face it republicans Trump ran

Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs

Trump cannot control the media.

He is afraid of strong women and lacks the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.
He did control the media last night. He owned Fox, turning his back on them and going for a reasonable alternative and Fox came running back. Just how many people can change the programming of a successful cable network in a matter of hours? And then it benefited veterans. WIN WIN WIN!
Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs

Trump cannot control the media.

He is afraid of strong women and lacks the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.

successful males scare you don't they? are you a girly man?

How did Der Trumpenfuhrer manage to bankrupt TWO (02) Casino's?

The house sets the odds and he still failed!!!!
The FBI director said that vetting was impossible for all of the people Obama plans to bring over.

FBI Director Admits U.S. Will Have No Basis to Vet Some Syrian Refugees
hey, Jackson, thanks for the link, even though we both know the agenda of the source. Nevertheless, the quote IS accurate. However, it does not in any way state that vetting is not 'meticulous'. It is still a very lengthy process. And the same could be said of ANY vetted immigrant, from anywhere on this planet. In order to be absolutely certain of an immigrant's intentions, wouldn't we have to immediately cease ALL immigration, just in case some ISIS nutbag comes thru, um...Ukraine or Japan? So what do you suppose Trump would change about the vetting process to make us safer?
From my understanding, he would call on the FBI, NSA,SS,CIA for suggestions on how it could be done.
He spoke of mostly nations that harbor terrorists. Don't think it applies to friendlies.
But how are you so sure the FBI, NSA, SS, CIA vetting isn't happening now, or that it hasn't happened since 2003? or even since 2001?

San Bernardino, Boston, Chattanooga, Ft Hood.

Use fear....standard ConJob practice.

were the muslim murderers at those locations properly vetted? yes or no.
Have you supplied the link I asked for? Think you forgot, but I haven't. Please link to post #89.
link to common sense? Can't help you there missy. If you don't have it, it can't be supplied. People aren't just going to walk to the nearest ICE office and turn themselves in
LOL, NO, common sense dictates that you wouldn't have made that neurotic post in the first place.
so, we'll try this again. Here's your comment from post #89 of this thread:

yabut he'll create an internal security force to check people's papers!!! Sound familiar? :eusa_whistle:

So, I am simply requesting AGAIN that you provide me a link that states Trump will create an internal security force to check people's papers...

That is of course you didn't make that up. which apparently is a distinct possibility...

"reasoning" &/or "logic" is not your strong suit I see. If people don't turn them selves in then Trump will have to start going door to door. See how that works?

It all starts with ending Illegal Immigration. And that time has come. At least Trump's talking about that. The rest of the Candidates are cowards supporting the awful status quo.
so how is he going to do it? Jackson says he'll deport them after they get arrested for crimes. Thats what? 3% of them? What about the rest? How is Trump going to round them up?
like the coward he is ,,,,,the fire got too hot and he took off....couldn't answer questions on his flip flopping ,,afraid of Kelly's questions,,,,,,,can you see that punk meeting with world leaders like Putin.....?
Yeah right, hes really afraid of Kelly
if not why did he single her out and want her gone as a mod?

because he has to guts to counter attack when attacked. Screw PC.
Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs

Trump cannot control the media.

He is afraid of strong women and lacks the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.

successful males scare you don't they? are you a girly man?

How did Der Trumpenfuhrer manage to bankrupt TWO (02) Casino's?

The house sets the odds and he still failed!!!!

the same way the other casinos in Atlantic city went bankrupt, no customers.
Have you supplied the link I asked for? Think you forgot, but I haven't. Please link to post #89.
link to common sense? Can't help you there missy. If you don't have it, it can't be supplied. People aren't just going to walk to the nearest ICE office and turn themselves in
LOL, NO, common sense dictates that you wouldn't have made that neurotic post in the first place.
so, we'll try this again. Here's your comment from post #89 of this thread:

yabut he'll create an internal security force to check people's papers!!! Sound familiar? :eusa_whistle:

So, I am simply requesting AGAIN that you provide me a link that states Trump will create an internal security force to check people's papers...

That is of course you didn't make that up. which apparently is a distinct possibility...

"reasoning" &/or "logic" is not your strong suit I see. If people don't turn them selves in then Trump will have to start going door to door. See how that works?

It all starts with ending Illegal Immigration. And that time has come. At least Trump's talking about that. The rest of the Candidates are cowards supporting the awful status quo.
so how is he going to do it? Jackson says he'll deport them after they get arrested for crimes. Thats what? 3% of them? What about the rest? How is Trump going to round them up?

Start with ending Illegal Immigration. Secure our borders. First things first. I mean, we can't even get anyone other than Trump to even talk about that.
Sassy, I DO think of what he could do on the world stage, and it scares the hell out of me.

I'll bet you think Obungles did well though, right? if you say yes the entire right on this board is going to laugh at you
No, ms sassy, he did not do well. I believe he tried though, with a lot more class than your proposed hero has shown so far. Obama's problem IMHO is that he seemed to think if he treated our friends AND enemies with respect for them and their customs, they would fall into line with his policies. Unfortunately, the rest of the world cared more for their own futures (and foibles) than they cared for our good will. I think Trump feels the same only with bluster and bravado. However, I also feel his massive, MASSIVE, ego that respects little other than riches and might and his own accomplishments is detrimental to American principles. Getting everyone's dander up, using the big stick but not walking softly, is not a policy I favor. And just for meanness, I believe you only THINK you have seen XOs until he gets his hands on the Bully Pen. Such a man has no patience with a recalcitrant Congress.

Just who is my proposed hero? Don't project it makes you look foolish. I'm not sold on anyone yet. Obama was in over his head from the get go....the results are a disaster
Ms sassy, your defense of Trump by sliming Obama, your comparisons and paeans to Trump's abilities, vs, say JEB's or Cruz' abilities, leads me to believe Trump is your main man. As for looking foolish, I don't mind if it is in the eyes of those who think this man is presidential material.
Careful Irish...bull winked used the word "paeans". That puts her up there with G0000 or Ogy....lmbbffao!

Yeah.....but he misspelled Bullshit when making his screen name so he cant be all that sharp.
Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs

Trump cannot control the media.

He is afraid of strong women and lacks the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.
He did control the media last night. He owned Fox, turning his back on them and going for a reasonable alternative and Fox came running back. Just how many people can change the programming of a successful cable network in a matter of hours? And then it benefited veterans. WIN WIN WIN!
and he couldn't do it at a different time a different day IMO trump is slime
Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs

Trump cannot control the media.

He is afraid of strong women and lacks the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.
He did control the media last night. He owned Fox, turning his back on them and going for a reasonable alternative and Fox came running back. Just how many people can change the programming of a successful cable network in a matter of hours? And then it benefited veterans. WIN WIN WIN!
and he couldn't do it at a different time a different day IMO trump is slime

got it, you don't plan to vote for trump. No one really cares, but we understand.
Yeah, the real corrupt criminals are the ones who aren't wearing uniforms patrolling the streets. They literally get away with murder all the time. They have most of the Judges standing by em. They can do anything at this point.
thanks for sharing broken record boi. Has anyone ever told you that you have the mind of a 6th-grader? You do
Have you supplied the link I asked for? Think you forgot, but I haven't. Please link to post #89.
link to common sense? Can't help you there missy. If you don't have it, it can't be supplied. People aren't just going to walk to the nearest ICE office and turn themselves in
LOL, NO, common sense dictates that you wouldn't have made that neurotic post in the first place.
so, we'll try this again. Here's your comment from post #89 of this thread:

yabut he'll create an internal security force to check people's papers!!! Sound familiar? :eusa_whistle:

So, I am simply requesting AGAIN that you provide me a link that states Trump will create an internal security force to check people's papers...

That is of course you didn't make that up. which apparently is a distinct possibility...

"reasoning" &/or "logic" is not your strong suit I see. If people don't turn themselves in then Trump will have to start going door to door. See how that works?
YOUR COMPREHENSION IS INCREDIBLY POOR. FLASH!!: Criminals seldom turn themselves in. See how that works?
Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs

Trump cannot control the media.

He is afraid of strong women and lacks the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.

successful males scare you don't they? are you a girly man?

How did Der Trumpenfuhrer manage to bankrupt TWO (02) Casino's?

The house sets the odds and he still failed!!!!

the same way the other casinos in Atlantic city went bankrupt, no customers.

I go to the Borgata in AC when I'm not here in Fla and they are jammed
Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs

Trump cannot control the media.

He is afraid of strong women and lacks the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.
He did control the media last night. He owned Fox, turning his back on them and going for a reasonable alternative and Fox came running back. Just how many people can change the programming of a successful cable network in a matter of hours? And then it benefited veterans. WIN WIN WIN!
and he couldn't do it at a different time a different day IMO trump is slime
??? That did not make sense to me.
like the coward he is ,,,,,the fire got too hot and he took off....couldn't answer questions on his flip flopping ,,afraid of Kelly's questions,,,,,,,can you see that punk meeting with world leaders like Putin.....?

Reagan skipped the final debate prior to the Iowa Caucus as well in 1980
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs

Trump cannot control the media.

He is afraid of strong women and lacks the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.

successful males scare you don't they? are you a girly man?

How did Der Trumpenfuhrer manage to bankrupt TWO (02) Casino's?

The house sets the odds and he still failed!!!!

the same way the other casinos in Atlantic city went bankrupt, no customers.

I go to the Borgata in AC when I'm not here in Fla and they are jammed

great, how many AC casinos failed? BTW, Trump did not go bankrupt, one of the companies that he owned stock in did. Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy.

But remember, the Clintons were "broke" when they left the whitehouse--------------Duh, if you believe that you are dumber than I thought.
Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs

Trump cannot control the media.

He is afraid of strong women and lacks the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.
He did control the media last night. He owned Fox, turning his back on them and going for a reasonable alternative and Fox came running back. Just how many people can change the programming of a successful cable network in a matter of hours? And then it benefited veterans. WIN WIN WIN!
and he couldn't do it at a different time a different day IMO trump is slime
??? That did not make sense to me.

consider the source.
Trump played Fox like a fiddle...just think what he can do on the world stage
he ran ,,,couldn't face the music ,,,his he'll make america great again lost all its steam and that's all he has bs

Trump cannot control the media.

He is afraid of strong women and lacks the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.
He did control the media last night. He owned Fox, turning his back on them and going for a reasonable alternative and Fox came running back. Just how many people can change the programming of a successful cable network in a matter of hours? And then it benefited veterans. WIN WIN WIN!
and he couldn't do it at a different time a different day IMO trump is slime
??? That did not make sense to me.

I'm saying he could have had his little thing going on at different times as the real debate on fox ,,,it was totally done for spite
Trump cannot control the media.

He is afraid of strong women and lacks the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form.

successful males scare you don't they? are you a girly man?

How did Der Trumpenfuhrer manage to bankrupt TWO (02) Casino's?

The house sets the odds and he still failed!!!!

the same way the other casinos in Atlantic city went bankrupt, no customers.

I go to the Borgata in AC when I'm not here in Fla and they are jammed

great, how many AC casinos failed? BTW, Trump did not go bankrupt, one of the companies that he owned stock in did. Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy.

But remember, the Clintons were "broke" when they left the whitehouse--------------Duh, if you believe that you are dumber than I thought.

make ton of money writing books and lol cattle futures help too

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