F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Or he did it for god. That happens a lot too you know. Just because believing in god makes you a better person doesn't mean it makes everyone a better person. Al Queda every time they kill an American soldier says praise god.
You think God asked them to do that? For him?
Of course man is to blame. The other thing we were talking about doesn't even exist. And I blame man for being stupid enough to fall for it.

During the time of Socrates and Plato they had two choices.

a. Push religion and slavery
b. Push science and Democracy

The rich people back then didn't think the masses could handle b and we went the other route. How is that working out for us?

We'd be on Mars already if not for religion. Yes, blame man.
Your god "science" has no answers and no explanations for countless observed or documented miracles right in front of their faces. . And yet, they refuse to accept the evidence for the supernatural. . . . And here you are, spouting off your knowledge of the silliness of God when you have no idea how you got here, where you are going, or why you are even here in the first place. ---------- "When man stops believing in God, he then does not believe in nothing. . . he will believe in anything." --Chesterton
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Thank a liberal for caring more about a guy who should have been in prison for life, for him instead being out on the street to perpetrate this mass shooting / these murders.

Want to do something to make a difference and prevent this in the future?

Sentencing Guidelines. See your legislators. Judges do not hand down arbitrary sentences. They follow guidelines.
Guns don't murder. Only when a person uses them improperly do people die of murder.

Guns save many more lives than they take, if they didn't save lives the cops wouldn't need them.
I agree. I was just saying no one is dying from prescription drugs unless they’re abusing them or unless someone made a med error
Thoughts and prayers are all that can be offered to the dead. What we can offer their families and friends, and society as a whole, is our desire to change the future. However, until both sides are willing to accept that rhetoric and finger-pointing will not change anything, there is no chance that anything will change.

There are more privately owned firearms in this country than citizens; and those are the guns we know about. Disarming the American population is neither possible nor preferable, as I see it. On the other hand the brazen, open carry of firearms in public is really nothing more than an opportunity to aggravate and antagonize those who don’t like firearms. There can be a reasonable accord reached IF BOTH SIDES are willing to put their hate of each other aside and use common sense to protect the Constitutional Rights of gun owners while doing our best to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have them (children, criminals, the mentally I’ll, etc…)
I note that this politician does not have a traditional American name. Am I being racist in pointing this out? No. I am just pointing out a fact. Let me go a step further and point out that there are a lot of people in the federal government today with similar names. These people are in big tech too. It is not that they lack traditional American names. Rather, it is that these people may lack traditional American values, such as assimilation. I further note that these people with similar names tend to advocate Marxist policies. I am not saying that all such people are Marxists. I am just saying that among the Marxist revolutionaries in America today, you will find a lot of them with similar names.

Saying "F" your thoughts and prayers indicates to me that he does not value traditional American values, nor does he respect those values or the people who hold said values. His statement is, therefore, inherently destructive. Destroying traditional American institutions is the M.O. of today's neo-Marxist revolutionaries. In fact, destroying social and political institutions in general has always been part of the M.O. of Marxists. You have got to dis-organize in order to re-organize, you know. You can clearly see such destructive efforts in Europe as part of the communist scourge prior to WWII. That is what they do: tear down and destroy. They do so for insidious reasons. Marxists are like termites.

Thus, it is unsurprising that the neo-Marxist trash now infecting America is full of people from other parts of the world. If you already hate America, then it is easy for you to destroy. They even think they are doing a good thing. That is how messed up these people are.
Hyperbolic at best .. a majority of the 35-40K deaths are suicides .. not murders ... yet your politicians decide to target specific weapons which are rarely used in shootings. Brilliant!
People mentally disturbed, killing themselves with guns is not a problem??
No. The people who got murdered needed prayer. What happened? Why did god send that shooter into that class to shoot those people? What did they do wrong? They must have done something wrong, right? Or god wanted them? What stupid god justification are you going to give me?

Your crazy, old testament, no free will beliefs are fucked, dude.

This is the sort of rhetoric we are hearing from elected officials these days, much like how Michigan state Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, dropped the F-bomb in a statement about the recent shooting at Michigan State University.

According to democrats, they only want people to take action..........ie.............gun control legislation. God has no place in our lives at all, apparently. Now the Left is your god.

Meanwhile, in Left looneyville, activist Dabid Hogg admits that despite recently passed gun regulations, gun violence has gone up, not down

But that is what the Left does, they assess failure and then double down on it.

Thoughts and prayers is a meaningless trite expression that people throw around when they have nothing else to say.
They always claim the high moral ground. They don’t like it when you shine the light on what the really are.
You think a F-bomb is the height of moral failing
But killing children is just fine?

Brought to you by the Church of the NRA and the GOP

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