F**** your thoughts and prayers?

"Australia confiscated 650,000 guns. Murders and suicides plummeted."

Australia set up concentrations camps in which to put its own people who refused to accept dangerous experimental drugs. Just one instance in many in which Australia clearly demonstrated why it is important for a freedom-loving people to keep their right to arms.

Not exactly the sort of country to which any modern, civilized, freedom-loving country should ever look for an example of how to run any such country. But it is not the least bit surprising to see you trying to use them as an example.
But we now live in a society where people sit in their air conditioned homes and go to their jobs, and they don't even know their neighbours. They sit and watch TV at night. They're not out on their porches like our parents were when we were young. And God forbid you say "Boo" to somebody else's child. How dare you!!!!

Every night, the local news in the USA pushes the crime report right off the top, making people believe that their neighbours can't be trusted. If it bleeds, it leads. If I watch the nightly news from Buffalo, it's all crime and shootings. If I watch the nightly new in Toronto, it's all about local politics, and things that are happening in the city. Very little focus on crime.

Now when I talk to my friends in Toronto, they tell me about concerns about attacks on the subway, and things not feeling as safe in the city as they used to feel, so things are still happening as a result of mental health concerns coming out of the pandemic. But it's not the focus of the nightly news.

I don't think this has anything to do with religion at all. Honesty, decency, and treating others with respect are not just Christian principles. Canadians are a lot LESS religious than Americans, but we don't have a politicized media ginning up fear and outrage on a daily basis either.
Hello to one of my favorite people at USMB. :)

I just can't shake the idea that it is trust in God and JudeoChristian values that modifies the behavior of individuals and, by default, the values and attitudes of a neighborhood or society. Even non believers are culturally conditioned to a more beneficial, peaceful society in a community of people of faith. In communities where there are lots of churches and synagogues and most people attend there once in awhile, you just don't see the problems that you see in the places where that isn't the case.

Religious faith--not religious activism--has a soothing, calming, positive affect everywhere it is found. I honestly believe if there was more of it, it would be evident in government, education, scientific institutions, corporations, even some religious organizations.

Correlation is not always cause, but sometimes it is. I think the decline in church attendance and those who have a strong faith in a higher power coupled with disdain for that and strongly emphasized secularism that is directly related to the problems we are having in our modern societies.
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One that gives us free agency.
Two issues with that argument.
IF this "God" gives mortals this "free agency" as you speak of...isn't that basically God making us kinda like little Gods ourselves?

But let's assume no.
That cannot be the case.

Let's assume there is only ONE god.
You know....Alpha and Omega....beginning and end...supreme author of ALL creation....all knowing.....literally had every hair on your head counted when he knitted you in the womb and all the rest of that biblical, happy-horse-shit.
Yet, God cannot "know" everything.
SOME things just take the poor dude by surprise leaving him dubfounded saying "shit...I SURE didn't see THAT one coming!"
You know....stuff like you (or anybody else) misusing this "free will" of yours to make wrong choices, some of which may just doom you to HELL (another popular superstitious fiction).
Or a school massacre.
Or any other catastrophe or tragedy.
Your "free will" theory would suggest that your "God" isn't really quite as in "control" of things as you'd like to believe.
So then....enter The Devil.
Obviously God needs a foil to blame all his negligence on.
That's IT!
We'll invent ANOTHER, co-equal "bad-God" type thing and we'll blame all the bad things that happen on the devil-god and we'll give all the credit for the "good" things to the just plain ole God god.
And we'll put mere mortals smack dab in the middle of this cosmic tug-of-war between these two sick (and imaginary) fucks.
And that way we never have to really THINK for ourselves or make any REAL effort to logically understand the true nature of our being or the world around us.
Hey, it's worked for the church for thousands of years!
Ignorant, superstitious, guilty, self-loathing, fearful people are the easiest to control....and fleece.

And don't even get me started on that ridiculous, psychotic, self-talk, psychobabble called "prayer."
What a waste of time!
Prayer by its very nature implies a disbelief in the all supremacy of God.
If God is real and he (it) is actually what Christians like to claim it is....why do you need to be calling him on the hotline constantly reminding him of what he's supposed to be doing?
Does God awaken periodically from extended naps and check his prayer messages and slap himself on the forehead and say "SHIT! I forgot to cure Edgar's cancer and send rain to West Texas!"
Not likely.

The whole concept is rather idiotic.

In fact it (religion) is ALL pretty stupid when you think long and hard about it.
Better off just choosing not to waste your time on it....and you CERTAINLY shouldn't be wasting other people's time trying to impose the garbage on them.

This is the sort of rhetoric we are hearing from elected officials these days, much like how Michigan state Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, dropped the F-bomb in a statement about the recent shooting at Michigan State University.

According to democrats, they only want people to take action..........ie.............gun control legislation. God has no place in our lives at all, apparently. Now the Left is your god.

Meanwhile, in Left looneyville, activist Dabid Hogg admits that despite recently passed gun regulations, gun violence has gone up, not down

But that is what the Left does, they assess failure and then double down on it.
My retort is “fuck your climate change, infrastructure, healthcare, and education mantras you people use as umbrellas to reward your friends and punish your enemies”

What the hell else are you supposed to say in shootings? You that pissed off, go down to Chicago on a Monday morning after they release their shooting body counts for the weekend and get pissed off. You won’t because you will be there every weekend and no one gives a shit because those shootings aren’t high profile enough for you.
If you want to talk about your hatred of women start a thread.
THIS thread is about your cult's obsession with MURDERING women, children, elderly, or anyone else who happens to step in front of your cultish obsession.

It is you who is openly defending and advocating the murder of innocents, and yet you are accusing me of being hateful. It is you who openly defends actual murder, while false accusing others of doing so.
Two issues with that argument.
IF this "God" gives mortals this "free agency" as you speak of...isn't that basically God making us kinda like little Gods ourselves?

But let's assume no.
That cannot be the case.

Let's assume there is only ONE god.
You know....Alpha and Omega....beginning and end...supreme author of ALL creation....all knowing.....literally had every hair on your head counted when he knitted you in the womb and all the rest of that biblical, happy-horse-shit.
Yet, God cannot "know" everything.
SOME things just take the poor dude by surprise leaving him dubfounded saying "shit...I SURE didn't see THAT one coming!"
You know....stuff like you (or anybody else) misusing this "free will" of yours to make wrong choices, some of which may just doom you to HELL (another popular superstitious fiction).
Or a school massacre.
Or any other catastrophe or tragedy.
Your "free will" theory would suggest that your "God" isn't really quite as in "control" of things as you'd like to believe.
So then....enter The Devil.
Obviously God needs a foil to blame all his negligence on.
That's IT!
We'll invent ANOTHER, co-equal "bad-God" type thing and we'll blame all the bad things that happen on the devil-god and we'll give all the credit for the "good" things to the just plain ole God god.
And we'll put mere mortals smack dab in the middle of this cosmic tug-of-war between these two sick (and imaginary) fucks.
And that way we never have to really THINK for ourselves or make any REAL effort to logically understand the true nature of our being or the world around us.
Hey, it's worked for the church for thousands of years!
Ignorant, superstitious, guilty, self-loathing, fearful people are the easiest to control....and fleece.

And don't even get me started on that ridiculous, psychotic, self-talk, psychobabble called "prayer."
What a waste of time!
Prayer by its very nature implies a disbelief in the all supremacy of God.
If God is real and he (it) is actually what Christians like to claim it is....why do you need to be calling him on the hotline constantly reminding him of what he's supposed to be doing?
Does God awaken periodically from extended naps and check his prayer messages and slap himself on the forehead and say "SHIT! I forgot to cure Edgar's cancer and send rain to West Texas!"
Not likely.

The whole concept is rather idiotic.

In fact it (religion) is ALL pretty stupid when you think long and hard about it.
Better off just choosing not to waste your time on it....and you CERTAINLY shouldn't be wasting other people's time trying to impose the garbage on them.

You chose to deny God. You chose to rebel against Him.

Your folly does not obligate me, in any way, to even read your long-winded wall of bullshit, much less attempt to respond thereto.
And you'd be just as wrong.

You've made the willful choice to deny God, and to rebel against him. It's not a matter of any formal education, but a defect in your very character.
I don't deny god. I deny your god. I deny your religion. It's bullshit. Is there a god? Who knows.

And I thought before I was just repeating what I read somewhere else. Now you are saying I'm thinking for myself and it's character flaw? I say it's a positive. I'm not stupid enough to believe in ghosts, angels, demons or gods. At least not anyone who tells me they saw a ghost, angel, demon or god. I don't believe them. And I haven't seen any evidence of a god or demon or angel or ghost no matter how hard I've looked.

Sorry you're gullible and I'm not.
Sorry you're gullible and I'm not.

You deny God, and yet you're calling me gullible?

I don't deny god. I deny your god. I deny your religion. It's bullshit. Is there a god? Who knows.

And I thought before I was just repeating what I read somewhere else. Now you are saying I'm thinking for myself and it's character flaw? I say it's a positive. I'm not stupid enough to believe in ghosts, angels, demons or gods. At least not anyone who tells me they saw a ghost, angel, demon or god. I don't believe them. And I haven't seen any evidence of a god or demon or angel or ghost no matter how hard I've looked.

Sorry you're gullible and I'm not.
the last thing you do is think for yourself. Your God belongs to the DNC. we know.
This is a lie. The great majority of liberals are Christian; an even greater majority are persons of faith.
Any denomination of sincere Christians ---
--- Cannot look upon abortion as anything but a serious sin that greatly offends God.
--- Cannot condone euthanasia or the destruction of thousands of embryos.
--- Cannot in the least condone transgenderism, the mutilating of a child's body, or the preaching to children about numerous types of sexual perversions.
--- Cannot approve of not prosecuting criminals and robbing businesses blind with no punishment.
--- Cannot approve the way Biden sold out Afghanistan and left thousands behind, --leaves an open southern border for anyone to come in and cause enormous problems for our citizens, and let fentanyl traffic run free and kill many others.

These are all democrat or liberal tenets they stand by. . These are all anti-Christian.. . . Nor is the way Biden is destroying our domestic energy industry and making life more difficult for its citizens a Christian idea. . Nor is the trillions of dollars they force us to absorb because of some insane “human induced” climate change all at the expense of not helping the poor and needy here and now a Christian idea. . It may not be a sin, but it is insane.
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the last thing you do is think for yourself. Your God belongs to the DNC. we know.
And Satan belongs to the RNC. Only religous Republicans love the guy.

Trump's support is overwhelmingly white, but no one goes harder for him than the white voters who have been the beating heart of the conservative movement for decades. No matter what happened over the last four years — Charlottesville, 'sh*thole countries," the disastrous handling of the coronavirus pandemic — about 80 percent of white evangelicals consistently approved of President Trump's performance.

While their numbers have dwindled from 21 to 15% of the U.S. population, white evangelicals are a force to be reckoned with in politics. They make up a little over a third of Republicans and have an outsized impact on elections, making up about a quarter of voters.

That's right—15% of Americans account for around 25% of those who turn out to vote.

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