F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Why didn't you stop typing after you wrote "Fuck your thoughts and prayers"?

If you agree with the statement why have you continued to express your thoughts?
I see the thought of accepting responsibility for your cult worship at the Church of the NRA is bothering you.

Are the police, Army and politicians giving up their weapons too?

Asking for a friend

Answering to a cult member.
Try taking your own advice. Who the fuck are you to tell other to shut up? Did someone die and make you King or something? You have an over-developed sense of importance and are a true keyboard bad-ass. dogging my posts.

Says a vapid bimbo from Canaduh, who somehow delusionally imagines that we Americans should give a fuck what you think about how we should run our country—a sad relic of the shameful and cowardly original of your own country, in submission and complicity to the same tyrant against which we Americans rebelled in order to found our country.

How important do you think your opinions can possibly be to any American? To think that any American should give a shit about you or your opinions would certainly qualify as an over-developed sense of importance.
I see the thought of accepting responsibility for your cult worship at the Church of the NRA is bothering you.



Answering to a cult member.
talking to yourself? you're the only one in a cult.
Fuck your thoughts and prayers.
While you continue to embrace the murders of 40k people each and every year in worship to your God and it's Church of the NRA I would remind you that in countries around the world with reasonable gun laws the gun murder rate is, relative to the US, negligible.

It ain't god.
It's the guns.

No one ever got shot by a gun that wasn't there.
If you do not want a gun don't buy one as for the rest get bent. Are you going to ban cigarettes, alcohol, cars?
You Republicans love to shove this divisive shit in our faces. Funny I wouldn't have heard this guys words if not for you. Thanks.

And yes fuck your prayers. 2 hands working can do more than 1000 preying.
That is incorrect as usual.
Dadoalex, that is a lie.
Over half those gun deaths are suicides, so do not even count.
And the other half is mostly due to the War on Drugs, which caused a huge murder spike just like Prohibition did when they tried to make alcohol illegal.

Nor do other countries have stricter gun laws.
In fact, countries like Switzerland, Finland, Israel, etc., almost have mandatory universal gun ownership, as they have mandatory military enlistment and allow people to keep their guns after service.
It is much easier to get and keep guns almost anywhere, like England, Germany, France, etc., where all you have to do is register them locally.
With the US you have to pass federal inspections that take longer and are much stricter.

Countries like Australia only pretend to be stricter.
They outlawed semiautomatics, but when almost no one turned them in, they ignored it entirely.
Australia now has 4 times as many semiautomatics than when the ban was passed in 1999.
Source your claims

"Australia confiscated 650,000 guns. Murders and suicides plummeted."​

What is the per capita gun crime in Canada?

There were 8,047 victims of violent crime where a firearm was present in 2021, a rate of 27.4 victims per 100,000 population. This marked 417 fewer victims of firearm-related violent crime from 2020, and a corresponding 5% decline in the rate (from 29.0 per 100,000) (Table 2).Dec 12, 2022"

Take the reduce gun crime and reduce gun deaths.

You should not pay attention to your cult leaders in the Church of the NRA.

They lie and so you lie.
But we now live in a society where people sit in their air conditioned homes and go to their jobs, and they don't even know their neighbours. They sit and watch TV at night. They're not out on their porches like our parents were when we were young. And God forbid you say "Boo" to somebody else's child. How dare you!!!!

Every night, the local news in the USA pushes the crime report right off the top, making people believe that their neighbours can't be trusted. If it bleeds, it leads. If I watch the nightly news from Buffalo, it's all crime and shootings. If I watch the nightly new in Toronto, it's all about local politics, and things that are happening in the city. Very little focus on crime.

Now when I talk to my friends in Toronto, they tell me about concerns about attacks on the subway, and things not feeling as safe in the city as they used to feel, so things are still happening as a result of mental health concerns coming out of the pandemic. But it's not the focus of the nightly news.

I don't think this has anything to do with religion at all. Honesty, decency, and treating others with respect are not just Christian principles. Canadians are a lot LESS religious than Americans, but we don't have a politicized media ginning up fear and outrage on a daily basis either.
demofks ruined society, we know. why don't you stay in your basement in Canada and we'll work on recovering society in the US. Tell you PM to get fked.
You seem like a heartless individual.
Nope, just honest.

I see the thought of accepting responsibility for your cult worship at the Church of the NRA is bothering you.



Answering to a cult member.

Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not a gun owner nor a member of the NRA.

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