F**** your thoughts and prayers?


We don't hear the leftist vermin demanding that the fentanyl be stopped. How many Americans killed themselves with fentanyl in the past year?

If it were about deaths .. Democrats would be concerned with many other situations (e.g. alcohol - with 140K+ annual deaths and 1 in 5 of young adult deaths, as well as black-on-black killings). It's all about gaining more power of the people.
Fantasies and self delusions
What else is to be expected from the cult at the Church of the NRA

Obviously you're lying. President Obama never put guns in anyone's hands.
But YOU?
Your CULT?

That ugliness in your mirror is the death you and your cult brings to the innocents.

Bullshit. His little butt boy holder, released thousands of guns to the mexican cartels vie Fast and Furious you lying piece of crap.
In the absence or abstinence of or from owning a gun, you nevertheless worship the gun, and depend on the gun as well for your freedom and survival. In your refusal to worship the gun you worship the gun; the only difference? You depend on other men with guns to ensure your freedom and survival. A synonym for that is COWARD. When not in control of the gun yourself the gun can be used against you. Enjoy life then as a well kept herd animal. But beware the sheepdog; he does not love you.
I depend on trained militia...the National Guard
I depend on law enforcement...trained and regulated....

You cultists insist that your guns are your religion and any threat to your religion must be met with the threat of violence.

I have walked the streets of LA, NY, Miami, Dallas, Detroit...unarmed.
I don't need guns to go to the bakery, Wal Mart, my grandkid's birthday. but you do.
So who's the coward, COWARD?


Careful, I hear those veggies can clear an asshole like you

You never know when a waitress will short you a nacho

Who's the coward?

Sigh .. In November 2022, Republicans opposed the bill because of the provisions that would grant the Department of Labor the ability to penalize health plan sponsors if they did not met the vaguely defined requirements -- Penalties estimated to cost insurers $29+ million over a 10 year period. This makes perfect sense from a business perspective, and naturally, Democrats didn't care about penalizing these organizations and passed the bill anyway.

Do you do any research or just regurgitate talking points?
And the thousands of people you allowed to be murdered by your cult?
I don't deny god. I deny your god. I deny your religion. It's bullshit. Is there a god? Who knows.

And I thought before I was just repeating what I read somewhere else. Now you are saying I'm thinking for myself and it's character flaw? I say it's a positive. I'm not stupid enough to believe in ghosts, angels, demons or gods. At least not anyone who tells me they saw a ghost, angel, demon or god. I don't believe them. And I haven't seen any evidence of a god or demon or angel or ghost no matter how hard I've looked.

Sorry you're gullible and I'm not.

How many little (g) gods do you have?
So, if you leave it under the seat of your F-150 and it gets stolen when you stop for a shot & a beer, and it is used to pop the 7-11 clerk, well, as the owner-of-record you bear a share of the liability. Maybe just financially? maybe a record for criminal negligence?
To an extent, I agree. If it is locked, out of sight in your F-150, that is considered locked and there should be no responsibility. No different than if someone steals the vehicle and plows through a crowd. If it is in fact stored negligently, then go for it. That person bears some responsibility.
out of sight in your F-150, that is considered locked and there should be no responsibility.

No, that is not what I am suggesting.
My suggestion is for "strict liability".
If something bad happens with that firearm then the owner-of-record owns a share of that 'bad'.

I don't care if it is locked in a vault under 20" of concrete.
If that gun gets out and kills the 7-11 clerk....then the owner-of-record shares in the liability and the blame.

And the consequences.

You own the gun....you own the good and the bad. Period.
No, that is not what I am suggesting.
My suggestion is for "strict liability".
If something bad happens with that firearm then the owner-of-record owns a share of that 'bad'.

I don't care if it is locked in a vault under 20" of concrete.
If that gun gets out and kills the 7-11 clerk....then the owner-of-record shares in the liability and the blame.

And the consequences.

You own the gun....you own the good and the bad. Period.
If someone breaks into your home, steals your gun then goes and kills someone that's on you? If someone steals your car then runs over an old lady, is that on you too?

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