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Facebook Upholds Trump Ban

The independent Advisory Board has determined that Facebook's decision to ban Donald Trump permanently was legit. However, it asked for more transparency and clearer rules, and said FB should not "indefinitely" suspend members without an established length of time.

Now they've got their specifics. The ban is forever.

The Advisory Board is definitely not a rubber stamp, either. It suggested some changes many of us felt were in order for a long time:

The initial round of decisions — which touched on alleged hate speech, coronavirus misinformation and references to dangerous organizations — signaled that the board would demand greater clarity from Facebook about its policies, as well as transparency. Before Wednesday’s decision, the board had overturned Facebook’s decisions six times, upheld them twice, and was unable to complete a ruling once.
you may want to reread the article,,
You're right.
facebook "rules" LOL
Could have picked a better word. Rules are to be followed. They are fffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from consistent.
It's the same problem on all social media platforms. A lot of the rules are general, for the most part, and open to individual interpretation. Having a review board that holds their feet to the fire is a good thing.
Its a joke OL. Social media goes crazy over trump but are OK with terrorists, extremists etc having accounts.
The man that has killed more people in terror attacks in the last 10 years posts with immunity. Even speaks of genocide. No one bats a eye.
And you want to let people keep flapping their gums over bullshit lies until the same thing happens here? Fascism isn't okay in my book. TN.
fascism is restricting speech you dont agree with,, now tell me whos doing that??
They sure haven't restricted the likes of you, have they?
The independent Advisory Board has determined that Facebook's decision to ban Donald Trump was legit. However, it asked for more transparency and clearer rules, and said FB should not "indefinitely" suspend members without an established length of time.

The board announced Wednesday morning that Facebook needed to decide within six months how long Trump’s suspension would last, or if it would be permanent.

The Advisory Board is definitely not a rubber stamp, either. It suggested some changes many of us felt were in order for a long time:

The initial round of decisions — which touched on alleged hate speech, coronavirus misinformation and references to dangerous organizations — signaled that the board would demand greater clarity from Facebook about its policies, as well as transparency. Before Wednesday’s decision, the board had overturned Facebook’s decisions six times, upheld them twice, and was unable to complete a ruling once.

I guess Facebook perma-banned Lebron James for inciting violence against cops.

Oops, they didn't? :lol: Nobody trusts or believes these hypocritical clowns. It's all complete bullshit.
James took that post down and apologized for it. That's all T**** had to do. But he wasn't about to shut his fat yap about having the election stolen. He'd been warned over and over. It was his choice.
youre dodging the fact that its only dems trying to silence anyone,, the rest of us want you to keep talking to expose your true colors like you just did,,
I'm not dodging anything; you're making shit up.

Old Lady, you're cool. I have no problem with you whatsoever. You like this Facebook decision because you hate Trump. That's fine, you don't have to like him.

But to say that Facebook is fair or evenhanded in who they choose to censor and ban is a little ridiculous. They are a fucking joke, and censorship is deeply unAmerican.
That's why I think the review board's findings were good ones. It should be fair and even handed. Sure I'm glad he got shut up. But that's not why I agree with this decision. I think it was important to national security.

Wonder how you get on Facebook's " impartial" review board? :lol: is Zuckerburg's Mom one of the board members?

Pretty sure Don Jr. won't be on it, or probably anyone who ever voted for Trump. But I suppose it gives Facebook a tiny fig leaf and allows the media to tell the lie. Because in the end, the lie is all that matters. :D
From the article it sounds like it was an international group. I don't know. But as you can see, in their decisions so far, they have disagreed with FB's decisions twice as often as they've agreed. So I doubt if his mom was on it.
I can help with that question.

A Four Person NATO-Funded Team Advises Facebook On Flagging 'Propaganda'

What's more is that the team of four total individuals running the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFR Lab) is headed by a former National Security Council advisor for the last four years of the Obama administration, Graham Brookie, who is also its founder.

Facebook is now itself a top donor to the Atlantic Council, alongside Western governments, Gulf autocratic regimes, NATO, various branches of the US military, and a number of major defense contractors and corporations.


That group is also openly involve with the Biden administrations desire to use third-party 'extremism' researchers to spy on Americans

You're welcome.
Sure, they sound completely fair and impartial. :lol:
The independent Advisory Board has determined that Facebook's decision to ban Donald Trump permanently was legit. However, it asked for more transparency and clearer rules, and said FB should not "indefinitely" suspend members without an established length of time.

Now they've got their specifics. The ban is forever.

The Advisory Board is definitely not a rubber stamp, either. It suggested some changes many of us felt were in order for a long time:

The initial round of decisions — which touched on alleged hate speech, coronavirus misinformation and references to dangerous organizations — signaled that the board would demand greater clarity from Facebook about its policies, as well as transparency. Before Wednesday’s decision, the board had overturned Facebook’s decisions six times, upheld them twice, and was unable to complete a ruling once.
you may want to reread the article,,
You're right.
facebook "rules" LOL
Could have picked a better word. Rules are to be followed. They are fffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from consistent.
It's the same problem on all social media platforms. A lot of the rules are general, for the most part, and open to individual interpretation. Having a review board that holds their feet to the fire is a good thing.
Its a joke OL. Social media goes crazy over trump but are OK with terrorists, extremists etc having accounts.
The man that has killed more people in terror attacks in the last 10 years posts with immunity. Even speaks of genocide. No one bats a eye.
And you want to let people keep flapping their gums over bullshit lies until the same thing happens here? Fascism isn't okay in my book. TN.
fascism is restricting speech you dont agree with,, now tell me whos doing that??
They sure haven't restricted the likes of you, have they?
The independent Advisory Board has determined that Facebook's decision to ban Donald Trump was legit. However, it asked for more transparency and clearer rules, and said FB should not "indefinitely" suspend members without an established length of time.

The board announced Wednesday morning that Facebook needed to decide within six months how long Trump’s suspension would last, or if it would be permanent.

The Advisory Board is definitely not a rubber stamp, either. It suggested some changes many of us felt were in order for a long time:

The initial round of decisions — which touched on alleged hate speech, coronavirus misinformation and references to dangerous organizations — signaled that the board would demand greater clarity from Facebook about its policies, as well as transparency. Before Wednesday’s decision, the board had overturned Facebook’s decisions six times, upheld them twice, and was unable to complete a ruling once.

I guess Facebook perma-banned Lebron James for inciting violence against cops.

Oops, they didn't? :lol: Nobody trusts or believes these hypocritical clowns. It's all complete bullshit.
James took that post down and apologized for it. That's all T**** had to do. But he wasn't about to shut his fat yap about having the election stolen. He'd been warned over and over. It was his choice.
youre dodging the fact that its only dems trying to silence anyone,, the rest of us want you to keep talking to expose your true colors like you just did,,
I'm not dodging anything; you're making shit up.

Old Lady, you're cool. I have no problem with you whatsoever. You like this Facebook decision because you hate Trump. That's fine, you don't have to like him.

But to say that Facebook is fair or evenhanded in who they choose to censor and ban is a little ridiculous. They are a fucking joke, and censorship is deeply unAmerican.
That's why I think the review board's findings were good ones. It should be fair and even handed. Sure I'm glad he got shut up. But that's not why I agree with this decision. I think it was important to national security.

Wonder how you get on Facebook's " impartial" review board? :lol: is Zuckerburg's Mom one of the board members?

Pretty sure Don Jr. won't be on it, or probably anyone who ever voted for Trump. But I suppose it gives Facebook a tiny fig leaf and allows the media to tell the lie. Because in the end, the lie is all that matters. :D
From the article it sounds like it was an international group. I don't know. But as you can see, in their decisions so far, they have disagreed with FB's decisions twice as often as they've agreed. So I doubt if his mom was on it.
I can help with that question.

A Four Person NATO-Funded Team Advises Facebook On Flagging 'Propaganda'

What's more is that the team of four total individuals running the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFR Lab) is headed by a former National Security Council advisor for the last four years of the Obama administration, Graham Brookie, who is also its founder.

Facebook is now itself a top donor to the Atlantic Council, alongside Western governments, Gulf autocratic regimes, NATO, various branches of the US military, and a number of major defense contractors and corporations.


That group is also openly involve with the Biden administrations desire to use third-party 'extremism' researchers to spy on Americans

You're welcome.
Sure, they sound completely fair and impartial. :lol:

Heh heh. Exactly.

It's certainly not ironic that the folks who are the loudest purveyors and most faithful participants in this sort of fascism wanna pretend their name is muffin and they don't know nuffin when the question is brought up.

Oh, I dunno, it's just some international group...

Pft. Please.
Last edited:
Personally I don't care if they ban Trump. As it stands DeSantis may be the one to vote for in 2024.
The issue isn't really Trump, per se.

The issue is the snot-nosed little bolsheviks thinking they can just dictate what people say. They can't, of course, nor will they ever, unless people continue to play along with them and allow them the luxury of dictating the terms of controversy. I, for one, have not and will not ever allow them that luxury.

If you really pay attention to the most vocal of the brown-shirts, they don't care about Trump. All they care about is silencing anyone else who doesn't march lock-step with their Marxist wet dreams. Trump only serves as an excuse to openly demonstrate their anti-American sentiment and to justify their statist hooliganism in their own minds.

Thankfully, they're mental midgets of weak stature and constitution and rather easily demonstrated to be so on the public stage.
Last edited:
Personally I don't care if they ban Trump. As it stands DeSantis may be the one to vote for in 2024.
The issue isn't really Trump, per se.

The issue is the snot-nosed litte bolsheviks thinking they can just dictate what people say.

If you really pay attention to the most vocal of the brown-shirts, they don't care about Trump. All they care about is silencing ayone else who doesn't march lock-step with their Marxist wet dreams.

Thankfully, they're mental midgets and rather easily demonstrated to be so o nthe public stage.

I entirely agree with you. I used to believe that free speech could not be silenced in the US as it is in so many other countries - I was wrong.

The left believes that silencing Trump is some kind of victory. My comment was meant to simply state that many people are looking for a candidate that will put America first, whether it's Trump or DeSantis or someone else willing to work for Americans, because policies are important, not personalities.

The independent Advisory Board has determined that Facebook's decision to ban Donald Trump permanently was legit. However, it asked for more transparency and clearer rules, and said FB should not "indefinitely" suspend members without an established length of time.

Now they've got their specifics. The ban is forever.

The Advisory Board is definitely not a rubber stamp, either. It suggested some changes many of us felt were in order for a long time:

The initial round of decisions — which touched on alleged hate speech, coronavirus misinformation and references to dangerous organizations — signaled that the board would demand greater clarity from Facebook about its policies, as well as transparency. Before Wednesday’s decision, the board had overturned Facebook’s decisions six times, upheld them twice, and was unable to complete a ruling once.
you may want to reread the article,,
You're right.
facebook "rules" LOL
Could have picked a better word. Rules are to be followed. They are fffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from consistent.
It's the same problem on all social media platforms. A lot of the rules are general, for the most part, and open to individual interpretation. Having a review board that holds their feet to the fire is a good thing.
Its a joke OL. Social media goes crazy over trump but are OK with terrorists, extremists etc having accounts.
The man that has killed more people in terror attacks in the last 10 years posts with immunity. Even speaks of genocide. No one bats a eye.
And you want to let people keep flapping their gums over bullshit lies until the same thing happens here? Fascism isn't okay in my book. TN.
fascism is restricting speech you dont agree with,, now tell me whos doing that??
You can keep saying that, but I'll just refer you back to post 39.
you can refer all you want,, the fact remains its fascist to silence speech you disagree with and its only dems trying to do that,,,
Really? Try following the news. Murkowski. Sasse. Cheney. Everyone who won't kiss Trump's ass is on the line. You people won't even watch normal news, for chrissakes, because it might say something you don't want to hear. What did they chant about the MSM at Trump's rallies? LOCK THEM UP!
This one is a Qult45 troll. Save your breath.
The independent Advisory Board has determined that Facebook's decision to ban Donald Trump permanently was legit. However, it asked for more transparency and clearer rules, and said FB should not "indefinitely" suspend members without an established length of time.

Now they've got their specifics. The ban is forever.

The Advisory Board is definitely not a rubber stamp, either. It suggested some changes many of us felt were in order for a long time:

The initial round of decisions — which touched on alleged hate speech, coronavirus misinformation and references to dangerous organizations — signaled that the board would demand greater clarity from Facebook about its policies, as well as transparency. Before Wednesday’s decision, the board had overturned Facebook’s decisions six times, upheld them twice, and was unable to complete a ruling once.
you may want to reread the article,,
You're right.
facebook "rules" LOL
Could have picked a better word. Rules are to be followed. They are fffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from consistent.
It's the same problem on all social media platforms. A lot of the rules are general, for the most part, and open to individual interpretation. Having a review board that holds their feet to the fire is a good thing.
Its a joke OL. Social media goes crazy over trump but are OK with terrorists, extremists etc having accounts.
The man that has killed more people in terror attacks in the last 10 years posts with immunity. Even speaks of genocide. No one bats a eye.
And you want to let people keep flapping their gums over bullshit lies until the same thing happens here? Fascism isn't okay in my book. TN.
fascism is restricting speech you dont agree with,, now tell me whos doing that??
You can keep saying that, but I'll just refer you back to post 39.
you can refer all you want,, the fact remains its fascist to silence speech you disagree with and its only dems trying to do that,,,
Really? Try following the news. Murkowski. Sasse. Cheney. Everyone who won't kiss Trump's ass is on the line. You people won't even watch normal news, for chrissakes, because it might say something you don't want to hear. What did they chant about the MSM at Trump's rallies? LOCK THEM UP!
This one is a Qult45 troll. Save your breath.
even though I never mentioned his name?? its you guys that have a hard on for him not me,,
The independent Advisory Board has determined that Facebook's decision to ban Donald Trump permanently was legit. However, it asked for more transparency and clearer rules, and said FB should not "indefinitely" suspend members without an established length of time.

Now they've got their specifics. The ban is forever.

The Advisory Board is definitely not a rubber stamp, either. It suggested some changes many of us felt were in order for a long time:

The initial round of decisions — which touched on alleged hate speech, coronavirus misinformation and references to dangerous organizations — signaled that the board would demand greater clarity from Facebook about its policies, as well as transparency. Before Wednesday’s decision, the board had overturned Facebook’s decisions six times, upheld them twice, and was unable to complete a ruling once.
you may want to reread the article,,
You're right.
facebook "rules" LOL
Could have picked a better word. Rules are to be followed. They are fffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from consistent.
It's the same problem on all social media platforms. A lot of the rules are general, for the most part, and open to individual interpretation. Having a review board that holds their feet to the fire is a good thing.
Its a joke OL. Social media goes crazy over trump but are OK with terrorists, extremists etc having accounts.
The man that has killed more people in terror attacks in the last 10 years posts with immunity. Even speaks of genocide. No one bats a eye.
And you want to let people keep flapping their gums over bullshit lies until the same thing happens here? Fascism isn't okay in my book. TN.
fascism is restricting speech you dont agree with,, now tell me whos doing that??
You can keep saying that, but I'll just refer you back to post 39.
you can refer all you want,, the fact remains its fascist to silence speech you disagree with and its only dems trying to do that,,,
Really? Try following the news. Murkowski. Sasse. Cheney. Everyone who won't kiss Trump's ass is on the line. You people won't even watch normal news, for chrissakes, because it might say something you don't want to hear. What did they chant about the MSM at Trump's rallies? LOCK THEM UP!
This one is a Qult45 troll. Save your breath.
even though I never mentioned his name?? its you guys that have a hard on for him not me,,
Thank you for proving my point so quickly.
The independent Advisory Board has determined that Facebook's decision to ban Donald Trump permanently was legit. However, it asked for more transparency and clearer rules, and said FB should not "indefinitely" suspend members without an established length of time.

Now they've got their specifics. The ban is forever.

The Advisory Board is definitely not a rubber stamp, either. It suggested some changes many of us felt were in order for a long time:

The initial round of decisions — which touched on alleged hate speech, coronavirus misinformation and references to dangerous organizations — signaled that the board would demand greater clarity from Facebook about its policies, as well as transparency. Before Wednesday’s decision, the board had overturned Facebook’s decisions six times, upheld them twice, and was unable to complete a ruling once.
you may want to reread the article,,
You're right.
facebook "rules" LOL
Could have picked a better word. Rules are to be followed. They are fffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from consistent.
It's the same problem on all social media platforms. A lot of the rules are general, for the most part, and open to individual interpretation. Having a review board that holds their feet to the fire is a good thing.
I would agree that an outside board as oversight for FB sounds good in theory, and was in fact established to do that very thing. That said, many critics consider that move to be mostly about Zukerburg getting off the hook during/following those proceedings.

One thing holds true...regardless of where one falls on thinking FB is a gift to all mankind (I used to think that FB was going to eliminate the middle men. I was suffering from severe myopia at the time. Under the guise of being a straight-up corporation, all about connecting people for free from all over the world. I assumed that FB would make its money charging the advertisers and that FB wasn't actively selling it's customer's geographical location, purchasing history, and sites visited. Had FB been transparent at the get-go, there would be no reason to complain.

Do I consider myself special in some way to not deserve to be tracked and targeted by a social media platform that could be considered to be a monopoly, or natural monopoly by others? Not in the least. Violent offenders should be tracked, and are with ankle devices. Consumers? No. Not even by the food truck vendors (love the noodle ones!) on the streets should be tracing and tracking its customers.

Now, if the FB monopoly wants to check out their competitors I don't have an issue with it, even though that's been the basis of part of its legal trouble with "spying" on the competition. As a consumer, I'm more concerned about consumer protection. The goal posts for consumer protection laws in the US are not set in stone. It's important to keep paying attention as the big players will continue to try to move them, while agencies and the like will push back. We do not need governmental oversite to do the best job...but I think you agree with this OL in support of independent boards.

Added thought-even though perhaps redundant: Individual privacy rights outweigh business rights in a working democracy, specifically within our democratic republic.
We should observe a moment of silence for Donald's facebook account.

Did I not see twitter wondering about his ban? I must've missed that.
Personally I don't care if they ban Trump. As it stands DeSantis may be the one to vote for in 2024.
The issue isn't really Trump, per se.

The issue is the snot-nosed litte bolsheviks thinking they can just dictate what people say.

If you really pay attention to the most vocal of the brown-shirts, they don't care about Trump. All they care about is silencing ayone else who doesn't march lock-step with their Marxist wet dreams.

Thankfully, they're mental midgets and rather easily demonstrated to be so o nthe public stage.

I entirely agree with you. I used to believe that free speech could not be silenced in the US as it is in so many other countries - I was wrong.

The left believes that silencing Trump is some kind of victory. My comment was meant to simply state that many people are looking for a candidate that will put America first, whether it's Trump or DeSantis or someone else willing to work for Americans, because policies are important, not personalities.

No one is silencing Trump. They're just refusing to be his megaphone.
facebook "rules" LOL
Could have picked a better word. Rules are to be followed. They are fffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from consistent.
I don't know, man. They did ban 100% of the mentally ill wannabe dictators that tried to overthrow our democracy for themselves.
facebook "rules" LOL
Could have picked a better word. Rules are to be followed. They are fffffffffffffaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from consistent.
I don't know, man. They did ban 100% of the mentally ill wannabe dictators that tried to overthrow our democracy for themselves.
I'll ask you like i asked oldlady. How did he try to overthrow our constitutional republic?
Personally I don't care if they ban Trump. As it stands DeSantis may be the one to vote for in 2024.
The issue isn't really Trump, per se.

The issue is the snot-nosed litte bolsheviks thinking they can just dictate what people say.

If you really pay attention to the most vocal of the brown-shirts, they don't care about Trump. All they care about is silencing ayone else who doesn't march lock-step with their Marxist wet dreams.

Thankfully, they're mental midgets and rather easily demonstrated to be so o nthe public stage.

I entirely agree with you. I used to believe that free speech could not be silenced in the US as it is in so many other countries - I was wrong.

The left believes that silencing Trump is some kind of victory. My comment was meant to simply state that many people are looking for a candidate that will put America first, whether it's Trump or DeSantis or someone else willing to work for Americans, because policies are important, not personalities.

No one is silencing Trump. They're just refusing to be his megaphone.

When will Facebook pull the plug on Maxine Waters?

The independent Advisory Board has determined that Facebook's decision to ban Donald Trump was legit. However, it asked for more transparency and clearer rules, and said FB should not "indefinitely" suspend members without an established length of time.

The board announced Wednesday morning that Facebook needed to decide within six months how long Trump’s suspension would last, or if it would be permanent.

The Advisory Board is definitely not a rubber stamp, either. It suggested some changes many of us felt were in order for a long time:

The initial round of decisions — which touched on alleged hate speech, coronavirus misinformation and references to dangerous organizations — signaled that the board would demand greater clarity from Facebook about its policies, as well as transparency. Before Wednesday’s decision, the board had overturned Facebook’s decisions six times, upheld them twice, and was unable to complete a ruling once.

Facebook locked me out of my acct years ago and was acting on behalf of the Iranian regime request (to ban me) in doing so, because I was informing Iranian interest groups of what the Regime was doing with their money as they suffered economical hardship.
In essence someone within facebook according to this administration's standards, committed a violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act by not filing papers that they were working with Iranian figures and it's subjectively a possible Logans act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) issue as well, if one considers my contributions a matter of national security. So where is the FBI breaking into Facebook head quarters trying to find out the Iranian agent or sympathizer?

If I was as Trump or the others recently banned I would get the best class action law firm and gather all those wrongfully baned by discriminating on politics, policy makers, and hypocritical rules not actually based on the rules, but on who they target using those vague rules to weaponize an excuse for their political & prejudice acts.
Also represent the people baned for no reason that now have occulus headsets that are no longer usable as sold to them. Lastly the troves of people who want to sue facebook for rights of privacy violations that includes selling info to foreign entities.
Then you'd get the Facebook execs having to testify why Maxine Waters, Pelosi, Schumer, Brennan, Kamala Harris, BLM, Resist, Moveon, Antifa, have accts or symbols tied to individuals supporting insurrection and anti gov't groups on accounts.
Last edited:
Personally I don't care if they ban Trump. As it stands DeSantis may be the one to vote for in 2024.
The issue isn't really Trump, per se.

The issue is the snot-nosed litte bolsheviks thinking they can just dictate what people say.

If you really pay attention to the most vocal of the brown-shirts, they don't care about Trump. All they care about is silencing ayone else who doesn't march lock-step with their Marxist wet dreams.

Thankfully, they're mental midgets and rather easily demonstrated to be so o nthe public stage.

I entirely agree with you. I used to believe that free speech could not be silenced in the US as it is in so many other countries - I was wrong.

The left believes that silencing Trump is some kind of victory. My comment was meant to simply state that many people are looking for a candidate that will put America first, whether it's Trump or DeSantis or someone else willing to work for Americans, because policies are important, not personalities.

No one is silencing Trump. They're just refusing to be his megaphone.

When will Facebook pull the plug on Maxine Waters?

I can't care.

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