F**** your thoughts and prayers?

I think that is exactly it. I grew up in a small town that I would guess had very few homes without firearms in them, many of them kept loaded for quick use to dispel varmints. High school kids had gun racks with rifles and shotguns in them in their pickup trucks in the school parking lot. There was no law against discharging a firearm within the city limits if a citizen needed to put down a hurt or sick animal or dispel one of those varmints. Pretty much everybody from the age of 10 up knew how to load, aim, shoot, clean the guns.

And in the decade I lived in that town, nobody was shot, injured, or threatened. Crime was almost non existent. Nobody but nobody felt their schools were unsafe in any way. We had total freedom to run and play throughout the neighborhood just so we were within our mothers' voices when the street lights came on.

The difference? Mostly two parent homes, lots of churches and most people attended, adults would discipline any child within earshot if the child needed it. The community mostly shared basic values of being neighborly, thoughtful, courteous, right and wrong.

I would guess those who believed in God were well over 90% of the population and God and religious symbols and festivals, celebrations were allowed everywhere including the schools where no child was made to believe his/her God was unacceptable or not allowed.

If we could return to that kind of society, I'm pretty darn sure incidents of ALL kinds of crimes would drastically drop.

But we now live in a society where people sit in their air conditioned homes and go to their jobs, and they don't even know their neighbours. They sit and watch TV at night. They're not out on their porches like our parents were when we were young. And God forbid you say "Boo" to somebody else's child. How dare you!!!!

Every night, the local news in the USA pushes the crime report right off the top, making people believe that their neighbours can't be trusted. If it bleeds, it leads. If I watch the nightly news from Buffalo, it's all crime and shootings. If I watch the nightly new in Toronto, it's all about local politics, and things that are happening in the city. Very little focus on crime.

Now when I talk to my friends in Toronto, they tell me about concerns about attacks on the subway, and things not feeling as safe in the city as they used to feel, so things are still happening as a result of mental health concerns coming out of the pandemic. But it's not the focus of the nightly news.

I don't think this has anything to do with religion at all. Honesty, decency, and treating others with respect are not just Christian principles. Canadians are a lot LESS religious than Americans, but we don't have a politicized media ginning up fear and outrage on a daily basis either.
Part of Karl Marx's original communist ideology was to eventually do away with the state. But the problem was this "temporary dictatorship of the proletariat" became permanent by the murderous tyrants that used his ideology.

Marx had some very distorted ides of how human nature worked. He imagined that as his notions of Communisms were implemented, human nature would change in certain ways to adapt to it, leading to the sort of utopian society that he imagined. The reality is that human nature does not change, and the process of trying to implement Communisms has always brought out and empowered the very worst of it. Everywhere, every time it's been tried, it has always failed, in the same way.
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Marx had some very distorted ides of how human nature worked. He imagined that as his notions of Communisms were implement, human nature would change in certain ways to adapt to it, leading to the sort of utopian society that he imagined. The reality is that human nature does not change, and the process of trying to implement Communisms has always brought out and empowered the very worst of it. Everywhere, every time it's been tried, it has always failed, in the same way.

Marx never earned a living wage. That's a lefty
Which new law do you propose that would produce "reasonable" suicide and murder rates?

red flag
background checks
limit purchases
Training for gun owners

Expansion of social services particularly medical services
I said murder.
Allowing someone who should not have a gun to have a gun who then kills
IS MURDER bought to you by the Church of the NRA
What is allowing someone who should not be set free in public to be set free in public who then kills?
So, you weep over the fewer than 40K people who die by gunshot and you want average Americans disarmed but if our government ever tries to take them by force you'd cheerfully celebrate the deaths of 100s of 1000s in that effort.
Are you saying that you would use violence, gun violence, in opposition to laws that would make ownership/possession of certain firearms illegal?

So much for the "law abiding" gun owner.

For reference I suggest you look up Koresh. Another cult.
How many murderers have the NRA released from prison?

How about the death penalty for anyone convicted of murder? You in or out?
The cult and Church of the NRA ensure free and easy access to the weapons of war no matter the criminal or mental conditions. It's part of your religion.
Are you saying that you would use violence, gun violence, in opposition to laws that would make ownership/possession of certain firearms illegal?

So much for the "law abiding" gun owner.

For reference I suggest you look up Koresh. Another cult.
what's different than the Idaho murders?

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