F**** your thoughts and prayers?

This is the sort of rhetoric we are hearing from elected officials these days, much like how Michigan state Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, dropped the F-bomb in a statement about the recent shooting at Michigan State University.

According to democrats, they only want people to take action..........ie.............gun control legislation. God has no place in our lives at all, apparently. Now the Left is your god.

Meanwhile, in Left looneyville, activist Dabid Hogg admits that despite recently passed gun regulations, gun violence has gone up, not down

But that is what the Left does, they assess failure and then double down on it.
/——-/ My THOUGHTS are that the gun grabbers don’t have a PRAYER of disarming Americans.
Or you say, that the only difference is that your Ryder Truck can kill "four times" what a gun can?
The analogy is to show how ridiculous your line of logic is. I have presented you with comparisons that show that automobiles are deadlier and can be more tragic than guns with actual numbers. Yeah, I want to go there. Refute my facts.
absolutely secured at all times
Why can you not see where a stolen car that is used in a fatal crime should hold the exact same penalty. Is it because you own a car but you don't own a gun?
albeit with zero data or investigation by me
I did research showing that automobiles are more deadly both in normal use and in domestic terrorism to refute your contention that guns should be subject to strict liability laws but automobiles should not. You didn't take advantage of them. BTW, did you see the news story tonight regarding the U Haul truck that was used to plow into a crowd of people? Should U Haul be held to strict liability?
One of the most defining differences between firearms and, in this case, the poster Concerned Americans chosen motor vehicle is that......firearms don't possess the utility and applicability to many uses that benefit society.
We don't drive our Glocks down to Walgreens to pick up a prescription, or to drive it to PigglyWiggly, or use the gun to transport the sick. We can take this into sillyland if need be.

Trucks can be used to kill people. So can rocks. Forks. Shoes. Bungee cords.

But what we see time and time again in these shootings at our schools, synagogues, groceries, post offices, etc. is NOT the perp driving his Prius into the classroom, or even his rented Ryder Truck.

No sir, they are taking guns into 'em, because.......well, because of the high lethality, portability, concealability, ease of use.

Guns are different.

Uniquely different. And as such liability mandates must be different for guns than, say, Ryder Trucks.....or Bungee cords.
Whoda thunk it
Some racist thinks guns recognize race.

Seriously, even among the tiny minded, you are one dumbass racist.
hahaha…well there you have it folks…why can’t you take Dadoalex seriously? Because he/she says it is RACIST to point out the facts. It’s racist to point out that dark people, the very people Dems proclaim to cherish above all things are the people making guns do terrible things….it isn’t the guns making dark Democrats do what they do. If Dadoalex really cares to solve the problem why not advocate to keep guns out of the hands of dark Democrats….why fight to take rights from good, real core Americans?
One of the most defining differences between firearms and, in this case, the poster Concerned Americans chosen motor vehicle is that......firearms don't possess the utility and applicability to many uses that benefit society.
We don't drive our Glocks down to Walgreens to pick up a prescription, or to drive it to PigglyWiggly, or use the gun to transport the sick. We can take this into sillyland if need be.

Trucks can be used to kill people. So can rocks. Forks. Shoes. Bungee cords.

But what we see time and time again in these shootings at our schools, synagogues, groceries, post offices, etc. is NOT the perp driving his Prius into the classroom, or even his rented Ryder Truck.

No sir, they are taking guns into 'em, because.......well, because of the high lethality, portability, concealability, ease of use.

Guns are different.

Uniquely different. And as such liability mandates must be different for guns than, say, Ryder Trucks.....or Bungee cords.
Figure out a way, an angle to get guns out of the hands of dark Democrats and your problem is solved.
firearms don't possess the utility and applicability to many uses that benefit society.
relevance to anything. There is no benefit to society to have numerous things. How about stamp collections. Who are you to say what I should have based on societal benefit.
firearms don't possess the utility and applicability to many uses that benefit society.
I can feed myself with a firearm. Also, I think law enforcement would disagree that firearms do not provide utility and uses that benefit society. My personal safety would also be reason.
We can take this into sillyland if need be.
You already have with your unreasoned bias.
Trucks can be used to kill people. So can rocks. Forks. Shoes. Bungee cords.
Exactly my point. How can you single any one out because of an illogical bias.
Prius into the classroom, or even his rented Ryder Truck.
Check out this recent news item--
Uniquely different. And as such liability mandates must be different for guns than, say, Ryder Trucks
And that is why strict liability by your definition will never become law.
There is no benefit to society to have numerous things. Who are you to say what I should have based on societal benefit.
Well, my avatar (and me too) will stick with the suggestion that cars and trucks convey more societal benefits than does anyone's Sig Sauer. But that's just me.

Exactly my point. How can you single any one out because of an illogical bias.
Well, we are singling out firearms because.......well, because firearms are different.
Different than rocks, or scissors, or bungee cords. Or a Prius.

And because firearms are so uniquely different with their inherent lethality, portability, concealability, ease of use, and narrow functionality for society as a whole......well then, we need to treat firearms differently in our liability laws.

Hence "strict liability" where the owner-of-record is on the hook for any harm caused by his firearm.
He gets the good of a firearm, and he owns the bad. Duh!
inherent lethality, portability,
We've already been through this. I have proved that your argument holds no water. As for your personal preferences of deadly items, your preferences are irrelevant.
we need to treat firearms differently in our liability laws.
Ridiculous. Dead is dead. IDC if you die from being run over or being shot you are still dead and someone is owed a pound of flesh--by your reasoning. Regardless of whether they died because of a bullet or your or another person's action while driving your vehicle.
Hence "strict liability" where the owner-of-record is on the hook for any harm caused by his firearm.
Or by his vehicle. I think you are being obtuse in that you cannot grasp the parallels.
He gets the good of a firearm, and he owns the bad. Duh!
By the same token, with a vehicle. You own the same responsibility. Thanks for taking all doubt away that I might have had that you are obtuse.
Oh where of were to those exes get their guns
Oh where do they come from.
That's right you racist bitch they come from you
And your friends in he cult of the gun.

As noted, even among the tiny minded poop throwers you are one dumbass racist chest thumper.

Keep them in prison and it wouldn't matter you, fucking twit.
Horse shit.

As much horse shit as your fucking thoughts and prayers

Then why do cities with all of the laws you want, have gun murder rates so high?

Part of Karl Marx's original communist ideology was to eventually do away with the state. But the problem was this "temporary dictatorship of the proletariat" became permanent by the murderous tyrants that used his ideology.

Democracy is difficult to keep, but without it, we fall towards dictatorships.
It wasn't made permanent by specific tyrangts/ It simply IS permanent. Marx was either the biggest fool who ever lived or a grifter, or both.

His idea of TEMPORARY dictatorship is ludicrous. There has never been nor will ever be dictatorships which simmply whither away when they have accomplished their goal. When you demand a dictatorship which si despotic and uses terror as Marx did, you get that dictatorship until it is overthrown.
Fuck your thoughts and prayers.
While you continue to embrace the murders of 40k people each and every year in worship to your God and it's Church of the NRA I would remind you that in countries around the world with reasonable gun laws the gun murder rate is, relative to the US, negligible.

It ain't god.
It's the guns.

No one ever got shot by a gun that wasn't there.

You're either ignorant or a flat out liar. There are no where near 40k gun murders a year. So shove your commie talking points, the informed know better.

One of the most defining differences between firearms and, in this case, the poster Concerned Americans chosen motor vehicle is that......firearms don't possess the utility and applicability to many uses that benefit society.
We don't drive our Glocks down to Walgreens to pick up a prescription, or to drive it to PigglyWiggly, or use the gun to transport the sick. We can take this into sillyland if need be.

Trucks can be used to kill people. So can rocks. Forks. Shoes. Bungee cords.

But what we see time and time again in these shootings at our schools, synagogues, groceries, post offices, etc. is NOT the perp driving his Prius into the classroom, or even his rented Ryder Truck.

No sir, they are taking guns into 'em, because.......well, because of the high lethality, portability, concealability, ease of use.

Guns are different.

Uniquely different. And as such liability mandates must be different for guns than, say, Ryder Trucks.....or Bungee cords.
Well, I’m off to deliver what America wants, and yes I will be armed…too bad if you don’t like it.

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