F**** your thoughts and prayers?

This is a lie.

Guns aren’t going to be ‘banned,’ guns aren’t going to be ‘confiscated.’

This is typical of the demagoguery and lies dishonest conservatives propagate about guns.
That’s where we differ, you’re conned, I’m not. The fact you side with Nazi types is sad after the holocaust
This is a lie.

Guns aren’t going to be ‘banned,’ guns aren’t going to be ‘confiscated.’

This is typical of the demagoguery and lies dishonest conservatives propagate about guns.
You are either grossly misinformed or you are just lying. You cannot be a resident of this country and say there isn't a concerted effort from the WH on down in the democrat party to ban guns in many places in this country. E.g. Chicago banned the sale or possession of handguns in 1982--I guess that proved to be effective, eh? Chicago Enacts New Firearm Law — Again | Cheronis, Parente & Levitt LLC | Chicago
A lot more have died protecting our Constitutional rights than will ever be killed by a nutcase.
That’s a Canadian who doesn’t belong in freedom, and thanking those who sacrificed for her to exist! She just says fk you to them
You own the gun....you own the good and the bad. Period.
Why should it stop with guns? If you are carjacked and the thief kills three people with your car, strict liability says you own the responsibility because you own the car. If your neighbor borrows your axe or machete to do yard work and kills his wife with it--seems you are complicit, eh? Use your head or at least admit your reason for your position is to come up with any cockamamie idea that will forward your ultimate goal of gun confiscation in the US.
That’s a Canadian who doesn’t belong in freedom, and thanking those who sacrificed for her to exist! She just says fk you to them
In Canada the shitheads running the country said that gun ownership is a privilege, not a right.

The same thing that the Redcoats that marched on Lexington said. Then there was The Shot Heard Around the World.
Huh? The KKK loves Trump. Today they are called Proud Boys or Oath Keepers. You're dumb.

The closest modern counterpart to the KKK are the Black LIES Matter filth, and the Antifa movements. The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers oppose the modern KKK, and if they were around back when the original KKK or the KKK 2.0 existed, they would be in opposition to those as well.
The closest modern counterpart to the KKK are the Black LIES Matter filth, and the Antifa movements. The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers oppose the modern KKK, and if they were around back when the original KKK or the KKK 2.0 existed, they would be in opposition to those as well.
Thank you
Are you worried that once we get the means in place to separate those who are ok to own firearms from those who are not that maybe you won't make the cut?

How stupid and how ignorant of history does one have to be to trust government with the power to decide who is OK to own a firearm and who is not?

In 1930s Germany, good Germans were OK to own firearms, while Jews and other Untermenschen were not. How did that work out?

As recently as the last few years, we have seen our corrupt federal government label good Americans as “domestic terrorists” for the horrible, violent crime of speaking up at public school board meetings against the malevolent brainwashing of their children with hateful racist propaganda and depraved sexual perversions. There is your example of how government would misuse this power, if allowed to do so.
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You are either grossly misinformed or you are just lying. You cannot be a resident of this country and say there isn't a concerted effort from the WH on down in the democrat party to ban guns in many places in this country. E.g. Chicago banned the sale or possession of handguns in 1982--I guess that proved to be effective, eh? Chicago Enacts New Firearm Law — Again | Cheronis, Parente & Levitt LLC | Chicago

No one is banning guns. Limiting the sale of certain types of weapons isn't "banning guns".

Canada has strict limits on gun ownership and yet 26% of all households in Canada, have guns. Americans are batshit crazy that someone will take their guns.

Once again, conservatives prove how gullible and stupid you really are.
Clearly you guys do. And you care what this politician thinks about your prayers when you refuse to pass common sense gun legislation. Shove your prayers up your arse. Fuck your prayers.

And your arguments in defense of god are so pathetic. Why do you attack god? Wahhh. You'll go to hell if you don't believe my jesus stories. Waaahhh. Put money in my pot. We are a Christian nation.

No we are not. And if we are, maybe that's why the country is going to shit. Not because more people are turning away from god. Maybe it has to get worse before it gets better. We are still such an uncivilized new species in the grand scheme of things. Very supersitious.

If we weren't so "religious" back when they shoved religion and slavery on us instead of science, math, logic and democracy for all. They didn't think we could handle the ladder. But we'd easily swallow religion and slavery. So that's the way we went. Not with science. With religion and slavery. And war.

LOL, you clearly have wholly unwarranted high opinion of yourself son. God has no need of any defense by me, He has it all under control. Neither God nor I care whom you attack, you are a butt hurt child who plays at being a bad ass on the internet. You aren't. Go smoke some weed and lay down on mama's lap.
How stupid and how ignorant of history does one have t be to trust government with the power to decide who is OK to own a firearm and who is not?

In 1930s Germany, good Germans were OK to own firearms, while Jews and other Untermenschen were not. How did that work out?

As recently as the last few years, we have seen our corrupt federal government label good Americans as “domestic terrorists” for the horrible, violent crime of speaking up at public school board meetings against the malevolent brainwashing of their children with hateful racist propaganda and depraved sexual perversions. There is your example of how government would misuse this power, if allowed to do so.

They were labelled domestic terrorists for THREATENING THE LIVES OF SCH00L BOARD MEMBERS.
Every time a conservative commits a criminal act, they're being "harassed" when they get arrested. You people are threatening harassing, attacking and harming local politicians and election workers. Stop pretending there is no justification for these concerns.
We ask the same of you about 10000s' killed in inner cities annually by Blacks or Browns?
Nary a peep outa you or your kind.

And then there is abortion, which Dragonlady fully supports, whereby more children are killed, by at least a few orders of magnitude, than are in any way affected by the issues otherwise mentioned here.

Dragonlady clearly doesn't give a shit about those victims, which puts the lie to any claim on her part to case about the safety or well-being of any children.

She only cares about children' being killed or otherwise harmed, when she can exploit those tragedies for political purposes.


Mount up and come take them or shut up and go to bed alone.
Fuck your thoughts and prayers.
While you continue to embrace the murders of 40k people each and every year in worship to your God and it's Church of the NRA I would remind you that in countries around the world with reasonable gun laws the gun murder rate is, relative to the US, negligible.

It ain't god.
It's the guns.

No one ever got shot by a gun that wasn't there.

Are you really this stupid…..

the countries of Europe, the ones you worship……murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children….in 6 years….

Gun murder in the entire 246 year history of the U.S?


Your favorite countries are worse than criminals in the U.S. you dumb ass
Your guns will not save you.

You realize that, right?

In fact, guns is not what made America great

If guns did, Afghanistan would be the greatest country on earth

And guess what, it ain't.

Guns in the hands of republicans ended slavery……..the democrats just wouldn’t give up their black slaves
The closest modern counterpart to the KKK are the Black LIES Matter filth, and the Antifa movements. The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers oppose the modern KKK, and if they were around back when the original KKK or the KKK 2.0 existed, they would be in opposition to those as well.
Thank you

Heroin COKE Fentynal are all illegal yet all pour across the border by the TON.

Guns would also pour across open borders if a buck was to be made.
The majority would end up in the hands of Criminals.

We have problem people getting ahold of GUNS illegally, they are lifetime criminals.
If they don't have a gun...they use a car, knife, fists, rope, fire..whatever.

You can't kill 30 people in 30 seconds with a car, a knife, a fist, a rope, or a fire.

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