F**** your thoughts and prayers?


Lets go there
In almost every one of these mass shootings, those who knew the gunman say…….I saw it coming

We need to prevent these monsters from getting their hands on guns and take the advice of teachers, fellow students, relatives and neighbors.

We need to remove their weapon of choice. AR type weapons with large capacity magazines

Especially when the guy in this story used a handgun!


No, the problem is that people with "underlying mental illness or derangement" have easy access to guns.

Access you and the Church of the NRA protect no matter how many children your fellow worshippers murder.
Actually it's the democrats that are refusing to prosecute criminals and letting them back out on the streets.

This is the sort of rhetoric we are hearing from elected officials these days, much like how Michigan state Rep. Ranjeev Puri, a Democrat, dropped the F-bomb in a statement about the recent shooting at Michigan State University.

According to democrats, they only want people to take action..........ie.............gun control legislation. God has no place in our lives at all, apparently. Now the Left is your god.

Meanwhile, in Left looneyville, activist Dabid Hogg admits that despite recently passed gun regulations, gun violence has gone up, not down

But that is what the Left does, they assess failure and then double down on it.
He's not wrong.
So, you weep over the fewer than 40K people who die by gunshot and you want average Americans disarmed but if our government ever tries to take them by force you'd cheerfully celebrate the deaths of 100s of 1000s in that effort.
Are you saying you're NOT a law abiding gun owner?
Then you should have those guns taken and, if you choose to resist?
I credit Darwin.
We need to prevent these monsters from getting their hands on guns and take the advice of teachers, fellow students, relatives and neighbors.

Thanks for attempting to participate.

Unfortunately for you, we do not give a trophy for not getting the point.

Actually it's the democrats that are refusing to prosecute criminals and letting them back out on the streets.
Say it with me slowly....Sentencing Guidelines.....c'mon, you can do it. :)
Hint...if you are unhappy with prosecution guidelines, you need to see the LEGISLATORS..who set said guidelines.
Learn to put the blame where it belongs, on man.
Of course man is to blame. The other thing we were talking about doesn't even exist. And I blame man for being stupid enough to fall for it.

During the time of Socrates and Plato they had two choices.

a. Push religion and slavery
b. Push science and Democracy

The rich people back then didn't think the masses could handle b and we went the other route. How is that working out for us?

We'd be on Mars already if not for religion. Yes, blame man.
No. The people who got murdered needed prayer. What happened? Why did god send that shooter into that class to shoot those people? What did they do wrong? They must have done something wrong, right? Or god wanted them? What stupid god justification are you going to give me?
Some of them may have needed God. Some may have had him. God doesn’t cure all of your problems. The shooter sure as hell needed God. There’s no doubt about that.
Be specific, What?
I can take this one.

We aren't going to be able to flip a magic switch or pass a catchall law that will end these immediately. There will be others, for whatever reason.

So, when each one happens, we investigate—thoroughly and transparently, so everyone can see—what happened and determine one thing, just one, from each one that would have either prevented it or significantly reduced the damage.
- The Las Vegas shooter used bump stocks, so we banned bump stocks. It didn't address every aspect of that kook's actions, but it was one right thing to do.
- One guy who shot up a Texas church slipped through several levels of background checks because the military didn't communicate his disqualifying actions to the FBI. Rebuild the entire system of how they communicate, so the next guy can't do that again.
- The Naval Ship Yard shooter from a few years back had serious mental health issues but got access because he was a contractor. Increase mental health programs and monitoring for contractors as well as military personnel.
- The school shooter in St. Louis bought their gun from a private dealer after failing a national background check. Require background checks for private sales.
- The guy who shot Gabby Giffords was able to inflict so much damage because he had 33-round magazines, and he was tackled when he was forced to reload. Limit large-capacity magazines.
- In Parkland, one of the big problems was that the cops didn't go in and save them. Establish new procedures that require police to, y'know, protect and serve.

This allows us to address several issues at once, and go after the issues that actually are the problem, whether it's mental health, enforcement, or legislation.

But we have to do *something*.
Some of them may have needed God. Some may have had him. God doesn’t cure all of your problems. The shooter sure as hell needed God. There’s no doubt about that.
Or he did it for god. That happens a lot too you know. Just because believing in god makes you a better person doesn't mean it makes everyone a better person. Al Queda every time they kill an American soldier says praise god.
Of course it will

OK, let's give your the Trump run fascist empire you desire.

Do you REALLY REALLY REALLY think your new master will let you keep your guns?
Do you really think they would have the slightest hesitation about ending anyone suggesting even the slightest hesitation to comply?
Do you really think any voiced opposition would not be silenced?

Get real fool. You're little more than fodder to them and your words in places like this will bring them right to your doorstep.
Thank a liberal for caring more about a guy who should have been in prison for life, for him instead being out on the street to perpetrate this mass shooting / these murders.

Want to do something to make a difference and prevent this in the future?


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