Extreme Risk Protection Orders, AKA ERPO. Pushed by President Trump, March 2018. What happened?


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Apr 15, 2016
Extreme Risk Protection Orders, AKA ERPO. Pushed by President Trump, March 2018. What happened?

President Trump’s Administration is calling on every State to adopt Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs).
  • The President is directing the Department of Justice to provide technical assistance to States, at their request, on establishing and implementing ERPOs.
  • ERPOs allow law enforcement, with approval from a court, to remove firearms from individuals who are a demonstrated threat to themselves or others and temporarily to prevent individuals from purchasing new firearms.
  • ERPOs should be carefully tailored to ensure the due process rights of law-abiding citizens are protected.
President Donald J. Trump is Taking Immediate Actions to Secure Our Schools | The White House
Extreme Risk Protection Orders, AKA ERPO. Pushed by President Trump, March 2018. What happened?

President Trump’s Administration is calling on every State to adopt Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs).
  • The President is directing the Department of Justice to provide technical assistance to States, at their request, on establishing and implementing ERPOs.
  • ERPOs allow law enforcement, with approval from a court, to remove firearms from individuals who are a demonstrated threat to themselves or others and temporarily to prevent individuals from purchasing new firearms.
  • ERPOs should be carefully tailored to ensure the due process rights of law-abiding citizens are protected.
President Donald J. Trump is Taking Immediate Actions to Secure Our Schools | The White House
The same thing that always happen Liberals don't want shootings to stop they want them to happen so they can inflame people into outlawing firearms, same reason liberal jobs give firearms crimes low sentences or prosecutors drop the charges. The idea is not to prevent shootings it is to encourage them so enough people will demand all firearms be removed from law abiding citizens like in England and Australia. The Liberals know they ca not pass or enforce the edicts they plan if we the people can resist.
Don't outlaw assault weapons, just restrict their owners to using and storing them at a licensed range. No exceptions
Don't outlaw assault weapons, just restrict their owners to using and storing them at a licensed range. No exceptions

What would that accomplish?

What is the difference between these two rifles? Which one should be banned?


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