F**** your thoughts and prayers?

I note that this politician does not have a traditional American name. Am I being racist in pointing this out? No. I am just pointing out a fact. Let me go a step further and point out that there are a lot of people in the federal government today with similar names. These people are in big tech too. It is not that they lack traditional American names. Rather, it is that these people may lack traditional American values, such as assimilation. I further note that these people with similar names tend to advocate Marxist policies. I am not saying that all such people are Marxists. I am just saying that among the Marxist revolutionaries in America today, you will find a lot of them with similar names.

Saying "F" your thoughts and prayers indicates to me that he does not value traditional American values, nor does he respect those values or the people who hold said values. His statement is, therefore, inherently destructive. Destroying traditional American institutions is the M.O. of today's neo-Marxist revolutionaries. In fact, destroying social and political institutions in general has always been part of the M.O. of Marxists. You have got to dis-organize in order to re-organize, you know. You can clearly see such destructive efforts in Europe as part of the communist scourge prior to WWII. That is what they do: tear down and destroy. They do so for insidious reasons. Marxists are like termites.

Thus, it is unsurprising that the neo-Marxist trash now infecting America is full of people from other parts of the world. If you already hate America, then it is easy for you to destroy. They even think they are doing a good thing. That is how messed up these people are.
Do you expect them to change their God given name? 5 or 10 generations of Americans with that family name could have lived here already.

Yes, you are being bigoted to surmise someone's loyalty to their own country, relies on their last name.
I never got the whole "thoughts and prayers" thing and it's especially tiresome from politicians.

Not good when something like that happens but I don't know any of them to the point of issuing out T&Ps willy-nilly.......Some could have been total assholes for all I know.

You know good and well national politicians, on the whole, care shit-all about any of us unless they see a advantage to be gained off the misery of a situation.

As far as the rep goes it's a take I'm not surprised a Sikh would make.....Dem and all.....They are not known for empty platitudes.
Do you expect them to change their God given name? 5 or 10 generations of Americans with that family name could have lived here already.

Yes, you are being bigoted to surmise someone's loyalty to their own country, relies on their last name.
Or, they just came over on the boat, so to speak. You must not be so narrow minded.
Why can't man fix the problems? :rolleyes:
Why can't Lion's get male lions to stop eating their young? We're just animals. We're smart but not that smart.

A small example. Nothing someone says to you should be justification for putting your hands on another person. Yet we have two cases where it seems to happen all too often. When someone disrespects a cop or if someone makes fun of another man's wife. Suddenly people are saying "you should be respectful to the cops" or "you shouldn't talk about another man's wife like that".

No justification for doing it yet we justify it. How do theists feel about this? Most of you would smack a person in the mouth if they blasphemed your god. In the past you would have done much worse. MUCH worse.
History also shows as rightism increases, death increases.
Hitler used the Church to do what he did. If those people didn't believe in Jesus maybe they wouldn't have been dumb enough to go along with Hitler.

In fact ask any Nazi in Germany today they think God sent Trump. Hitler failed but Trump won't. Go ahead, re elect him and see.

In fact doesn't religion in America also have a unholy alliance with Trump? Must be a lot like when the church bent over for Hitler. Maybe hitler banned abortion for them and made them happy. I don't know what Hilter did to get the Catholic vote but boy did he get them.
This is the sort of rhetoric we are hearing from elected officials these days, much like how Michigan state Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, dropped the F-bomb in a statement about the recent shooting at Michigan State University.

According to democrats, they only want people to take action..........ie.............gun control legislation. God has no place in our lives at all, apparently. Now the Left is your god.
Good for him.

We need less platitudes and more action.
Fuck your thoughts and prayers.
While you continue to embrace the murders of 40k people each and every year in worship to your God and it's Church of the NRA I would remind you that in countries around the world with reasonable gun laws the gun murder rate is, relative to the US, negligible.

It ain't god.
It's the guns.

No one ever got shot by a gun that wasn't there.

Why didn't you stop typing after you wrote "Fuck your thoughts and prayers"?

If you agree with the statement why have you continued to express your thoughts?
Fuck your thoughts and prayers.
While you continue to embrace the murders of 40k people each and every year in worship to your God and it's Church of the NRA I would remind you that in countries around the world with reasonable gun laws the gun murder rate is, relative to the US, negligible.

It ain't god.
It's the guns.

No one ever got shot by a gun that wasn't there.
Are the police, Army and politicians giving up their weapons too?

Asking for a friend

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