Extremism From The Pro-Abortion Crowd

A federal abortion ban doesn't have the supported needed, and in any event could be overturned via Dobbs, which specifically overturned Roe and said it's the State's problem, not the feds,
Thats not the point is it? The rhetoric that repubs want the states to have power was the point. That is obviously not true. Well, its not true when it is convenient.
I was listening to the radio on my drive to work and a story came on about abortion bans.

The story was about five minutes long, and not once was contraception mentioned. But they did mention that women are being “forced into pregnancy” and that pro-lifers were “criminalizing pregnancy”.

Those are direct quotes. I kid you not.

How, exactly, is the Right forcing women into pregnancy?

You see, boys and girls, not long after primitives discovered fire, they also discovered there was a very strong correlation between sexual intercourse and pregnancy.

Now, there wasn’t much they could do about that back then. And thank goodness or we would not be here today.

However, in these modern times there are a wide variety of means to prevent pregnancy and still enjoy the pleasures of hot sex.

Since the radio reporter was obviously speaking to a wide audience of ignorant people, I though maybe I should describe some of these methods.

Abstinence? No, I’m not so stupid as to believe anyone will practice abstinence and I don’t expect them to. So don’t worry about that.

  • The Pill. This is the most popular form of contraception and it is very effective. I highly recommend it.
  • Hormonal implants. Depo-Provera, Sayana Press or Noristera. This is an actual injection which lasts for several months. You don’t have to worry about remembering to take a pill every day. Is that awesome, or what? This is the method used by my daughters.
  • IUD. An IUD releases copper into the woman and alters the cervical mucus, making it harder for a sperm to reach the egg.
  • Tubal ligation. Getting your “tubes tied”. This is pretty much a permanent option. In some cases it can be reversed. But this prevents the egg from reaching the womb. Many women who have had children and don’t want any more use this method. My wife is one.
  • Vasectomy. This is male birth control. No sperm in the semen as it leaves the body. This is permanent, but can be reversed in some cases.
  • Diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge. These are items put into action just prior to sex.
  • Condom. Male birth control which the man dons just prior to sex.
  • Rhythm method. I do NOT recommend this at all.
Obviously, some methods are more effective than others.

Now you might be thinking I am being facetious. I assure you I am not. It is a fact that half of all abortions are the result of no birth control of any kind being used during sexual intercourse.

So, please. Women are being “forced into pregnancy”? Give me a fricking break!

Another fifth of abortions are due to the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

As we used to say in the military, “Wrap that rascal!”

The pro-abortion lobby is hyperbolizing the living daylights out of the abortion issue. They are manufacturing bullshit, and using extremist language to frighten and anger the rubes.

If they really cared about women, they would be hyping the daylights out of contraception, and should have been doing so for the past 50 years.

They are incredibly irresponsible and keeping their constituents in everlasting ignorance for political gain.

They particularly Prog women are promoted as extremely strong and intelligent. Never ending promotions. Yelling and screaming in people's faces for the most mundane reasons. Threatening and empowered to destroy others and using violence also. But somehow, they are just too stupid to not get pregnant in this evolved age of the superior woman. So, this is what we are told every day of every week of every year. Issues like this means they can break fast when pain and death is applied to them. The rest of society suffers because of this.
Wrong again.

The amendment would have made the bill similar to Senate Bill 342 by Sen. Katrina Jackson, D-Monroe, which is still live in the session.

The amendment approved by the House removed portions of McCormick’s bill that criminalized women who receive abortions. It also clarified that the bill would not have applied to ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages or contraceptives that take affect prior to when a pregnancy can be detected.
Wrong again. Thats a different bill :lol:
Good gawd what a thread fail :rofl:
Wrong again. Thats a different bill :lol:
Good gawd what a thread fail :rofl:
It's the House version of the Senate bill you linked, dumbass. Don't you know how the legislative process works?

And what does the link say?

"The amendment would have made the bill similar to Senate Bill 342".

Senate Bill 342 is the one you linked.

So now BOTH the Senate Bill and the House Bill are written so they do not apply "to ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages or contraceptives that take affect prior to when a pregnancy can be detected."

Which is why you have been unable to quote the part of the Senate bill which bans IUDs.
Thats not the point is it? The rhetoric that repubs want the states to have power was the point. That is obviously not true. Well, its not true when it is convenient.

The hardcore ones want a federal ban, but there aren't enough of them to get it.

That's the point. If they go for a federal ban they lose people like me who just hated Roe.
The hardcore ones want a federal ban, but there aren't enough of them to get it.

That's the point. If they go for a federal ban they lose people like me who just hated Roe.
Just like with the Obamacare repeal and replace hoax, there will be Republicans who campaign with promises to enact a federal ban on abortion.

And it will be a willful hoax.
Just like with the Obamacare repeal and replace hoax, there will be Republicans who campaign with promises to enact a federal ban on abortion.

And it will be a willful hoax.

If they vote for it, is it a hoax if they can't get enough other people to vote for it?

Talking at the senator/congresscritter level.
If they vote for it, is it a hoax if they can't get enough other people to vote for it?

Talking at the senator/congresscritter level.
Remember when the Republicans voted for more than 60 repeals of Obamacare?

That's because they knew Obama would veto any repeal that came to his desk.

It was pure theater for the rubes.

Yet when Trump was president, and the Republicans owned both houses of Congress, the repeals magically dried up!

The House passed ONE single PARTIAL repeal of Obamacare while Trump was president. In the Senate, McCain called them on their bullshit since it was not a full repeal, much less the replacement they had promised for over seven years.

That's how you know it was a hoax all along.

Yet the rubes have STILL not caught on.
Just like with the Obamacare repeal and replace hoax, there will be Republicans who campaign with promises to enact a federal ban on abortion.

And it will be a willful hoax.

Plenty of people will vote for that, just like you vote for a party that advocates abortion on demand, right up until birth (and even a little after, if the baby is "comfortable").
Remember when the Republicans voted for more than 60 repeals of Obamacare?

That's because they knew Obama would veto any repeal that came to his desk.

It was pure theater for the rubes.

Yet when Trump was president, and the Republicans owned both houses of Congress, the repeals magically dried up!

The House passed ONE single PARTIAL repeal of Obamacare while Trump was president. In the Senate, McCain called them on their bullshit since it was not a full repeal, much less the replacement they had promised for over seven years.

That's how you know it was a hoax all along.

Yet the rubes have STILL not caught on.

Well now we've found Republicans that put their money where their mouth is, and you detest the guy who started the trend.
Please, for the love of all that's holy, tell me you're not so ignorant that you would try to successfully argue this on the basis of one person's insanity...

It's not just one person, and it's the reason they dropped "and rare" from "safe, legal, and rare"

The NYC billboards use the term "safe, legal, accessible, always".
It's not just one person, and it's the reason they dropped "and rare" from "safe, legal, and rare"

The NYC billboards use the term "safe, legal, accessible, always".

It's also the reason death-cultists like Elizabeth Warren and Gretchen Whitmer are viciously going after pregnancy centers that help women get through pregnancy and birth.
It's the House version of the Senate bill you linked, dumbass. Don't you know how the legislative process works?

And what does the link say?

"The amendment would have made the bill similar to Senate Bill 342".

Senate Bill 342 is the one you linked.

So now BOTH the Senate Bill and the House Bill are written so they do not apply "to ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages or contraceptives that take affect prior to when a pregnancy can be detected."

Which is why you have been unable to quote the part of the Senate bill which bans IUDs.
(1)(a) "Abortion" or "induced abortion" means the performance of any 26 act with the intent to terminate a clinically diagnosable pregnancy with 27 knowledge that the termination by those means will, with reasonable likelihood, 28 cause the death of the unborn child by one or more of the following means: 29 (i) Administering, prescribing, or providing any abortion-inducing drug, 30 potion, medicine, or any other substance, device, or means to a pregnant female.

(1) Except in the case of a medical emergency or when a pregnancy is 5 diagnosed as medically futile, no abortion shall be performed or induced

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