Face it....America is not safe with obama at the helm

,blame the guns, blame the gop,
but open borders have nothing to do with it

Well, the entire world is not safe with that asshole in the WH. Look what he gave Iran? Nuclear weapons on a silver platter.

I know what you mean. We were feeling so safe when bushcheney was prez. Except on 9-11 of course. But then, everyone makes little mistakes now and then.
Pass the GD Schumer/Lindsay Graham Bill with a good SS/ID card and END the illegal problem, hater dupes. Your heroes love cheap, easily bullied workers. Obama is a solver, you are misinformed and 50% chance racists...

Franko, if Obama was truly serious about the illegal immigrant issue, you would hear him publicly speak of his distain of "sanctuary cities" as much as he comes down on stricter gun regulations. We already have recently seen one Anerican woman dead from a city that harbored an illegal felon. You want to complain about cheap labor, while you support providing them free taxpayer funded education and drivers licenses that only encourage the problem. That's not being racist, that's having a respect for those immigrants who come here LEGALLY .. even enduring years that it often takes to go through the Federal immigration process. The majority of conservatives don't believe in making "special exceptions" to, and rewarding, illegal immigrants who knowingly break the law. In fact, a "racist" wouldn't support the need for one immigration bill that's respectful towards the needs of ALL immigrants desiring citizenship.
Pass the gd bill. IT WOULD PASS IF BOEHNER JUST ALLOWED A VOTE. Fuq your Fox BS schedule for Obama...that's not the real world.

unarmed serviceman are being targeted and shot and obama won't arm them and you act as apologist
George H W Bush disarmed them, Foxbot. Get a grip...
ummmm....Reagan legalized at least 5 million and George the idiot(you know who I mean) vocalized frequently that he was for not changing any restrictions.
Fucking republibots.
Pass the GD Schumer/Lindsay Graham Bill with a good SS/ID card and END the illegal problem, hater dupes. Your heroes love cheap, easily bullied workers. Obama is a solver, you are misinformed and 50% chance racists...

Franko, if Obama was truly serious about the illegal immigrant issue, you would hear him publicly speak of his distain of "sanctuary cities" as much as he comes down on stricter gun regulations. We already have recently seen one Anerican woman dead from a city that harbored an illegal felon. You want to complain about cheap labor, while you support providing them free taxpayer funded education and drivers licenses that only encourage the problem. That's not being racist, that's having a respect for those immigrants who come here LEGALLY .. even enduring years that it often takes to go through the Federal immigration process. The majority of conservatives don't believe in making "special exceptions" to, and rewarding, illegal immigrants who knowingly break the law. In fact, a "racist" wouldn't support the need for one immigration bill that's respectful towards the needs of ALL immigrants desiring citizenship.
Pass the gd bill. IT WOULD PASS IF BOEHNER JUST ALLOWED A VOTE. Fuq your Fox BS schedule for Obama...that's not the real world.

I have held this position regarding the illegal immigration bill and sanctuary cities way before the death of Kathy Steinly became news. Her death only gives greater validity to the issue. Anytime you put one group of immigrants over another, awarding them certain advantages or conditions that other immigrants don't receive , it's racist. We went down this "amnesty" path before with illegals under President Reagan, with the promise that we would put those preventive measuress in place to keep us from having to face this yet again. It hasn't worked. Now Peesident Obama and certain politician idiots want to simply look the other way, and do it all over again. We HAVE an immigration bill, we need to have a political party that's bold enough to stand up and respect the law. Liberal Democrats don't respect the Federal Immigration law they undermine it, and judging by the frequency that Obama likes.to use executive order to get his way and go around Congress, they don't respect the Constitution either.
Pass the GD Schumer/Lindsay Graham Bill with a good SS/ID card and END the illegal problem, hater dupes. Your heroes love cheap, easily bullied workers. Obama is a solver, you are misinformed and 50% chance racists...

Franko, if Obama was truly serious about the illegal immigrant issue, you would hear him publicly speak of his distain of "sanctuary cities" as much as he comes down on stricter gun regulations. We already have recently seen one Anerican woman dead from a city that harbored an illegal felon. You want to complain about cheap labor, while you support providing them free taxpayer funded education and drivers licenses that only encourage the problem. That's not being racist, that's having a respect for those immigrants who come here LEGALLY .. even enduring years that it often takes to go through the Federal immigration process. The majority of conservatives don't believe in making "special exceptions" to, and rewarding, illegal immigrants who knowingly break the law. In fact, a "racist" wouldn't support the need for one immigration bill that's respectful towards the needs of ALL immigrants desiring citizenship.
Pass the gd bill. IT WOULD PASS IF BOEHNER JUST ALLOWED A VOTE. Fuq your Fox BS schedule for Obama...that's not the real world.

I have held this position regarding the illegal immigration bill and sanctuary cities way before the death of Kathy Steinly became news. Her death only gives greater validity to the issue. Anytime you put one group of immigrants over another, awarding them certain advantages or conditions that other immigrants don't receive , it's racist. We went down this "amnesty" path before with illegals under President Reagan, with the promise that we would put those preventive measuress in place to keep us from having to face this yet again. It hasn't worked. Now Peesident Obama and certain politician idiots want to simply look the other way, and do it all over again. We HAVE an immigration bill, we need to have a political party that's bold enough to stand up and respect the law. Liberal Democrats don't respect the Federal Immigration law they undermine it, and judging by the frequency that Obama likes.to use executive order to get his way and go around Congress, they don't respect the Constitution either.
As usual. GOP policies are hypocritical and offer no solution. ALLOW A VOTE on the gd bill with a good SS/ID card and end the fecking problem. Get it? A GOOD SS/ID CARD, misguided hater dupes.
,blame the guns, blame the gop,
but open borders have nothing to do with it

Well, the entire world is not safe with that asshole in the WH. Look what he gave Iran? Nuclear weapons on a silver platter.
99% of the world thinks you're totally brainwashed jackasses...as if Iran is nuts and wants to get vaporized.

As if Obama or the United Nations could ever stand up against Iran. Why do you think they were willing to settle on a deal with no strict consequences, and providing Iran with advanced "heads up" warning of any facility inspections? That would be the equivalent to a cop issuing public notices concerning what locations their patrol cars will be parked waiting, just in case you were thinking of breaking the law and speeding. Another example is Syria and Obama's 'red line' public statement against that country's use of chemical weapons - always afraid of confrontations and tends to back down as opposed to following through on his demands.
,blame the guns, blame the gop,
but open borders have nothing to do with it

Well, the entire world is not safe with that asshole in the WH. Look what he gave Iran? Nuclear weapons on a silver platter.
99% of the world thinks you're totally brainwashed jackasses...as if Iran is nuts and wants to get vaporized.

As if Obama or the United Nations could ever stand up against Iran. Why do you think they were willing to settle on a deal with no strict consequences, and providing Iran with advanced "heads up" warning of any facility inspections? That would be the equivalent to a cop issuing public notices concerning what locations their patrol cars will be parked waiting, just in case you were thinking of breaking the law and speeding. Another example is Syria and Obama's 'red line' public statement against that country's use of chemical weapons - always afraid of confrontations and tends to back down as opposed to following through on his demands.
And yet his demands are met...I think the GOP wants war or failure, dupe...
,blame the guns, blame the gop,
but open borders have nothing to do with it

Well, the entire world is not safe with that asshole in the WH. Look what he gave Iran? Nuclear weapons on a silver platter.
99% of the world thinks you're totally brainwashed jackasses...as if Iran is nuts and wants to get vaporized.

As if Obama or the United Nations could ever stand up against Iran. Why do you think they were willing to settle on a deal with no strict consequences, and providing Iran with advanced "heads up" warning of any facility inspections? That would be the equivalent to a cop issuing public notices concerning what locations their patrol cars will be parked waiting, just in case you were thinking of breaking the law and speeding. Another example is Syria and Obama's 'red line' public statement against that country's use of chemical weapons - always afraid of confrontations and tends to back down as opposed to following through on his demands.
And yet his demands are met...I think the GOP wants war or failure, dupe...

The inspections under this supposed "agreement" haven't even started yet. Yet, if this is a peaceful pursuit of nuclear energy, why are some facilities located underground? Don't want to overload your mind with too much information, so we will just leave you to ponder and answer that question.
Obama is a blame America first marxist....The world's important leaders have no respect for the man.
Obama cares not for the safety and security of this nation because he views the US as the cause of every little problem across the globe.
Tan people in foreign garb.

I saw a brown man walking down the street yesterday wearing a turban. As soon as I got home I bolted the door, closed the shutters, and sat by my door the rest of the evening with my shot gun
Under BUsh there were zero attacks on American soil after 9/11.
Under Obama attacks have proliferated. It's what happens when you wont call Muslim Terrorism Muslim Terrorism.
Obama hasn't focused on national security and has spent more effort on pleasing the radicals than on actually making citizens safe.

I can't help but notice the way they apply different standards. When an idiot murders people at a church, they say the Confederate flag inspired him and they were all about motive and what led to it. Ban the flag. Ban guns. Bash the entire South.

When yet another radical Muslim murders people after pledging loyalty to Allah, the left says the motive and what led them to do it is irrelevant and refuse to discuss the person's mindset and the encouragement they received by attending some radical mosques. Praise the Muslims. Bash the victims. Warn the infidels not to offend them because that is the cause of it.
Tan people in foreign garb.

I saw a brown man walking down the street yesterday wearing a turban. As soon as I got home I bolted the door, closed the shutters, and sat by my door the rest of the evening with my shot gun

that was just snotty and uncalled for. You sound just like the thug Obama. does that make you proud?
I think he was making fun of Asclepias. That would excuse anything.

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