F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Could it be as more gun laws fail to curtail more gun violence, that more gun laws are not the answer?

Could it be as politicians and society becomes increasingly secular and crass and hateful, that the lack of God in society that is causing the uptick in gun violence?

Crazy talk, I know.
I think that is exactly it. I grew up in a small town that I would guess had very few homes without firearms in them, many of them kept loaded for quick use to dispel varmints. High school kids had gun racks with rifles and shotguns in them in their pickup trucks in the school parking lot. There was no law against discharging a firearm within the city limits if a citizen needed to put down a hurt or sick animal or dispel one of those varmints. Pretty much everybody from the age of 10 up knew how to load, aim, shoot, clean the guns.

And in the decade I lived in that town, nobody was shot, injured, or threatened. Crime was almost non existent. Nobody but nobody felt their schools were unsafe in any way. We had total freedom to run and play throughout the neighborhood just so we were within our mothers' voices when the street lights came on.

The difference? Mostly two parent homes, lots of churches and most people attended, adults would discipline any child within earshot if the child needed it. The community mostly shared basic values of being neighborly, thoughtful, courteous, right and wrong.

I would guess those who believed in God were well over 90% of the population and God and religious symbols and festivals, celebrations were allowed everywhere including the schools where no child was made to believe his/her God was unacceptable or not allowed.

If we could return to that kind of society, I'm pretty darn sure incidents of ALL kinds of crimes would drastically drop.
People are always under pressure in america. Get up, rush to work. Work 8 hours, rush to store rush home. Tired, spent. No time to ever stop and smell the roses. People are overworked and unfulfilled. Sick and tired of the rat race. And they know no break is coming.
Heroin COKE Fentynal are all illegal yet all pour across the border by the TON.

Guns would also pour across open borders if a buck was to be made.
The majority would end up in the hands of Criminals.

We have problem people getting ahold of GUNS illegally, they are lifetime criminals.
If they don't have a gun...they use a car, knife, fists, rope, fire..whatever.
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I think that is exactly it. I grew up in a small town that I would guess had very few homes without firearms in them, many of them kept loaded for quick use to dispel varmints. High school kids had gun racks with rifles and shotguns in them in their pickup trucks in the school parking lot. There was no law against discharging a firearm within the city limits if a citizen needed to put down a hurt or sick animal or dispel one of those varmints. Pretty much everybody from the age of 10 up knew how to load, aim, shoot, clean the guns.

And in the decade I lived in that town, nobody was shot, injured, or threatened. Crime was almost non existent. Nobody but nobody felt their schools were unsafe in any way. We had total freedom to run and play throughout the neighborhood just so we were within our mothers' voices when the street lights came on.

The difference? Mostly two parent homes, lots of churches and most people attended, adults would discipline any child within earshot if the child needed it. The community mostly shared basic values of being neighborly, thoughtful, courteous, right and wrong.

I would guess those who believed in God were well over 90% of the population and God and religious symbols and festivals, celebrations were allowed everywhere including the schools where no child was made to believe his/her God was unacceptable or not allowed.

If we could return to that kind of society, I'm pretty darn sure incidents of ALL kinds of crimes would drastically drop.
I grew up in NM and it followed pretty much what you described in your post ^^. I've been gone for over 50 years and it seems NM has become woke. Now "responsible, leftist adults" seem to run things and people are killed by Hollywood elites that "didn't pull the trigger." What is wrong with this picture?
Thoughts and prayers is a meaningless trite expression that people throw around when they have nothing else to say.
Show me a newscaster, celebrity or politician that utters the phrase "Our thoughts and prayers are with you" and I will show you a man who hardly prays at all.
Christians put no faith or effort in "thoughts." . Heathens do.
And even though prayers can guarantee nothing on the ground to occur, a sincere Christian does not stop at prayer, they are actively helping those in need.
God is a figment of your imagination.
Don't believe it?
Ask it to do something to prove it is there....and watch nothing happen.
There you go.

God is under no obligation whatsoever to conform to any demands that, in your ignorance and hubris, you might presume to make of Him to prove Himself to you.
God is under no obligation whatsoever to conform to any demands that, in your ignorance and hubris, you might presume to make of Him to prove Himself to you.
I believe it is the height of hubris to ask God for anything but forgiveness. God has gifted us with life and an amazing island in the universe to call home. Thankfulness is all we can rightfully send in our prayers. The problems we experience are and have always been--of our own making.

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