F**** your thoughts and prayers?

What do you mean by "a lack of God in society?"
Did people kick God out of their society or something?
What did God do to get kicked out?
you all think you're god. why not meet in a room and answer your question!!!
Not true.
All dictatorships, monarchies, autocracies, etc., are right wing.
All anarchies, individual freedoms, liberties, etc., are left wing.
You will not find a single primitive hunter/gatherer society that is not left wing.
name one right wing monarchy!!
Could it be as more gun laws fail to curtail more gun violence, that more gun laws are not the answer?

Could it be as politicians and society becomes increasingly secular and crass and hateful, that the lack of God in society that is causing the uptick in gun violence?

Crazy talk, I know.
A legal system that actually enforces gun laws would change everything. Leftists need a continual crisis to achieve their agenda
What kind of weakling, impotent "God" lets mortals push him around and exclude him from their club?
you don't understand how it works. how unfortunate. ignorance is so overlooked in your case.

But you all act like you're gods. you think you can interfere into others personals to take their rights away. you're so nazi.
Why can't Lion's get male lions to stop eating their young? We're just animals. We're smart but not that smart.

A small example. Nothing someone says to you should be justification for putting your hands on another person. Yet we have two cases where it seems to happen all too often. When someone disrespects a cop or if someone makes fun of another man's wife. Suddenly people are saying "you should be respectful to the cops" or "you shouldn't talk about another man's wife like that".

No justification for doing it yet we justify it. How do theists feel about this? Most of you would smack a person in the mouth if they blasphemed your god. In the past you would have done much worse. MUCH worse.

Lions do NOT kill their OWN cubs.
When a new coalition of males takes over a pride, they almost always kill the prides’ cubs, since they are not biologically related and do not want to spend energy ensuring that other lions’ genes will be passed on. Also, female lions will not be receptive to mating while they are nursing, so killing the cubs enables the male lions to procreate.

Police should NOT be "respected" since we pay them and they are supposed to be our employees.
Not true.
All dictatorships, monarchies, autocracies, etc., are right wing.
All anarchies, individual freedoms, liberties, etc., are left wing.
You will not find a single primitive hunter/gatherer society that is not left wing.
Then according to your definitions, today’s democrats are hard right wing and Americans are left wing.
It ain’t the war on drugs, it’s drugs.
Drugs were already illegal long before mass shootings became popular.

Mass shootings only account for a few hundred deaths a year.
The main shooting deaths, about 15,000 a year, are from the War on Drugs.
Drugs do not make anyone shoot anyone else.
What causes the shooting are turf wars, attempts to steal all the cash accumulated from deals, etc.
Remember that dealers can't use banks, credit cards, checks, or police.
Then according to your definitions, today’s democrats are hard right wing and Americans are left wing.

I have been forced to vote independent ever since LBJ and his illegal war in Vietnam.
Clearly the war in Vietnam was just about profits for the Military Industrial Complex.
We still spend about 5 times what we should on "defense", and the BATF, DEA, Homeland Security, TSA, etc., are totally illegal.
Mass shootings only account for a few hundred deaths a year.
The main shooting deaths, about 15,000 a year, are from the War on Drugs.
Drugs do not make anyone shoot anyone else.
What causes the shooting are turf wars, attempts to steal all the cash accumulated from deals, etc.
Remember that dealers can't use banks, credit cards, checks, or police.
The drugs are a symptom of a greater societal decay. That decay starts with depletion of family structure.
The ‘war on drugs’ argument is propaganda and deflection. You must be a pothead drug addict.
demofks think they are gods and don't believe in one. truly astounding their ignorance to life.
God is a figment of your imagination.
Don't believe it?
Ask it to do something to prove it is there....and watch nothing happen.
There you go.
You have just demonstrated one of two things.
Either God is useless because you don't have any actual, tangible, workable relationship with this thing that can produce results when you need them....or....
It doesn't exist.
Of course you could always just do the standard Christian concept that they always default to when faced with irrefutable proof that God doesn't really exist....
"Thou shalt not tempt The Lord thy God...."
"He works in mysterious ways...."
"His ways are not the ways of man...."
"You just need to have faith...."
Ignorant, superstitious sheeple is all you are.
I have been forced to vote independent ever since LBJ and his illegal war in Vietnam.
Clearly the war in Vietnam was just about profits for the Military Industrial Complex.
We still spend about 5 times what we should on "defense", and the BATF, DEA, Homeland Security, TSA, etc., are totally illegal.
Your response had nothing to do with my post.
God is a figment of your imagination.
Don't believe it?
Ask it to do something to prove it is there....and watch nothing happen.
There you go.
You have just demonstrated one of two things.
Either God is useless because you don't have any actual, tangible, workable relationship with this thing that can produce results when you need them....or....
It doesn't exist.
Of course you could always just do the standard Christian concept that they always default to when faced with irrefutable proof that God doesn't really exist....
"Thou shalt not tempt The Lord thy God...."
"He works in mysterious ways...."
"His ways are not the ways of man...."
"You just need to have faith...."
Ignorant, superstitious sheeple is all you are.
You need to go to Iran and shout that post from the mountain top.
Not true.
All dictatorships, monarchies, autocracies, etc., are right wing.
All anarchies, individual freedoms, liberties, etc., are left wing.
You will not find a single primitive hunter/gatherer society that is not left wing.
And up is down, right is wrong and good is evil. ✍️Got it

This is the sort of rhetoric we are hearing from elected officials these days, much like how Michigan state Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, dropped the F-bomb in a statement about the recent shooting at Michigan State University.

According to democrats, they only want people to take action..........ie.............gun control legislation. God has no place in our lives at all, apparently. Now the Left is your god.

Meanwhile, in Left looneyville, activist Dabid Hogg admits that despite recently passed gun regulations, gun violence has gone up, not down

But that is what the Left does, they assess failure and then double down on it.
Too bad he doesn't even consider keeping dangerous people locked up in his fight against gun violence. It just seems so stupid to me that you allow dangerous people to run around loose and then try to keep guns out of their hands, as if that will stop dangerous people from being dangerous people or even from getting guns anyway. This is where you want to knock someone in the head a few times and say, "Hello! Is anyone in there?".

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