Face it, libs, Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

whats really funny here is you said you got this from Fox noise ... you said "trump AHEAD in early voting by 17,000+ votes" ... that shows us all here are gullible you are .... no news outlet has any count on how many votes have been cast for trump or hillary ... that shows us how gullible you are ... you don't know if those 17 votes are votes for hillary or trump ... you just let the people at fox noise lead you around on that ring in your nose...

hey you ware that hat well ... you know the hat they make you ware when you sit in the corner that says
ON IT !!!!!!!!

THIS IS BIG=> DONALD TRUMP Continues Lead in Florida Early Voting

... and that was 5 days ago.

How can he be leading when NO votes have been counted?
Exit polls.

Where are the mail-in ballot exit polls taken, at the post office? lol
When did I mention them? Learn to read. I said exit polling. That's done at the stations, which have been open in Florida, as well as other states.

And you can't post them why?

How can he be leading when NO votes have been counted?
Exit polls.

Where are the mail-in ballot exit polls taken, at the post office? lol
When did I mention them? Learn to read. I said exit polling. That's done at the stations, which have been open in Florida, as well as other states.

And you can't post them why?
Because I answered your question, which was how he could be leading if no votes had been counted. You are dumb beyond belief.
How can he be leading when NO votes have been counted?
Exit polls.

Where are the mail-in ballot exit polls taken, at the post office? lol
When did I mention them? Learn to read. I said exit polling. That's done at the stations, which have been open in Florida, as well as other states.

And you can't post them why?
Because I answered your question, which was how he could be leading if no votes had been counted. You are dumb beyond belief.

You claimed there are Florida exit polls showing him leading. Where are those exit polls?

How can he be leading when NO votes have been counted?
Exit polls.

Where are the mail-in ballot exit polls taken, at the post office? lol

The denial is strong with this one.

If you have early voter exit polls from Florida, just post them.
Trump voters are wearing red shirts....and there's no one else in line....:lol:

Sadness on you....
I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm guessing that this thread will be bookmarked.

What is amazing is that you are still supporting this criminal. I suppose she can do no wrong in your book... Trump would be worse if she ate babies, because Trump has said mean words. Too much Sam Harris or whatever for you.

hiLIARy ran an Organized Crime Syndicate which peddled access to and favors from the government for her family's personal enrichment; and she endangered our national security via her flagrant violations of the Espionage Act.

Trump said "pussy".

And the Progs think Trump is the bigger criminal. Pretty telling.
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While I'm certainly hoping this is the end of the Clintons and the stain they've left on America and while i fully expect Donald trump to surge in the next week, i am reluctant to declare her finished until after the election.

1) Clintons have gone decades without being held accountable for their actions. I suspect their cronies will continue to back them.

2) the average voter may now see a vote for Clinton as a vote for Kaine. I dont know how he looks head to head with trump.

Still too long before the election.
I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm guessing that this thread will be bookmarked.

What is amazing is that you are still supporting this criminal. I suppose she can do no wrong in your book... Trump would be worse if she ate babies, because Trump has said mean words. Too much Sam Harris or whatever for you.
It's not that he said mean words. It's that he said words that momma wouldn't approve of. It's sad that elections are governed by the rules that are normally imposed only on 8-year-olds.
Agreed. And why people won't admit the faults of a grown man who behaves like an 8-year old is a mystery.

The reality is that the majority of the American people don't trust Hillary. Not in the modern Presidential Elections has a candidate been riddled with such scandal and corruption. Tim Kaine won't even give an affirmative on her trustworthiness. That said, the Liberals are so corrupt themselves they will do anything to get her elected.
I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm guessing that this thread will be bookmarked.

What is amazing is that you are still supporting this criminal. I suppose she can do no wrong in your book... Trump would be worse if she ate babies, because Trump has said mean words. Too much Sam Harris or whatever for you.
It's not that he said mean words. It's that he said words that momma wouldn't approve of. It's sad that elections are governed by the rules that are normally imposed only on 8-year-olds.
Agreed. And why people won't admit the faults of a grown man who behaves like an 8-year old is a mystery.

The reality is that the majority of the American people don't trust Hillary. Not in the modern Presidential Elections has a candidate been riddled with such scandal and corruption. Tim Kaine won't even give an affirmative on her trustworthiness. That said, the Liberals are so corrupt themselves they will do anything to get her elected.
I don't like her either. I don't trust her either.

It's such a shame the GOP had to lose its shit just when the Democrats were running such a shitty candidate. They just had to throw this national temper tantrum and run this guy because they weren't getting their way and wanted to toss in a grenade.

You may get what you want, this latest crap may sink her. That doesn't change what you did, who you nominated.
I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm guessing that this thread will be bookmarked.

What is amazing is that you are still supporting this criminal. I suppose she can do no wrong in your book... Trump would be worse if she ate babies, because Trump has said mean words. Too much Sam Harris or whatever for you.
It's not that he said mean words. It's that he said words that momma wouldn't approve of. It's sad that elections are governed by the rules that are normally imposed only on 8-year-olds.
Agreed. And why people won't admit the faults of a grown man who behaves like an 8-year old is a mystery.

The reality is that the majority of the American people don't trust Hillary. Not in the modern Presidential Elections has a candidate been riddled with such scandal and corruption. Tim Kaine won't even give an affirmative on her trustworthiness. That said, the Liberals are so corrupt themselves they will do anything to get her elected.
I don't like her either. I don't trust her either.

It's such a shame the GOP had to lose its shit just when the Democrats were running such a shitty candidate. They just had to throw this national temper tantrum and run this guy because they weren't getting their way and wanted to toss in a grenade.

You may get what you want, this latest crap may sink her. That doesn't change what you did, who you nominated.

Temper tantrum is worse than a criminal... He said the word, "pussy", no way!

Perhaps people SHOULD be angry that criminals are allowed to thrive in the government?
I love the way the douche bags in this forum are all putting on a brave face and pretending Hillary still has a chance to win this thing. Life is going to be hell for left wingers. The Hillary email scandal has destroyed the Dim Party for the next 50 years.

I'm going to gloat for the next 4 years.
and you keep believing that as she is sworn in ... :lmao:
Whistling past the graveyard. How is she going to be sworn in from prison?
I love the way the douche bags in this forum are all putting on a brave face and pretending Hillary still has a chance to win this thing. Life is going to be hell for left wingers. The Hillary email scandal has destroyed the Dim Party for the next 50 years.

I'm going to gloat for the next 4 years.
and you keep believing that as she is sworn in ... :lmao:
Got your "safe place" ready, prog?

Just now on fox news, Trump AHEAD in early voting by 17,000+ in Florida.... sorry.
By Natalie Jackson and Adam Hooper
Additional design by Alissa Scheller

Published Monday, Oct. 3, 2016 12:56 P.M. EDT

Updated Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016, 2:24 A.M. EDT

  • Clinton
  • Trump
Photos: Getty

I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm guessing that this thread will be bookmarked.

What is amazing is that you are still supporting a criminal. I suppose she can do no wrong in your book... Trump would be worse if she ate babies. Too much Sam Harris or whatever for you.
I've only said she's a terrible, awful candidate a few dozen times now.

I'm losing either way in this horrific, embarrassing election, and I believe America is, too.

Cheer for your "side", maybe you'll "win".
You've also stated that you're voting for her.
What is amazing is that you are still supporting this criminal. I suppose she can do no wrong in your book... Trump would be worse if she ate babies, because Trump has said mean words. Too much Sam Harris or whatever for you.
It's not that he said mean words. It's that he said words that momma wouldn't approve of. It's sad that elections are governed by the rules that are normally imposed only on 8-year-olds.
Agreed. And why people won't admit the faults of a grown man who behaves like an 8-year old is a mystery.

The reality is that the majority of the American people don't trust Hillary. Not in the modern Presidential Elections has a candidate been riddled with such scandal and corruption. Tim Kaine won't even give an affirmative on her trustworthiness. That said, the Liberals are so corrupt themselves they will do anything to get her elected.
I don't like her either. I don't trust her either.

It's such a shame the GOP had to lose its shit just when the Democrats were running such a shitty candidate. They just had to throw this national temper tantrum and run this guy because they weren't getting their way and wanted to toss in a grenade.

You may get what you want, this latest crap may sink her. That doesn't change what you did, who you nominated.

Temper tantrum is worse than a criminal... He said the word, "pussy", no way!

Perhaps people SHOULD be angry that criminals are allowed to thrive in the government?

Never mind that millions of women read those stupid romance novels and love the word pussy in every single one of them. :)
Heaven forbid that women like their pussies being grabbed by their partners. :lmao:
I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm guessing that this thread will be bookmarked.

What is amazing is that you are still supporting a criminal. I suppose she can do no wrong in your book... Trump would be worse if she ate babies. Too much Sam Harris or whatever for you.
I've only said she's a terrible, awful candidate a few dozen times now.

I'm losing either way in this horrific, embarrassing election, and I believe America is, too.

Cheer for your "side", maybe you'll "win".
You've also stated that you're voting for her.
Yep, imagine the shame and embarrassment I have for doing that, and for our election overall.

I will admit that if some new nasty shit comes out on her on this email thing I'll consider voting third party, but I won't vote for Trump.
. Good grief.. If you don't know then you need help.
You implied that there is new evidence available that would lead to an indictment. I admit that I am not privy to that evidence and seek your enlightenment.
. It's already there, but you refused the early investigation results that ended at that time in her getting a pass for political purposes, but now it's so bad that it's being revisited ?? You tell me.
It's not there, that is what the FBI said at the conclusion of the previous case. You are the one who is refusing the result, instead clinging to the belief that the result was tainted in some way.And no, I don't believe that it is a bad thing for the FBI to reopen the case in light of new information. But I'm going to keep a level head about it. Not expecting much. I certainly expect Hillary Clinton will be the next President of these United States. Trump most assuredly guarantees it.
. You thinking Trump is worse than Hillary goes against the majority in this nation, so you go with that. Don't be disappointed when justice wins just as it should win.
That is not what I believe. I am in the minority that believes neither major party candidate has the moral values that qualify them to lead this country and refuse to vote for either. And it is my fervent desire that justice be preserved in this country, but I'm not holding my breath. Americans have long ago abandoned morality in the pursuit of the almighty dollar.
. I agree with most of what you said, but to not vote isn't the answer either. Don't let anyone scare you away from voting Trump, because he has the best message for the country going.
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You implied that there is new evidence available that would lead to an indictment. I admit that I am not privy to that evidence and seek your enlightenment.
. It's already there, but you refused the early investigation results that ended at that time in her getting a pass for political purposes, but now it's so bad that it's being revisited ?? You tell me.
It's not there, that is what the FBI said at the conclusion of the previous case. You are the one who is refusing the result, instead clinging to the belief that the result was tainted in some way.And no, I don't believe that it is a bad thing for the FBI to reopen the case in light of new information. But I'm going to keep a level head about it. Not expecting much. I certainly expect Hillary Clinton will be the next President of these United States. Trump most assuredly guarantees it.
. You thinking Trump is worse than Hillary goes against the majority in this nation, so you go with that. Don't be disappointed when justice wins just as it should win.
That is not what I believe. I am in the minority that believes neither major party candidate has the moral values that qualify them to lead this country and refuse to vote for either. And it is my fervent desire that justice be preserved in this country, but I'm not holding my breath. Americans have long ago abandoned morality in the pursuit of the almighty dollar.
. I agree with most of what you said, but to not vote isn't the answer either. Don't let anyone scare you away from voting Trump, because he has the best message for the country going.
Trump has a few relevant points to make but I don't trust his conviction and I find him morally repugnant. I didn't mean to imply I wasn't voting, I most assuredly will, just not for either of the major party candidates.
I love the way the douche bags in this forum are all putting on a brave face and pretending Hillary still has a chance to win this thing. Life is going to be hell for left wingers. The Hillary email scandal has destroyed the Dim Party for the next 50 years.

I'm going to gloat for the next 4 years.
Get your hopes up.....this will be fun.
Even in the face of this information coming to light, Donald J Trump's chances of winning are still a long shot. The electoral college favors a Clinton win. However, no doubt this puts some wind into Trump's sails. If Trump were to win, it will change things in our politics for elections to follow. An outsider with no political experience defeating a lifelong career politician with a political machine behind her? It would be an unprecedented of upset.
So you think that Hillary has a chance to win while she's under criminal investigation by the FBI?

You Drumpfsters are so cute with your hopes up like that. :lol:

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