Facebook deems Diamond and Silk as unsafe to community.

you aren't guaranteed being able to say whatever stupid thing you want wherever you want and whenever you want.

Well, you sure are.

It's always fun to watch you authoritarian leftists hating liberal principles the way you do. Of course, if you followed any actual principles, you wouldn't be authoritarian leftists to begin with, now, would you?
Facebook has again attacked free speech by declaring harmless black female conservative bloggers Diamond and Silk as a danger to the community.

The control of thought and content has no defense in America.
Orwell was right, but failed to see that an all encompassing private owned corporate entity would be just as much of a threat to free speech as any government.

you aren't guaranteed being able to say whatever stupid thing you want wherever you want and whenever you want.

would you like a tissue?
The tissue thing again?
Grow up, petulant child.

That non guarantee certainly applies to your childish posts also.
This is what Zuckerberg thinks of his site users...
Back in 2004, when a 19-year-old Zuckerberg had just started building Facebook, he sent his Harvard friends a series of instant messages in which he marvelled at the fact that 4,000 people had volunteered their personal information to his nascent social network. “People just submitted it ... I don’t know why ... They ‘trust me’ ... dumb fucks.”
The owners of this site are white Americans and Jewish, like Zuckerberg. Should blacks be content to allow white American Jews decide what they can and can't say?
Facebook has again attacked free speech by declaring harmless black female conservative bloggers Diamond and Silk as a danger to the community.

The control of thought and content has no defense in America.
Orwell was right, but failed to see that an all encompassing private owned corporate entity would be just as much of a threat to free speech as any government.

you aren't guaranteed being able to say whatever stupid thing you want wherever you want and whenever you want.

would you like a tissue?
The tissue thing again?
Grow up, petulant child.

That non guarantee certainly applies to your childish posts also.

She's a leftist fundamentalist. Like her counterparts on the ultra right, she sees the world in black and white. All she knows is what team she belongs to, what she is expected to support and who she is warring against. She is not intelligent enough to see anything beyond that because absolute lock step conformity of opinion is all that matters to her, and she sees hers as the only one that should be allowed. .
The owners of this site are white Americans and Jewish, like Zuckerberg. Should blacks be content to allow white American Jews decide what they can and can't say?
The ladies have wrongthink so they don't count as "real" blacks....prolly uncleToms
Facebook has again attacked free speech by declaring harmless black female conservative bloggers Diamond and Silk as a danger to the community.

The control of thought and content has no defense in America.
Orwell was right, but failed to see that an all encompassing private owned corporate entity would be just as much of a threat to free speech as any government.

you aren't guaranteed being able to say whatever stupid thing you want wherever you want and whenever you want.

would you like a tissue?
The tissue thing again?
Grow up, petulant child.

That non guarantee certainly applies to your childish posts also.

She's a leftist fundamentalist. Like her counterparts on the ultra right, she sees the world in black and white. All she knows is what team she belongs to, what she is expected to support and who she is warring against. She is not intelligent enough to see anything beyond that because absolute lock step conformity of opinion is all that matters to her, and she sees hers as the only one that should be allowed. .

stop projecting. and while you're at it, feel free to tell the class how many people you voted for who weren't nrightwingnuts.
Facebook has again attacked free speech by declaring harmless black female conservative bloggers Diamond and Silk as a danger to the community.

The control of thought and content has no defense in America.
Orwell was right, but failed to see that an all encompassing private owned corporate entity would be just as much of a threat to free speech as any government.

you aren't guaranteed being able to say whatever stupid thing you want wherever you want and whenever you want.

would you like a tissue?
The tissue thing again?
Grow up, petulant child.

That non guarantee certainly applies to your childish posts also.

so you think some moron on the internet is entitled to post whatever they want, wherever they want?

we'll wait.

as for that whole "child" thing.... keep whining,. little boy
It's a private company, they have the right to determine who posts and who doesn't. Free speech isn't an issue here.

Sorry, I can't give you directions back to Pluto or where ever you came from. This is a free speech issue.

They can do as they please but it sure makes them look like fascist scum and it wont go over well with the general public.
And, I think folks know it’s time for some competition. A new social site will arise from this act of conservative censorship!
I don't think they're a threat to society, but they're definitely an embarrassment.
Because they're black, no doubt.

Because they are a bunch of bafoons with the 1992 hair weaves in their hair and acting like Coons.

They are merely used to entertain white Trump supporters.
I'd say you don't like them because they left the plantation liberals want to keep them on. Nothing racist about that.
As I said in the other thread about this topic...

Facebook is unsafe for the community...
Their own creators openly admit it.

I know of many personal relationships that have ended due to a posting.
People act out and post things they would never say to a persons face. It eliminates real social interaction and leads to an addiction and media fueled sickness that has further divided society.
Some of the posts on this very site reflect that bile that has entered any attempts to create dialog between opposing parties.
Better to demonize than find common ground.
Social media is in effect anti-social.

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