EZ solution to border problem....ANNEX MEXICO!

That would give the Hispanics 19 new States if we keep the Mexican States and don't break them up further. It would add 100 million Latino's to the citizenship rolls

Corruption and graft and drug cartels overrun Mexico. We would have to deploy the Army to crush the cartels and we would have to assign US Marshals and Prosecutors to those States.

I have thought about this. If we annex them we make all 19 States Territories. They can only become States if the people of the Territory vote for it and if the corruption and drug cartels are already handled. As a Territory Washington Assigns Governors and all Territorial Executive and Judicial. The military can be used inside a territory in ways it can not be used inside a State.

Of course this would require that Mexico actually ASK us to annex them, and they have no intention of doing that.
As if we don't already have enough unemployed/unemployable, uneducated/ineducable criminals and welfare cases.
As if we don't already have enough unemployed/unemployable, uneducated/ineducable criminals and welfare cases.

20 Million Illegal Mexicans have over run our borders with no end in sight. Mexico doesn't want to fix their problem, we will if they let us.
As if we don't already have enough unemployed/unemployable, uneducated/ineducable criminals and welfare cases.

20 Million Illegal Mexicans have over run our borders with no end in sight. Mexico doesn't want to fix their problem, we will if they let us.

I see your point.
The thing is so many people use the excuse that they are such good workers and they're only trying to make a better life for themselves, etc...etc..

Well, if they're such good workers and want a better life they should have no problem staying in mexico and fixing their own hellhole of a country.
Of course this would require that Mexico actually ASK us to annex them, and they have no intention of doing that.

I agree with most of what you said except this part....Why ask Mexico? There government is a joke propped up by drug cartels that is ALREADY invading the USA...yes, that is right the govt. of Mexico actively encourages it's citizens to invade our country so if they can invade us them FUCK THEM!

Besides annexing Mexico is basically a win win for everyone except the drug cartels bc Mexico has the 3rd largest source of oil in the world, they would get better schools/roads,etc.

If we don't annex Mexico then we should build a VIRTUAL FENCE consisting of videocameras and motion detectors combined with.....
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If a proposed merger of Mexico and the USA was put out to a reformendum vote of both the UC citizxens and Mexicans, I doubt that either nation's population would vote for it.

I suspect that even most Mexican illegals who come here to find work are actually much interested in giving up their Mexican culture or citizenship.
If a proposed merger of Mexico and the USA was put out to a reformendum vote of both the UC citizxens and Mexicans, I doubt that either nation's population would vote for it.

I suspect that even most Mexican illegals who come here to find work are actually much interested in giving up their Mexican culture or citizenship.

this is NOT about what is 'popular'! it is about teh simple fact that MEXICO IS INVADING THE USA SO FUCK THEM!
If a proposed merger of Mexico and the USA was put out to a reformendum vote of both the UC citizxens and Mexicans, I doubt that either nation's population would vote for it.

I suspect that even most Mexican illegals who come here to find work are actually much interested in giving up their Mexican culture or citizenship.

this is NOT about what is 'popular'! it is about teh simple fact that MEXICO IS INVADING THE USA SO FUCK THEM!

So the fact that both peoples in both nations would be against such a proposal isn't relevant to the discussion?

Excuse me for interferring with your rant, then, Ben.

I was under the impression that you were trying to seriously propose such a merger.

Now that I know your post is merely idle speculation, I'll stop pestering you with reality based comments.
If a proposed merger of Mexico and the USA was put out to a reformendum vote of both the UC citizxens and Mexicans, I doubt that either nation's population would vote for it.

I suspect that even most Mexican illegals who come here to find work are actually much interested in giving up their Mexican culture or citizenship.

Did you mean 'not' rather than 'much'? That's the reality. The illegals who come here do not want to integrate with American society, and seek to build "little Mexico's" instead.

Annexing Mexico by the US is not only a bad idea, it will never happen. In fact, Mexico would like nothing better than to annex parts of the Southern United States. (They're already doing this in case people haven't noticed.)
This would be catastrophic to the USA. You annex a country that is in the pits of misery, lawlessness and poverty, and you will open a pandora's box of which you have never seen!!! Chaos would reign supreme.
The easy solution is to enforce the current immigration laws on the books. If necessary put troops on the border and shut the border down. Then give the 20 million or more that are here 90 days to come forward and declare themselves for the purpose of starting the process of becoming legal. They need to get in the system and pay taxes. Many now get paid cash under the table.

If they do not do not come forward and declare themselves then they get deported. Ike in the 1950's instituted "Operation Wetback" and rounded up 2 million and deported them. ( Being politically correct in the 1950's was not even invented yet) Another "Operation Wetback" needs to commence for the ones that do not come forward.

Give the illegals here a chance to come forward and start the process of becoming a citizen and legal. For the ones that do not and that will probably be the majority then they got no one to blame but themselves when they get deported.
The easy solution is to enforce the current immigration laws on the books. If necessary put troops on the border and shut the border down. Then give the 20 million or more that are here 90 days to come forward and declare themselves for the purpose of starting the process of becoming legal. They need to get in the system and pay taxes. Many now get paid cash under the table.

If they do not do not come forward and declare themselves then they get deported. Ike in the 1950's instituted "Operation Wetback" and rounded up 2 million and deported them. ( Being politically correct in the 1950's was not even invented yet) Another "Operation Wetback" needs to commence for the ones that do not come forward.

Give the illegals here a chance to come forward and start the process of becoming a citizen and legal. For the ones that do not and that will probably be the majority then they got no one to blame but themselves when they get deported.
I agree with you on everything except giving the ones here who come forward citizenship. Send them back and make them apply legally.
No! the mexicans are very hard workers. they do the work that americans don't do. If we annex Mexico they'll end up like the puerto ricans. most of the puerto ricans that come to the mainland end up on welfare. most of them speak poor or no english even tho puerto rico is a commonwealth of this country.
The easy solution is to enforce the current immigration laws on the books. If necessary put troops on the border and shut the border down. Then give the 20 million or more that are here 90 days to come forward and declare themselves for the purpose of starting the process of becoming legal. They need to get in the system and pay taxes. Many now get paid cash under the table.

If they do not do not come forward and declare themselves then they get deported. Ike in the 1950's instituted "Operation Wetback" and rounded up 2 million and deported them. ( Being politically correct in the 1950's was not even invented yet) Another "Operation Wetback" needs to commence for the ones that do not come forward.

Give the illegals here a chance to come forward and start the process of becoming a citizen and legal. For the ones that do not and that will probably be the majority then they got no one to blame but themselves when they get deported.
I agree with you on everything except giving the ones here who come forward citizenship. Send them back and make them apply legally.

Too many are here to do that. 70% will not come forward though so you will be rounding up 10 to 15 million for deportation anyway. 70% of the illegals have no desire to become legal.
Why would they want to become legal???? They have most bleeding hearts fighting for their cause......whatever that is - at the expense of the american taxpayer.
If a proposed merger of Mexico and the USA was put out to a reformendum vote of both the UC citizxens and Mexicans, I doubt that either nation's population would vote for it.

I suspect that even most Mexican illegals who come here to find work are actually much interested in giving up their Mexican culture or citizenship.

Did you mean 'not' rather than 'much'? That's the reality. The illegals who come here do not want to integrate with American society, and seek to build "little Mexico's" instead.

Annexing Mexico by the US is not only a bad idea, it will never happen. In fact, Mexico would like nothing better than to annex parts of the Southern United States. (They're already doing this in case people haven't noticed.)
Annexing Mexico will never happen? Really? I was under the impression that we had already taken more than 50% of their original territory with the Texan Revolution and the Mexican-American War?

The US currently possesses large amounts of Economic Interests in Mexico. In Mexico the cartels are the government. They have money and they usually help their fellow villagers. What does the government do? NOTHING. At one point Mexico's government will be toppled and the only obvious choice to restore order would be the US. During this time the question will arise to whether the Mexicans can even govern themselves and the legislation to annex Mexico will be brought forth to congress and approved.

No! the mexicans are very hard workers. they do the work that americans don't do. If we annex Mexico they'll end up like the puerto ricans. most of the puerto ricans that come to the mainland end up on welfare. most of them speak poor or no english even tho puerto rico is a commonwealth of this country.
Last I checked English is not the official language of the United States.
The easy solution is to enforce the current immigration laws on the books. If necessary put troops on the border and shut the border down. Then give the 20 million or more that are here 90 days to come forward and declare themselves for the purpose of starting the process of becoming legal. They need to get in the system and pay taxes. Many now get paid cash under the table.

If they do not do not come forward and declare themselves then they get deported. Ike in the 1950's instituted "Operation Wetback" and rounded up 2 million and deported them. ( Being politically correct in the 1950's was not even invented yet) Another "Operation Wetback" needs to commence for the ones that do not come forward.

Give the illegals here a chance to come forward and start the process of becoming a citizen and legal. For the ones that do not and that will probably be the majority then they got no one to blame but themselves when they get deported.
I agree with you on everything except giving the ones here who come forward citizenship. Send them back and make them apply legally.

Too many are here to do that. 70% will not come forward though so you will be rounding up 10 to 15 million for deportation anyway. 70% of the illegals have no desire to become legal.

They WILL go home, however, if we refuse them all but the most basic emergency services (immediate food, shelter, emergency medical care) and deport them--make them ineligible for anything else. They WILL go home if they are unable to work here or access social services. And more especially, the gainfully employed will be happy to go home if we'll have a provision on the books where they can apply for a green card to come back to a waiting job. And IF they do that, they can get in line with everybody else to apply for citizenship.

Green cards and citizenship applications must be submitted for all adults who, if approved, can bring in minor children up to Age 18, but their spouses, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and shirttail relative will have to apply and be approved on their own. It should be a very unusual case that a wife or husband would be approved without his/her spouse, however. We do not want to add to the rolls of single parents in the country.

And it will be incumbant upon the employer to dismiss an employee whose work visa had expired and to inform ICE that the employee was dismissed.

As long as we reward people to break our laws, they have absolutely no incentive not to break them.
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