Face it....America is not safe with obama at the helm

Tan people in foreign garb.

I saw a brown man walking down the street yesterday wearing a turban. As soon as I got home I bolted the door, closed the shutters, and sat by my door the rest of the evening with my shot gun

that was just snotty and uncalled for. You sound just like the thug Obama. does that make you proud?
I think he was making fun of Asclepias. That would excuse anything.

oh, if so I hope he see's this and accept my apologizes. I didn't read the whole thread and can't see what Asslips post. thanks dear
Just ran across this. so you see folks we don't have a dang thing to worry about OUR Safety with these Progressive/democrats who is in the same thinking as Obama and all the RADICALS he has in his administration.. gawd wake up.
a video at the site


Disloyal to the United States? Wesley Clark Wants to Detain You For Duration of War on Terror

By Activist Post

Former US General Wesley Clark went on MSNBC to promote detaining domestic 'radicals' or people 'disloyal to the United States' in internment camps for the duration of the war on terror.

The host asked Clark "How do we fix self-radicalized lone wolves, domestically?"

First, Clark cites people who lose a job or break up with a girlfriend as being especially dangerous. Next he tells us what he'd do to those who're disloyal to the U.S. during the war on terror.

"In World War II, if someone supported Nazi Germany at the expense of the United States, we didn't say that was freedom of speech. We put them in a camp," Clark continued, "They were prisoners of war."

"If these people are radicalized, and they don't support the United States, and they're disloyal to the United States, as a matter of principle, fine, that's their right, but it's our (the government's) right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict. And I think we're going to have to get increasingly tough on this."
all of it here:
Activist Post Disloyal to the United States Wesley Clark Wants to Detain You For Duration of War on Terror

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