F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Nope. Drug abuse, drug culture and the destruction of American culture.
Again, drugs were already illegal long before mass shootings became ubiquitous. The culture changed and drugs became celebrated. You must be another pothead.

Drug laws are fairly recent, a total failure, violate basic principles of law, and entice people into drugs by the massive profit potential.

There were no drug laws before 1890.
Drug use for medicinal and recreational purposes has been happening in the United States since the country’s inception. In the 1890s, the popular Sears and Roebuck catalogue included an offer for a syringe and small amount of cocaine for $1.50. (At that time, cocaine use had not yet been outlawed.)

In some states, laws to ban or regulate drugs were passed in the 1800s, and the first congressional act to levy taxes on morphine and opium took place in 1890.

The Smoking Opium Exclusion Act in 1909 banned the possession, importation and use of opium for smoking. However, opium could still be used as a medication. This was the first federal law to ban the non-medical use of a substance, although many states and counties had banned alcohol sales previously.

The only legal basis for laws are to protect the inherent rights of individuals from abuse by others. Since drug laws do not do that at all, they have no legal basis. All drug laws are authoritarian, trying to dictate.

By increasing the profits from drug sales, drug laws entice poor people into selling drugs.
And since it is then has to be all cash deals, it entices people into trying to rob dealers.
That is where almost all shooting deaths come from.
you don't understand how it works. how unfortunate. ignorance is so overlooked in your case.

But you all act like you're gods. you think you can interfere into others personals to take their rights away. you're so nazi.
Are you trying to speak English here?
Your response had nothing to do with my post.

I was agreeing with you that the democratic party is fake and has no real principles.
I likely would disagree with you about republicans, who I think are just as bad or even worse, like Bush lying about WMD in Iraq in order to increase oil prices with a nasty war.
Drug laws are fairly recent, a total failure, violate basic principles of law, and entice people into drugs by the massive profit potential.

There were no drug laws before 1890.
Drug use for medicinal and recreational purposes has been happening in the United States since the country’s inception. In the 1890s, the popular Sears and Roebuck catalogue included an offer for a syringe and small amount of cocaine for $1.50. (At that time, cocaine use had not yet been outlawed.)

In some states, laws to ban or regulate drugs were passed in the 1800s, and the first congressional act to levy taxes on morphine and opium took place in 1890.

The Smoking Opium Exclusion Act in 1909 banned the possession, importation and use of opium for smoking. However, opium could still be used as a medication. This was the first federal law to ban the non-medical use of a substance, although many states and counties had banned alcohol sales previously.

The only legal basis for laws are to protect the inherent rights of individuals from abuse by others. Since drug laws do not do that at all, they have no legal basis. All drug laws are authoritarian, trying to dictate.

By increasing the profits from drug sales, drug laws entice poor people into selling drugs.
And since it is then has to be all cash deals, it entices people into trying to rob dealers.
That is where almost all shooting deaths come from.
And all of those eras you use as excuses had no epidemic of mass shootings or fatherless drug culture shooting up the streets.
Drug culture celebration is an inside-out Marxist strategy to destroy American culture. You’re part of the problem. You must be an addict yourself. Get an intervention. It will be better for you and everyone else.
I was agreeing with you that the democratic party is fake and has no real principles.
I likely would disagree with you about republicans, who I think are just as bad or even worse, like Bush lying about WMD in Iraq in order to increase oil prices with a nasty war.
I said nothing about republicans, good or bad.
Oil prices increased during the 2000’s because because the expansion of the Chinese and Indian economies put the squeeze on supply and the democrat congress wouldn’t allow for increased domestic energy production. Most lefties argued Iraq was about copping Iraq oil for republicans as if that would magically change oil prices.
Fuck your thoughts and prayers.
While you continue to embrace the murders of 40k people each and every year in worship to your God and it's Church of the NRA I would remind you that in countries around the world with reasonable gun laws the gun murder rate is, relative to the US, negligible.

It ain't god.
It's the guns.

No one ever got shot by a gun that wasn't there.
Progs use that term all the time. However, they follow the demonic ways, and their agendas increase problems a hundred or a thousand-fold then what it was while bankrupting the peasants and governments.
You are indeed "narrow" minded. In your mind Pubs can do no right and Dems can do no wrong.
they need to explain Rod Blagojevich then? Weiner? Epstein?

I find it truly hilarious how demofks convert their kind to conservative to avoid having to say one was defective.
I have been forced to vote independent ever since LBJ and his illegal war in Vietnam.
Clearly the war in Vietnam was just about profits for the Military Industrial Complex.
We still spend about 5 times what we should on "defense", and the BATF, DEA, Homeland Security, TSA, etc., are totally illegal.
That war and those organizations are legal
Not true.
All dictatorships, monarchies, autocracies, etc., are right wing.
All anarchies, individual freedoms, liberties, etc., are left wing.
You will not find a single primitive hunter/gatherer society that is not left wing.
Yes true and dictatorships are not exclusive to the right wing. Communism is a system which is built on massive dictatorship

porimitive hunter gatherer socieites were neither left nor right wing
Fuck your thoughts and prayers.
While you continue to embrace the murders of 40k people each and every year in worship to your God and it's Church of the NRA I would remind you that in countries around the world with reasonable gun laws the gun murder rate is, relative to the US, negligible.

It ain't god.
It's the guns.

No one ever got shot by a gun that wasn't there.
Have you ever seen an autonomous gun…one that aims itself at a human and pulls it’s own trigger?
Aren’t most triggers pulled by dark Democrats…..YOUR PEOPLE?
Yes true and dictatorships are not exclusive to the right wing. Communism is a system which is built on massive dictatorship

porimitive hunter gatherer socieites were neither left nor right wing
Part of Karl Marx's original communist ideology was to eventually do away with the state. But the problem was this "temporary dictatorship of the proletariat" became permanent by the murderous tyrants that used his ideology.

Democracy is difficult to keep, but without it, we fall towards dictatorships.
Fuck your thoughts and prayers.
While you continue to embrace the murders of 40k people each and every year in worship to your God and it's Church of the NRA I would remind you that in countries around the world with reasonable gun laws the gun murder rate is, relative to the US, negligible.

It ain't god.
It's the guns.

No one ever got shot by a gun that wasn't there.

again you dumb OX, Heroin COKE Fentynal are all illegal yet pours across the border by the TON.
So would GUNS (if outlawed or made illegal). Then only White druggies, Black or Brown street thugs would have them.
They would rampage thru decent folks neighborhoods, raping, killing, robbing.......as they do now (but greatly ramped up).
Pound sand with your RIDICULOUS BS!
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