F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Anthony McRae was charged in June 2019 with illegally carrying a concealed handgun without a permit, but later had those charges dismissed by the office of Ingham County prosecutor Carol Siemon (D.). Her office instead let McRae plead guilty to a lesser misdemeanor gun charge, and he served a little more than a year on probation, which ended May 2021. He initially faced up to five years in prison for the felony charge, the Detroit News reported.

Siemon retired from the prosecutor’s office at the start of this year after facing criticism from judges and law enforcement officials for her soft-on-crime policies. The same year that McRae was released, Ingham County sheriff Scott Wriggelsworth pushed East Lansing’s city council "to reconsider her internal felony firearm charging policy," which he said, "does not hold people properly criminally accountable and increases the likelihood of additional gun violence."

Siemon made it her office’s official policy in August 2021 to drop mandatory prison sentences for felony firearms charges. She said the sentencing enhancement led to "dramatic racial inequity" and was "not in any way linked to the goal that we share of keeping the public safe."

MSU shooter prior gun charge

For those who want to complain about "common sense gun laws" not getting passed, how to explain the fact that the legal system had a chance to enforce existing law here but didn't do it. How many other murders do we hear their rap sheet, afterwards, having at least one gun charge that was plead down by a DA office? Doesn't the fact that their charges were dropped to misdemeanors still allow them to LEGALLY buy a firearm? But let's go after gun owners and not say anything about these DAs who are letting criminals go with a slap on the wrist for gun crimes. This soft-on-gun crimes that's happening is not happening because of the NRA and republicans.
so again, these demofks create their own chaos to look like we're in need of something. Instead of doing their job and eliminating the creation of the chaos. they are the ultimate manipulators and gaslighters.
Looks like the two who don't believe my post; one calls for it being fake is either his/her is totally ignorant, willfully ignorant and/or a damn liar; the other, jc456, is an ignorant fool.
well you're wrong. no other way to say it. Prosecutors are the issue, not so much the judges.
Keeps guns out of the hands of criminals and loons.


Please describe, in detail, how any of these harm the innocent.
red flag
background checks
limit purchases
Training for gun owners

Bet you can't
every time, the current gun laws would have worked had demofks just done their jobs. they are the reason for the shootings. crisis and chaos is what demofks live for. ask them.
We have more prisoners than any other country on Earth.

We incarcerate more people per capita than anywhere else.

And that includes communist China. We have more people in prison than that country which is four times more populated than ours.

Our gun homicide rate has fuck-all to do with "releasing the people doing almost all the shooting". Your head is full of shit straight from the NRA's ass.

SHUP MAC, you bother normal people.

America has both Black & Brown Violent Criminals to deal with. Korea, China, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan.they don't have that issue.
Other Countries control their borders. They don't have middle-aged Criminals wandering in.
Since children are being slaughtered, and continue to be slaughtered, I just believe they should be the children of the people who have created this problem.

The NRA, the Republicans, and the gun makers.
No criminals!
Uh Huh...
So where do the guns come from that are used to commit crimes?

That's right audience..."Law Abiding Gun Owners"

Perhaps if you can rectify that particular conundrum ...
in the southside of Chicago they are all illegally gotten. everyone. Guess where the most violence is? Guess which city has the most gun laws? hahahahahhaa the fact you ignore facts means you are a demfok.
AR does not stand for assault rifle, and is semi automatic, just like a handgun, criminals get semi auto weapons, I will keep mine, and you mind your own business, see how easy that is. See, since criminals will not obey your stringent restrictions, I will, and will protect myself!
Never said it did, liar


If you can guarantee your bullets will harm only you, sure
But that is not your intent.
You have your guns because you, as a cultist, MUST believe the teachings of your church
and those teaching require you to enable 40K murders in the US each and every year.,
Never said it did, liar


If you can guarantee your bullets will harm only you, sure
But that is not your intent.
You have your guns because you, as a cultist, MUST believe the teachings of your church
and those teaching require you to enable 40K murders in the US each and every year.,
then why do you think it's evil?
I am actually very very tired of children being killed. The NRA, the Republican Party, the gun makers, and you, are not.

You don't even believe there is a problem.

Yeah, there's a problem. Our morally rotten and depraved society. It's not he guns. I walked into Junior high in 1980 with a shotgun, broken down, for communications class. Principal was ok with it as long as long as it wasn't loaded. I walked down the hall to class with a broken down shotgun and no one hardly even noticed. The biggest worry I had was being laughed at for showing the class how to clean a gun. Most already knew.

not all gun deaths are murder....take the demafascist brown shirts that Kyle Rittenshouse killed...they weren't murdered.
yes they were,
they were murdered by an NRA cultist like you
and he was aided in his defense by a cultist judge, JUST LIKE YOU.
yes they were,
they were murdered by an NRA cultist like you
and he was aided in his defense by a cultist judge, JUST LIKE YOU.
look at the boy crying wolf.

Don't you ever get tired of deceiving your people?

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