F**** your thoughts and prayers?

You deny God, and yet you're calling me gullible?

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easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.
"an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money"

You could just as easily change

Credulous? having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.

You believe something your parents brainwashed you with from a very young age. I remember always not completely believing the stories of the bible but I was just a little kid. Still, I had my doubts those stories were real. They certainly didn't sound real.

But yet the general public swallow these fairytales. Only a small percent of us deny those stories. And that's even after centuries of being attacked by the majority. We still had the balls to call bullshit. Not because we are evil. We jus think you fools are evil and dumb.

The question is, does your priest know he's lying or does he too believe? I wonder what percent of priests/preachers know they are lying? I bet it's close to 50%. A lot of people go to theist school and it wakes them up. They aren't evil. Just too smart to follow something the truly don't believe.

Stop calling us evil because we say Islam is not real. And if you are ok with that, then stop calling us evil because we say Christianity too is not real. See? We're both athiests. You just believe in one more god than I do.
Huh? The KKK loves Trump. Today they are called Proud Boys or Oath Keepers. You're dumb.

LOL. How many times did you vote for this guy? Three?

easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.
"an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money"

You could just as easily change

Credulous? having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.

You believe something your parents brainwashed you with from a very young age. I remember always not completely believing the stories of the bible but I was just a little kid. Still, I had my doubts those stories were real. They certainly didn't sound real.

But yet the general public swallow these fairytales. Only a small percent of us deny those stories. And that's even after centuries of being attacked by the majority. We still had the balls to call bullshit. Not because we are evil. We jus think you fools are evil and dumb.

The question is, does your priest know he's lying or does he too believe? I wonder what percent of priests/preachers know they are lying? I bet it's close to 50%. A lot of people go to theist school and it wakes them up. They aren't evil. Just too smart to follow something the truly don't believe.

Stop calling us evil because we say Islam is not real. And if you are ok with that, then stop calling us evil because we say Christianity too is not real. See? We're both athiests. You just believe in one more god than I do.

Follow your feelings, lol.

So, another leftist vermin, when asked an honest question, bites the dust.

You think that's an honest question? How do I know?

How do you know God exists? You can't convince Jews, Muslims or Atheists so if you can't convince us, what makes you so sure?

If your answer is you've talked to god, go fly a kite. That would not be an honest reply.

How do i know your Jesus myths are myths? Is that an honest question? Then how do you know they are real stories? I mean they sound unbelievable to me. Why do you believe the unbelievable?

If I told you I walked on water or got a virgin pregnant without fucking her how would you know those things didn't happen? Well then I say they did. And you should follow me. Because only through me can you get into heaven.
easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.
"an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money"

You could just as easily change

Credulous? having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.

You believe something your parents brainwashed you with from a very young age. I remember always not completely believing the stories of the bible but I was just a little kid. Still, I had my doubts those stories were real. They certainly didn't sound real.

But yet the general public swallow these fairytales. Only a small percent of us deny those stories. And that's even after centuries of being attacked by the majority. We still had the balls to call bullshit. Not because we are evil. We jus think you fools are evil and dumb.

The question is, does your priest know he's lying or does he too believe? I wonder what percent of priests/preachers know they are lying? I bet it's close to 50%. A lot of people go to theist school and it wakes them up. They aren't evil. Just too smart to follow something the truly don't believe.

Stop calling us evil because we say Islam is not real. And if you are ok with that, then stop calling us evil because we say Christianity too is not real. See? We're both athiests. You just believe in one more god than I do.
All men are sinners! That’s why there’s Christ!

You should go back to your cult and remind them

This is the sort of rhetoric we are hearing from elected officials these days, much like how Michigan state Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, dropped the F-bomb in a statement about the recent shooting at Michigan State University.

According to democrats, they only want people to take action..........ie.............gun control legislation. God has no place in our lives at all, apparently. Now the Left is your god.

Meanwhile, in Left looneyville, activist Dabid Hogg admits that despite recently passed gun regulations, gun violence has gone up, not down

But that is what the Left does, they assess failure and then double down on it.
A deranged bat shit crazy Negro, who was convicted of firearm violations, who had no legal right to carry a firearm shot up a college and the stupid Democrat shitheads want to take away my Constitutional rights?
LOL. How many times did you vote for this guy? Three?

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When a Republican got caught in blackface

"Instead of focusing on decade-old Halloween photos posted by liberal opponents right before an election, voters care about a secure border and common sense policies that will keep Arizona strong. That is what voters will get with Mary Ann Mendoza."

Most politicians who wear blackface are Republicans. Vast majority of them. This is your only one you have for a Democrat


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