F**** your thoughts and prayers?

They have voted that public ownership of handguns is illegal and you need a reason to own a gun.
Well, which is it? Are guns illegal or not? Your post is contradictory and makes no sense. Are you saying that handguns are illegal but long guns are not? If that is the case, are long guns any less lethal than handguns? What is a good reason to own a gun? Self defense? You seem seriously confused.
Says the Deacon of Child Murder in the Church of the NRA

The most extreme lies and exaggerations you can come up with to tie the deaths of children to the NRA do not come anywhere close to the genuine, verifiable death toll from abortion, which, unless I am mistaken, you fully support. We're talking about the deaths of thousands of innocent children every day, over a million every year. Do something about the beam that clearly, genuinely is in your own eye, before you fuss about the mote that you are hallucinating that you see in anyone else's eye.
With about 400 million guns in private hands in America guns will always be within the culture and always available, with varying degrees of difficulty, to the unhinged, the malevolent and the angry.

But even in that landscape more rigorous speed-bumps can be legislated to increase the difficulty of acquiring a firearm.

I am on record...on various internet forums and in published letters-to-the-editor.....that one tactic to increase that degree-of-difficulty is by enacting a 'strict liability' provision against the owner-of-record.

I mean by that, if you legally own the gun you can enjoy the benefits of ownership...as a hobby, as protection, as an investment, etc. .... but too, you own the consequences of harm. So, if you leave it under the seat of your F-150 and it gets stolen when you stop for a shot & a beer, and it is used to pop the 7-11 clerk, well, as the owner-of-record you bear a share of the liability. Maybe just financially? maybe a record for criminal negligence? ....defined by newly enacted laws.

The thrust of that measure is to increase...exponentially....the sense of responsibility and the risk in owning a gun. If you own its' good, you own its' bad. Then, if human nature tracks as usual, we will see enhanced attention to and stricter personal measures to keep that firearm secured.

It will move the ball down the field somewhat.

It won't eliminate the gun-violence curse that America endures......but nudging the peculiarly American obsession with firearms towards a safer cultural expectation --- is a good thing. And will, I believe, help to reduce...somewhat...the incidents of mass shootings, and likely have a bigger impact of the onesie-twosie shootings. Maybe save a another 7-11 clerk from being perforated, or another unfortunate girlfriend.
The old one or the new one...

Both are political movements...

Ireland did have a war of independence but had the fucking maturity (well a vast vast majority) to say when the war was finished to hand in there guns.. No need for them... And that is with the UK right next door.
Keep telling yourself that. You gained independence--except for that wee corner of the island that the UK has maintained a foothold on eh? If the UK wants the whole island, you will wish you had some type of defense. Not important to you though, eh?
Then focus on the STFU part.

Try taking your own advice. Who the fuck are you to tell other to shut up? Did someone die and make you King or something? You have an over-developed sense of importance and are a true keyboard bad-ass. dogging my posts.

The rest of the world has long since stopped sending "thoughts and prayers" because it's meaningless to those who died and those they left behind. We immediately took meaningful action on school shootings to ensure there weren't any more. If you're not going to do anything to end these attacks, why should you expect the rest of us to care?
Try taking your own advice. Who the fuck are you to tell other to shut up? Did someone die and make you King or something? You have an over-developed sense of importance and are a true keyboard bad-ass. dogging my posts.

The rest of the world has long since stopped sending "thoughts and prayers" because it's meaningless to those who died and those they left behind. We immediately took meaningful action on school shootings to ensure there weren't any more. If you're not going to do anything to end these attacks, why should you expect the rest of us to care?

You failed, school shootings continue .
Try taking your own advice. Who the fuck are you to tell other to shut up? Did someone die and make you King or something? You have an over-developed sense of importance and are a true keyboard bad-ass. dogging my posts.

The rest of the world has long since stopped sending "thoughts and prayers" because it's meaningless to those who died and those they left behind. We immediately took meaningful action on school shootings to ensure there weren't any more. If you're not going to do anything to end these attacks, why should you expect the rest of us to care?
You seem like a heartless person.

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