Face it, libs, Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

Even in the face of this information coming to light, Donald J Trump's chances of winning are still a long shot. The electoral college favors a Clinton win. However, no doubt this puts some wind into Trump's sails. If Trump were to win, it will change things in our politics for elections to follow. An outsider with no political experience defeating a lifelong career politician with a political machine behind her? It would be an unprecedented of upset.
. Electing a known criminal is what banana republics do, and for this nation to go foward with this Clinton mistake is outright ridiculous. There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.
There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.

Indictment for what?
. Good grief.. If you don't know then you need help.
You implied that there is new evidence available that would lead to an indictment. I admit that I am not privy to that evidence and seek your enlightenment.
In all honesty all the early voting ballots should be double checked. No normal person votes early. But yes, Crooked Hillary is a well known criminal. Sorry. :p

That isn't true. Many normal people vote early. In my state, Georgia early voting has a lot of takers. These are people who do not want to stand in line on Tuesday. These are people who may not work in the same town they work in. Personally, I will cast my ballot on election day and yes, I am voting Trump.
So you think that Hillary has a chance to win while she's under criminal investigation by the FBI?


In a word, yes. Hillary R Clinton has an excellent chance of winning the presidency even though she is under an investigation. Keep in mind that many have already cast their ballots due to early voting. There are others that will do anything to keep Trump from getting into office. Still others trust in our system. They know that if Hillary were forced to resign, that we have a system in place where we would have a smooth transition of power.

Now, if Trump were the target of an investigation just 11 days before the election, he'd be toast.
. Oh he'd be toast but not Hillary eh ??? So Hillary gets a pass because she's this poor little abused wife by her husband Bill kind of woman that everyone feels sooo sad for ???? You people are sick on what you think deserves to be the President of this nation after what you know about this person Hillary Clinton.
Electing a known criminal is what banana republics do, and for this nation to go foward with this Clinton mistake is outright ridiculous. There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.

Even if the US elected Hillary R Clinton, she is not a KNOWN CRIMINAL as you state. She is the target of an FBI investigation. That does not mean that she's a known criminal. She hasn't been convicted and there will not be an indictment prior to the election.
. She had been given a pass thus far, but everyone has already seen the lies and contradictions in her testimony... Now you placing your head in the sand at this point is just sad really.
Even in the face of this information coming to light, Donald J Trump's chances of winning are still a long shot. The electoral college favors a Clinton win. However, no doubt this puts some wind into Trump's sails. If Trump were to win, it will change things in our politics for elections to follow. An outsider with no political experience defeating a lifelong career politician with a political machine behind her? It would be an unprecedented of upset.
. Electing a known criminal is what banana republics do, and for this nation to go foward with this Clinton mistake is outright ridiculous. There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.
There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.

Indictment for what?
. Good grief.. If you don't know then you need help.
You implied that there is new evidence available that would lead to an indictment. I admit that I am not privy to that evidence and seek your enlightenment.
. It's already there, but you refused the early investigation results that ended at that time in her getting a pass for political purposes, but now it's so bad that it's being revisited ?? You tell me.
Even in the face of this information coming to light, Donald J Trump's chances of winning are still a long shot. The electoral college favors a Clinton win. However, no doubt this puts some wind into Trump's sails. If Trump were to win, it will change things in our politics for elections to follow. An outsider with no political experience defeating a lifelong career politician with a political machine behind her? It would be an unprecedented of upset.
. Electing a known criminal is what banana republics do, and for this nation to go foward with this Clinton mistake is outright ridiculous. There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.
There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.

Indictment for what?
. Good grief.. If you don't know then you need help.
You implied that there is new evidence available that would lead to an indictment. I admit that I am not privy to that evidence and seek your enlightenment.
. It's already there, but you refused the early investigation results that ended at that time in her getting a pass for political purposes, but now it's so bad that it's being revisited ?? You tell me.
It's not there, that is what the FBI said at the conclusion of the previous case. You are the one who is refusing the result, instead clinging to the belief that the result was tainted in some way.

And no, I don't believe that it is a bad thing for the FBI to reopen the case in light of new information. But I'm going to keep a level head about it. Not expecting much. I certainly expect Hillary Clinton will be the next President of these United States. Trump most assuredly guarantees it.
. Electing a known criminal is what banana republics do, and for this nation to go foward with this Clinton mistake is outright ridiculous. There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.
There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.

Indictment for what?
. Good grief.. If you don't know then you need help.
You implied that there is new evidence available that would lead to an indictment. I admit that I am not privy to that evidence and seek your enlightenment.
. It's already there, but you refused the early investigation results that ended at that time in her getting a pass for political purposes, but now it's so bad that it's being revisited ?? You tell me.
It's not there, that is what the FBI said at the conclusion of the previous case. You are the one who is refusing the result, instead clinging to the belief that the result was tainted in some way.

And no, I don't believe that it is a bad thing for the FBI to reopen the case in light of new information. But I'm going to keep a level head about it. Not expecting much. I certainly expect Hillary Clinton will be the next President of these United States. Trump most assuredly guarantees it.
. You thinking Trump is worse than Hillary goes against the majority in this nation, so you go with that. Don't be disappointed when justice wins just as it should win.
They will have to get someone whose only "argument" isn't "racist, xenophobe, homophobe, misogynist".

And above all, someone who isn't a criminal.
. Electing a known criminal is what banana republics do, and for this nation to go foward with this Clinton mistake is outright ridiculous. There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.
There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.

Indictment for what?
. Good grief.. If you don't know then you need help.
You implied that there is new evidence available that would lead to an indictment. I admit that I am not privy to that evidence and seek your enlightenment.
. It's already there, but you refused the early investigation results that ended at that time in her getting a pass for political purposes, but now it's so bad that it's being revisited ?? You tell me.
It's not there, that is what the FBI said at the conclusion of the previous case. You are the one who is refusing the result, instead clinging to the belief that the result was tainted in some way.

And no, I don't believe that it is a bad thing for the FBI to reopen the case in light of new information. But I'm going to keep a level head about it. Not expecting much. I certainly expect Hillary Clinton will be the next President of these United States. Trump most assuredly guarantees it.
how sad to know there are people like you in America...

Your hitlery is done, you best figure out how do deal with that, and us....

We are about to fundamentally transform America....and you won't like a single fucking part of what we are about to do.....
Indictment for what?
. Good grief.. If you don't know then you need help.
You implied that there is new evidence available that would lead to an indictment. I admit that I am not privy to that evidence and seek your enlightenment.
. It's already there, but you refused the early investigation results that ended at that time in her getting a pass for political purposes, but now it's so bad that it's being revisited ?? You tell me.
It's not there, that is what the FBI said at the conclusion of the previous case. You are the one who is refusing the result, instead clinging to the belief that the result was tainted in some way.

And no, I don't believe that it is a bad thing for the FBI to reopen the case in light of new information. But I'm going to keep a level head about it. Not expecting much. I certainly expect Hillary Clinton will be the next President of these United States. Trump most assuredly guarantees it.
how sad to know there are people like you in America...

Your hitlery is done, you best figure out how do deal with that, and us....

We are about to fundamentally transform America....and you won't like a single fucking part of what we are about to do.....
Your right, they won't like it because it will be changing back to respecting the law, accountability, responsibility, moral standards, uplifting good and decent folk again, restoring our communities, making America safe again, protecting our sovereignty in order to protect our American way of life, getting our trade policies right, keeping the idiots from stopping progress or threatening our energy sectors, and making America proud again. They are going to hate it, your right.
I love the way the douche bags in this forum are all putting on a brave face and pretending Hillary still has a chance to win this thing. Life is going to be hell for left wingers. The Hillary email scandal has destroyed the Dim Party for the next 50 years.

I'm going to gloat for the next 4 years.
and you keep believing that as she is sworn in ... :lmao:
Electing a known criminal is what banana republics do, and for this nation to go foward with this Clinton mistake is outright ridiculous. There is enough for an indictment now, and it needs to go foward quickly.

Even if the US elected Hillary R Clinton, she is not a KNOWN CRIMINAL as you state.

A criminal doesn't have to be convicted to be a criminal. If someone robs a bank, they're a criminal. If someone shoots another person, they're a criminal. If you break the law, you're a criminal, and Hitlery has broken the law many times over. The private email server alone was breaking the law.

Yes, she is a criminal, and the fact that she's not been convicted for any of it... YET... just illustrates that there's CRIMINALS PROTECTING ANOTHER CRIMINAL. It's what filthy leftists do. They're the most slimy, low life, lying, corrupt bunch of perverts and scum this side of Pluto.
Indictment for what?
. Good grief.. If you don't know then you need help.
You implied that there is new evidence available that would lead to an indictment. I admit that I am not privy to that evidence and seek your enlightenment.
. It's already there, but you refused the early investigation results that ended at that time in her getting a pass for political purposes, but now it's so bad that it's being revisited ?? You tell me.
It's not there, that is what the FBI said at the conclusion of the previous case. You are the one who is refusing the result, instead clinging to the belief that the result was tainted in some way.

And no, I don't believe that it is a bad thing for the FBI to reopen the case in light of new information. But I'm going to keep a level head about it. Not expecting much. I certainly expect Hillary Clinton will be the next President of these United States. Trump most assuredly guarantees it.
. You thinking Trump is worse than Hillary goes against the majority in this nation, so you go with that. Don't be disappointed when justice wins just as it should win.
That is not what I believe. I am in the minority that believes neither major party candidate has the moral values that qualify them to lead this country and refuse to vote for either. And it is my fervent desire that justice be preserved in this country, but I'm not holding my breath. Americans have long ago abandoned morality in the pursuit of the almighty dollar.
I love the way the douche bags in this forum are all putting on a brave face and pretending Hillary still has a chance to win this thing. Life is going to be hell for left wingers. The Hillary email scandal has destroyed the Dim Party for the next 50 years.

I'm going to gloat for the next 4 years.
and you keep believing that as she is sworn in ... :lmao:
Got your "safe place" ready, prog?

Just now on fox news, Trump AHEAD in early voting by 17,000+ in Florida, and they haven't even gotten to the PRO TRUMP counties yet.... sorry.
Indictment for what?
. Good grief.. If you don't know then you need help.
You implied that there is new evidence available that would lead to an indictment. I admit that I am not privy to that evidence and seek your enlightenment.
. It's already there, but you refused the early investigation results that ended at that time in her getting a pass for political purposes, but now it's so bad that it's being revisited ?? You tell me.
It's not there, that is what the FBI said at the conclusion of the previous case. You are the one who is refusing the result, instead clinging to the belief that the result was tainted in some way.

And no, I don't believe that it is a bad thing for the FBI to reopen the case in light of new information. But I'm going to keep a level head about it. Not expecting much. I certainly expect Hillary Clinton will be the next President of these United States. Trump most assuredly guarantees it.
how sad to know there are people like you in America...

Your hitlery is done, you best figure out how do deal with that, and us....

We are about to fundamentally transform America....and you won't like a single fucking part of what we are about to do.....
this facist owebo is so desperate that he will cling on to every word ... when comey come to the press and says there was no wrong doing by hillary ... this little facistowebo will call him everything in the book ...
I love the way the douche bags in this forum are all putting on a brave face and pretending Hillary still has a chance to win this thing. Life is going to be hell for left wingers. The Hillary email scandal has destroyed the Dim Party for the next 50 years.

I'm going to gloat for the next 4 years.
and you keep believing that as she is sworn in ... :lmao:
Got your "safe place" ready, prog?

Just now on fox news, Trump AHEAD in early voting by 17,000+ in Florida.... sorry.
By Natalie Jackson and Adam Hooper
Additional design by Alissa Scheller

Published Monday, Oct. 3, 2016 12:56 P.M. EDT

Updated Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016, 2:24 A.M. EDT

  • Clinton
  • Trump
Photos: Getty
Indictment for what?
. Good grief.. If you don't know then you need help.
You implied that there is new evidence available that would lead to an indictment. I admit that I am not privy to that evidence and seek your enlightenment.
. It's already there, but you refused the early investigation results that ended at that time in her getting a pass for political purposes, but now it's so bad that it's being revisited ?? You tell me.
It's not there, that is what the FBI said at the conclusion of the previous case. You are the one who is refusing the result, instead clinging to the belief that the result was tainted in some way.

And no, I don't believe that it is a bad thing for the FBI to reopen the case in light of new information. But I'm going to keep a level head about it. Not expecting much. I certainly expect Hillary Clinton will be the next President of these United States. Trump most assuredly guarantees it.
how sad to know there are people like you in America...

Your hitlery is done, you best figure out how do deal with that, and us....

We are about to fundamentally transform America....and you won't like a single fucking part of what we are about to do.....
We are about to fundamentally transform America....and you won't like a single fucking part of what we are about to do.....
Fascists gonna do what fascists gonna do.

Too bad you're not gonna win.
I love the way the douche bags in this forum are all putting on a brave face and pretending Hillary still has a chance to win this thing. Life is going to be hell for left wingers. The Hillary email scandal has destroyed the Dim Party for the next 50 years.

I'm going to gloat for the next 4 years.
and you keep believing that as she is sworn in ... :lmao:
Got your "safe place" ready, prog?

Just now on fox news, Trump AHEAD in early voting by 17,000+ in Florida.... sorry.
By Natalie Jackson and Adam Hooper
Additional design by Alissa Scheller

Published Monday, Oct. 3, 2016 12:56 P.M. EDT

Updated Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016, 2:24 A.M. EDT

  • Clinton
  • Trump
Photos: Getty

Is this the forecast on who will land in prison?
. Good grief.. If you don't know then you need help.
You implied that there is new evidence available that would lead to an indictment. I admit that I am not privy to that evidence and seek your enlightenment.
. It's already there, but you refused the early investigation results that ended at that time in her getting a pass for political purposes, but now it's so bad that it's being revisited ?? You tell me.
It's not there, that is what the FBI said at the conclusion of the previous case. You are the one who is refusing the result, instead clinging to the belief that the result was tainted in some way.

And no, I don't believe that it is a bad thing for the FBI to reopen the case in light of new information. But I'm going to keep a level head about it. Not expecting much. I certainly expect Hillary Clinton will be the next President of these United States. Trump most assuredly guarantees it.
how sad to know there are people like you in America...

Your hitlery is done, you best figure out how do deal with that, and us....

We are about to fundamentally transform America....and you won't like a single fucking part of what we are about to do.....
We are about to fundamentally transform America....and you won't like a single fucking part of what we are about to do.....
Fascists gonna do what fascists gonna do.

Yes you fascists sure do....

And there is no fucking way in your fascist utopia hell your hitlery is going to win shit....:lol:

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