f16 vs Crowd

Originally posted by freeandfun1
they were doing their job. killing the enemy before the enemy has a chance to kill them. yes, it is quite brave and noble and I thank God every day that they are killing those sons of bitches over there instead of us having to fight them here. you idiots can't seem to get that simple truth through your thick, arrogant heads.

Goddamn individuals walking on roads! I share your hatred of all individuals walking on roads!
Originally posted by insein
They use our airplanes to come here jackass. They infiltrate and then destroy. Perhaps you forgot what happened on 9/11 you fucktard. Dont' be so retarded.

Falluja has a curfew. It was clearly stated. Anyone out past curfew was to be considered a threat. Threat neutralized. End of story.

So Iraqis who break curfew deserve to die? Well then, we sure have brought these people a much better Iraq than they had before, haven't we?
Originally posted by insein
Not 9/11 but there is between Al-Queda and Iraq as well as every other terrorist organization you can name off of the top of your head. The commission even said as such.

Actually, what the commission found was that Al Qaeda approached Iraq for cooperation but that Iraq ignored them. What a connection!

These guys here are terrorists. They're not insurgents,

Inform FOX they need to adopt your more simple minded terminlogy

they're not militants, they're not the Revolution as MM would have you believe. they are terrorists. They are fighting the coalition in the hopes of spreading fear to the troops and to the people living in the town.

And how do you know all this Mr. Smartypants?
the problem is, nobody on this board has ANY information to show exactly WHO those fuckers were, who were blown up. We don't know if JUST PRIOR, each one of those bastards shot RPGs at Civilians, or raided a hospital. Perhaps that group had just ambushed Iraqi security forces, and were trying to make a break for it?

Stop speculating when you have NO data; I trust the judgement of the Airforce's intelligence and command & control FAR more than the opinion of those who sit safe and comfy behind their computers thinking THEY could do a better job determining the legitimacy of targets during wartime operations.
Originally posted by menewa
How is it brave to drop a bomb on a group of pedestrians from a mile in the sky?

How brave is it to strap a bomb to a car or, better yet, a child, and blow it up when our military drives by?
Originally posted by -=d=-
the problem is, nobody on this board has ANY information to show exactly WHO those fuckers were, who were blown up. We don't know if JUST PRIOR, each one of those bastards shot RPGs at Civilians, or raided a hospital. Perhaps that group had just ambushed Iraqi security forces, and were trying to make a break for it?

Stop speculating when you have NO data; I trust the judgement of the Airforce's intelligence and command & control FAR more than the opinion of those who sit safe and comfy behind their computers thinking THEY could do a better job determining the legitimacy of targets during wartime operations.

I agree---I'm tired or arm-chair generals who would decide the people bombed were innocent civilians when NO ONE on this board knows who they were and what they may have done. You are basically saying that the US targets civilians and I don't believe you but I can guarantee that the terrorists target civilians!
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
How brave is it to strap a bomb to a car or, better yet, a child, and blow it up when our military drives by?

Suicide bombers just seem insane to me. But did you watch Frontline on PBS two weeks ago? They interviewed Palestinians in Israeli custody that had tried to be suicide bombers but had failed for some reason or another. And these would be bombers were just as calm and collected as a Buddhist monk. Needless to say, this calmness really dissturbed me. It was a Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy calmness. You should go on-line and watch any clips if they have them.
Originally posted by dilloduck
I agree---I'm tired or arm-chair generals who would decide the people bombed were innocent civilians when NO ONE on this board knows who they were and what they may have done. You are basically saying that the US targets civilians and I don't believe you but I can guarantee that the terrorists target civilians!

You're right dillo. I'm positive the guys in the jets don't want to hit civilians and try their hardest to avoid it. Ands I plead total ignorance to the context of that video. But mistakes happen in every war. Remember in Afghanistan, the US pilot killed those Canadian soldiers. Then they blew up a wedding party there. Then, in Iraq, they blew up anothern wedding party.

My problem is modern warfare. There is no looking the enemy in the eye any more. It's just about who has the biggest guns or most high tech devices. War today is determined by the wizardry of technology, I preferred it when war was determined by guts and individual skill of the warriors.
Originally posted by menewa
My problem is modern warfare. There is no looking the enemy in the eye any more. It's just about who has the biggest guns or most high tech devices. War today is determined by the wizardry of technology, I preferred it when war was determined by guts and individual skill of the warriors.

I could bet there are fewer Civilian/innocent casualities today than at any other time in the history of warfare - the only exception being when the fools lined up 100 across, 100m apart, and took shots.
Originally posted by posternutbag
Goddamn individuals walking on roads! I share your hatred of all individuals walking on roads!

to bad you know nothing about warfare. if you did, i might take serious what you blabber. but since you don't, i will just dismiss your comments as being those of a mindless child that sees the world through rose colored glasses.

How do you know those guys did not have weapons and were heading towards a US position to attack Americans? You don't. I am sure the aircraft was being directed by troops on the ground.

See, you have no idea but assume the worst. Typical.
Originally posted by Sakiris
I don't see you bringing out any data proving otherwise either...

Insein: nevermind *edited*

Menewa: I'm glad finally someone has figured it out :clap:

Freeandfun1: You really think that Iraq or the Iraqi people where a threat to you? You really think they were capable of attacking USA in any way? If that's what you believe, then go on.. Live your life like Bush and those *edited* want you to live it.. in fear of everything and everyone!

better now Jimnyc?

Ok. Michael Moore plotted with Al Queda to carry out 9/11. There's no evidence to prove me wrong so it must be true.:rolleyes:

Im glad we have more idiots from overseas taking so much interest in a country they hate. :D
Originally posted by menewa
My problem is modern warfare. There is no looking the enemy in the eye any more... I preferred it when war was determined by guts and individual skill of the warriors.

Oh really? Been there done that have you? Why don't you tell us about it.
Originally posted by -=d=-
the problem is, nobody on this board has ANY information to show exactly WHO those fuckers were, who were blown up. We don't know if JUST PRIOR, each one of those bastards shot RPGs at Civilians, or raided a hospital. Perhaps that group had just ambushed Iraqi security forces, and were trying to make a break for it?

Stop speculating when you have NO data; I trust the judgement of the Airforce's intelligence and command & control FAR more than the opinion of those who sit safe and comfy behind their computers thinking THEY could do a better job determining the legitimacy of targets during wartime operations.
If it's worth anything...the first thought that came to my mind when I saw that video was that it was an attack during the "major combat operations" back in March of last year. I'm probably wrong, but would end up making a lot more sense. I mean, I've heard of larger insurgencies and stuff, but that was quite the crowd.

Originally posted by -=d=-
We don't know if JUST PRIOR, each one of those bastards shot RPGs at Civilians, or raided a hospital. Perhaps that group had just ambushed Iraqi security forces, and were trying to make a break for it?

Those are some interesting speculations.

Stop speculating when you have NO data;

:confused: Um..... excuse me, are you talking to yourself? Can you say... hypocrit?

I trust the judgement of the Airforce's intelligence and command & control FAR more than the opinion of those who sit safe and comfy behind their computers thinking THEY could do a better job
determining the legitimacy of targets during wartime operations.

Oh. So you trust your government. I see. That'll get you far.
Originally posted by dilloduck
I agree---I'm tired or arm-chair generals who would decide the people bombed were innocent civilians when NO ONE on this board knows who they were and what they may have done. You are basically saying that the US targets civilians and I don't believe you but I can guarantee that the terrorists target civilians!

The difference between us and them, Mr. Jerry Garcia, is that they are completely willing to deliberately kill civilians to accomplish what they need to get done - and we are completely willing to "accidently" kill civilians to get done what we need to get done. They kill civilians with hatred, we kill them with apathy. I'm sure it may seem like a big difference if you're trying to justify the killing of innocent people, but to the people who are dead and their loved ones, the distinction is almost nonexistant.
Originally posted by freeandfun1
to bad you know nothing about warfare. if you did, i might take serious what you blabber. but since you don't, i will just dismiss your comments as being those of a mindless child that sees the world through rose colored glasses.

Feel free to construct whatever reality you wish to construct around yourself, I could care less.

How do you know those guys did not have weapons and were heading towards a US position to attack Americans?

I know they didn't have weapons the same way you know they did. That is, I don't know, and neither do you.

You don't. I am sure the aircraft was being directed by troops on the ground.

And how are you sure? I see, you are allowed to speculate, I am not.
Originally posted by posternutbag
Feel free to construct whatever reality you wish to construct around yourself, I could care less.

I know they didn't have weapons the same way you know they did. That is, I don't know, and neither do you.

And how are you sure? I see, you are allowed to speculate, I am not.

With your attitude, the fact that you are still alive and breathing is beyond me.
Originally posted by posternutbag
Feel free to construct whatever reality you wish to construct around yourself, I could care less.

I know they didn't have weapons the same way you know they did. That is, I don't know, and neither do you.

And how are you sure? I see, you are allowed to speculate, I am not.

I speculate because I believe in my country and I believe in the troops that support my country.

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