F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Horse shit.

As much horse shit as your fucking thoughts and prayers
We have more guns than any nation on earth and more gun DEATHS than any nation on earth

There’s your DUH
We are the free-est society, one with 340 million, one with the most dark people….DUH!
“Our Diversity Is Our Strength”…EXCEPT for when it comes to violence, criminality, drug usage, incarcerations, unemployment, welfare and homelessness….. DUH!
Anthony McRae was charged in June 2019 with illegally carrying a concealed handgun without a permit, but later had those charges dismissed by the office of Ingham County prosecutor Carol Siemon (D.). Her office instead let McRae plead guilty to a lesser misdemeanor gun charge, and he served a little more than a year on probation, which ended May 2021. He initially faced up to five years in prison for the felony charge, the Detroit News reported.

Siemon retired from the prosecutor’s office at the start of this year after facing criticism from judges and law enforcement officials for her soft-on-crime policies. The same year that McRae was released, Ingham County sheriff Scott Wriggelsworth pushed East Lansing’s city council "to reconsider her internal felony firearm charging policy," which he said, "does not hold people properly criminally accountable and increases the likelihood of additional gun violence."

Siemon made it her office’s official policy in August 2021 to drop mandatory prison sentences for felony firearms charges. She said the sentencing enhancement led to "dramatic racial inequity" and was "not in any way linked to the goal that we share of keeping the public safe."

MSU shooter prior gun charge

For those who want to complain about "common sense gun laws" not getting passed, how to explain the fact that the legal system had a chance to enforce existing law here but didn't do it. How many other murders do we hear their rap sheet, afterwards, having at least one gun charge that was plead down by a DA office? Doesn't the fact that their charges were dropped to misdemeanors still allow them to LEGALLY buy a firearm? But let's go after gun owners and not say anything about these DAs who are letting criminals go with a slap on the wrist for gun crimes. This soft-on-gun crimes that's happening is not happening because of the NRA and republicans.
What you wrote is complete and utter bullshit.

Trump Emerges as Inspiration for Germany’s Far Right​

Among German conspiracy theorists, ultranationalists and neo-Nazis, the American president is surfacing as a rallying cry, or even as a potential “liberator.”

Do you understand what this means? The Nazi's in Germany and America think Trump is the new Messiah.

It was only the latest evidence that Mr. Trump is emerging as a kind of cult figure in Germany’s increasingly varied far-right scene.

“Trump has become a savior figure, a sort of great redeemer for the German far right,” said Miro Dittrich, an expert on far-right extremism at the Berlin-based Amadeu-Antonio-Foundation.

In a fast-expanding universe of disinformation, that message holds real risks for Western democracies, they say, blurring the lines between real and fake news, allowing far-right groups to extend their reach beyond traditional constituencies and seeding the potential for violent radicalization.

In Germany, as in the United States, Mr. Trump has become an inspiration to these fringe groups. Among them are not only long-established hard-right and neo-Nazi movements, but also now followers of QAnon, the internet conspiracy theory popular among some of Mr. Trump’s supporters in the United States that hails him as a hero and liberator.

Germany’s QAnon community, barely existent when the pandemic first hit in March, may now be the biggest outside the United States along with Britain, analysts who track its most popular online channels say.

Germany is the same country that gave the world two World Wars, the country that gave us Hitler and the Nazis, and that, to this day, continues to try to distance itself from its shameful Nazi past by behaving like modern-day Nazis as far as basic human rights such as the right to freedom of thought and freedom of speech.

It takes a SleazyBozo level of stupid and dishonest to claim that what the Germans do has any bearing on American politics.

Democrats control Michigan for the first time in 40 years. They want gun control​

If RED states want to ban abortion, deny global warming and not pass common sense gun legislation, I guess that's their rights.

Global Warming? you are sucked in so deep your head is now uselsess. nothing but a recorded tape inside spitting out LW commee pablum. Completely gone.

In his Commonplace Book, Jefferson included the following text quoted in Italian, from Cesare Beccaria…

Falsa idea di utilità è quella, che sacrifica mille vantaggi reali, per un inconveniente o immaginario, o di poca conseguenza, che toglierebbe agli uomini il fuoco perchè incendia, e l'acqua perchè annega; che non ripara ai mali, che col distruggere. Le leggi, che proibiscono di portar le armi, sono leggi di tal natura; esse non disarmano che i non inclinati, nè determinati ai delitti, mentre coloro che hanno il coraggio di poter violare le leggi più sacre della umanità è le più importanti del codice, come rispetteranno le minori, e le puramente arbitrarie? Queste peggiorano la condizione degli assaliti migliorando quella degli assalitori, non iscemano gli omicidi, ma gli accrescono, perchè è maggiore la confidenza nell'assalire i disarmati, che gli armati. Queste si chiaman leggi, non preventrici, ma paurose dei delitti, che nascono dalla tumultuosa impressione di alcuni fatti particolari, non dalla ragionata meditazione degl'inconvenienti, ed avvantaggi di un decreto universale.

An English translation of Beccaria's work, roughly contemporary, reads…

A principal source of errors and injustice are false ideas of utility. For example: that legislator has false ideas of utility who considers particular more than general conveniencies [sic], who had rather command the sentiments of mankind than excite them, who dares say to reason,
“Be thou a slave;” who would sacrifice a thousand real advantages to the fear of an imaginary or trifling inconvenience; who would deprive men of the use of fire for fear of their being burnt, and of water for fear of their being drowned; and who knows of no means of preventing evil but by destroying it.

The laws of this nature are those which forbid to wear arms, disarming those only who are not disposed to commit the crime which the laws mean to prevent. Can it be supposed, that those who have the courage to violate the most sacred laws of humanity, and the most important of the code, will respect the less considerable and arbitrary injunctions, the violation of which is so easy, and of so little comparative importance? Does not the execution of this law deprive the subject of that personal liberty, so dear to mankind and to the wise legislator? and does it not subject the innocent to all the disagreeable circumstances that should only fall on the guilty? It certainly makes the situation of the assaulted worse, and of the assailants better, and rather encourages than prevents murder, as it requires less courage to attack unarmed than armed persons.

The English doesn't seem to be an exact translation, but says mostly the same things, with apparently some more thoughts added.

Running the original Italian through Google Translate gets me this:

The false idea of utility is that which sacrifices a thousand real advantages, for an imaginary or minor inconvenience, which would deprive men of fire because it burns, and water because it drowns; which only repairs evils by destroying. The laws which forbid the carrying of arms are laws of this nature; they only disarm those who are not inclined, nor determined to commit crimes, while those who have the courage to be able to violate the most sacred laws of humanity is the most important of the code, how will they respect the minor ones, and the purely arbitrary ones? These worsen the condition of the attacked by improving that of the assailants, they do not decrease the homicides, but increase them, because the confidence in attacking the unarmed is greater than the armed. These are called laws, not preventive, but fearful of crimes, which arise from the tumultuous impression of some particular facts, not from reasoned meditation on the inconveniences and advantages of a universal decree.

This is the sort of rhetoric we are hearing from elected officials these days, much like how Michigan state Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, dropped the F-bomb in a statement about the recent shooting at Michigan State University.

According to democrats, they only want people to take action..........ie.............gun control legislation. God has no place in our lives at all, apparently. Now the Left is your god.

Meanwhile, in Left looneyville, activist Dabid Hogg admits that despite recently passed gun regulations, gun violence has gone up, not down

But that is what the Left does, they assess failure and then double down on it.
I guess we won't see any movement on gun control until the children of the NRA board, or the children of Republican congressmen, or the children of gun makers are killed during a mass shooting.
<125 guns were used to kill someone yesterday.
How many were not?
What a profanely stupid, ignorant question.

15,000 gun homicides every year. Our per capita gun homicide rate far surpasses every other civilized nation.

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