F**** your thoughts and prayers?

Nothing here changes the fact you openly hope children are killed, so you can use them a means to advance your mindless agenda.
Let me tell you what the real evil is.

The real evil is your apathy about the slaughter of children. The real evil is your denial there is a real problem.
Since it is democrats releasing the people doing almost all of the shooting....you must wish their children to die....right?
We have more prisoners than any other country on Earth.

We incarcerate more people per capita than anywhere else.

And that includes communist China. We have more people in prison than that country which is four times more populated than ours.

Our gun homicide rate has fuck-all to do with "releasing the people doing almost all the shooting". Your head is full of shit straight from the NRA's ass.
If you don't need guns for safety .. don't get them. Problem solved.

Automatic and semiautomatic weapons are not "protection."
There's a reason they use the term "assault" to describe them.

15 ARs is not protection
high capacity is not protection
5000 round of ammunition is not protection.

The "problem" can only be solved by saving the cult members from the Church of the NRA
hahaha…well there you have it folks…why can’t you take Dadoalex seriously? Because he/she says it is RACIST to point out the facts. It’s racist to point out that dark people, the very people Dems proclaim to cherish above all things are the people making guns do terrible things….it isn’t the guns making dark Democrats do what they do. If Dadoalex really cares to solve the problem why not advocate to keep guns out of the hands of dark Democrats….why fight to take rights from good, real core Americans?
Still a racist and, I see, a charter member of the cult in the Church of the NRA

Let's just dismiss you as a tiny minded ape like poop throwing and eating racist asswipe.

I think the description is adequate...

Your desire to keep guns away from PoC is understood.
In a few years White people will be a minority and there's a long history of people in the majority using guns against minorities.
Your fear is palpable.
Keep them in prison and it wouldn't matter you, fucking twit.
Keep all gun owners in prison?
Interesting, I hadn't thought of that.
It would eliminate gun trafficking and the supply of guns to criminals.

Good idea!
You're either ignorant or a flat out liar. There are no where near 40k gun murders a year. So shove your commie talking points, the informed know better.

All gun deaths are murder clearly attributable to the Church of the NRA cult and ignorant members like you.
Still a racist and, I see, a charter member of the cult in the Church of the NRA

Let's just dismiss you as a tiny minded ape like poop throwing and eating racist asswipe.

I think the description is adequate...

Your desire to keep guns away from PoC is understood.
In a few years White people will be a minority and there's a long history of people in the majority using guns against minorities.
Your fear is palpable.
Automatic and semiautomatic weapons are not "protection."
There's a reason they use the term "assault" to describe them.

15 ARs is not protection
high capacity is not protection
5000 round of ammunition is not protection.

The "problem" can only be solved by saving the cult members from the Church of the NRA
AR does not stand for assault rifle, and is semi automatic, just like a handgun, criminals get semi auto weapons, I will keep mine, and you mind your own business, see how easy that is. See, since criminals will not obey your stringent restrictions, I will, and will protect myself!
Guns aren't going to be banned or confiscated, that's a lie propagated by the dishonest, fear-mongering right.
Doesn’t seem to stop demofks if that’s true, on and on about guns. What about them? They don’t kill yet you and other demofks have diarrhea of the mouth about them. More people die from other causes, fking FACT
The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding and will never commit any crimes never mind murder.
Uh Huh...
So where do the guns come from that are used to commit crimes?

That's right audience..."Law Abiding Gun Owners"

Perhaps if you can rectify that particular conundrum ...

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