He is only here to deflect and defend Islam.

It says a lot about your "argument" when every time you simply go attacking people with "Muslim apologist". You don't have anything, just attacks and insults.
I'd still like to know how someone they apparently have been keeping an eye on managed to get explosives right up to the entrance of an event with thousands inside.
Sounds to me like the Brits need to rethink their security measures.
Of course these are the same dumbasses that let these people into the general population in the first place.

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