F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Good gawd, you obviously never heard of Sinn Fein
The old one or the new one...

Both are political movements...

Ireland did have a war of independence but had the fucking maturity (well a vast vast majority) to say when the war was finished to hand in there guns.. No need for them... And that is with the UK right next door.
Are you hoping that people get killed?

Of course not you fucking moron. Everyone of these killers is KNOWN to the authorities.

Everyone of them has been in trouble with the law and the AUTHORITIES let them go.

This last asshole had committed a felony and the authorities allowed him to plead it down to a misdemeanor.
As the Democrat party pushes farther left it is becoming morally debased and unhinged.
Lost is a better word
I believe that many of them really believe God and religion is their only enemy when, in fact, he is their only salvation.
For them, their collative salvation resides in the democrat party.

That may be true of a significant portion of the rank-and-file Democrap voters.

I have no doubt that the leaders of this Satanic movement know and fully intend what they are doing.

This is the sort of rhetoric we are hearing from elected officials these days, much like how Michigan state Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, dropped the F-bomb in a statement about the recent shooting at Michigan State University.

According to democrats, they only want people to take action..........ie.............gun control legislation. God has no place in our lives at all, apparently. Now the Left is your god.

Meanwhile, in Left looneyville, activist Dabid Hogg admits that despite recently passed gun regulations, gun violence has gone up, not down

But that is what the Left does, they assess failure and then double down on it.

The failure of Americans to place any meaningful restrictions on gun ownership in the USA, is leading to 45,000 shooting deaths and more 100,000 injuries every year. No other first world country has to have "active shooter drills" for their school children. 0r purchase bullet proof backpacks.

But you're banning abortion to "save the babies". What for? Target practice????
The failure of Americans to place any meaningful restrictions on gun ownership in the USA, is leading to 45,000 shooting deaths and more 100,000 injuries every year. No other first world country has to have "active shooter drills" for their school children. 0r purchase bullet proof backpacks.

But you're banning abortion to "save the babies". What for? Target practice????
Pass whatever laws you want in Canada, and STFU.
Lost is a better word

I believe that many of them really believe God and religion is their only enemy when, in fact, he is their only salvation.

For them, their collative salvation resides in the democrat party.

Pushing your lie that Democrats aren't people of faith again, Votto. 70% of Democrats are Christians, Votto.

Thou shalt not bear false witness Votto. Stop lying.
The old one or the new one...

Both are political movements...

Ireland did have a war of independence but had the fucking maturity (well a vast vast majority) to say when the war was finished to hand in there guns.. No need for them... And that is with the UK right next door.

How about the IRA? Did Sinn Fein or the IRA use firearms?

Better stop, you're fixing to get shellacked
They always claim the high moral ground. They don’t like it when you shine the light on what the really are.

It is truly a bizarre phenomenon that we are seeing, these days, from the left wrong—They put forth policies and positions that are blatantly evil, on the very surface. They support all manner of violent criminal, depraved sexual perversions, socialism, corruption and abuse of government powers, and so on. And yet, somehow, they think that by doing so, they are claiming some moral high ground.

An extreme effect that is, to ethics and morality what Dunning-Kruger is to intelligence. Their “high ground” is a bottomless pit of madness and evil.
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Maybe you haven't paid attention to Ireland over the past half century.

People in the Republic of Ireland are not armed to the teeth... They have voted that public ownership of handguns is illegal and you need a reason to own a gun.

Very little gun death.

What ye are talking about is Northern Ireland which started because of UK Civil Rights protests and killings of those protestors....

If you want to start teaching me about Irish history go on ahead, you will loose badly..
People in the Republic of Ireland are not armed to the teeth... They have voted that public ownership of handguns is illegal and you need a reason to own a gun.

Very little gun death.

What ye are talking about is Northern Ireland which started because of UK Civil Rights protests and killings of those protestors....

If you want to start teaching me about Irish history go on ahead, you will loose badly..

You don't realize guns were used to gain Irish independence and you think you're an expert on Irish history? Roflmao
The failure of Americans to place any meaningful restrictions on gun ownership in the USA, is leading to 45,000 shooting deaths and more 100,000 injuries every year. No other first world country has to have "active shooter drills" for their school children. 0r purchase bullet proof backpacks.

But you're banning abortion to "save the babies". What for? Target practice????

No, it isn't. The failure of government to keep violent criminals incarcerated for life is the cause of the gun violence.
Of course, the race baiters and the woke generation will throw a fit if that ever happened. :smoke:
Well typically with mass shooters as that they don't survive the event, or lose their lives commit suicide later when they are caught,

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