F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Source your claims

"Australia confiscated 650,000 guns. Murders and suicides plummeted."​

What is the per capita gun crime in Canada?

There were 8,047 victims of violent crime where a firearm was present in 2021, a rate of 27.4 victims per 100,000 population. This marked 417 fewer victims of firearm-related violent crime from 2020, and a corresponding 5% decline in the rate (from 29.0 per 100,000) (Table 2).Dec 12, 2022"

Take the reduce gun crime and reduce gun deaths.

You should not pay attention to your cult leaders in the Church of the NRA.

They lie and so you lie.
you really should just quit.

I see the thought of accepting responsibility for your cult worship at the Church of the NRA is bothering you.



Answering to a cult member.

Still waiting for you to respond to post #269.

We knew you wouldn't be able to.

But that was a tasty looking bit of word salad there. Have you got a nice balsamic vinaigrette to go with that?

There is never going to be a way to stop people from getting simple technology like that.
For example, the IRA had no trouble getting hundreds of thousands of illegal machineguns.

Nor should anyone ever try to disarm the public, when clearly this country is based on a popular uprising against a completely corrupt government.
Something which needs to be done on a regular basis.

If people are so angry and upset that they want to murder, then clearly society has basic problems that need to be fixed.
Like the ridiculous cost of health care, total lack of unions or job security, absurdly unfair tax laws, homes becoming owned by landlords instead of owner occupied, etc.

If people really wanted to reduce the murder rate, then they would end the War on Drugs, which clearly is the main cause for murders in the US, just like Prohibition of Alcohol caused a murder spike.
I believe it was in a movie it was said something like
"A weapon is useless till it's used."
There are more guns in private hand than people in this country.
Inevitably those weapons will be used.

Fewer guns = fewer gun deaths.

It really is that simple.

I never suggested getting rid of all guns.
Eliminating semi and full automatic weapons from private possession
Limit numbers of guns owned by individual
All guns sales subject to BR checks
Strict red flag laws
Training for gun owners
Licensing of gun owners
These are reasonable, constitutional measures that will save lives.
I'm sorry but you could send me off to seminary school and I'd still come back and call bullshit on Islam, Mormonism, Christianity and Jewdayohism.

And you'd be just as wrong.

You've made the willful choice to deny God, and to rebel against him. It's not a matter of any formal education, but a defect in your very character.
again you dumb OX, Heroin COKE Fentynal are all illegal yet pours across the border by the TON.
So would GUNS (if outlawed or made illegal). Then only White druggies, Black or Brown street thugs would have them.
They would rampage thru decent folks neighborhoods, raping, killing, robbing.......as they do now (but greatly ramped up).
Pound sand with your RIDICULOUS BS!
Chapter 3 of the Book of NRA Racism
From the Cult of the NRA.
The failure of Americans to place any meaningful restrictions on gun ownership in the USA, is leading to 45,000 shooting deaths and more 100,000 injuries every year. No other first world country has to have "active shooter drills" for their school children. 0r purchase bullet proof backpacks.

But you're banning abortion to "save the babies". What for? Target practice????
If only...................


Come and take him to Planned Parenthood now.
No, it is the GOVERNMENT that continually releases violent criminals.

Oh where of were to those exes get their guns
Oh where do they come from.
That's right you racist bitch they come from you
And your friends in he cult of the gun.

As noted, even among the tiny minded poop throwers you are one dumbass racist chest thumper.
I grew up in NM and it followed pretty much what you described in your post ^^. I've been gone for over 50 years and it seems NM has become woke. Now "responsible, leftist adults" seem to run things and people are killed by Hollywood elites that "didn't pull the trigger." What is wrong with this picture?
Yes New Mexico 50 years ago was a very different place than it is now. Too many illegals here, many who are lawless and/or violent, too many lawless and/or violent citizens, too much 'woke' ideology and 'secularism' required to a ridiculous degree. I still recall some years ago a high school choral director was fired for having too many Christmas carols in the winter concert--Christmas concerts are no longer allowed here. He included it after the kids begged him to put it in because it was their favorite.

It is this kind of stupidity that dulls people's senses re right and wrong or appreciation for values that have sustained societies for generations and have now been shelved or outlawed. But nothing has been as damaging than the constant passive messaging that their God, their faith is unwelcome in the school.
The most extreme lies and exaggerations you can come up with to tie the deaths of children to the NRA do not come anywhere close to the genuine, verifiable death toll from abortion, which, unless I am mistaken, you fully support. We're talking about the deaths of thousands of innocent children every day, over a million every year. Do something about the beam that clearly, genuinely is in your own eye, before you fuss about the mote that you are hallucinating that you see in anyone else's eye.
If you want to talk about your hatred of women start a thread.
THIS thread is about your cult's obsession with MURDERING women, children, elderly, or anyone else who happens to step in front of your cultish obsession.

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