Face it, libs, Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

The amount of corruption surrounding Hitlery and the clinton crime foundation is MIND NUMBING, and now that it's looking like Trump WILL win the white house, they're all in FULL MOUTH BREATHING COLD SWEATS PANIC MODE, because Trump is NOT going to have any PITY on these sons a bitches. People WILL go to PRISON, so they're thinking that it's now or never to maybe sing to attempt at saving some face, or keeping their CAN OUT OF PRISON.
. Our justice system is at it's breaking point because of these Demon-crats & the administration we have had for the last 8 years. I knew it, and so did millions more, but this nation is always one who gives anyone a chance, but it's also a nation that will bring justice against those who brought shame and regret to those who were to easy either on groups or individuals for whom took advantage of this nations benefit of the doubt that was given them.
Even in the face of this information coming to light, Donald J Trump's chances of winning are still a long shot. The electoral college favors a Clinton win. However, no doubt this puts some wind into Trump's sails. If Trump were to win, it will change things in our politics for elections to follow. An outsider with no political experience defeating a lifelong career politician with a political machine behind her? It would be an unprecedented of upset.
The amount of corruption surrounding Hitlery and the clinton crime foundation is MIND NUMBING, and now that it's looking like Trump WILL win the white house, they're all in FULL MOUTH BREATHING COLD SWEATS PANIC MODE, because Trump is NOT going to have any PITY on these sons a bitches. People WILL go to PRISON, so they're thinking that it's now or never to maybe sing to attempt at saving some face, or keeping their CAN OUT OF PRISON.
. Our justice system is at it's breaking point because of these Demon-crats & the administration we have had for the last 8 years. I knew it, and so did millions more, but this nation is always one who gives anyone a chance, but it's also a nation that will bring justice against those who brought shame and regret to those who were to easy either on groups or individuals for whom took advantage of this nations benefit of the doubt that was given them.

The Obama administration and the media have been covering for HIllary so long that her behavior became more and more brazen over time. The stink finally got so foul that people just couldn't tolerate it any longer. As a result, the resulting scandal will bring the entire Democrat party down with her.
Even in the face of this information coming to light, Donald J Trump's chances of winning are still a long shot. The electoral college favors a Clinton win. However, no doubt this puts some wind into Trump's sails. If Trump were to win, it will change things in our politics for elections to follow. An outsider with no political experience defeating a lifelong career politician with a political machine behind her? It would be an unprecedented of upset.
So you think that Hillary has a chance to win while she's under criminal investigation by the FBI?

It's not that he said mean words. It's that he said words that momma wouldn't approve of. It's sad that elections are governed by the rules that are normally imposed only on 8-year-olds.
Agreed. And why people won't admit the faults of a grown man who behaves like an 8-year old is a mystery.
I haven't been on here for awhile, but I see you've gone ALL IN for the criminal... kinda surprising... here I thought you were a middle of the road kinda guy, kinda sensible... I guess that's out the window. You're circling the toilet now.
Perhaps you should read Post 7.

Life isn't binary, really.
Ya... she's a bad candidate, but I still want her elected... right?

Now tell me, and please think this through a moment: What does that mean about my opinion of Trump? Please answer.

If you really think that someone saying "she's a terrible, awful candidate" and "I'm losing either way in this election" means they're "all in" for that candidate, there's really nothing else I can say. This "either 100% for or 100% against" stuff is just too shallow for me.
What you're saying doesn't require in depth thought or analysis. What is most astonishing is that you would support a full blown, pathological liar that is corrupt to the core, and has already spent 8 years in the white house, much of which was under investigation, and her husband was the second president in history to be IMPEACHED, and you want that... AGAIN? You believe in political DYNASTYS? Mind boggling.

I see Trump as a knight in shining armor compared to the kind of SLEAZE and FILTH the clintons are, and the fact that you would want them BACK in the white house over Trump is truly disturbing. I can't imagine what could possibly be going through your head to make a decision like that.
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Agreed. And why people won't admit the faults of a grown man who behaves like an 8-year old is a mystery.
Find me a man or woman who has never said "pussy".j Then find me anyone who has handled classified documents improperly, was caught at it and got a pass. I will show you legions for the former who have said that and one person for the latter.
If that were the one thing he had said that was dumb, I'd agree completely.

But an honest person would admit that his candidacy - not even what he said years before it - has been a string of childish, hyperbolic, absurd, insulting, ridiculous comments that would lead a reasonable person to wonder about his temperament, his personality, his self-control, and his fitness for the office.
Agreed. And why people won't admit the faults of a grown man who behaves like an 8-year old is a mystery.
I haven't been on here for awhile, but I see you've gone ALL IN for the criminal... kinda surprising... here I thought you were a middle of the road kinda guy, kinda sensible... I guess that's out the window. You're circling the toilet now.
Perhaps you should read Post 7.

Life isn't binary, really.
Ya... she's a bad candidate, but I still want her elected... right?

Now tell me, and please think this through a moment: What does that mean about my opinion of Trump? Please answer.

If you really think that someone saying "she's a terrible, awful candidate" and "I'm losing either way in this election" means they're "all in" for that candidate, there's really nothing else I can say. This "either 100% for or 100% against" stuff is just too shallow for me.
What you're saying doesn't require in depth thought or analysis. What is most astonishing is that you would support a full blown, pathological liar that is corrupt to the core, and has already spent 8 years in the white house, much of which was under investigation, and her husband was the second president in history to be IMPEACHED, and you want that? Mind boggling.

I see Trump as a knight in shining armor compared to the kind of SLEAZE and FILTH the clintons are, and the fact that you would want them BACK in the white house over Trump is truly disturbing. I can't imagine what could possibly be going through your head to make a decision like that.
You didn't answer my question.
Even in the face of this information coming to light, Donald J Trump's chances of winning are still a long shot. The electoral college favors a Clinton win. However, no doubt this puts some wind into Trump's sails. If Trump were to win, it will change things in our politics for elections to follow. An outsider with no political experience defeating a lifelong career politician with a political machine behind her? It would be an unprecedented of upset.
. Electing a known criminal is what banana republics do, and for this nation to go foward with this Clinton mistake is outright ridiculous. There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.
I haven't been on here for awhile, but I see you've gone ALL IN for the criminal... kinda surprising... here I thought you were a middle of the road kinda guy, kinda sensible... I guess that's out the window. You're circling the toilet now.
Perhaps you should read Post 7.

Life isn't binary, really.
Ya... she's a bad candidate, but I still want her elected... right?

Now tell me, and please think this through a moment: What does that mean about my opinion of Trump? Please answer.

If you really think that someone saying "she's a terrible, awful candidate" and "I'm losing either way in this election" means they're "all in" for that candidate, there's really nothing else I can say. This "either 100% for or 100% against" stuff is just too shallow for me.
What you're saying doesn't require in depth thought or analysis. What is most astonishing is that you would support a full blown, pathological liar that is corrupt to the core, and has already spent 8 years in the white house, much of which was under investigation, and her husband was the second president in history to be IMPEACHED, and you want that? Mind boggling.

I see Trump as a knight in shining armor compared to the kind of SLEAZE and FILTH the clintons are, and the fact that you would want them BACK in the white house over Trump is truly disturbing. I can't imagine what could possibly be going through your head to make a decision like that.
You didn't answer my question.
Ya I did.
Agreed. And why people won't admit the faults of a grown man who behaves like an 8-year old is a mystery.
Find me a man or woman who has never said "pussy".j Then find me anyone who has handled classified documents improperly, was caught at it and got a pass. I will show you legions for the former who have said that and one person for the latter.
If that were the one thing he had said that was dumb, I'd agree completely.

But an honest person would admit that his candidacy - not even what he said years before it - has been a string of childish, hyperbolic, absurd, insulting, ridiculous comments that would lead a reasonable person to wonder about his temperament, his personality, his self-control, and his fitness for the office.

The fact that left wingers didn't like what Trump said doesn't make it "childish, hyperbolic, absurd, insulting or ridiculous."
Even in the face of this information coming to light, Donald J Trump's chances of winning are still a long shot. The electoral college favors a Clinton win. However, no doubt this puts some wind into Trump's sails. If Trump were to win, it will change things in our politics for elections to follow. An outsider with no political experience defeating a lifelong career politician with a political machine behind her? It would be an unprecedented of upset.
. Electing a known criminal is what banana republics do, and for this nation to go foward with this Clinton mistake is outright ridiculous. There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.
There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.

Indictment for what?
Agreed. And why people won't admit the faults of a grown man who behaves like an 8-year old is a mystery.
Find me a man or woman who has never said "pussy".j Then find me anyone who has handled classified documents improperly, was caught at it and got a pass. I will show you legions for the former who have said that and one person for the latter.
If that were the one thing he had said that was dumb, I'd agree completely.

But an honest person would admit that his candidacy - not even what he said years before it - has been a string of childish, hyperbolic, absurd, insulting, ridiculous comments that would lead a reasonable person to wonder about his temperament, his personality, his self-control, and his fitness for the office.
. Your letting the leftist off the hook for whom cause or generate these tirades in which we have to then witness in response to is sad really. The leftist bring out the worst in anyone, because look at what they stand for.
Agreed. And why people won't admit the faults of a grown man who behaves like an 8-year old is a mystery.
Find me a man or woman who has never said "pussy".j Then find me anyone who has handled classified documents improperly, was caught at it and got a pass. I will show you legions for the former who have said that and one person for the latter.
If that were the one thing he had said that was dumb, I'd agree completely.

But an honest person would admit that his candidacy - not even what he said years before it - has been a string of childish, hyperbolic, absurd, insulting, ridiculous comments that would lead a reasonable person to wonder about his temperament, his personality, his self-control, and his fitness for the office.

The fact that left wingers didn't like what Trump said doesn't make it "childish, hyperbolic, absurd, insulting or ridiculous."
I don't care what wingers on either end think.

Those are my opinions based on direct observation.
Agreed. And why people won't admit the faults of a grown man who behaves like an 8-year old is a mystery.
Find me a man or woman who has never said "pussy".j Then find me anyone who has handled classified documents improperly, was caught at it and got a pass. I will show you legions for the former who have said that and one person for the latter.
If that were the one thing he had said that was dumb, I'd agree completely.

But an honest person would admit that his candidacy - not even what he said years before it - has been a string of childish, hyperbolic, absurd, insulting, ridiculous comments that would lead a reasonable person to wonder about his temperament, his personality, his self-control, and his fitness for the office.

The fact that left wingers didn't like what Trump said doesn't make it "childish, hyperbolic, absurd, insulting or ridiculous."
. Right, it puts him right in their wheelhouse, and he just needs to not fall victim to their games anymore.
Even in the face of this information coming to light, Donald J Trump's chances of winning are still a long shot. The electoral college favors a Clinton win. However, no doubt this puts some wind into Trump's sails. If Trump were to win, it will change things in our politics for elections to follow. An outsider with no political experience defeating a lifelong career politician with a political machine behind her? It would be an unprecedented of upset.
. Electing a known criminal is what banana republics do, and for this nation to go foward with this Clinton mistake is outright ridiculous. There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.
There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.

Indictment for what?
. Good grief.. If you don't know then you need help.
Agreed. And why people won't admit the faults of a grown man who behaves like an 8-year old is a mystery.
Find me a man or woman who has never said "pussy".j Then find me anyone who has handled classified documents improperly, was caught at it and got a pass. I will show you legions for the former who have said that and one person for the latter.
If that were the one thing he had said that was dumb, I'd agree completely.

But an honest person would admit that his candidacy - not even what he said years before it - has been a string of childish, hyperbolic, absurd, insulting, ridiculous comments that would lead a reasonable person to wonder about his temperament, his personality, his self-control, and his fitness for the office.
So he's not a consummate politician that runs everything he says past a FOCUS GROUP first. He just so happens to talk like 90% of the rest of the nation. THAT is why he's got so much support. But that's not all, "HONEST" people look past that to what he says about policy and what he wants to do, and when he says things like, "I'm going to build a wall... we have to deport all the illegals... no more unvetted muslims..." and above all, "TERM LIMITS" and "WE'RE GOING TO DRAIN THE SWAMP," that gets people's blood pumping, because that's exactly what this nation needs, not another CAREER, CORRUPT, LYING, CHEATING FILTHY POLITICIAN like HITLERY that won't do JACK SHIT when she gets in the white house. It'll just be obama III and business as usual, and an ultra leftist or two on the supreme court that will GUT the CONSTITUTION.

You should be ashamed of yourself for supporting such a VILE person. She belongs in fucking PRISON.
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So you think that Hillary has a chance to win while she's under criminal investigation by the FBI?


In a word, yes. Hillary R Clinton has an excellent chance of winning the presidency even though she is under an investigation. Keep in mind that many have already cast their ballots due to early voting. There are others that will do anything to keep Trump from getting into office. Still others trust in our system. They know that if Hillary were forced to resign, that we have a system in place where we would have a smooth transition of power.

Now, if Trump were the target of an investigation just 11 days before the election, he'd be toast.
Electing a known criminal is what banana republics do, and for this nation to go foward with this Clinton mistake is outright ridiculous. There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.

Even if the US elected Hillary R Clinton, she is not a KNOWN CRIMINAL as you state. She is the target of an FBI investigation. That does not mean that she's a known criminal. She hasn't been convicted and there will not be an indictment prior to the election.
Keep in mind that many have already cast their ballots due to early voting.

In all honesty all the early voting ballots should be double checked. No normal person votes early. But yes, Crooked Hillary is a well known criminal. Sorry. :p
So you think that Hillary has a chance to win while she's under criminal investigation by the FBI?


In a word, yes. Hillary R Clinton has an excellent chance of winning the presidency even though she is under an investigation. Keep in mind that many have already cast their ballots due to early voting. There are others that will do anything to keep Trump from getting into office. Still others trust in our system. They know that if Hillary were forced to resign, that we have a system in place where we would have a smooth transition of power.

Now, if Trump were the target of an investigation just 11 days before the election, he'd be toast.
20 million out of about 140 million have voted. The polls were very close before this happened. Now voters will be abandoning Clinton in droves. Furthermore, there won't be anymore early voting for Hillary. I think any potential Hillary voter will want to wait at least until Nov 8 before they cast a vote for a criminal.

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