F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Are you [Dildoalex] really this stupid…..
the countries of Europe, the ones you worship……murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children….in 6 years….
Gun murder in the entire 246 year history of the U.S?
Your favorite countries are worse than criminals in the U.S. you dumb ass

And an important first step toward that was to disarm those that were eventually to be murdered.
Why should it stop with guns?
If your neighbor borrows your axe or machete to do yard work and kills his wife with it--seems you are complicit, eh?

Well, I am only interested in the 'gun problem'. Not the 'axe problem'.

But most importantly, guns are different.
Their inherent lethality, portability, concealability, ease-of-use, and limited applicability to other uses......makes firearms clearly and starkly unique.

Yes, you can kill with a car. You can have 'mass' killings with a car. But cars have several defining differences. Applicability to numerous other valuable societal functions is only one.

An yes, one can kill with a machete.
But guns are different than axes and machetes. We all know that.

If only.....if only.....Stephen Paddock would have taken 47 machetes up to the 33rd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel.....instead of 47 guns. Maybe the casualty list and funerals would have been reduced. No?
Democrats have repeatedly proven they could not give a damn about ending criminal gun violence / mass shootings, that eliminating Americans' 2nd Amendment right is their goal.

EVERY TIME there is a mass shooting Democrats start screaming about outlawing legally owned weapons, and they hypocritically demand to know what alternative responses there are.

Its not that they don't already know the answer - its they have NO DESIRE to implement them / do what needs to be done.

1. There is almost the equivalent of a mass shooting every weekend in Chicago - has been for a long while; however, they completely ignore this because D-Lightfoot runs Chicago, and 90+% of it is Black-on-Black crime committed with ILLEGALLY-owned weapons.
** Get the f*ing illegal guns off the street, put the gangs / criminals in their places - 'bust their balls'. It is so out of control now that to get it back under control what needs to be done are things like 'Stop & Frisk/Search', raids on known gangs/gang members/ gang hideouts/illegal gun suppliers - be willing to do whatever it takes to take the city back and make it safe again. ZERO TOLERANCE.

2. GET RID OF THE GEORGE SOROS-FUNDED/SUPPORTED DAs and PRO-CRIMINAL broke-ass 'social justice' / 'defund the cops' bullshit that, as in this case, put a thug with biolent gun crime history, who should have been in prison for life, back on the streets to kill these people.

3. Make protecting innocent US cititizens, their lives, and their rights a higher priority than worrying about a 3/4-time loser / violent offender!

This is not rocket science, but none of it has anything to do with their agenda and achieving their goal.
Guns in the hands of Americans kill 45,000 people per year. Every year. But you just can't give them up. It's a sickness.

The highest credible numbers I have seen claimed are about 2⁄3 that, including suicides, justifiable homicides, accidents, everything.

But even if we take your bullshit number as fair and accurate, abortion kills more than twenty times that many; and in every case, the victim of an abortion is an innocent child deliberately murdered, without any rational circumstances to justify any such killing. We're talking pure murder 100%, compared to your bullshit claim of less than a twentieth as many people being killed with guns, under all circumstances, including a very large portion that wouldn't qualify as murder.
Why can't Lion's get male lions to stop eating their young? We're just animals. We're smart but not that smart.

A small example. Nothing someone says to you should be justification for putting your hands on another person. Yet we have two cases where it seems to happen all too often. When someone disrespects a cop or if someone makes fun of another man's wife. Suddenly people are saying "you should be respectful to the cops" or "you shouldn't talk about another man's wife like that".

No justification for doing it yet we justify it. How do theists feel about this? Most of you would smack a person in the mouth if they blasphemed your god. In the past you would have done much worse. MUCH worse.

I'm smart enough to know there is a big difference between animals and humans.

Animals live by their instincts, humans have the ability to reason with their thoughts. Although some may "justify" certain acts, in a court of law it gets a little different. That's what sets us apart from the animals.

The problem is after reasoning with their thoughts many people today choose to put their personal gain ahead of doing what's right, but it is a choice they make and not an instinct.
But most importantly, guns are different.
You are misinformed. The differences you list are all your opinion. Now here are the numbers. Gun fatalities in the US in 2022 were:


The estimated number of firearm deaths, excluding suicides, in 2022

The number of gun deaths excluding suicides in 2022 declined slightly compared to 2021, a year that saw the most gun deaths on record.

Conversely, Traffic fatalities for the first half 2022 in the US for that year numbered 20,175

Figures released last month by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found an estimated 20,175 people died in motor vehicle wrecks in the first half of 2022, an increase of 0.5% compared to 2021.

Last year, 42,915 lives were lost on the roads of America, a 10.5% rise over 2020. It was the highest death toll since 2005.

You see, strict liability should be assigned to both under your logic. Your jaded opinion is based on feelings and not on facts. BTW, 167 people died in OK City with a rented Ryder truck and that guy was just as stable as the whack job you used in your example in the Mirage Hotel. So that pretty much negates how easy gun violence can be accomplished as opposed to using a vehicle. It also proves that a vehicle can be about four times as deadly.
The highest credible numbers I have seen claimed are about 2⁄3 that, including suicides, justifiable homicides, accidents, everything.

But even if we take your bullshit number as fair and accurate, abortion kills more than twenty times that many; and in every case, the victim of an abortion is an innocent child deliberately murdered, without any rational circumstances to justify any such killing. We're talking pure murder 100%, compared to your bullshit claim of less than a twentieth as many people being killed with guns, under all circumstances, including a very large portion that wouldn't qualify as murder.
She is a bald faced liar. 20,138 people died by firearms (excluding suicides) in 2022.
I depend on trained militia...the National Guard
I depend on law enforcement...trained and regulated....

You cultists insist that your guns are your religion and any threat to your religion must be met with the threat of violence.

I have walked the streets of LA, NY, Miami, Dallas, Detroit...unarmed.
I don't need guns to go to the bakery, Wal Mart, my grandkid's birthday. but you do.
So who's the coward, COWARD?

View attachment 757227
Careful, I hear those veggies can clear an asshole like you

You never know when a waitress will short you a nacho

Who's the coward?

If you don't need guns for safety .. don't get them. Problem solved.

Could it be as more gun laws fail to curtail more gun violence, that more gun laws are not the answer?

Could it be as politicians and society becomes increasingly secular and crass and hateful, that the lack of God in society that is causing the uptick in gun violence?

Crazy talk, I know.
Yeah, pretty crazy.
How stupid and how ignorant of history does one have to be to trust government with the power to decide who is OK to own a firearm and who is not?

In 1930s Germany, good Germans were OK to own firearms, while Jews and other Untermenschen were not. How did that work out?

As recently as the last few years, we have seen our corrupt federal government label good Americans as “domestic terrorists” for the horrible, violent crime of speaking up at public school board meetings against the malevolent brainwashing of their children with hateful racist propaganda and depraved sexual perversions. There is your example of how government would misuse this power, if allowed to do so.
There is a problem here with your "facts."
Mainly that....they AREN'T facts.
They are right-wing loony, propaganda talking points.
You are misinformed. The differences you list are all your opinion.
rented Ryder truck and that guy was just as stable as the whack job you used in your example in the Mirage Hotel. So that pretty much negates how easy gun violence can be accomplished as opposed to using a vehicle. It also proves that a vehicle can be about four times as deadly.
The differences between guns and trucks?
Is that where you want to go?
And you say there really isn't any?
Or you say, that the only difference is that your Ryder Truck can kill "four times" what a gun can?

Look, poster Conc.American, if you cannot perceive that guns are used far more than Ryder Trucks to intentionally kill people...and quite effectively do so.....in schools, in churches, in the post office, etc. etc. then there ain't much reason to discuss 'gun violence' with you.


So, to others reading here: My suggestion of 'strict liability' (meaning any harm caused by the gun you own will be visited ---in some defined proportion ---upon you. No exceptions. Meaning, you are liable to some degree, even if the gun was stolen from you, even if your troubled 15-year old snuck it out of the bedside dresser).

I would suggest ---albeit with zero data or investigation by me --- but I would suggest that if the 'gun-owning' public was aware that that iron of theirs came burdened with the unquestioned responsibility to have it absolutely secured at all times, and woe to the owner if any harm is caused by it ....well then, fewer guns may get into the hands of the mendacious, the crazed, the careless, the angry. And thus gun-violence may see somewhat of a reduction. And society may see somewhat of a reduction in victims.

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