F**** your thoughts and prayers?

And in the good old usa...
We imprisoned thousands of Asian americans for the crime of being asian.
We tested syphilis on African Americans who had despicably been born Black
I'm pretty sure we lose in any moralization contest.

Deflect, deflect, deflect.

Lay off the drugs or provide a link fool.
when you defend unregulated gun ownership you are an active participant in the murder cult, the Church of the NRA.
Lying, of course, is part of the cult.

You lay off the drugs, right after you answer the question which could actually give your drivel some credibility.

Marx had some very distorted ides of how human nature worked. He imagined that as his notions of Communisms were implemented, human nature would change in certain ways to adapt to it, leading to the sort of utopian society that he imagined. The reality is that human nature does not change, and the process of trying to implement Communisms has always brought out and empowered the very worst of it. Everywhere, every time it's been tried, it has always failed, in the same way.
every family household is run on a communist basis:

When was the last time you were charged by a family member for using the bathroom? Did another family member got the ‘usage rights’ to bathroom for giving a better price and were you left out? Have you ever charged any of your children and excluded the ones who could not pay or work, from dinner? Have you considered all your children in debt to you the moment they were born and started calculating all the expenses that go into raising them in order to ask to be paid back in future the capital + market interest rates adjusted per inflation?
In all other countries .. they don't have the right to bear arms either .. and .. the term "reasonable" or "common sense" is a squishy term to garner acceptance into an infringement.

Sorry .. suicides are not murders, and they are classified differently. Your diatribe about enabling people to commit suicide or have suicidal thoughts have nothing to do with guns .. Politicians should focus on the root cause of mental illness and behavioral issues instead of the choice of weapon one uses to act on their mental instability.
Says the people who voted against mental health care...


The "right" is associated to militia membership.
EG in 2023, the National Guard.

Hiding behind half a sentence to enable the murders you support is the act of a true NRA cult member.
The common go-to for gun haters .. the problem is .. the mental illness or behavioral issue .. and often there are many red flags leading up to an encounter that are often ignored.
Which you and yours prevent using thus enabling more murders.
The act of a cultist.
every family household is run on a communist basis:

When was the last time you were charged by a family member for using the bathroom? Did another family member got the ‘usage rights’ to bathroom for giving a better price and were you left out? Have you ever charged any of your children and excluded the ones who could not pay or work, from dinner? Have you considered all your children in debt to you the moment they were born and started calculating all the expenses that go into raising them in order to ask to be paid back in future the capital + market interest rates adjusted per inflation?
My kids did shores then pay for logging after 18
The parkland high killer was released by obammy, you’re still loosing
Got his guns from your cult.
Bow to your jesus


This is the sort of rhetoric we are hearing from elected officials these days, much like how Michigan state Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, dropped the F-bomb in a statement about the recent shooting at Michigan State University.

According to democrats, they only want people to take action..........ie.............gun control legislation. God has no place in our lives at all, apparently. Now the Left is your god.

Meanwhile, in Left looneyville, activist Dabid Hogg admits that despite recently passed gun regulations, gun violence has gone up, not down

But that is what the Left does, they assess failure and then double down on it.

Everyone tries to out-sensationalize everyone else. Everyone these days is also a nihilist. What a marvelous combination . . . not!
I would never deny you your religious freedom to be in a murder cult.

In the absence or abstinence of or from owning a gun, you nevertheless worship the gun, and depend on the gun as well for your freedom and survival. In your refusal to worship the gun you worship the gun; the only difference? You depend on other men with guns to ensure your freedom and survival. A synonym for that is COWARD. When not in control of the gun yourself the gun can be used against you. Enjoy life then as a well kept herd animal. But beware the sheepdog; he does not love you.
In the absence or abstinence of or from owning a gun, you nevertheless worship the gun, and depend on the gun as well for your freedom and survival. In your refusal to worship the gun you worship the gun; the only difference? You depend on other men with guns to ensure your freedom and survival. A synonym for that is COWARD. When not in control of the gun yourself the gun can be used against you. Enjoy life then as a well kept herd animal. But beware the sheepdog; he does not love you.

VERY well said!

Why don’t demofks negotiate liar?
You show your self, First you call me a liar
For what giving my opinion?
you say demofoks don't negotiate,
I am an independent
BUT am sure if you go back and look at bills and voting records
You will find both sides decide to negotiate, for the good of the country.
NOT so much now that we have decided on Hate & division
as the way to run the country.

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